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人教版2019-2020学年度第二学期八年级unit1单元测试卷(含答案)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . - You must be thirsty after a long walk. Would you like some _?- Yes, please. Thanks a lot.AwaterBbreadCfoodDhamburgers2 . Nanjing is famous its long history and Shanghai is famous a big city in China.Afor ,forBas, forCfor ,asDas , as3 . There will be _ rain and _ winds tomorrow.Astrong;heavyBheavy;bigCheavy;strongDbig;large4 . My parents had always shouted at each other before I told them I didnt like that and that kept me a lot. It was an amazing that it worked and their relationship became better. I am so happy about that.AwastingBrepeatingCbuggingDhugging5 . _ are these shoes? _ twenty Yuan.AHow many, TheyBHow much, TheyreCHow many, Theyre DHow much, Their6 . My sister is old enough to dress _ now.AhimselfBherselfCmyselfDyourself7 . After running for 1,000 meters, Mary felt her legs were very _.AbrokenBsoreChighDhot8 . I dont like action movies, but I dont mind _ them.AwatchBwatchingCto watchDto watching9 . Whats the matter with Lisa?AShe is away.BShe is cool.CShe should get an X-ray.DShe has a sore throat.10 . In my ideal school, we have a big library _ lots of _ books.Ahas; interestingBhas; interestedCwith; interestingDwith; interested11 . The exam paper isnt useful now. Please _.Atake off itBtake away itCtake it offDtake it away12 . Unluckily, Notre Dame de Paris (巴黎圣母院) _ this April. We felt so sad for that.Awas burntBis burntChas been burnt13 . Laura is going to study _ education at _ university.A/; aB/; anCan; anDan; a14 . It takes me half an hour_my homework every day.AdoBdoingCdoesDto do15 . When he got home, he found his pet dog_on the ground.AdieingBdieCdyingDdeath16 . I want to met Mr. Black now.-Im afraid thats _. He is having a meeting.AboringBseriousCimpossibleDcreative17 . Bob hurt _in the basketball match at school yesterday afternoon.AmyselfBhimselfCherself18 . Shall we go for a walk?_ great.AFeelsBSoundsCTurnsDLooks19 . What _do you have to do?I have to make my bed.AotherBelseCanotherDthe other20 . -I am going to have a job interview tomorrow morning.- Well, _AHave a good time!BIm happy to hear that. CGood luck!DCongratulations!二、完型填空Food in China and western countries is different. China is a country_a long history. They may spend half of their time_food. Chinese people choose food very carefully. They only use fresh materials(原材料)_ food. For example, they only eat fresh fish. Chinese have a lot of_for cooking. They can cook a chicken in over ten ways. Thats why Chinese food is so popular around the world. Western countries,_England or America, dont have fresh food because they buy their food from supermarkets. Western people do not have skills(技能) for cooking, mostly they only boil(油炸), steam(蒸)and bake(烤) the food._, western people are very good at making desserts and chocolate. These food are very sweet and can make you_fat quickly.In China, the person who invited other people for meal pay for the meal, but its not_ in western countries. In western countries, people will think you invite them but dont need to pay for them, and maybe they _happy if you pay for them._in eating is that Chinese people use chopsticks and western people use knives and forks.Chinese people only have three meals during a day but western people may have more. They usually have afternoon tea when they would have fruit, cakes or biscuits with cheese.21 . AhasBhaveCwithDwithout22 . AinBonCforDat23 . AcookBcookingCto cookDcooks24 . AmessagesBthingsCideasDkinds25 . AandBorClikeDfor26 . AFor exampleBFirst of allCAt lastDBy the way27 . AbecomeBto becomeCbecomingDbecame28 . AdifferentBthe sameCnormalDusual29 . Adont haveBarentCwont haveDwont be30 . AThe other differenceBAnother differenceCOther differenceDOther differences三、阅读单选As most Americans went back to work on Monday, January 14th, 800,000 government(政府)workers went into the fourth week of the government shut down(关门)and there was nothing showing that the disagreement between US President Donald Trump and Congress(国会)over his ask for money to build a wall between the US and Mexico would end.The shutdown that became the longest in US historybeating the 21-day shutdown in 1995is making the lives of government workers worse. The federal government has asked 420,000 workers to work without money. On Friday, January 11th, thousands of them got their first paycheck-it read $0.If the shutdown goes on for another two weeks, the cost to the US economy(经济)would be more than the price of building the wall. It is predicted that it will take only two more weeks to cost the economy more than $6 billion, over the $5.7 billion that Trump needs for the wall.One of the biggest problems is security screenings(安检)at the airports, where 51,000 airport security agents are among the government workers who have been asked to work from Dec 22nd but didnt get their first paycheck on Jan 10th.To keep all of these from getting worse, people went on parades on the streets so that Trump would open the government soon. However, it is still difficult to make sure the opening time by now.31 . Which may be the date of writing this news report?AJanuary 14th.BJanuary 11th.CDec 22nd.DJan 10th.32 . What made the government shutdown happen?APeople dont believe in Donald Trump.BThe US economy is getting worse and worse.CDonald Trump cant get money from Congress.DThe US government doesnt have enough workers.33 . What does the underlined word parade mean in the last paragraph?A展览B表演C暴乱D游行34 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThe shutdown is the longest one in US history.BIt will take $6 billion to build the US-Mexico wall.CWorkers at the airports have the biggest problems.DThe shutdown will soon come to an end.Hello!My name is Peter. Im from Australia. Im in the USA. Im a new student. I like the