教科版(广州)英语三年级下册Module 6 Pets Unit 11 They're lovely 练习卷

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教科版(广州)英语三年级下册Module 6 Pets Unit 11 They're lovely 练习卷_第1页
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教科版(广州)英语三年级下册Module 6 Pets Unit 11 They're lovely 练习卷_第3页
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教科版(广州)英语三年级下册Module 6 Pets Unit 11 Theyre lovely 练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题选出与图意一致的句子。1 . ( )AMy cousin has a rabbit.BMy cousin has a cat.CMy cousin has a dog.2 . ( )AIt is a lovely monkey.BThere are two lovely monkeys.CThere are two lovely bears.3 . ( )AThat is a cute chicken.BThat is a cute duck.CThat is a cute fish.4 . ( )AThose are two boats.BThose are three babies.CThose are four birds.5 . ( )AJanet has two rabbits.BJanet has two chairs.CJanet has two chickens.6 . The children _some pigs. ( )AareBisChave7 . How _ apples?( )AoldBmany8 . Those three birds have _tails. ( )AthreeBsixCtwo9 . There _ a clock on the wall. There _ two photos near the clock.Ais areBare isCis is选出不同类的单词。10 . AanyBpetCshop11 . AhaveBhasCarent12 . AfishBbuyCduck13 . AthoseBthatCthis14 . AkiteBdogCball15 . Its oclock. Its time to go to school.( )AfiveBsevenCtwelve16 . Its _ Day. ( )AParentsBParentsCParents17 . Its _(蓝色的).AwhiteBblackCblue18 . 选择不同类的一项(_) 1. A. dumplingsB. noodlesC. rice (_) 2. A. partyB. singC. dance(_) 3. A. mouthB. threeC. nose(_) 4. A. whiteB. colorC. black(_) 5. A. sweaterB. footballC. robot二、填空题19 . I am afraid there _(be)a meeting this afternoon. I cant join you.三、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,如符合,在括号内写“T”,否则写“F”。This is a new pet shop. There are some animals in it. There are three black dogs and ten yellow chickens. There is a cute monkey. It is brown. It has a long tail. There are three yellow ducks. They have big eyes. I like all the animals. They are lovely.20 . It is an old pet shop. (_)21 . There are three black ducks in the pet shop. (_)22 . The monkey is brown and it has a long tail. (_)23 . There are two yellow chickens. (_)24 . The ducks have small eyes. (_)四、书面表达25 . 书面表达请作一个演讲,题目是:“My favourite animal”要求:语句通顺,结构清晰,只能写一种动物。Good morning, class:Today, I would like to say something about _Thank you!第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、填空题1、三、任务型阅读1、四、书面表达1、

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