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迪斯尼神奇英语文本1-32完整版(WORD 打印版)第一课 Hello你好Magic English, Magic English! 神奇英语,神奇英语!Look and speak and sing and play!既看又说,又唱又玩!Magic English, Magic English! 神奇英语,神奇英语!Have fun with Disney every day!有了迪士尼,天天有乐趣!Hello! Hi! How are you?你好!嗨!你好吗?Good morning! 早上好!Hello, Donald! 嗨,唐老鸭!Hi, Daisy! 嗨,黛丝!Hi, Minnie! 嗨,美妮!Hello, Mickey! 嗨,米奇!Good morning, Pluto! 早上好,布鲁托!Hello, Goofy! 你好!高飞!Hi, Jasmine! 嗨,茉莉!Hello, Aladdin!你好,阿拉丁!How are you? 你好吗?Fine, thank you.很好,谢谢。Hello, good morning. 嗨,早上好。How are you? 你好吗?How are you?你好吗?Hello, good morning, hello, hello. 嗨,早上好,嗨,嗨。How are you? 你好吗?How are you?你好吗?Im fine, thank you. (4 times)我很好,谢谢。(重复四次)Hello, Jasmine! Hi, Aladdin!嗨,茉莉!嗨,阿拉丁!Good morning, Minnie! 早上好,美妮!Hello, Mickey! 嗨,米奇!How are you? 你好吗?Hi, Goofy! 嗨,高飞!How are you? 你好吗?Hello, Donald! How are you?嗨,唐老鸭!你好吗?Fine, thank you!很好,谢谢!A rabbit, a bird, birds, rabbits.一只兔子,一只鸟,几只鸟,几只兔子。Wake up, wake up, wake up!醒来,醒来,快醒来!Hes Bambi. Bambi is a baby. 他是斑比,斑比是个宝宝。Shes Mummy. 这是妈妈。Go to sleep, Bambi.去睡觉,斑比。Mummy rabbit. Hes Daddy.这是兔妈妈。这是爸爸。A bird. 一只鸟。Is it a bird? 这是一只鸟吗?Yes, Bambi, its a bird.是的,斑比,这是一只鸟。No, Bambi, its a butterfly. 不,斑比,这是一只蝴蝶。No, Bambi, its flower.不,斑比,这是一朵花。Is it a flower? 这是一朵花吗?Yes, its a flower.是的,这是一朵花。Is it a rabbit?这是一只兔子吗?No, its a butterfly.不,这是一只蝴蝶。Is it a butterfly?这一只蝴蝶吗?No, its a rabbit.不,这是一只兔子。Is it a bird? Yes, its a bird.这是一只鸟吗?是的,这是一只鸟。Is he Daddy?Yes, hes Daddy.这是爸爸吗?是的,这是爸爸。Is he Bambi?Yes, hes Bambi.这是斑比吗?是的,这是斑比。Is she Mummy?Yes, shes Mummy.这是妈妈吗?是的这是妈妈。Shes Daisy. Hes Donald. Donald loves Daisy.这是黛丝。这是唐老鸭。唐老鸭喜欢黛丝。1(one), 2(two),3 (three).一、二、三。Dance! Popcorn.跳起来,爆米花!1(one), 2(two), 3(three), 4(four).一、二、三、四。Dance, Donald! Flowers. Dance, Daisy! Daisy loves Donald.跳起来,唐老鸭!花儿,跳起来,黛丝!黛丝喜欢唐老鸭。1(one) flower, 2(two) flowers, 3(three)flowers, 4(four)flowers.一朵花,两朵花,三朵花,四朵花。1(one) bird, 2(two) birds, 3(three) birds,4(four) birds.一只鸟,两只鸟,三只鸟,四只鸟。1(one) rabbit, 2(two) rabbits, 3(three) rabbits, 4(four) rabbits.一只兔子,两只兔子,三只兔子,四只兔子。Hello. Hi. Love.嗨!亲爱的。Mummy, Daddy, I love you!妈妈,爸爸,我爱你们!Mummy, Mummy, Mummy, Mummy. Hello, Mummy, I love you!妈妈,妈妈,妈妈,妈妈。嗨,妈妈,我爱你!Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy. Hello, Daddy, I love you!