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人教版实验中学2020届九年级下学期英语第六次模拟考试试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Many people like watching _TV series In the Name of People now. Have you seen it, Mary?Yes, its quite _ excellent play, so I cant wait to turn on the TV when I get home.A . a;theB . the; anC . a; anD . the; the2. (2分)Do you know where the last two pictures went? A millionaire bought _ of them. He thought they were worthwhile. A . eitherB . eachC . noneD . both3. (2分) When will you return the book to me? Ill give it to you _ I finish it.A . onceB . untilC . as soon asD . unless4. (2分) Dont smoke any more. Its bad for your health. Im trying to _. Its really hard, you know.A . give it upB . put it offC . turn it onD . take it out5. (2分)-Yummy! The coffee is good.-Thats right. Itll taste _ with some milk.A . goodB . betterC . bestD . the best6. (2分)Mo Yan is famous the winner of the Nobel Literature prize. And he is famous his novel Frog.A . for; asB . as; ofC . as; for7. (2分)Must I finish the homework tonight? No, you.You can finish it tomorrow.A . mustntB . needntC . needD . must8. (2分)You should go out and do more _. Dont always sit at the desk busy doing your _. A . exercise, exercisesB . exercises, exerciseC . exercises, exercises9. (2分)Could you tell me ?Oh, no. The place is a secret before we get there.A . when we will startB . where we will goC . when will we startD . where will we go10. (2分) Excuse me, _? Its 11th November.A . what time is it nowB . whats the date todayC . what day is it todayD . whats the time now11. (2分)Li Xing hurt his leg on his way to school yesterday morning. .A . Dont worryB . Sorry to hear thatC . I agree with youD . Never mind12. (2分) My son Tom spends too much time playing computer games. Im worried about him. Take it easy. Now its ordinary for children. You should sit and have a talk with him.A . sadB . usualC . unusual13. (2分)We are going to have the sports meeting _ it _ tomorrow . A . unless , rainsB . unless , will rainC . if , rainsD . when , will rain14. (2分)一 What are you looking for?一 Im looking for the CD about music _ I can dance to.A . thatB . whoC . whoseD . when15. (2分) Thank you very much for what you have done for me. .A . Wait for a momentB . Good ideaC . My pleasureD . Me too二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)完形填空Last Saturday, Tony went to see Benny. But he didnt know1Benny lived. On the way, he2in front of a yellow house, and asked an old woman the3to Bennys house. “His house is not far from my house,” said the woman. “Its behind the trees. But you cant get there 4.You can go there by bus. Itll5you hours to get there6foot.” “Whats wrong with her?” Tony 7.“I can see Bennys house from here now. Its behind the8.” Then Tony walked to the other side of the trees. He found the old woman was9. There was a river in front of him, and he couldnt see a boat. The house was on the other side of the10.(1)A . why B . what C . where D . how (2)A . stop B . stops C . stoped D . stopped (3)A . place B . way C . bus D . house (4)A . well B . now C . easily D . freely (5)A . spend B . take C . pay D . cost (6)A . in B . on C . by D . with (7)A . says B . said C . thinks D . thought (8)A . houses B . rivers C . boats D . trees (9)A . right B . good C . wrong D . fine (10)A . road B . street C . river D . tree 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)17. (10分) I have a neighbor we call “Happy”. I have never seen her angry at anything and never heard her say a harsh word to anyone or about anyone.Happy and her husband Ben, 70, have a huge garden. They spent many happy hours together working on it. Most of the neighbors watched interestingly as Ben doubled the size of their garden. As the cost of food climbed faster than Bens beans, we all wished we also had such a large garden. As the rest of us spent our dollars at the market, Happy could be seen picking beans in her back yard.Last month, Happy and Ben invited most of the neighborhood over for an “all-day food festival”. We were told to bring gloves and arrive very early in the morning. We didnt know what was about to take place.By 9:00 am, there were nine of us in the garden picking tomatoes, beans, okra, and squash. By 10:00 am, there was lots of laughter. We shared a lot of stories. By five oclock, everyone was a little drunk from the wine and beer. After dinner, we played games. As we were leaving, Happy and Ben handed each of us a shopping bag filled with the bounty of the day, already packaged and frozen. What a delightful gift!Well, the point wasnt so much about the food. The true gift was a day of friends enjoying one anothers company. None of it would have happened if it had been for Happy and Bens garden. Now they have a blog about gardening in case we decided to plant a garden. And I am so proud of my tomato plants!