九年级英语全册 Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes Friday复现式周周练.ppt

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九年级英语全册 Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes Friday复现式周周练.ppt_第1页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes Friday复现式周周练.ppt_第2页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes Friday复现式周周练.ppt_第3页
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Unit7Teenagersshouldbeallowedtochoosetheirownclothes Friday星期五 SectionB2a 2e 一 核心词汇support enter choice SectionB2a 2e 二 重点短语getinthewayof挡 的路 妨碍 havenothingagainstdoingsth 不反对做某事 beseriousaboutsth 对某事认真 practicedoingsth 练习做某事 careaboutsb 关心某人 SectionB2a 2e 三 经典句子1 Wehavenothingagainstrunning 我们不反对跑步 2 It stheonlythingI veeverwantedtodo 这是我唯一想要做的事 SectionB2a 2e 3 Myparentshavealwaystaughtmehowimportantitistoworkhardatschoolandenteruniversity 我父母一直教我在学校努力学习考上大学是多么重要的事 SectionB2a 2e 4 Heneedstospendmoretimeonhishomeworkbecauseitisdifficulttobeeaprofessionalsportsstar 他需要花更多的时间在功课上 因为成为一名职业运动明星很难 SectionB2a 2e 5 OnlythenwillIhaveachancetoachievemydream 只有到那时 我才有机会实现自己的梦想 SectionB2a 2e 四 基础复现天天练 一个健忘的人 SectionB2a 2e Amanhadsuchabadmemorythatheoftenforgothisownname Hewasalwaysforgetting1 helivedandsometimesheevenforgotto gotosleep Once heforgottowakeupandheslept2 twodays SectionB2a 2e Hiswifewasvery3 abouthim Oneday sheheardof adoctorwhocouldcureforgetfulpeople Soshe4 herhusbandtovisithim Themanthoughtthatwasagoodchoiceforhim Hehadnothingagainstseeingadoctor SectionB2a 2e Thenextday hegoton his5 andwentofftoseethedoctor Ontheway hestoppedforlunch tiedhishorsetoatreeandstuckhissword 剑 inthetree6 enteringandsittingdownforlunch Afterlunch hegotupand7 theswordinthetree SectionB2a 2e Goodheavens hethought SomeonehastriedtokillmebecauseImaygetinthewayofstoppinghimdoingthings Imustpracticeplayingmyswordeveryday Imustbeseriousaboutthis AndthisistheonlythingIwanttodonow Thenhesawthehorse SectionB2a 2e ButIhavebeenlucky hesaidto8 Someoneelsehasleftmeahorse Hegotonthehorseandforgotwhyhewasout soherodehome Whenhe9 home hiswiferealizedwhathad10 andlaughedat him SectionB2a 2e Butthemanlookedatherandsaid Whyareyoulaughingatme Wehaveonlyjustmetforthefirsttime SectionB2a 2e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 where for worried told asked horse before saw himself got arrived reached happened SectionB2a 2e SectionB2a 2e SectionB2a 2e SectionB2a 2e SectionB2a 2e 谢谢观看

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