爸爸,爸爸,爸爸,爸爸。嗨,爸爸,我爱你。Elephants.大象。Hes Mowgli. Hes Bagheera. Mowgli is a boy.这是无忌,这是巴希拉。无忌是个男孩。A baby elephant.一只象宝宝。Hes Baloo. Dance, Baloo! Dance, Mowgli! Oh no!这是巴鲁。跳起来,巴鲁!跳起来,无忌!不!Mowgli loves Baloo无忌喜欢巴鲁。A girl. Its a girl.一个女孩。这是一个女孩。Hello, Mickey!嗨,米奇!Good morning, Aladdin! Hi, Jasmine!早上好,阿拉丁!嗨,茉莉!Hello, Minnie! Good morning, Baloo! Hi, Bambi!嗨,美妮!早上好,巴鲁!嗨,斑比!Its a rabbit. Its a bird. Its a flower. Its a baby elephant. Its a girl. Mowgli is a boy.这是一只兔子。这是一只鸟。这是一朵花。这是一只象宝宝。这是一个女孩。无忌是个男孩儿。Is he Baloo? Yes, hes Baloo.他是巴鲁吗?是的,这是巴鲁。Is she Jasmine? Yes, shes Jasmine.这是茉莉吗?是的,这是茉莉。Is it a bird? No, its a rabbit.这是一只鸟吗?不,这是一只兔子。Is she Minnie? No, shes Daisy.这是美妮吗?不,这是黛丝。Is he Aladdin?Yes, hes Aladdin.这是阿拉丁吗?是的,这是阿拉丁。Is it a flower?Yes, its a flower.这是一朵花吗?是的,这是一朵花。Dont forget!为了帮助你记忆,本课出现的词汇和短语都列在下面了。你也可以做个游戏,盖住下表两侧中的任何一列,看看你掌握了多少词语。a一,一个baby婴儿bird鸟儿boy男孩butterfly蝴蝶daddy爸爸dance舞蹈,跳舞elephant大象flower花four四girl女孩good morning早上好!go to sleep去睡觉he他hello你好hi嗨I我Im fine我很好is是it它,好love, loves爱,喜欢mummy妈妈no不popcorn爆米花rabbit兔子she她thank you谢谢wake up醒醒yes是you你,你们第二课 Family 家庭Magic English, Magic English! 神奇英语,神奇英语!Look and speak and sing and play!既看又说,又唱又玩!Magic English, Magic English! 神奇英语,神奇英语!Have fun with Disney every day!有了迪士尼,天天有乐趣!Good morning, Simba! Dad, Dad, wake up!早上好,辛巴! 爸爸,爸爸,快醒来!A family! Shes the mother. Hes the father.一个家庭!她是母亲。他是父亲。Hes Simba. Whos Simba? Hes Simba.他是辛巴。谁是辛巴?他是辛巴。Whos the father? Hes the father.谁是父亲?他是父亲。Whos the mother? Shes the mother.谁是母亲?他是母亲。Mom, Mom! Simba has a mother.妈妈,妈妈!辛巴有个妈妈。Dad! Dad! Simba has a father.爸爸,爸爸!辛巴有个爸爸。Simba has a family.辛巴有个家。A family. A mother. A father. A baby.一个家庭。一个母亲。一个父亲。一个宝宝。Simba has a mother. Simba has a father. Simba has a family.辛巴有个母亲。辛巴有个父亲。辛巴有个家。One cat, two cats, three cats.一只猫,两只猫,三只猫。Shes Marie. Good morning, Marie!她是玛丽亚。你好,玛丽亚。Hes Berlioz! Hello, Berlioz!他是柏里欧,你好,柏里欧。Hes Toulouse! Hi, Toulouse!她是杜洛斯。你好,杜洛斯。They have a mother. Theyre a family.他们有个母亲。他们是一家。Red, blue, green.红色,蓝色,绿色。Berlioz is a cat. Berlioz has a sister. Berlioz has a brother.柏里欧是一只猫。柏里欧有个姐姐。柏里欧有个哥哥。Berlioz has a sister and a brother.柏里欧有一个姐姐和一个哥哥。Marie and Toulouse. Theyre cats.玛丽亚和杜洛斯。他们是猫。One cat, two cats, three cats, four cats,the Aristo cats.