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1 This page contains the Issue topics for the Analytical Writing section of the GRE revised General Test When you take the test you will be presented with one Issue topic from this pool Each Issue topic consists of an issue statement or statements followed by specific task instructions that tell you how to respond to the issue The wording of some topics in the test might vary slightly from what is presented here Also because there may be multiple versions of some topics with similar or identical wording but with different task instructions it is very important to read your test topic and its specific task directions carefully and respond to the wording as it appears in the actual test 1 As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take In developing and supporting your position you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position Attitude 小正 An increasing reliance on technology negates the need for people to think creatively to solve previous quandaries Technology transfers this thinking to obsolete forever It cannot deny that the development of technology has emancipated human from arduous physical work and greatly improve working efficiency However not only does technology improve living standard and the overall development of society but also it enables us have more time to think and more powerful tools to assist their thinking By increasing on technology many impossible goals can be achieved Position Technology is a double edged sword that may either serve or harm human interests A On the one hand it is possible that people may become the slaves of technology B On the other hand technology may save people s time and energy so that they could devote themselves to more creative and meaningful work C Moreover technology provides people with effective instruments for intellectual work 2 2 To understand the most important characteristics of a society one must study its major cities Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take In developing and supporting your position you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position Attitude 赞同观点 完善观点 城市是一个社会的发展的中心 在社会特征方面 主要城市具有很强的代表 性 如经济领域 文化领域 纽约代表了美国的经济贸易特征 北京代表了中 国的古老文明的特征 受全球化的影响 很多城市正逐渐失去自己的特征 向着全球化方向发展 在很多领域 如文化传统 民间艺术等保存最好的往往不在城市而是乡村 因 此 研究社会特点还要看其他小城市或是偏远的地区 那里保存了这个社会主 原始的特征 也相对来说保存地较好 研究社会特点除了研究城市特征之外 还有很多领域需要研究 例如 舆论 焦点 社会模范 时尚潮流等等 Position It is no longer true that major cities are characteristic of a society A Major cities used to be the cultural centers of a society B Nowadays however due to the influence of globalization major cities throughout the world look more or less the same C By contrast the rural areas of a society maintain more of its cultural tradition 范文 Major cities have a particular administrative cultural and historical status in a country However it does not necessarily mean that studying major cities is always the best way to understand every society The significance of major cities to the characteristics of a society is diverse Besides major cities there are many small towns and rural areas which are also contributed to the shaping of a society When choosing the way to study the features of a society we should base on a case by case analysis Admittedly major cities play an important role in every society In political area the government always locates at large cites When it comes to culture the major cities always gather the best universities and colleges in the country and national museums big theatres are all located in cities Furthermore major cities always serve as the prominent centre of trade banking and finance To study the economics 3 of a society people need to focus on the finance activities in cities For example to understand the recent finance crisis in United States one should study the business in Wall Street the important international financial center which locates in New York City In addition according to the large population in major cities city is a good place to study the behavior of people in a society Nevertheless the product of studying major cities is limited in many cases For one thing influenced by the economic globalization major cities lost many of their own special features and have more and more in common After studying several big cities worldwide one will find that they shared so many similarities The advantages of big cities always focus on the economic prosperity the high quality education and medicine the interactions of different ideas and so on The costs and problems in major cities always lie on the pollution the worse traffic the higher rate of crime and so on When it comes to some global cities they have more in common such as