food here. I often eat much food. I have breakfast at home. For breakfast,I eat eggs and apples. I dont like milk. I have no time to go home for lunch. The lunch in our school is good. I can have different foods for lunch. I eat chicken,rice and fish. I have dinner at home with my father and mother. Sometimes I eat out with our friends. We have fish,vegetables and fruit(水果).35 . What does he eat for breakfast?AMilk and bread.BEggs and apples.CMilk and fruit.DFish and vegetables.36 . Where does Peter have lunch?AAt home.BAt school.CWith his father.DWith his mother.37 . How is the food in the school?AGood.BDifferent.CNew.DOld.38 . Does Peter like milk?AYes,he does.BNo,he doesnt.CMaybe(或许)he likes it.DWe dont know.Under pressure from health and childrens groups, McDonalds is making changes to its famous Happy Meals. The fast food chain (连锁店) will add a serving (一份食物的量) of fruit or vegetable to all of the meals, which are aimed at children, and reduce the amount of French fries.McDonalds said it first experimented with cutting fries entirely from the Happy Meals, but children and parents disagreed. “People come to McDonalds and, first of all, they want the choice and the control to be theirs, but their expectation of a Happy Meal does include fries,”said Jan Fields, president of McDonalds in the US. ”When we did it without fries, there was a huge disappointment.”The new French fries in Happy Meals will contain 1.1 ounces (31 grams) of potatoes, down from 2.4 ounces. Apple slices will often be included as the healthy dish, but it could also be carrots, pineapple slices or oranges, depending on the time of year and the region(区域) in which they are being served.Although the subject to variation (变化) depends on what is ordered, the new meals will represent, on average, a 20% decrease (减少) in calories (卡路里) , the chain said. Fields said Happy Meal prices will not go up as a result of the changes. But the chain has raised prices this year as a result of increasing costs.As the worlds largest restaurant chain by sales, McDonalds has been under careful examination for the nutritional (营养的) quality of its food. People also criticized its sales of childrens meals with a toy, connecting it to the nations obesity (肥胖) problem.39 . Which of the following is NOT true, according to the passage?ANew Happy Meals contain fewer calories.BNew Happy Meal prices are not the same as the old ones.CPeople do not want to eat French fries in Happy Meals.DOld Happy Meals contain 2.4 ounces of potatoes in the form of French fries.40 . According to the passage ,_wont be served in the new Happy Meals.Aapple slicesBorangesCbananasDcarrots41 . Why did people criticize the sale of childrens meals with a toy at McDonalds?AThe toy is of poor quality.BChildren prefer its toys to its meals.CIt makes the childrens meals more expensive.DIt will cause the obesity problem.42 . What is the best title for the passage?AMcDonalds to Raise Price AgainBMcDonalds in Careful ExaminationCMcDonalds Criticized by Children and ParentsDMcDonalds to Make Happy Meals Healthier四、句型转换根据要求写句子。43 . I dont think that Miss Prism would like to admit her mistake, _? (Tag question)44 . Those stories were too difficult for me to understand. (Rewrite the sentence with so.that.)_45 . When did you inform the ladies stroking pets of the bad news? (Change it into passive voice.)_46 . Richard said, “Did you decide to join the evening class yesterday?” (Change it into indirect speech.)_47 . The underground train in Chengdu runs every three minutes during rush hours. (Raise a question according to the underlined part.)_五、根据首字母、中文提示填空48 . Theres a post o_next to my schoolI often send letters there49 . There is a hospital n_here50 . My mother often puts money in the B_of China51 . His father works in a p_stationHe is a policeman52 . Many children like to eat in a fast food r_53 . There is a Flew pay p_in my school54 . When my father goes out on business(出差),he often stays in a h_55 . Do you live on Center S_?56 . First turn left and then turn r_57 . The bank is a_from my home六、用所给单词的正确形式填空58 . She is _ ( talent ) in painting and wants to be a painter.59 . The boy is going to be a _ ( magic) when he grows up.60 . They finished the work _ ( beautiful ) and we are proud of them.61 . She is the _ (win) of the singing competition.62 . My father told me something important _( serious).七、完成句子完成句子按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子,并将答案写在答题卡对应题号的横线上。63 . 在网络时代,校园欺凌值得更加重视。During net period,school bullying _.64 . 应该鼓励孩子在做了错事后说实话,而不是编造谎言。A child should be encouraged to tell the truth _ whenever he or she has done something wrong.65 . 朗读者在中央台一开播就备受赞誉。The readers _ CCTV covered it.66 . 和他人融洽相处使你更容易取得成功。_ for you to achieve success.67 . Frank对唱歌很感兴趣,已经参加了好几次“中国好声音”的选拔。Frank shows such a great _Voice of China several times.68 . 令大家惊讶的是,这个犯罪嫌疑人原来和本案无关。To everyones surprise, the suspect _ this case.八、用单词的正确形式完成短文阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的单词填空 (每词限用一次)。took colorful tickets clean inLiLei had a good time in Changqing Expo garden during the last spring festival vacation. He went there with his family. The workers looked at their ID cards instead of the 69 . . Then let them 70 . .How happy they were! In the garden, they saw many different kinds of 71 . lanters for the first time. They72 . lots of photos with the ones they liked. Next they visited the whole garden for a third time. They found that the garden was still beautiful and 73 . . LiLei likes Changqing Expo garden and he thinks its a good place to spend vacation.九、材料作文74 . 假如你是Kate,你的朋友Mary病了。请根据下面表格中的提示写一封信,告诉她该做什么,不该做什么。ShouldShouldntdrink a lot of watergo to bed latehave a good restwork too hardsee a doctorget tired要求:1. 注意书信格式。 2. 70词左右。第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、九、材料作文1、


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