一只猫,两只猫,三只猫,四只猫,杜翠斯一家。Berlioz has a sister. Berlioz has a brother.柏里欧有一个姐姐。柏里欧有一个哥哥。Berlioz has a sister and a brother.柏里欧有一个姐姐和一个哥哥。Marie has two brothers.玛丽亚有两个哥哥。They have a mother. Theyre a family.他们有一个母亲。他们是一家。I love my sister and my brother, and my dad.我爱我姐姐,我哥哥和我爸爸。I love my mother and my sister, and my cat.我爱我妈妈,我姐姐和我的猫。One, two, three, we are happy.一,二,三,我们很高兴。One, two, three, were a family.一,二,三,我们是一家。One, two-one, two, three.一,二,三;二,三。I love my mother and my father, and my birds.我爱我母亲,我父亲和我的小鸟。I love my mummy and the birds, and the rabbit.我爱我妈妈,那些小鸟和那只兔子。Shes the mother. Hes the father.她是母亲。他是父亲。Theyre a family. Theyre the babies.他们是一家。他们是小宝宝。Hes a baby. The baby is happy.他是一个小宝宝。宝宝很高兴。The baby is sad. Hes sad.宝宝不高兴。他不高兴。The baby is happy. He has a family.宝宝高兴。他有一个家。Hes a baby. Theyre babies.他是小宝宝。他们是小宝宝。The baby is sad. The baby is happy.宝宝不高兴。宝宝高兴。Whos sad? Pluto is sad.谁不高兴。布鲁托不高兴。Whos happy? The cats are happy.谁高兴。那些猫高兴。Is she a baby? Yes, shes a baby.她是一个宝宝吗?是的,她是一个宝宝。Is he a baby? Yes, hes a baby.他是一个宝宝吗?是的,他是一个宝宝。Is he happy? Yes, hes happy.他高兴吗?是的,他高兴。Is she sad? Yes, shes sad.她不高兴吗?是的,她不高兴。Is he sad? No, hes happy.他不高兴吗?不,他高兴。He has a family.他有一个家。One, two, three, hes happy.一,二,三,他高兴。Theyre happy. Shes happy.他们高兴。她高兴。Hes not happy. shes sad.他不高兴。她高兴。Is he sad? No, hes happy!他不高兴吗?不,他高兴。We are happy.我们高兴。One, two, three, We are happy.一,二,三,我们高兴。One, two, three, were a family.一,二,三,我们是一家。One, two, three, we are happy.一,二,三,我们高兴。One, two-one, two, three.一,二,三;二,三。Hes Pluto. Pluto is a dog.他是布鲁托。布鲁托是一只狗。Pluto has five babies. Pluto is a father.布鲁托有五个小宝宝。布鲁托是一个父亲。One, two, three, four, five.一,二,三,四,五。One baby, two babies, three babies, four babies, five babies.一个宝宝,两个宝宝,三个宝宝,四个宝宝,五个宝宝。Blue, orange, green, red, yellow.蓝,橙,绿,红,黄。Shes the mother.她是母亲。Theyre happy. Shes not happy.他们高兴,她不高兴。Theyre a family. Shes a mother. Hes a father. Hes a baby.他们是一家。她是一个母亲。他是一个父亲。他是一个宝宝。Whos the baby? Simba is the baby.谁是宝宝?辛巴是宝宝。Whos the cat? Marie is the cat.谁是小猫?玛丽亚是小猫。Whos happy? Donald is happy.谁高兴?唐老鸭高兴。One baby. A family.一个宝宝。一个家庭。Two birds. A family.两只鸟。一个家庭。Three cats. A family.三只猫。一个家庭。Four dogs. A family.四只狗。一个家庭。Five rabbits. A family.五只兔子。一个家庭。Dont forget!为了帮助你记忆,本课出现的词汇和短语都列在下面了。