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Skills for Cloze Test Teaching PlanInstructor 郑健生Teaching Aims:1. Enable students to know what Cloze Test is and what it mainly focuses on.2. Enable students to master the basic skills for a Cloze Test.3. Enable students to know how to apply these skills in a passage.Teaching Important Points:1. How to apply the skills in a passage based on the understanding of the passage.2. Get a better understanding of the procedures when filling a Cloze Test and get rid of the unscientific habits.Teaching Important Points:How to apply the skills in a passage based on the understanding of the passage.Teaching Aids: a computer, an electronic pen.Teaching Procedure:Step 1. Leading in and GreetingStep 2. AnalysingAn analysis of the characteristics of Cloze Tests in the past years. Emphasizing on one of the reform in the College Entrance Exam, which increases the Cloze Test from 10 blanks to 15 blanks.Draw a conclusion that the Cloze Test concentrates more on ones ability of analysing and understanding a passage.Step 3. Present the correct methods and its process to students.Firstly, skim the whole passage and focus on the main idea of the passage, especially its topic sentence.Guide the students to pay attention to the topic sentences, for from them, we can draw a conclusion of what a passage is mainly about.Show two samples and require the students to underline the topic sentences in each paragraph.Paragraph: Which is the topic sentence in the following passage?Around the world more and more people are taking part in dangerous sports and activities. Of course there have always been people who have looked for adventurethose who have climbed the highest mountains, explored unknown parts of the world or sailed in small boats across the greatest oceans. Now, however, there are people who look for an immediate pleasure from a risky activity which may only last a few minutes or even seconds. Key words: pleasure, risky activity, secondsConclusion: The passage may introduce activities that last for seconds.Secondly, read the whole passage again, this time more carefully and analyse the whole passage thoroughly. Select the answers according to the context, the authors attitude, affection or the writing purpose, common sense, background knowledge and leave those that students are not sure about to be confirmed later.Skill One: 根据上下文语境解题 (篇章逻辑、提示词) (context) ;Skill Two: 根据常识及文化背景(common sense & background knowledge);Skill Three: 作者的写作意图、情感及态度(writing purpose, affection & attitude);Show students a few paragraphs, and guide them to point out what method has been applied.Thirdly, read the passage again, making sure those that cant be confirmed and check whether each answer is reasonable.Step 4. Present the whole class the correct procedure of doing a cloze test.Step 5. Instruct students to do a complete passage with these methods.Firstly, guide the students to go through the passage quickly. While reading, pay attention to the time, the place, the characters, the event (when where who what).Secondly, invite students to present the information they get from the passage, and show the structure of the passage on the background. With the structure, guide the students to fill the blanks, from the easiest to the most difficult.Thirdly, go through the passage quickly again and check each answer. Exercise for studentsChoose the best answers for the passage.Last week I was invited to a doctors meeting at the Ruth hospital for incurables. Inoneof the wards(病床) a patient, an old man, got up 1_ from his bed and moved towards me. I could 2_ that he hadnt long to live, but he came up to me and placed his right foot close mine on the floor.“Frank!” I cried in 3_. He couldnt 4_, as I knew, but all the time5_ his foot against mine.My6_ raced back more than thirty years to the 7_ days of 1941, when I was a student in London. The8_ was a shelter, in which I and about hundred other people slept every night. Two of the regulars were Mrs. West and her son Frank. Sharing wartime problems, we shelter-dwellers(居住者) got to9_ each other very well. Frank West10_ me because he wasnt11_, not even at birth. His mother told me he was 37 then, but he was not as 12_as a baby. His “13_” consisted of rough soundssounds of pleasure or anger and nothing more. Mrs. West, then about 75, was a strong and 14_ woman, as she had to be, of course, because Frank15_ on her entirely. He needed all theattention of a baby.1. A. happily B. disappointedly C. shakily D. unwillingly2. A. imagine B. guess C. see D. expect3. A. amazementB. astonishment C. terror D. excitement4. A. answer B. speak C. smile D. laugh5. A. covering B. moving C. fighting D. pressing6. A. experience B. memories C. thoughts D. brains7. A. better B. younger C. dark D. old8. A. cave B. place C. houseD. scene9. A. learn from B. talk to C. help D. know10. A. needed B. recognizedC. interested D. encouraged11. A. normal B. commonC. unusual D. quick12. A. foolish B. naughty C. bright D. lovely13. A. accent B. speechC. dialect D. language14. A. poor B. kind-hearted C. capable D. easy-going15. A. fed B. reliedC. lived D. keptStep 6 ConsolidationStep 7 Homework1. Get a better understanding of the basic rules we have discussed in this period.2. Finish another Cloze Test in your learning guidance. Do remember to apply the skills.I am often touched by something in life and feel that life is so great and glorious. Yesterday morning, I was having breakfast in our school canteen. All of a sudden, I was deeply moved by a 1_ that a mother was pushing a wheelchair in which sat her daughter into the canteen. The mother was over 40 years old and 2_ to be a teacher in my school, while her daughter was about 13 years old. They were having a pleasant chat, 3_ blooming on her face.Seeing this, I felt 4_ in heart, surprised, affectionate and sympathetic. A widely known 5_ struck my mind that only when you lose something will you know to 6_ it. Actually we have known its meaning, but few will 7_ it in our lives. Seeing the little girl in the wheelchair and her numb legs, and then looking back at 8_ and people around in good condition, I dare not imagine what 9_ our life would become if we lost our legs. When we can go wherever we want to, we do not 10_it is literally the greatest blessing God bestows upon us. On the contrary, we take everything for granted. When favor is taken for granted, our 11_ will be expanding endlessly, and we will 12_ more and more. We often feel discouraged once we meet setbacks in life. We think we can 13_ overcome them, and few of us will come to know that whatever befalls on us, so long as we are in good 14_, it is really a blessing! 15_ is the greatest hope for us.1. A. sceneB. filmC. storyD. girl2. A. readyB. supposedC. hopedD. wanted3. A. smilesB. loveC. sadnessD. sympathy4. A. touchedB. satisfiedC. complicatedD. happy5. A. peopleB. characterC. pictureD. sentence6. A. cherishB. holdC. guardD. defend7. A. practiceB. meetC. knowD. treat8. A. pastB. historyC. surroundingsD. myself9. A. taskB. colorC. shapeD. difficulty10. A. realizeB. findC. thankD. cherish11. A. desireB. hopeC. futureD. trouble12. A. getB. obtainC. loseD. want13. A. nearlyB. hopefullyC. barelyD. almost14. A. mindB. mentalC. familyD. shape15. A. LivingB. BodyC. KindnessD. CompanionPage 5 / 5

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