人教版2019年九年级英语上册Unit3 Topic1检测卷A卷

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人教版2019年九年级英语上册Unit3 Topic1检测卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Please look at the sign on the right!Oh, smoking _ here.Aisnt allowedBdoesnt allowCdidnt allowDwasnt allowed2 . Please invite some of your friends _with you.Aplay soccerBto play the soccerCplaying soccerDto play soccer3 . _, I must try my best to study English.AOn purposeBFrom now onCAfter allDAs soon as4 . (2017 重庆中考)Its sports time. Most _ students in Class 1 are playing football on the playground.AboyBboysCboysDboys5 . These cakes_ with chocolate. Have one, please.AfillBfilledCare filledDwere filled6 . - How many students are there in your class? - Forty,and _ of us are girls.Athree fifthsBthree fifthCthird fiveDthird fifths7 . Goldilocks decided _ for a walk in the forest.AgoBto goCgoingDgoes8 . What he said was _ difficult for us _ understand.Aso; thatBenough; toCtoo; toDsuch; that9 . The flowers in our gardens _ by the workers, and they look so beautiful.Aare wateredBis wateredCare watering10 . Im not sure if he _ me . If I _ , I will go with you.Awill invite; will be invitedBwill invite; am invitedCinvite; will inviteDinvite; invite二、完型填空This is a message world. You speak, write letters, make a telephone call. You words carry a message. People communicate with words. Do you think you can communicate without words?A smile on your face shows you are_or friendly. Tears in your eyes tell others that you are sad. When you put up your hands in class, the teacher knows you want to say something or ask questions. You_your head, and people know you are saying “No”. You nod and people know you are saying “Yes”. Other things can also carry messages.For example, a sign at the bus helps you to know_bus to take. A sign on the door helps you where to go in or out. Have you ever thought that there are a lot of signs around you and that you receive messages from them all the time?People can communicate in many other ways. An artist can use his_to tell beautiful scenery, interesting people, and many other things. A musician can express his or her feelings through music. You can_happiness, sorrows, worries, sadness, and beauty by listening to some kinds of music. A dancer can express his or her feelings through his or her body. Thats a kind of body_.Books are written to_you about all the wonderful things in the world and also about people and their ideas and feelings. Books, magazines, newspapers, TVs, radios, QQ,s e-mails, movies and mobile phones_help us communicate with others. They can help us to know what is going on in the world and what other people are thinking about.I enjoy reading in my_time. An interesting book, a cup of green tea, a comfortable chair. I can spend my Sunday afternoons_and happily in the warm winter sunshine.Communication is everywhere in the world and in our lives.11 . AsafeBhappyCyoungDalone12 . AshakeBliftCtouchDwash13 . AwhatBwhenCwhereDwhich14 . AbuildingsBmeaningsCpaintingsDbeginnings15 . AprovideBvolunteerCconsiderDexperience16 . AdirectionBemotionCbusinessDlanguage17 . AtellBsayCtalkDspeak18 . AbothBallCnoneDneither19 . AbusyBhardCfreeDeasy20 . AbadlyBnearlyCquietlyDTerribly三、阅读单选My work allows me to live in different countries. Reading books helps me to connect(联系)with my friends and family, and my home country, the UK. Here are just some books that I read a lot. Daddy Long LegsThis book follows the story of a young girl Judy, as she goes to university and gets lots of new experiences. This book always reminds me of my mother because she used to read it to me when I was ill in bed. The Hitchhikers Guide to the GalaxyThis is a science fiction book about a mans adventures(冒险经历)in space. It is really creative and has a very British sense of humor(幽默感). For this reason, it might be a bit difficult for foreigners to understand, but when I read it, I feel a strong connection to my home. When I worked in Japan and the USA, the book was by my side. Harry PotterIm sure many of you know Harry Potter books! I have read them many times since primary school. I really get lost in the stories. These days I m reading them again in Germany. The Railway Children. This was one of my favorite books. It was a gift for my 13th birthday from my best friend, so it still strongly reminds me of my childhood(童年). It follows three children and their adventures next to a railway(铁路).21 . Where is the writer from?A. Germany.B Japan.AThe UK.BThe USA.22 . What does the writer think of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy?ASimple and fun.BFun and creative.CDifficult to understand.DImportant to British people.23 . Which of the following is the writer reading these days?AHarry Potter:BDaddy Long LegsCThe Railway Children.DThe Hitchhikers Guide to the galaxy24 . The Railway Children reminds the writer of his childhood because_.Ahe often read it when he was 13 years oldBhis best friend gave it to him as a birthday giftChe spent most of his childhood next to a railwayDhis mother used to read it to him when he was ill四、完成句子根据汉语意思完成下列句子25 . 你认为脱口秀节目怎么样?What do you _ talk shows?26 . 我不介意它们。I_ them.27 . 我希望弄清世界上正在发生什么事。I hope _ whats going on around the world.28 . 我不能忍受它们。I _ them.29 . 它们可能不是很激动人心,但是你能明待从中学到很多。They may not be very exciting, but you can _ a lot from them.第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、完成句子1、


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