London New York City Tokyo and Beijing When one live in any one of these cities the experiences are similar The theme of 2010 Shanghai World Exposition is Better city better life People from all over the world will come together to discuss the common ideas to develop cities It reveals the fact that cities are more and more international For another compared with major cities some small towns and rural areas are more likely valuable for studying the characteristics of a society Suburb areas and rural areas are less convenience for living so there are fewer immigrants come from other regions or countries Thereby these areas are less likely to be impacted by outer cultures than the big cities In many countries local traditional rituals and customs only exist in rural areas Because of the uneven economic development people of many traditional ethnic groups live together in suburb areas and rural areas Simply put areas besides major cities always play an important role for the conservation of tradition and cultural diversity Furthermore the role of major cities in different country is diverse For example to some city states such as Singapore and Vatican studying the urban area of it is adequate for understand these countries because all they have is one or more cities While for some large scale countries like China and United States only studying major cities is far less enough to understand the societies comprehensively and thoroughly Take China for instance the conditions of its major cities and rural areas have a large gap In Beijing and Shanghai the situations seem the same as some western developed countries but when people come to some isolated rural areas they will see other distinct scenarios The uneven economic development between urban areas and rural areas lead to the different lifestyles and cultures in one country In china besides the majority Han most people from other 55 ethnic minorities all live in rural areas As a famous history professor once told me and I paraphrased If you want to truly understand the characteristics of China you should go to the vast rural area in China other than some modern cities In fact in most countries in the world several major cities cannot represent all the most important characteristics of them 4 In conclusion both major cities and other areas of a country are valuable for understanding the country Only focusing on major cites prevents us from the deep touch to many most important characteristics of a society 3 Educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim In developing and supporting your position be sure to address the most compelling reasons and or examples that could be used to challenge your position Attitude 基本反对 还处于学习阶段的学生由于知识欠缺 没有经验 需要教育机构和老师们的 指导 否则学生就很容易走上弯路 然而 作者假定教育机构可以预测那些研究领域可以成功那些领域不可以成 功 很明显这是一个十分荒谬的假设 因为所有的研究领域都具有一定的不可 预测性 例如 普朗克的导师就劝诫普朗克不要在继续研究物理 因为他认为 物理已经很完善了 但是普朗克没有放弃自己的爱好 几十年之后在物理量子 论方面取得了巨大的成就 爱因斯坦的相对论十分玄妙 很少人能在这方面取 得巨大的成绩 但是它对人类有着很大的意义 教育者还是应该鼓励有这方面 志向的人去研究 教育者的目的应该是为学生提供良好的教学环境 发展学生的兴趣爱好 并 给出必要的指导 而不是自己无武断的去判断 去干预学生的选择 否则就可 能会在很对领域失去很多杰出的人才 4 Scandals are useful because they focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim In developing and supporting your position be sure to address the most compelling reasons and or examples that could be used to challenge your position Attitude 平衡观点 丑闻的一个重要的作用是监督的作用 丑闻的出现会削弱公众面前的威信 如果过于严重 甚至能淘汰一部分不合格的人 比如 法国卡恩性丑闻 sexual 5 scandal Nixon 在政治界的水门事件 Watergate 让人了解到美国民主制度遭 到迫害 MIT 副教授卢克范帕里耶斯 LukVanParijs 编造 修改科研数据以及 杜撰合作者姓名 最终被发现报道 并被校方开除 这次现象如果不是因为丑 闻的揭露 可能会被当作默认的社会潜规则 hidden rules 继续的危害社会 丑闻可以提醒人们避免犯同样的错误 促进改革 中国红十字会 郭美美 事件 促进中国红十字会的透明性 学术界的假论文丑闻的曝光是研究这们慎 重对待自己的论文的独创性 使学术健康发展 However 我们要警惕其真实性 丑闻具有放大性 可能导致我们过于关注其 主角的过失而忽略了去功劳 有些人正是利用了丑闻的这种特点 并处于某种 目的利用丑闻来陷害别人 比如迈克尔杰克逊的猥亵儿童案 就是对方为了钱 财而精心设计的圈套来陷害杰克逊骗取钱财 Position Scandals can give an impetus to social reforms A Media coverage of scandals is the most effective way to draw the public attention to certain social problems B Numerous examples in history indicate that exposing a scandal often contributes to a social effort to solve the relevant problem C Fear of scandals can force a government or a political party to improve its public performance 5 Claim Governments must ensure that their major cities receive the financial support they need in order to thrive Reason It is primarily in cities that a nation s cultural traditions are preserved and generated Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based Attitude 基本反对 反对理由 一个民族的文化不一定在大城市里得以保存和传承 当今一些国 家独特的民间艺术 工艺 传统歌曲 风俗以及仪式等文化传统不是在大城市 而是在一些小城镇或乡村发展起来的 现代城市是一个多文化的大熔炉 它向 世界展示着我们文化艺术的瑰宝 但是鉴于它纷繁复杂的环境 一种文化可能 与另一种文化结合而产生式一种新的文化 从而失去其原来的很多特征 因此 大城市不一定就能够对这这些文化就能够起到一个很好的保存作用 跟说不上 是起源了 比如京剧 反对结论 即使理由正确 政府提供财政支持也不一定能够保证期大城市就 