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沪教版2020届九年级下学期英语第一次模拟考试试卷(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分) Was _ Present Lincoln the first black president in America? A . aB . anC . /D . the2. (2分) (2016七上扬州期末) Are _ of you from the same family, Jane and Ann?Yes, we are sisters.A . bothB . eachC . allD . every3. (2分) Look! Some people are running the red lights. We should wait _ others are breaking the rule.A . althoughB . ifC . unlessD . because4. (2分) We should save the animals _.A . in dangerB . in the dangerC . in dangerousD . in a danger5. (2分) 一What did you do at last?一I the house alone A . cleanB . cleanedC . cleaningD . was cleaning6. (2分) (2018深圳) The piano lessons are too hard for me. I nearly give up.Please be more . I believe youll make it.A . carefulB . helpfulC . patient7. (2分) - Do you know something about China?- Yes. The number of people in China is about 1.4 billion.A . A number of people in ChinaB . The people in ChinaC . The population of China8. (2分) is one of the greatest scientists, who won the Nobel Prize for physics.A . Yuan LongpingB . BishengC . Yang ZhenningD . Zheng He9. (2分) (2017八下光明期末) Although her father can help her, she got the job on her own.How wonderful she is! She doesnt like to depend on her parents.A . as wellB . in the endC . by herself10. (2分) (2019七上江油开学考) “我请你吃饭”应该说: A . I invite you to eat.B . I treat you.C . You eat and I pay the money.D . Go to eat.11. (2分) Nobody knows the reason he is often late for school. A . whenB . whyC . howD . where12. (2分) How long you Liutle Women? I am due to return it in two weeks.A . have;borrowedB . will;lendC . will;keep13. (2分) Mary agreed _ visit the old man, though she was busy. A . toB . onC . withD . at14. (2分) (2016七上宁津月考) This zebra is an _ animal. It lives in _ now. A . Africa; AfricaB . African; AfricaC . Africa; AfricanD . African; African15. (2分) - The movie star, Zhao Yazhi, looks so young.- So she does. I cant really tell _.A . how old is sheB . how old she isC . how is she old 二、 完型填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分) (2017八下福建期中) 从A、B、C三个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Whitney didnt have many friends. She was shy and 1. She never wanted to be popular, but she did want to have someone to share 2and laugh with.Then it was time for her to go to college in another town. And she had to 3with someone she didnt know. She had no idea whether she could make friends in that new environment.But something happened during the first class. And it 4Whitneys life. The teacher asked everyone to 5a little about themselves. Whitney told everyone where she came from and some simple information. The last 6for each student was What is your goal for this term? 7of the students said it was to get good grades, pass the tests or something similar. But Whitney said something 8. She said that her goal was to make just one good friend.When most of the students sat quietly, one student came to Whitney. She reached out her hand and introduced herself. She asked 9she could be Whitneys friend. Whitney was surprised and happy. She 10and reached her hand out, too.Their friendship lasted all through the college.(1)A . careless B . quiet C . noisy (2)A . marks B . food C . secrets (3)A . fight B . live C . discuss (4)A . changed B . controlled C . destroyed (5)A . remember B . share C . write (6)A . game B . decision C . question (7)A . Most B . Few C . All (8)A . interesting B . different C . strange (9)A . how B . why C . whether (10)A . smiled B . laughed C . cried 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共26分)17. (10分) (2016八下淮安期中) 根据短文理解选择正确答案。BNameThe Palace MuseumBritish MuseumNew York MuseumCountryChinaThe UKThe USAAddressChangan StreetNew Oxford Street, LondonChestnut street, New YorkFeatureThe largest ancient palace buildings with many kindsof collections in ChinaOne of the largest museums with collections of any time and any area in the worldAmericas largest museumon American historyTicket60 (Spring& Summer) 40 (Autumn& Winter)FreeMonday free(1) As one of the largest museums in the world, British museum is in_.A . BeijingB . LondonC . New YorkD . The USA(2) New York Museum is Americas largest museum on American _.A . areaB . historyC . collectionsD . buildings(3) The Palace Museum lies in_.A . Changan StreetB . New Oxford StreetC . Beijing StreetD . Chestnut Street(4) If you want to see ancient Chinese collections, you can visit _at most.A . one museumB . two museumsC . three museumsD . four museums(5) Which of the following is TRUE according to the information above?A . Each ticket for the Palace Museum costs the same in the whole year.B . You dont have to pay for tickets if you visit New York Museum on Monday.C . British Museum lies in Chestnut Street, London.D . New York Museum is the largest in the world.18. (6分) A woman repeated a bit of gossip (流言) about a neighbour. Within a few days the whole neighbourhood knew the story. The neighbour was deeply hurt. Later the woman responsible (负责) for spreading the gossip learned that it was completely untrue. She was very sorry and went to a wise old man to find out what she could do to repair the harm.