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2019年人教PEP版六年级下册期末测试英语试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . ( )AkiteBfootball2 . I dont like _. ( )AswimBswimingCswimming3 . SomeEnglishchildren_toChinalastweek.( )AcomeBgoCcame4 . are you?( )Im in the bedroom.AWhereBWhoCWhen5 . _Wednesday Ill read my books. ( )AAtBInCOn看一看,选一选。6 . Who is taller? ( )AB7 . Which one is stronger? ( )AB8 . Who is older? ( )AB9 . _ your sister watching TV? ( )AAreBIsCDoes音标题。10 . 找出划线部分发音不同的一项:( )AhowBshowCdownDnow11 . 找出划线部分发音不同的一项:( )AmotherBthreeCbirthdayDthank12 . 以下哪个划线字母是发u的音:( )AonBsocksCso13 . bed和dog划线部分的字母发音相同吗?( )A相同B不同14 . 以下哪个划线字母是发闭音节的音:( )AfiveBsorryCuse15 . is your pencil box, Liu Tao? ( ) Its over there.AWhatBWhereCHow16 . Sam tells me that he doesnt like hiking _ swimming.AandBorCbut17 . Is this a monkey?( ) No,.Ait isBitsCit isnt18 . What _yourpenpaldo? ( )AisBdoesCdoing二、填空题19 . 语法填空。1. She _(come)to work by car.2. He is going to _(play)football with his friends this afternoon.3. Your dad _(feel)ill.4. They _(like)doing word puzzles.5. How _ your mother _(go)to work?三、任务型阅读阅读对话,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)Alice: Whats the matter, Kitty? Are you crying?Kitty: Im not crying. My eyes hurt. Its the smoke.Alice: Wheres the smoke from?Kitty: Its from cars and buses.Alice: Look at the smoke from the big factory. It makes the air dirty too.Kitty: Yes. Lets go to the park, Alice. The air is clean there.(In the park)Kitty: The air is so fresh here.Alice: Yes, there are a lot of trees and flowers here. Trees are our good friends. They keep the air clean.Kitty: Really? Lets plant more trees this year.Alice: Great!20 . Kitty is crying. (_)21 . Kittys eyes hurt. (_)22 . The smoke is from cars, buses and the factory. (_)23 . The air in the park is clean. (_)24 . They will take the bus to school this year. (_)四、匹配题选择合适的应答语。A. Nice to meet you, too.B. No!C. My name is Mike.D. Im fine, thank you.E. Bye!F. OK!G. Hi!H. Good afternoon!I. Me too.J. Good morning!25 . Whats your name? (_)26 . Goodbye! (_)27 . Nice to meet you. (_)28 . Are you Tutu? (_)29 . How are you? (_)30 . Good morning! (_)31 . I have a pen. (_)32 . Hello! (_)33 . Good afternoon! (_)34 . Lets play! (_)五、书面表达35 . 写作。请看图介绍一下贾玲吧。Look, this is_第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、二、填空题1、三、任务型阅读1、四、匹配题1、五、书面表达1、

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