能够得以繁荣发展 使一个城市能够繁荣的因素是多方面的 政府提供财政支 持仅仅只是一个方面 另外还有政府官员制定的政策的合理性与可行性 现有 6 的科技设备是否足够先进 人力资源是否足够充足来保存这些文化传统 替代选择 文化传统的繁荣发展未必就要依靠政府的财政支持 它可以依靠 私人支持或慈善机构得以维持繁荣 Position I am inclined to argue that the rural areas of a nation deserve more attention from the government A First of all due to the impact of globalization the cities of the world are being homogenized as a consequence a nation s cultural traditions might be better preserved and generated in the rural area B In addition the increasing trend of urbanization has resulted in the poverty of the countryside threatening the survival of a nation s traditional cultures 6 A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take In developing and supporting your position describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position 保留意见 完善观点 The issue becomes complicated when it rises to a national level Position While there is good reason to argue for a required national curriculum for all schools national government should refrain from violating the cultural rights of ethnic groups A On the one hand a national curriculum contributes to preserving a unified national culture and national cohesion B On the other hand in a unified multi cultural nation different ethnic communities should be given the opportunity to preserve and promote their traditional cultures C The best way out of this dilemma is to combine a required national core curriculum with additional ethnic courses 范文 1 提纲 平衡观点 同样的课程 只有政府能有效保证 因为地方由于重视程度的 不同或者资源的限制导致教育差异 教育质量下降 而且不同的课程导致大学很 难设计课程为同学 学校自己设计课程 例子要考虑少数民族保存自己文化的需 要 Should a nation require all its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college I agree partly with the speaker even it is significant to have a same education background for all In my opinion all of the students should be asked to learn the same national fundamental curriculum while the schools could supply some extra courses as a complement of the national courses And also permit 7 some schools to determine the courses by themselves in some certain cases 反问开头 部分赞同 完善观点 I turn to my point with the statement that only the nation can guarantee the education program step by step effectively By virtue of the laws and regulation schools all over the country are constrained to focus on the very same national fundamental courses rather than supply various courses as a result of the diverse extent of emphasis on education the recourse of the school and so on If an authority of the area pays more attention on economic rather than education Then the schools of that direction will possibly not offer the strict criterion on education For instance if a school that has the absent of music or math teacher will probably omit the correspond course instead of introducing the teacher taking the account of the difficult appeal of the teacher of that subject And thus result in the incomplete education that the students from this school and will be less competitive than others In addition the college courses usually depend on the fundamental courses If we could not guarantee all of the would be college students have received the same national courses it will be difficult for the college to devise an education plan to all of these students who have very much deferent education background On the other hand the nation should permit local schools to determine which academic courses to be taught when it comes to the students of some ethic groups As it is known that there exist a considerable amount of diverse ethic groups that have their own cultures and languages which are different from the mainstream In my observation these kinds of groups have strong awareness to conserve their own languages and other aspects So it is the best way to offer such courses at school Besides these ethic groups are the ingredients of the nation and the nation has not the obligation and authority to deprive the ethic to own their culture in the view of humanity So the nation should give the way to meet such kind of need In sum If the local schools have freedom to some extent to dictate which curriculum beside the national courses to be take on it will be more beneficial to students And when it comes to the need of the interests of some ethic groups the nation should allow the schools determine which academic course to be offer 范文 2 The issue becomes complicated when it rises to a national level The most central and fundamental curriculums such as social skills political education and moral education must be only decided nationally Problems will be easily solved through national forces Only in this way can the basic curriculums be set and taught making all the students know the country he lives in and have the common sense of morality