你也可以做个游戏,盖住下表两侧中的任何一列,看看你掌握了多少词语。and和are是blue蓝色;蓝色的brother哥哥;弟弟cat猫dad爸爸dog狗family家庭father父亲five五green绿色;绿色的happy高兴的has有have有mom妈妈mother母亲my我的not不orange橙色;橙色的red红色;红色的sad不高兴sister姐姐the这个或那个they他们或她们we我们who谁yellow黄色;黄色的第三课 VIDEO TRANSLATIONMagic English, Magic English! Look and speak and sing and play!神奇英语,神奇英语,既看又说,又唱又玩!Magic English, Magic English! Have fun with Disney every day!神奇英语,神奇英语!有了迪士尼,天天有乐趣!Hes Sebastian. Hello, Sebastian!这是赛巴斯丁。你好,赛巴斯丁。Under the sea.在海底!Shes Ariel. Hello, Ariel!这是爱丽儿,你好,爱丽儿。Hes Flounder. Hello, Flounder!这是小比目鱼,你好,小比目鱼。Flounder loves Ariel. Ariel loves Flounder. Theyre friends.小比目鱼喜欢爱丽儿。爱丽儿喜欢小比目鱼。他们是朋友。Shes Ariel.这是爱丽儿。Ariel has a father. Her father.爱丽儿有个父亲。她的父亲。Ariel has sisters. Her sisters.爱丽儿有几个姐姐,她的姐姐。Ariel has friends. Her friends.爱丽儿有一些朋友。她的朋友。Dance! Dance! Theyre dancing.跳呀!他们在跳舞。Sing! Sing! Theyre singing. Sebastian is singing.唱呀!他们在唱歌。赛巴斯丁在唱歌。Ariel has friends. Her friends.爱丽儿有一些朋友。她的朋友。Theyre dancing. Theyre singing.他们在跳舞。他们在唱歌。Friends. Theyre singing.朋友。他们在唱歌。Theyre friends. Theyre dancing.他们是朋友。他们在跳舞。This is a dog. This is a dog. A little dog.这是一条狗。这是一条狗。一条小狗。This is a fox. A little fox.这是一只狐狸。一只小狐狸。Im a fox. My names Tod.我是一只狐狸。我叫托托。Hes a fox. His name is Tod.这是一只狐狸。他名叫托托。Whats your name? Copper. His name is Copper.你叫什么?科珀。他名叫科珀。One, two, three. Theyre playing.一,二,三,他们在玩。Theyre friends.他们是朋友。Tod and Copper are friends.托托和科珀是朋友。Theyre playing. Theyre running. Theyre swimming.他们在玩。他们在跑。他们在游泳。Whats his name? His name is Copper.他叫什么?他叫科珀。Whats his name? His name is Tod.他叫什么?他叫托托。Whats your name? My names Tod.你叫什么?我叫托托。Whats your name? Copper.你叫什么?科珀。Whats his name? His name is Simba.他叫什么?他叫辛巴。Whats his name? His name is Bambi.他叫什么?他叫斑比。Whats her name? Her name is Minnie.她叫什么?她叫美妮。Whats her name? Her name is Marie.她叫什么?她叫玛丽。Me and you, you and me,我和你,你和我。Im your friend, youre my friend.我是你的朋友,你是我的朋友。You and me, me and you,你和我,我和你。Youre my friend, Im your friend.你是我的朋友,我是你的朋友。We love singing, We love dancing,我们爱唱歌。我们爱跳舞。Were friends, We are friends,我们是朋友。我们是朋友。We love swimming, We love playing,我们爱游泳。我们爱玩。Me and you, you and me,我和你,你和我。Im your friend, youre my friend.我是你的朋友,你是我的朋友。You and me, me and you,你和我,我和你。Youre my friend, Im your friend.你是我的朋友,我是你的朋友。Simba has friends.