“Go to the marketplace,” he said. “and buy a chicken, and have it killed, then on your way home, pluck (拔) its feathers and drop them one by one along the road. ” Although surprised by this advice, the woman did what she was told.The next day the wise man said, “ Now, go and collect all those feathers you dropped yesterday and bring them back to me. ”The woman followed the same road, but she was so discouraged when she found the wind had blown all the feathers away. After searching for hours, she returned with only three in her hand.“ You see, ” said the old man, “its easy to drop them, but its impossible to get them back . So it is with gossip. It doesnt take much to spread a gossip, but once you do, you can never completely undo the wrong.”(1) The woman was very _ the harm she had done to her neighbour.A . happy aboutB . angry aboutC . sorry forD . excited about(2) Which of the following statements is TURE?A . The gossip didnt hurt anyone at all.B . The wise man was not kind enough.C . The woman found all the feathers at last.D . The woman was given a lesson.(3) What the wise man said has nearly the same meaning as the Chinese phrase “_”.A . 覆水难收B . 无中生有C . 欲速不达D . 得道多助19. (10分) 根据材料内容,选择正确答案。BToday, an increasing number of people are always looking at their mobile phones with their heads down. These people are called the “Heads-down Tribe(低头族)”. Are you a heads-down tribe member? Heads-down tribe members now can be seen everywhere.More and more traffic accidents are happening because more drivers use mobile phones when they are driving. In order to make drivers pay more attention to driving, some new traffic rules have been made. For example, people who use mobile phones while driving in Taiwan are fined(罚款). Car drivers and motorcyclists who break the traffic rule will be fined NT$3, 000 and NT$1, 000 respectively(分别地).As we can see above, using mobile phones may cause accidents and even cost a lot of money. Also, more and more interesting and strange facts happen to the “Heads-down Tribe”. Lets have a look at an interesting TV report. A man in America kept using his mobile phone on his way home. As a result, he knocked into a big lost bear. When he lifted his eyes from the phone, he was so afraid that he turned around and ran away quickly. Another fact is that we can often see people in the restaurant eating face to face but looking at their own mobile phones. Its strange that they dont talk to the ones who sit opposite to them during the meal. Some of them even have fun communicating with others on the phone.Mobile phones are helpful and necessary tools for modern life. Are mobile phones good or bad? It depends on how people use them. Lets be “healthy users and try to be the “Heads-up Tribe”.(1) A heads-down tribe member .A . is good at using the InternetB . is a dangerous driverC . is always looking at his or her mobile phone(2) The underlined word “motorcyclists in the passage means “ ” in Chinese. A . 摩托车手B . 手机使用者C . 低头族(3) The American was when he knocked into the bear.A . driving a carB . going to workC . using his mobile phone(4) According to the passage, the “Heads-down Tribe” when they eat in a restaurant.A . look at their own mobile phonesB . dont talk to the people who sit oppositeC . Both A and B(5) Whats the best title for the passage?A . Drive Your Car CarefullyB . Use Mobile Phones ProperlyC . Be a Heads-down Tribe Member四、 根据首字母、中文提示填空(每空限填一词) (共5题;共5分)20. (1分) (2019七下浙江期中) Sara is good at singing and she wants to be a_(音乐家) when she grows up. 21. (1分) (2018八下昆山期末) He is patient enough to _(解释)the thing to us. 22. (1分) We should sleep at l_eight hours every night. 23. (1分) We are in the _(同样的) class. 24. (1分) (2019七上雅安期中) Mr Greens son is _ (八) years old. 五、 用所给单词的正确形式填空(每空不限词数) (共5题;共5分)25. (1分) (2016七上崆峒期末) There _(be not) milk or chicken in the box. 26. (1分) If I _ (have) time, I will join your party. 27. (1分) It is raining _ (heavy) outside. I dont think it is a good time to have a picnic. 