which are really meaningful for students before they enter the college and further their study However not all of the curriculums should be set to students identically around 8 the nation because of the differences of the regional development including inconsistency of educational resources and regional culture The impact made by education on the basis to one s life is enormous and lasting changing and influencing one s personality unobtrusively and imperceptibly Students the hope of nation will be the masters of their motherland That s why so important the education is And it s a significant way for nation to decide the curriculum so that all the students are required to receive the same basic education The effect that gives the fundamental education through national forces is obvious and feasible How can a nation with the students that are indifferent to their country and have no sense of morality have a bright future Also the set of central curriculum by nation is economical and can basically bring up the students which are assured in quality Even if the region is far developed and rich it cannot compare with the nation It would cost a lot of money and take much time to set regional courses What s more central curriculum provides wider scope of view The specialists who decide the curriculum around the country know what students need indeed The most important function of education at any level is to develop the personality of the individual which is the architecture of one s life The time before entering college is most valuable in one s life because it build up the basic personality of people So it s extremely important for nation to set the central curriculum which is more authoritative and universal guiding its masters of the future in a right direction Though it brings so much benefit to us by central curriculum it also has its limitation and blemish Since a country is combined by different parts different region has its disparity Therefore not all the central curriculums are most suitable for regional students As in China the coastal area in Southeast is greatly developed from which there are many rich people The student in that part is more likely to accept excellent education than the student from rural places at the same age If all the students learn the same courses the students who have already access to good educational resources will find it easy to learn the courses while some students from poor areas think in the opposite way Naturally the nation should require the region to set some curriculum depended on the regional actual situation It is quite necessary to provide the regional curriculum varied by the central one helping students handling technical skills and stand on their own feet in the future If the central curriculum is set it can include the courses of these skills which cannot be systematically compiled to national textbook For instance in Guangdong province in China which is in a high level in productivity it has a higher and stricter requirement in English quality oriented education because the people there have more opportunities to get connected with foreigners and have more international trades They have successfully connected the regional development with education To sum up the central curriculum decided by authority rather than by local schools can provide students a much better circumstance to learn the basic 9 knowledge making them build up excellent values of life and morality efficiently What s more besides the central curriculums the region must have its own curriculum and teach students in accordance with their aptitude and needs When combing the central curriculum and regional curriculum organically the education is successful and the nation will have a bright future indeed 7 Some people believe that government funding of the arts is necessary to ensure that the arts can flourish and be available to all people Others believe that government funding of the arts threatens the integrity of the arts Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take In developing and supporting your position you should address both of the views presented Attitude 倾向于第二个 艺术作为一个独立的个体 政府没有义务去支持艺术 艺术想获得繁荣发展 除靠自身的努力之外 也可以依靠社会上的私人资助及慈善机构的帮助 如果艺术收到政府的支持 那么艺术就一定会收到政府的影响 从而损害艺 术的完整性 比如受到政府资金支持的艺术作品很可能会大力反映出政府的政 治主张 那些反应社会现实 揭示社会丑陋的作品很可能就会收到限制 就算政府资助艺术 使其繁荣发展 但是艺术也没有必要让所有人都接触到 很多较高层次的艺术作品蕴含了高端的文化底蕴和文化背景 由于受专业素养 所限 它不能被大多数人所理解 Art is not about the execution It is about the concept Most is difficult for people to understand because it doesn t represent a concrete image to our eye and brain can identify 政府之艺术 1 承认政府会限制艺术的发展 因为政府总是它自己的一定立场 是维护自 己这个国家利益的 比如过去苏联 The sov

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