辛巴有一些朋友。Pumbaa and Timon have a friend, Simba.彭彭和丁满有个朋友,即辛巴。Theyre playing. Theyre swimming.他们在玩。他们在游泳。Theyre running. Theyre afraid.他们在跑,他们害怕。Who are you? Its me, Simba.你是谁?是我,辛巴。Theyre friends.他们是朋友。Whos she? Shes Nala. Whos he? Hes Simba.她是谁?她是娜娜。他是谁?他是辛巴。Are they friends? Yes, theyre friends.他们是朋友吗?是的,他们是朋友。Simbas playing. Nalas playing.辛巴在玩。娜娜在玩。Simba and Nala are playing.辛巴和娜娜在玩。Are they friends?Yes, theyre friends.他们是朋友吗?是的,他们是朋友。Are they playing?Yes, theyre playing.他们在玩吗?是的,他们在玩。Are they dancing? Yes, theyre dancing.他们在跳舞吗?是的,他们在跳舞。Are they cats?No, theyre dogs.他们是猫吗?不,他们是狗。Are they dogs?No, theyre cats.他们是狗吗?不,他们是猫。This is a cat. A little cat.这是一只猫。一只小猫。Pluto is sad. The cat is playing.布鲁托不高兴,猫在玩。The cat loves Pluto. Theyre friends.猫喜欢布鲁托。他们是朋友。Friends, playing, dancing, swimming, singing, running.朋友们在玩耍,跳舞,游泳,唱歌,跑步。Whats her name? Her name is Ariel. Shes Ariel.她叫什么?她叫爱丽儿,她是爱丽儿。Whats his name? His name is Sebastian. Hes Sebastian.他叫什么?他叫赛巴斯丁。他是赛巴斯丁。Whos swimming? Ariel is swimming.谁在游泳?爱丽儿在游泳。Whos dancing? Timon is dancing.谁在跳舞?丁满在跳舞。Whos playing? The cat is playing.谁在玩?猫在玩。This is Copper. This is Tod.这是科珀。这是托托。Copper and Tod are friends.科珀和托托是朋友。This is Ariel. This is Flounder.这是爱丽儿。这是小比目鱼。Ariel and Flounder are friends.爱丽儿和小比目鱼是朋友。This is Simba. This is Nala.这是辛巴。这是娜娜。Simba and Nala are friends.辛巴和娜娜是朋友。Dont forget!为了帮助你记忆,本课出现的词汇和短语都列在下面了。你也可以做个游戏,盖住下表两侧中的任何一列,看看你掌握了多少词语。afraid害怕dance跳舞fox狐狸friend朋友her她的his他的little小的me我(宾格)name名字play玩run跑sing唱swim游泳this这个under the sea在海水里whats your name?你叫什和名字?your你的;你们的第四课 VIDEO TRANSLATIONMagic English, Magic English! Look and speak and sing and play!神奇英语,神奇英语,既看又说,又唱又玩!Magic English, Magic English! Have fun with Disney every day!神奇英语,神奇英语!有了迪士尼,天天有乐趣!This is a pig. Theyre happy.这是一只猪。他们很幸福。This is The Wolf. The pigs are afraid.这是一只狼。猪们都害怕。House, bed, door, piano, chimney房子、床、门、钢琴、烟囱。Theyre The Pigs. Theyre The Three Pigs.他们是猪,他们是三只猪。Theyre The Little Pigs. Theyre The Three Little Pigs.他们是三只小猪。他们是三只小猪。Theyre happy.他们很幸福。Hes The Wolf. Hes The Big Wolf. Hes The Bad Wolf.他是那只狼。他是那只大狼。他是那只坏狼。Hes The Big Bad Wolf.他是那只大坏狼。Whos The Wolf? Hes The Wolf.谁是那只狼?他是那只狼。Hes The Big Bad Wolf.他是那只大坏狼。Who are The Pigs? Theyre The Pigs.谁是那些猪?他们是猪。