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Unit2SavingtheEarthTopic1Pollutionhascausedtoomanyproblems SectionA Learningaims 1 掌握本课的重点短语和句型 2 巩固一般过去时和现在完成时的用法区别 3 复习系动词的用法 4 正确使用therebesth sb doingsth 来表达 有某人 物正在做某事 5 了解环境污染的严重性 并树立环保意识 自主预习英汉互译1 西山 2 haveapinic 3 两年前 4 lotsof 5 seesb sth doingsth 6 一些化工厂 7 pour into 8 废水 9 cutdown 10 Therebesb sth doingsth 11 Whatamess 12 多可惜啊 13 Soundsgreat 14 气味真难闻 15 Theflowersandgrasshavegone 16 一切都变了 自主预习英汉互译1 theWestHill西山2 haveapinic去野餐3 twoyearsago两年前4 lotsof许多5 seesb sth doingsth 看见某人 某物正在做某事6 severalchemicalfactories一些化工厂7 pour into 把 倒入 8 wastewater废水9 cutdown砍倒10 Therebesb sth doingsth 有某人 某物正在做某事11 Whatamess 多么脏乱啊 12 Whatashame 多可惜啊 13 Soundsgreat 听起来真棒 14 Itsmellsterrible 气味真难闻 15 Theflowersandgrasshavegone 花和草都消失了 16 Everythinghaschanged 一切都变了 Haveyoueverhadapicnic Kangkang Jane MariaandMichaelareplanningapicnicforSunday TheywillgototheWestHill Whatcanyouseethere Wecanseebeesandbutterfliesdancing bee butterfly IstheWestHillbeautiful Guess aplacewith beautifulflowers Brainstorm manyhills greentrees Whatashame mess Theflowersandgrasshavegone butterflies cleanwater bees somefish arabbit Theflowersandgrasshavegone Oh mygoodness Whatamess Look Thereareseveralchemicalfactoriespouringwastewaterintothestream havedisappeared Isitbeautifulnow Whathashappenedthere P271amp3 wastewaterwastepaperWastewater 浪费水 Don twastepaper 不要浪费纸 waste adj v Thereareseveralchemicalfactoriespouringwastewaterintothestream 有几家化工厂正在往小溪里排放废水 Therebe doingsth 有 在做某事 e g Therearesomepeoplewaitingforthebusatthebusstop 倒出 倾泻pour into 把 倒入 e g Pourredwineintotheglass 1bListento1aandmarkthewordswithP Past orN Now beautiful butterflies dirty grass terrible factory bees fresh clean wastewater P P N P N N P P P N 1cRead1aandpletethesentencesinthetable Thenretell1atoyourpartner beautifulplace lotsofflowersandgrass freshandthewaterwasclean beesandbutterfliesdancing Theflowersandgrass sodirty terrible chemicalfactories wastewater Everything Languagepoints youcouldseebeesandbutterfliesdancing 你还能看见蜜蜂和蝴蝶在飞舞 点拨 seesb sth doingsth 看见某人 某物正在做某事对比 seesb sth dosth 看见某人 某物做了某事 全过程 拓展 类似的动词还有hear watch find feel e g 1 IsawJack soccertherewhenIwalkedpasttheplayground A toplayB playingC playedD play 2 Isawher theroadjustnow A crossB crossedC crossesD tocross B A 2 Theflowersandgrasshavegone 花和草都消失了 点拨 have hasgone不见了 消失了 e g 我的钱不见了 Mymoneyhasgone 3 Soundsgreat 听起来真棒 Itsmellsterrible 气味真难闻 点拨 soundsgreat smellsterrible系表结构 系动词 形容词 初中常见的系动词总结 be keep feel smell sound taste look seem 形容词 e g 1 音乐听起来很棒 2 我感到很开心 Themusicsoundsgreat Ifeelveryhappy 4 Look thereareseveralchemicalfactoriespouringwastewaterintothestream 看 有几家化工厂正在往小溪里排放废水 e g 请把红酒倒进杯子里Please theredwine theglass pourinto 点拨 1 therebe sb sth doingsth 有某人 某物正在做某事 点拨 2 pour into 把 倒入 e g 听 有个人在隔壁唱歌 Listen someone inthenextroom Thereissinging 2Workinpairs Lookatthepicturesandmakeupconversationssimilartotheexamplewithyourpartner Example A TherewerelotsofflowersandgrasswhenIvisitedthevillagelastyear B Butnowtheflowersandgrasshavegone A Whathashappenedhere B Thevillagershavedestroyedthem village flowersandgrassvillagers destroy hill treesfarmers cutdown A TherewerelotsoftreeswhenIvisitedthehilllastyear B Butnowthetreeshavegone A Whathashappenedhere B Thefarmershavecutthemdown lake fishfactory pollute A TherewerelotsoffishwhenIvisitedthelakelastyear B Butnowthefishhavegone A Whathashappenedhere B Thefactoryhaspollutedthem 一般过去时和现在完成时的用法区别 表示过去发生或已完成的动作对现在的影响 表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态 与现在无关 yesterday lastnight 时间段 ago in2005 inthepast for 时间段 since recently sofar already yet just inthepast 时间段 Exercises 用所给动词的适当形式填空 WhenIenteredtheroom IsawMaria read aChinesebook 2 Whatashame Theflowersandtreesinthepark go 3 Everything change inthepastfewyears 4 Wherehavetheybeen They be totheGreatWall They have agoodtimetherethedaybeforeyesterday 5 Thefood taste delicious reading havegone haschanged havebeen had tastes tasted Exercises 单项选择 1 Look Therearesomeboys ontheplayground A playfootballB areplayingfootballC playingfootballD playsfootball 2 I msorryIcan tgoshoppingwithyou Iamill A Whatamess B Whatashame C Whatapity D BandC 3 Don t water Wemustsaveeverydropofit Sorry Iwon tdoitagain A wasteB throwC playD leave C D A 中考链接 1 Thissilkdress sosmooth It smadeinChina A feelsB smellsC soundsD tastes2 WhatdoyouthinkofthenewforeignteacherThomson Prettygood Ithinkhe agreatjobsofar A doesB didC hasdoneD wasdone3 Ourmathteacher inourschoolfor20yearsandhe herewhenhewas23yearsold A hastaught haseB taught eC taught cameD hastaught came A C D Somephrases seesb doingsth pour into have hasgone2 Somesentences Youcouldseebeesandbutterfliesdancing Theflowersandgrasshavegone Itsmellsterrible 4 Thereareseveralchemicalfactoriespouringwastewaterintothestream 1 Somewords bee butterfly mess shame several pour waste destroy pollute goodness Summary Homework1 Recitethenewwordsandusefulexpressions 2 Recite1a 3 FinishSectionAinyourworkbook Thankyou

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