28. (1分) Annie _ (invite) to the party. She had a wonderful time with us. 29. (1分) (2016七上江苏月考) Lets _(play) football after school. 六、 单词填空 (共1题;共10分)30. (10分) (2016八上武城开学考) 单词拼写。Do you know the story of Snow White? Well, she was the prettiest girl in the kingdom!But the queen wanted to kill(杀) her. The Snow White ran to the forest and home of seven little dwarfs. She k_ on the door, and wanted to go into the room. But nobody a_ . She w_ a moment outside the door .It was quiet inside .So she p_ the door gently(轻轻地). She found that that there were seven clean and tidy beds in the room. At that moment, she was tired and h_. So she took a piece of cake and soon was a_ in a bed. In the evening, seven little dwarfs came back. At first, they didnt n_ the girl lying in bed. After the girl woke up(醒来), she wanted to h_. out of the house .But seven little dwarfs saw her, and said ,“Youre welcome to hide(躲藏)here at our house!”One day, a handsome (英俊的)prince came by .And she and the prince got m_ the next day. Finally, they r_ to their home in the Kingdom together.From then on,they had a happy and nice life!七、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共5分)31. (5分) (2017七上简阳期中) 完成表格。阅读下面材料,完成表格所缺信息。BConversation 1Policeman: Excuse me,whats your name?Lim: My name is Lim Brown.Policeman: Is this your dictionary?Lim: Yes,it is.Thank you.Policeman: Are these your keys?Lim: No,they arent.I think they are Mikes.Is that yours,Mike?Mike: Yes,they are my keys.Policeman: Whats your last name?Mike: Smith.Policeman: Ok.Whats your telephone numbers?Mike: My telephone number is 329-0769 and Lims is 568-8215.Conversation 2Rick: Excuse me,sir,I lost my ID card.Policeman:Whats your first name?Rick: Rick.Policeman:Whats your last name?Rick: Cooper.Policeman: How do you spell Cooper?Rick:C-O-O-P-E-R.Policeman:And your telephone number?Rick: 678-0987Policeman:Yes,its your ID card.Lost thingsOwners(失主的) name_DictionaryLim Brown_329-0769ID card_678-0987八、 阅读表达。 (共1题;共5分)32. (5分) (2017张店模拟) 任务型阅读Robert and Henry were going home from school, when Robert shouted on a corner, “A fight! Lets go and see!”“No,” said Henry, “Lets go quietly home and not join in this fight. We have nothing to do with it, and may get into trouble.”“You are a coward(懦夫), and afraid to go,” said Robert, and he ran off. Henry went straight home, and in the afternoon went to school, as usual.But Robert had told all the kids that Henry was a coward, and they laughed at him. However, Henry had learned that true courage is shown most in being prepared to be laughed at in order to do the right thing. 43 He knew that he should not be afraid of anything, except doing wrong. A few days after, Robert was swimming with some schoolmates. He got into water that was too deep for him. He cried for help.The boys who had called Henry a coward got out of water as fast as they could. They didnt even try to help Robert. Robert was sinking(下沉) fast when Henry threw off his clothes and jumped into the water. He reached Robert just as he was sinking. 44 With much danger to himself, Henry tried his best to bring Robert to the bank and saved his life.Robert and his schoolmates were ashamed(愧疚的) at having called Henry a coward. They agreed that he had more courage than any of them.Never be afraid to do good, but always fear to do wrong.根据短文简要回答问题;将短文中划线的句子译成汉语;给短文拟一个适当的标题。(1) Was Henry afraid of being laughed at?_(2) What did the boys who had called Henry a coward do when Robert got into water?_(3) _(4) _(5) 请给短文拟一个适当的标题。_九、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)33. (5分) 下面是刘丽的父母为她制定的家规,她明白没有规矩,不成方圆(No rules, no standards.),但她不太赞同其中几条,却又不知道如何跟父母沟通。假如你是刘丽,请你据此给好友Linda写一封邮件求助。要求不少于80词。邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 FAMILY RULESPlay sports at least once a week.Get up at 6:00 every morning.Dont watch TV or play with the smartphone on school days.Dont hang out with friends on weekends.Practice the piano for one hour after finishing homework every night.Dear Linda,My parents have made some strict rules for me to follow at home.Yours,Liu Li第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略二、 完型填空 (共1题;共10分)16、答案:略三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共26分)17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略四、 根据首字母、中文提示填空(每空限填一词) (共5题;共5分)20、答案:略21、答案:略22、答案:略23、答案:略24、答案:略五、 用所给单词的正确形式填空(每空不限词数) (共5题;共5分)25、答案:略26、答案:略27、答案:略28、答案:略29、答案:略六、 单词填空 (共1题;共10分)30、答案:略七、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共5分)31、答案:略八、 阅读表达。 (共1题;共5分)32、答案:略九、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)33、答案:略


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