Theyre The Three Little Pigs. 他们是那三只小猪。Whos big? Whos bad? The Wolf.谁大?谁坏?那只狼。Whos happy? Theyre happy!谁幸福?他们幸福!Whos afraid? Theyre afraid. Hes not afraid!谁害怕?他们害怕。他不怕!This is Pluto. This is Mickey.这是布鲁托。这是米老鼠。This is a house.这是一座房子。The house has a roof. The house has a window.房子有个屋顶。房子有扇窗。The house has a wall.房子有一堵墙。This is a wall. This is a window.这是一堵墙。这是一扇窗。This is a roof. This is a house.这是一个屋顶。这是一座房子。This is Plutos house.这是布鲁托的房子。Pluto lives in this house.布鲁托住在这座房子里。Pluto is happy.布鲁托很幸福。This is a house.这是一座房子。This is Pluto.这是布鲁托。The house has a roof.房子有个屋顶。The house has a chimney.房子有一个烟囱。Pluto is happy.布鲁托很幸福。This is a door.这是一个门。Door, window, bed门,窗,床。Happy house, happy house.快乐小屋,快乐小屋。We live in a house.我们住在一座房子里。In a happy house.在一座快乐的小屋里。A house with a wall, a big wall.房子有一面墙,一画很大的墙。A house with a door, a little door.房子有门,一个小门。A house with a window, a window.房子有窗,一扇窗子。A house with a door, a big door.房子有门,一个大门。A house with a window, a window.房子有窗,一扇窗子。A house with a roof, a roof.房子有屋顶,一个屋顶。Happy house, happy house.快乐小屋,快乐小屋。We live in a house.我们住在一座房子里。In happy house.在一座快乐的小屋里。Chimney, roof, window, bed烟囱、屋顶、窗子、床。We can fly! You can fly!我们能飞了!你们能飞了!This is Wendy. This is John. This is Michael.这是温蒂,这是约翰,这是麦克。They live in this house.他们住在这座房子里。Wendy lives in this house.温蒂住在这座房子里。John and Michael live in this house.约翰和麦克信在这座房子里。This is Peter Pan. He can fly!这是彼得潘。他能飞!This is Tinker Bell. She can fly!这是小叮当。他能飞!We can fly! You can fly!我们能飞了!你们能飞了!Whos this?This is Tinker Bell. She can fly!这是谁?这是小叮当。她能飞!Whos this? This is Peter Pan. He can fly!这是谁?这是彼科潘。他能飞!Whos this? This is John. He can fly!这是谁?这是约翰。他能飞!Whos this? This is Michael. He can fly!这是谁?这是麦克。他能飞!He can fly! They can fly!他能飞了!他们能飞了!This is Goofy. Hello, Goofy.这是高飞。你们,高飞。Roof! window! wall!屋顶!窗子!墙!Goodbye Goofy.再见,高飞。This is a house!这是一所房子。This is a door!这是一扇门!This is Tinker Bell!这是小叮当!This is a window!这是一扇窗户!This is a chimney!这是一个烟囱!This is a bed!这是一张床!This is Michael!这是麦克!Who lives in this house?Pluto lives in this house.谁住在这所房子里?布鲁托住在这所房子里。Who lives in this house? Wendy lives in this house.谁住在这所房子里?温蒂住在这所房子里。Who live in this house?The Three Little Pigs live in this house.谁住在这所房子里?三只小猪住在这所房子里。Whos bad?The Wolf is bad.谁凶恶?狼凶恶。Who can fly? Peter Pan can fly!