冀教版四年级英语下册Unit 4 Drawing in the park 单元测试卷B

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冀教版四年级下册Unit 4 Drawing in the park 单元测试卷B姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Can you draw _? ( )AtheyBthemCour2 . -Can I play badminton with you, Mum?-.ANoBThats all rightCAll right3 . Can you see the boat _ the river? ( )AonBinCat4 . 听问句,选答语,把编号填在题前的括号里。(1)A. Its5:30 B. Im 5. C. Yes, it is.(2)A. I like this ruler. B. Its blue. C. Yes, she is.(3)A. Im from UK. B .Its rainy . C. Its time to go.(4)A. Im sorry. B. Yes, I like it. C. Its ninety-nine yuan.(5)A. Yes, I want a shirt. B. No, its not. C. I can see one.5 . Do you like fruit? ( )AYes, I do. BNo, I dont.6 . Can you draw a lion? ( )Its difficult, _ I can try.AandBbutCso7 . 选出下列每组词中画线部分发音不同的一个( )AweBsheCbedDhe选出下列每组单词中不同的一项。8 . AseeBmakeCdifficult9 . Aa tigerBa monkeyCa cake10 . Aa boatBa treeCflowers11 . AdrawBlakeCriver12 . AbigBplayCeasy二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确答案。Hi, Im Mike. This is my room. Its big and nice. You can see a big bed in it. My football is under the bed. I usually play football on Sundays. Near(在附近) the bed there is a desk. I often do my homework at it in the evening. You can see some books, a ruler and a pen on it. There is a chair near the desk. When I sit there, I can see the trees and flowers outside(外面) of the window.13 . Mikes room isnt _. ( )AbigBsmallCnice14 . You can see_ in his room. ( )Aa bedBa basketballCa TV15 . Mike often does his homework _ . ( )Ain the morningBin the afternoonCin the evening16 . Wheres the chair? ( )ANear the door.BNear the desk.CNear the bed.17 . The trees and the flowers are _. ( )Ain the roomBoutside of the windowCoutside of the door三、情景交际18 . 你想知道别人能否听到时,你应该问:_( )AYou can hear.BCan you hear?19 . 你想告诉别人这很难,你可以说:( )AIts easy.BIts difficult.CIts good.20 . 根据下面的情景,选择正确的句子。( )(1)如果你想问这是个桃子吗应说:AIs this a peach ?B. It is a peach .( )(2)当对方说的是错的,你应说:AYoure right .B. Youre wrong .( )(3)当你想知道这是什么东西时,说:A. Who is it ?B. What is it ?( )(4)如果你也想要一个,应说:ACan I have one ?B. I want to have one .( )(5)当你想让对方知道这是一个西瓜时应说:AIt is a waterrmelon .B. Is it a watermelon .( )(6)当你想让对方看某物时,应说:AHello !B. Look , everyone !( )(7)当你想告诉别人你发现了一条鱼时应说:AI like a fat fish .B. I find a fat fish .( ) (8)当你想感谢某人时,应说:A. Hello !B. Thank you!21 . 你想表达“外面很冷”,你会说:( )AIts cold outside.BIts hot outside.22 . 你从树上掉下来了,你这样告诉别人:_( )AI fell off the tree.BI fell over.四、填空题23 . 听音,补全单词。10分(1)-Is _ your sweater?-No, its _.(2)_ is your _.(3)-What _ is it?-Its _.(4)Its _ today. Lets play _.(5)-How many _ are there? - _.五、汉译英根据中文提示,完成句子。24 . 你能看见那边的一棵树吗?是的,我能。树上有一些鸟。Can you _ a _ over there? Yes, I _. There are some _ in it.25 . 我能看见一棵树和一些花。I can _ and some _.26 . 你能看见湖上的一艘船吗?Can you see _ on the _?27 . 我会画一只老虎。I can _.28 . 这个盒子里有什么?是一个娃娃。Whats _ this _? Its _.六、句型转换29 . 按要求完成句子。1.I can see a boat on the lake .(改为一般疑问句)_2.He can do kung fu .(改为否定句)_3.That is a tiger. (改为一般疑问句)_4.Mary制作沙拉。 (翻译成英文)_七、改错改错。30 . Mary likeseatingtomatos very much. (_)_A B C31 . We has to go to the supermarket to buy some rice now. (_)_A B C32 . My father eats some noodles and fish at lunch. (_)_A BC33 . Tom eatsa lots ofsweets food every day. (_)_A B C34 . Jack drinkstoo manycola every day. (_)_A B C第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、二、阅读选择1、三、情景交际1、2、3、4、5、四、填空题1、五、汉译英1、六、句型转换1、七、改错1、

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