七年级英语下册 Module 10 A holiday journey Unit 1 What did you do课件 (新版)外研版.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Module 10 A holiday journey Unit 1 What did you do课件 (新版)外研版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语下册 Module 10 A holiday journey Unit 1 What did you do课件 (新版)外研版.ppt_第3页
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takephotos took goshopping went Whatdidshedolastweekend Warmingup leavehome left cleantheroom cleaned meetfriends met spendaniceday spent seeSnowWhite saw gettoaDisneyland got Guess WheredidIgolastweekend wenttothezoo LosAngeles California thefirstDisneyland Hollywood amoviecity SantaMonica SantaMonicaBeach 1Findtheplacesonthemap a Californiab Hollywoodc LosAngelesd PacificOceane SantaMonicaf Disneyland Nowlistenandnumbertheplacesasyouhearthem 1 4 2 6 5 3 Listenandfillintheform Twoyearsago plane SnowWhite great EverydayEnglish Guesswhat Wow Itwasgreat listenandread L Where you Tony T LosAngeles B Oh really You llloveit I there andenjoyedit T didit getthere B Yes wedid andthat aboutninehours Thenourfriends and us theirhome aregoingonholiday To went twoyearsago alot Howlong taketo took metus droveto L Who you B Myparents L Sowhat you T Wow you there B We there twodays L yousee moviestars B No butwe inthe atSantaMonica Itwasgreat L Where you thisyear Betty B Paris waswith diddo Howlongdidstay stayedfor Didany swamPacificOcean aregoingonholiday 1 Howlongdidittaketogettherebyplane 2 HowdidBettygettoherfriends home 3 WhywasBettyexcitedatDisneyland Nowanswerthequestions Ittookaboutninehourstogettherebyplane Herfriendsdrovehertotheirhome BecauseshemetSnowWhiteandMickeyMouse 4 HowlongdidshestayinDisneyland Shestayedtherefortwodays 5 Wheredidshegoswimming InthePacificOceanatSantaMonica 3Completethesentenceswiththecorrectformofthewordsandexpressionsfromthebox haveagoodtimeonholidayseetaketwoyearsago 1 It usalongtimetofindhishomelastSaturday 2 Wehadawonderfulpartylastnightandeverybody took hadagoodtime 3 MyfamilywenttoHainan lastsummer 4 Iwentbacktoourfamilyhomeand mygrandparents onholiday Twoyearsago saw Listenandnoticetheunderlinedstressedwords 1WhendidBettygotoLosAngeles 2Howlongdidittakehertogetthere 3Wheredidshego 4Whometherattheairport 5Whatdidshesee 5Workinpairs Talkaboutaspecialday 1Wheredidyougo 2Whendidyougo 3Howdidyougothere 4Howlongdidyouspendthere 5Whatdidyoudoorsee 6Whatwasitlike Dialogue1 A WheredidyougoonChristmasEvelastyear B I Whataboutyou A I withmyparents wenttothechurch wenttoFiji Dialogue2 A Howlongdidyouspendinthechurch B Ispentabout there HowlongdidyouspendinFiji A Wespent there threehours twodays A Whatdidyoudo B I Whatdidyoudo A We andswaminthesea sangtheChristmassong wentfishing Dialogue3 Linglingandherfriendsaretalkingabouttheirholidays TonywillgotoLosAngeles Betty theretwoyearsago It heraboutninehourstogetthere Herfriends herattheairport went took met Summary First BettyandherparentswenttoDisneylandandthey therefortwodays ThentheywenttoHollywood Theydidn t anymoviestars Finallythey inthePacificOceanatSantaMonica Itwassogreat Betty agoodtimeinLosAngeles stayed see swam had 1 excitedadj 激动的 兴奋的 Iwassoexcited Shewassoexcitedaboutthegreatholiday Thismovieissoexciting Languagepoints 探究总结 excited exciting辨析 图解助记 学以致用 选词填空 excited exciting It s forJimtoplaygameswithfriends Thechildrengot atthenews 答案 exciting excited 2 spendv 花费 Howlongdidyouspendthere Anewputercostsalotofmoney Ittookthemthreeyearstobuildthisroad 探究总结 spend pay cost take的用法辨析 spend pay cost takes 学以致用 我常常花20分钟乘公交车到学校 Itoften me20minutes toschoolbybus 简经常花很多钱买衣服 Janeoften muchmoneyonclothes 答案 takes toget spends 3learnabout了解 语境领悟 Someliketolearnabouttheplacestheysee Hissonlearnsfastandwell Weshouldlearnfromhim 自主归纳 learn learnabout learnfrom的区别 学以致用 我想了解一下我们的出游计划 Iwanttoourtripplan Thechildrenarelearning dance tothemusic 答案 knowabout todance 单项选择1 didyoulivethere For5years A HowmanyB HowlongC HowoftenD Howmuch2 He ayearwritingthebook A spentB spendedC tookD cost Exercises 3 Youlookso Whathappened JayChouwilletoourcity A excitingB excitedC interestedD interesting4 WhodidyougotoLosAngeles A toB withC andD 5 It himabouttwohours toShanghaiyesterday A took toflyB spent flyingC took flyingD spent tofly 完成句子1 一周前他们游泳了 They aweek 2 我们将要去台湾度假 WearegoingtoTaiwan 3 上周末爸爸开车带我去了动物园 Myfather me thezoolastweekend 答案 1 swam ago2 onholiday3 took to 4 我非常欣赏这首曲子 Ienjoyedthispieceofmusic 5 孩子们在花园里玩得很开心 Thechildrenare inthegarden 答案 4 alot5 havingagoodtime 选词配图guess excited drivesb to SnowWhite MickeyMouse答案 1 MickeyMouse2 SnowWhite3 excited 答案 4 drivesb to5 guess 句型展示1 你将要去哪里度假 you onholiday 2 到那里用了多长时间 didit togetthere 3 然后我们的朋友接了我们并开车带我们去了他们家 Thenourfriends usand theirhome 答案 1 Whereare going2 Howlong take3 met droveusto Homework 发挥想象 连词成文 50 100词 onholiday meet spend journey attheairport take haveagreattime


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