谁能飞?彼得潘能飞!Whos happy?Pluto is happy.谁快活?布鲁托快活。Dont forget!为了帮助你记忆,本课出现的词汇和短语都列在下面了。你也可以做个游戏,盖住下表两侧中的任何一列,看看你掌握了多少词语。bad坏to be afraid害怕bed床big大to can能够chimney烟囱door门to fly飞house房子in在里little小的to live住of的piano钢琴pig猪roof屋顶wall墙window窗with和(与)wolf狼第五课 VIDEO TRANSLATIONMagic English, Magic English! Look and speak and sing and play!神奇英语,神奇英语,既看又说,又唱又玩!Magic English, Magic English! Have fun with Disney every day!神奇英语,神奇英语!有了迪士尼,天天有乐趣!Pongo lives in this house.彭哥住在这所房子里。Roger lives in this house.罗杰住在这所房子里。A woman and her dog. A dog and a woman.一位女士和她的狗。一只狗和一位女士。A hat.The hat.一顶帽子。那顶帽子。Roger is a man. Pongo is a dog.罗杰是一位先生,彭哥是一只狗。A dog and a man. A dog and a woman.一只狗和一位先生,一只狗和一位女士。A man and a woman.一位先生和一位女士。The man is happy.这位先生很幸福。The woman is happy.这位女士很幸福。The dogs are happy.这些狗很幸福。Everybodys happy.大家都很幸福。This is a man. This is his dog.这是一位先生。这是他的狗。This is his hat. This is a woman.这是他的帽子。这是一位女士。This is her cat. This is her hat.这是她的猫。这是她的帽子。This is a man and a woman.这是一位先生和一位女士。Dog. Cat. Bird. Fish.狗、猫、鸟、鱼。Animals.动物。I love animals. They love me.我喜欢动物。它们喜欢我。Who loves animals?谁喜欢动物?You love animals.你喜欢动物。Everybody, everybody,大家,所有的人,Everybody,大家,Everybody loves animals.大家都喜欢动物。The dog is an animal. The dog is my friend.狗是一种动物。狗是我的朋友。The cat is an animal. The cat is my friend.猫是一种动物。猫是我的朋友。The fish is an animal. The fish is my friend.鱼是一种动物。鱼是我的朋友。The wolf is an animal. The wolf is NOT my friend.狼是一种动物。狼不是我的朋友。I love animals. Theyre my friends.我喜欢动物。它们是我的朋友。The birds. The birds are singing.鸟儿们。鸟儿们在唱歌。Cinderella is in her bed.灰姑娘在床上。Cinderella is sleeping. Wake up, Cinderella!灰姑娘在睡觉。快醒醒,灰姑娘!Good morning! Shes singing.早上好!她在唱歌。Shes dancing. Shes happy.她在跳舞。她很幸福。Cinderella lives in this house.灰姑娘住在这所房子里。The animals are her friends.动物是她的朋友。The bed. They help Cinderella. They help her.床。他们帮助灰姑娘。他们帮助她。Her shoes. Her dress.她的鞋子。她的裙子。Theyre her little friends.他们是她的小朋友。The cat is sleeping.那只猫在睡觉。The man is sleeping.那位先生在睡觉。The cat and the man are sleeping.那只猫和那位先生都在睡觉。Theyre friends.他们是朋友。The birds are singing.那些鸟在唱歌。Cinderella is singing.灰姑娘在唱歌。The birds and Cinderella are singing.那些鸟和灰姑娘一同歌唱。Theyre friends.他们是朋友。The man is dancing.那位先生在跳舞。The woman is dancing.那位女士在跳舞。The man and the woman are dancing.