(1)According to paragraph 2, people wished they also had a garden so that .A . they could spend happy times together with their family in itB . they could grow vegetables and sell at the marketC . they could invite their neighbors and hold parties in itD . they didnt have to spend so much money on food(2)Which of the following is the same as the underlined word “bounty”?A . PresentB . KindnessC . LaughterD . Happiness(3)For what purpose did Happy and Ben invite the neighbors to their garden?A . To ask them to attend a birthday partyB . To help them get to know each otherC . To let them enjoy what they grew in the gardenD . To ask them to share some interesting stories(4)What did the writer most probably think of the time he spent in the garden?A . He thought it was too short but enjoyable.B . He thought it was wonderfulC . He thought it was not as good as he thought.D . He thought it was too terrible.(5)We can infer that .A . Happy and her husband Ben dont like spending time with othersB . Happy and her husband Ben sometimes quarrel with each otherC . Happy and her husband Ben are a generous and warm-hearted coupleD . Happy and her husband Ben live on the food they grow in their garden18. (10分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。Some British and American people like to invite friends for a meal at home. You should not be upset if your English friends dont invite you home. It doesnt mean they dont like you.Dinner parties usually start between 7 and 8 p.m. and end at about 11 p.m. Ask you hosts(主办人) what time you should arrive. Its polite to bring flowers, chocolates or a bottle of wine(酒) as a gift.Usually the evening starts with drinks and snacks. If you want to be very polite, say how much you like the room, or the pictures on the wall. But rememberIts not polite to ask how much things cost.In many families, the husband sits at one end of the table and the wife sits at the other end. They eat with their guests(客人).Youll probably start the meal with soup or something small, then youll have meat or fish with vegetables, and then dessert followed by coffee. Its polite to finish everything on your plate and to take more if you want it.Did you enjoy the evening? Call your hosts the next day, or write them a short “thank you” letter. British and American people like to say “thank you, thank you, thank you” all the time!(1)If your English friend doesnt invite you to dinner at home, it doesnt mean he or she . A . doesnt like youB . likes youC . cant afford to do soD . is too busy(2)Its impolite . A . for a guest to ask about the price of a certain thingB . for a guest to have drinks and snacks before the eveningC . to take something with you when you are invited to dinnerD . for a guest to eat up everything on his or her plate(3)The meal ends with usually. A . soupB . coffeeC . meat or fishD . dessert(4)When you are invited to a dinner party, youd better . A . ask what time you should arriveB . take your wife with youC . drink as much as possibleD . eat as many snacks as yon can(5)Which of the following is true? A . The hosts like the people who sit closer to them.B . The hosts like the people who ask them time, price, age and so on.C . The husband and the wife usually sit together.D . You can call you host the next day or write a letter of thanks after that.19. (8分)阅读下列短文,并做每篇后面的题目,从各题A、B、C、D中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。Mr. Weeks is fifty years old. Hes taught maths in a middle school for twenty years. He works hard and always comes to his office on time. He hopes his students will be honest and he is strict with them. Some of his students have become famous persons, but they still remember him and often write to him. Of course Mr. Weeks is proud of them.This term he began to teach Grade One. Some of the new students were told about him, but the others didnt know him. On the first day of school he told the students how to be an honest person. He gave them some examples and said, “ I dont like telling a lie.” Before class was over, he told all his students to finish Exercise 8 in Lesson 1.The next morning, as soon as he came into the classroom, he asked, “ Whos finished Exercise 8 ?” Some students put their hands up. He shook his head and said, “ Open your books and see if there is Exercise 8 in Lesson 1.”The students had a look at their books and their faces turned red at once.(1)Some students still remember Mr. Weeks because _. A . he taught them maths and something important as wellB . he was a famous personC . he was an old teacherD . he was never late(2)What is Mr. Weeks proud of ? A . All his students have become famous person.B . All his students often write to him.C . Some of his students have been famous.D . He has been a teacher for twenty-six years.(3)Mr. Weeks told his students to finish Exercise 8 in Lesson 1 because_. A . It was very interestingB . he wanted to know if they were honestC . it was very importantD . he wanted to give them a maths example(4)Some students faces turned red because_. A . they found Exercise 8 but didnt finish itB . they forgot what Mr. Weeks had told themC . they werent able to work out Exercise 8D . they told lies in class四、 词汇运用 (共2题;共11分)20. (10分)根据中文提示完成句子,句末标点已给出。 (1)Please _the photo _Jane(给). (2)I think the _(鞋)are _(Tom的). (3)Do you _(想)buy a dress? (4)_he _(有) a big nose? (5)_Tom come from _(美国)? 21. (1分)Parents are often _ (worry) about their childrens study. 五、 补全对话 (共2题;共10分)22. (5分)(2016恩施)请根据对话内容从方框中选择正确的单词,将其适当形式填在空白处,使对话完整、正确。每空限填一词。for, you, leave, price, certainA: Hello, Enshi Railway Station. Can I help you?B: Yes, Id like to book a ticket to Wuhan on June 26.A: OK. The train _at 1:20 p. m. and arrives at Wuhan Railway Station at 3:40 p. m.B: Great! What about the _?A: 105 yuan.B: OK. Id like to book a ticket.A: AII right. Please pay _the ticket before 11:30 a. m. May I have _ name and telephone number?B:_. Im Li Ming and my telephone number is 15350891018.A: Li Ming. 15350891018.B:Right.Thank you.A:Youre welcome.23. (5分)下面文章中有五处需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。How Can You Create Luck in Everyday Life?You can probably agree that some people have more good things happening to them. Lets just call that luck. Now would you like to learn how to be one of these lucky people? Here are 5 top tips for creating your own luck._It is easy to believe that you never have any luck in everyday life if you dont seem to be getting any breaks. But having had a difficult life gives you unusual lessons and develops courage._Some people are already lucky and they just dont know it. Instead of giving all your attention to what you are short of, look at how lucky you already are. You no doubt have some wonderful friends family and a roof over your head._Luck doesnt just happen upon usit comes to us when were open. Learning a new skill, visiting a new place and trying a new hobby are all great ways of creating your chances._ Youll never create any luck if you sit there waiting for it to fall into your lap. Take steps towards your goals and dreams and greet every challenge. You will find you create more luck in everyday life._Sometimes people would be prepared to help us out. If you need a hand with dealing with something rather than wait for someone to offer you a lucky break, go and ask them if they will help you out.A. Try Something NewB. Take Action Right NowC. Ask for Help If NecessaryD. Feel Lucky about What You HaveE. See the Good in the PastF. Be Confident at Any Time六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)24. (5分)请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后句子中的空格里填入一个最恰当的英文单词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。It was night by the time she came to a town. Just outside the town, there was a large temple(寺庙). It was very quiet. There was only one light in one of the rooms.I will stay here tonight, she thought.The temple was quiet because only a goblin(小妖精)lived in it. But the girl did not know this.Once inside the temple, she came near to the only room. She knocked on the door, but no one came.Is anyone here? she called quietly.There was no answer, so she went into the room. Inside the room, there was only a mat(垫子)on the floor, a light near the window, and a large paper screen.The girl wanted to sleep, but she also wanted to draw some cats. She drew them on the paper screen. She drew cats of every kind.After that, she lay down and went to sleep. Then she remembered the nuns words: Dont go into large places at night. Go only into small ones.This room is very large. And I am alone. Ill hide myself.She looked around the room and saw a large box. She opened the box and looked inside. It was empty.Good, she thought. I can hide in this box.(1)The story happened on a _night outside a town. (2)_, but a goblin was in the temple. (3)The girl wanted to _in the temple that night. (4)The girl was _at drawing all kinds of cats. (5)The girl _to sleep in a large box at last. 七、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)25. (10分)词汇运用,根据所给的汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每个空格限填一词。Mozart was a _(作曲家). He wrote classical music and operas. _(他的) music is difficult to play and sing. Musicians and singers _(训练) for a long time before they can play and sing Mozarts music, _(但是) pop and rock musicians dont train much. Their most popular instrument is the guitar. In America, black musicians often sing _(悲伤的) songs. They call this music the blues. Another _(种类) of modern music _(来自) America is jazz. This music often _(使用) trumpets and other loud instruments. We use_(钢琴)and violin to play _(所有的) types of music.八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)26. (5分)根据下列提示,介绍一下你在学校的情况。一个人的成长离不开亲人的陪伴,朋友的支持。他们都给了我们许多的关怀与帮助。让我们怀着一颗感恩的心,以“My( )”为题,讲述一位令你难忘的人。要求:1用一般现在时简要描述人物的外貌和性格特点;2.用一般过去时简要描述对你的关怀与帮助。第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、四、 词汇运用 (共2题;共11分)20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、21-1、五、 补全对话 (共2题;共10分)22-1、23-1、六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、七、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)25-1、八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)26-1、

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