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(全课时),Unit Two Colours,Free talk,Hi/Hello,Im . Whats your name? My names.,morning 早上,Good morning . 早上好。,Mr Jones 琼斯先生,Miss White 怀特小姐,This is. 这 是,This is. 这 是,Miss Green 格林小姐,This is Miss Green. 这是格林小姐。,琼斯先生, 这是格林小姐,早上好, 格林小姐,早上好,DRAW AND SAY,Colour song Red and yellow and pink and green purple and orange and blue. I can sing a rainbow , sing a rainbow Sing a rainbow now.,This is Miss White.,This is Mike.,This is John.,This is Sarah.,This is Wuyifan.,This is Mr Jones.,Mr Jones, this is Miss Green.,Good morning, Miss Green.,Good morning,Homework,1 Listen to the tape. 2 从今天开始,用今天所学英语和父母,同学,老师问好。 3 练习册。,Goodbye,Unit 2 Colours,Part A,red,yellow,green,blue,1,2,3,4,blue,yellow,red,green,green,red,yellow,blue,I see green.,I see yellow.,I see blue.,I see( )/( ).,red,pencil,I see( )/( ).,yellow,pen,I see( )/( ).,green,ruler,Lets do,Lets do,Show me green. Show me red. Show me blue. Show me yellow.,Homework,在家里找找我们学过的颜色,用英语说给爸爸妈妈听。,Unit 2 Colours,Part A,Aa Bb Cc Dd,Aa 的写法,Aa,ant,apple,b 的写法,Bb,book bag,c 的写法,Cc,crayon cat,d 的写法,Dd,Chant,Aa Aa Aa apple. Bb Bb / b / / b / / b / Bb / b / bag. Cc Cc / k / / k / / k / Cc / k / cat. Dd Dd / d / / d / / d / Dd / d / duck.,Lets chant,Aa Aa Show me Aa. Bb Bb Show me Bb. Cc Cc Show me Cc . Dd Dd Show me Dd.,d b,b d,c d,b c,c b,1.Listen to and repeat “Listen , repeat and chant.” 2.Copy the letters from Aa to Dd five times. 3.Listen to “Colour song”.,Homework,Unit 2 Colours,Part B,Talk about the picture,What time is it? Is it in the morning?,afternoon,a-f-t-e-r-n-o-o-n,morning,afternoon,evening,morning 早上,Good morning . 早上好。,afternoon 下午,Goodafternoon . 下午好。,小小知识点,早上见面与人打招呼: Good morning. 下午见面与人大召唤: Good afernoon.,1.在早晨,你想跟别人打招呼时,说:_ A. Good afternoon. B. Bye! C. Good morning.,2.Mike: Good afternoon, Mrs. White! Mrs. White: _ A. Nice to meet you, Mike. B. Good morning, Mike. C. Good afternoon, Mike.,Describe the picture,This is a boy. This is Wu Yifan. This is mum.,mom,美式英语(口语),mum,英式英语(口语),mother,正式用语,Learn the words,妈妈,母亲,Hi,Mum.This is WuYifan.,Good afternoon, WuYifan.,Good afternoon. Nice to meet you.,Nice to meet you,too.,Hi,Mum.This is WuYifan.,Good afternoon, WuYifan.,Good afternoon. Nice to meet you.,Nice to meet you,too.,嗨,妈妈这是吴一凡,下午好,吴一凡,下午好,很高兴认识你,我也很高兴认识你,我来告诉你,与人初次见面,我表示高兴,我们可以说:Nice to meet you. 对方会回答:Nice to meet you,too.,1.当你想表达认识对方的高兴心 情时,说:_ A. Nice to meet you. B. Nice to meet you,too. C. Good morning. D. Good bye.,2. Sarah: Nice to meet you, Wu Yifan. Wu Yifan: _ A. Good bye, Sarah B. Goodbye, Sarah. C. My name is Wu Yifan. D. Nice to meet you, too.,lets play,Wu yifang:Good afternoon,Zip. This is Zoom. Zip:Hello,Zoom,Nice to meet you . Zoom:Nice to meet you,too.,1. Listen to and repeat “Let s talk”. 2. Make a dialogue using weve learned today.,Homework,Unit 2 Colours,Part B,Guess !,Can you guess my favourite colour?,black,b-l-a-c-k,What colour is the snow?,Its white.,orange,o-r-a-n-g-e,What colour is it?,brown,我爱记单词,black black 黑色的 White white 白色的 orange orange 橙色的 brown brown 棕色的 colour 给着色,Colour it,orange,white,black,brown,做个小画家,black black, colour it black 黑色黑色,把它涂成黑色 white white ,colour it white 白色白色,把它涂成白色 orange orange, colour it orange 橙色 橙色,把它涂成橙色 brown brown ,colour it brown 棕色棕色,把它涂成棕色,Lets do,play a game,Simon发出指令,学生根据指令做动作。游戏规则:做错的同学把这个句子读10遍,并扣一分。 指令有: stand up sit down touch the ground touch your head turn around,Homework,1、抄写挎号中的五个单词,每个4遍,中文一遍,注意书写格式。(black white orange brown colour) 2、听录音,仿读第18页的句子5遍。 3、做大练13页至15页的4,5,6,7,8,9大题。,Whats missing?,Whats missing?,Whats missing?,Find and say.,What do you see? I see.,Read and tick.,Homework,1. 读熟第18页的句子,每句读5遍,请家长在书上签字。把各种颜色带入colour it句型中,每个读5遍。(要求知道中文) 2、画一幅彩虹图,将彩虹的颜色用英语说给家长听。,Unit 2 Colours,Part C,What do you see in the picture? I see.,A flower,Flowers,从B栏中选择A栏各句的正确答语。 A B ( )1.Good afternoon. A. Nice to meet you, too. ( ) 2. Nice to meet you. B. OK ( ) 3. Lets go to school. C. My names Sara. ( ) 4.Whats your name? D. Good afternoon.,小小翻译官。,1. Good morning! _ 2.Colour it red _ 3. This is Chen Jie. _ 4.Nice to meet you! _ 5.I see green. _,找出不同类的一项,把答案的序号填在括号内。,(分) ( ).A. green B. yellow C. book ( ).A. bag B. blue C. black ( ).A. black B. white C. crayon ( ).A. brown B. blue C. bag ( ).A. Good morning B. Stand up C. Good afternoon,根据情境选择正确的选项。 ( )1. 你想让同桌出示蓝色,应说: .Show me blue. .Show me red. ( )2. 你想让穿黑色衣服的同学站起来,应说: .Brown, brown .Sit down . .Black, black. Stand up. ( )3.你想跟你的妈妈介绍Mike,你应该说: . Hi, Mum. This is Wu Yifan. . Hello,Wu Yifan. ( )4.你与Sarah初次见面,你应该说: . Nice to meet you . B. Good morning . ( )5.当别人跟你说“Nice to meet you ”,你应怎样回答 . Nice to meet you . . Nice to meet you, too,1.Listen to and repeat “Story time”. 2. Listen to and sing “ Colour song”.,Homework,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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