那位先生和那位女士正在跳舞。Whos there? Its Hortense.谁在那儿?是鸵鸟郝登思。Whats her name?她叫什么名字?Her name is Hortense.她的名字是鸵鸟郝登思。Hortense loves Donald.鸵鸟郝登思喜欢唐老鸭。Hortense is dancing.鸵鸟郝登思在跳舞。She wants to be his friend.她希望成为他的朋友。He wants to be his friend.他希望成为他的朋友。He wants to be her friend.他希望成为她的朋友。She wants to be his friend.她希望成为他的朋友。They want to be friends.他们希望成为朋友。Everybody wants to be a cat.大家都希望成为一名爵士乐手。Everybody wants to be a cat.大家都希望成为一名爵士乐手。Good night. Pinocchio. Goodbye.晚安。皮诺丘。再见。Whos there?谁在那里?Its me.是我。Theyre afraid.他们害怕。Its me.是我。Oh, Pinocchio! Youre talking.噢,皮诺丘!你在讲话。Yes! Yes! Hes talking.是的!是的!他在讲话。He can talk.他能讲话了。Goodnight.晚安。Whos there?谁在那里?Its Figaro. Figaro is a cat.是阿菲。阿菲是一只猫。Whos there?谁在那里?Its Cleo. Cleo is a fish.是阿克,阿克是一条鱼。Whos there?谁在那里?Its me. Its Pinocchio!是我。我是皮诺丘!Yes! Yes! Its me.是的!是的!是我。Hes talking. Pinocchios talking.他在讲话。皮诺丘在讲话。He can talk.他能讲话了。Whos there? 谁在那里?Its Cleo.是阿克。Whos there? 谁在那里?Its Figaro.是阿菲Whos there? 谁在那里?Its Pongo.是彭哥。Hortense wants to be his friend.鸵鸟郝登思希望成为他的朋友。Pongo wants to be her friend.彭哥希望成为她的朋友。Pinocchio wants to be his friend.皮诺丘希望成为他的朋友。Roger wants to be her friend.罗杰希望成为她的朋友。Cleo wants to be his friend.阿克希望成为他的朋友。Whos laughing? The man and the woman are laughing.谁在笑?那位先生和那位 女士在笑。Whos sleeping?谁在睡觉?Cinderella is sleeping.灰姑娘在睡觉。Whos talking? 谁在讲话?Pinocchio is talking.皮诺丘在讲话。Dont forget!为了帮助你记忆,本课出现的词汇和短语都列在下面了。你也可以做个游戏,盖住下表两侧中的任何一列,看看你掌握了多少词语。an一;一个animal动物to be是dress裙子everybody每个人;大家fish鱼goodnight晚安hat帽子to help帮助to laugh笑man男人;先生shoes鞋子to sleep睡觉to talk讲话to want希望;愿望;想whos there?谁在那里?woman女士第六课 ITS DELICIOUSMagic English, Magic English! Look and speak and sing and play!神奇英语,神奇英语,既看又说,又唱又玩!Magic English, Magic English! Have fun with Disney every day!神奇英语,神奇英语!有了迪士尼,天天有乐趣!Whos there?谁在那里?Its Tramp. Its Lady.这是长云。这是丽滴。They want to eat.他们想吃东西。Spaghetti. Mmm its delicious.面条。哦真好吃!Theyre hungry.他们饿了。Shes hungry. Hes hungry.她饿了。他饿了。Theyre eating.他们在吃东西。Shes hungry. Hes hungry.她饿了。他饿了。Theyre hungry.他们饿了。She wants to eat. He wants to eat.她想吃东西。他想吃东西。They want to eat.他们想吃东西。Shes eating. Hes eating.她在吃东西。他在吃东西。Theyre eating.他们在吃东西。Donalds hungry.唐老鸭饿了。Whos there? Its Gus.谁在那儿?这是葛斯。Hes hungry.他饿了。Soup. Gu

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