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人教版2019年九年级第三次模拟考试英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . We-chat is an invention _can help people talk to friends, share photos, ideas and feelings freely. I think its very useful in our life.AwhichBwhomCwhereDwhose2 . He wont let out the secrethe knows it.Aeven thoughBsinceCBecause3 . Travelling by train is _ cheaper and_ enjoyable than by air.Amore; muchBrather; much tooCmuch; far moreDmuch; far too4 . If you are free to walk through out city, please _ us.Adrop inBdrop in atCdrop in on5 . _ play table tennis.ALetBLetsCLetsDIts6 . High-speed trains in China _ for safety problems every night.AcheckBare checkedCwill checkDwill be checked7 . Iyou good luck in your coming exam!AbelieveBwantChopeDwish8 . _ are there in your classroom?-Only one.AHow many computerBHow many computersCHow much computerDHow much computers9 . Can he play the guitar? No, he _.AcanntBcantCcanDdoesnt10 . Are these girls? No, Theyre in a school, but theyre not in a class.AclassmatesBstudentsCteachers11 . I have uncle and aunt.Aa; aBan; anCan; aDa; an12 . About _of the teachers in their school were born in the 1980s. The rest _ born in the 1970s.Athree-fourths; wereBthree-fourths; wasCthree-fourth; areDthree-fourth; is13 . A friend of _ came yesterday.AmyBhisCherDyour二、补全短文5选5阅读短文及文后选项,选出可以填入空明处的最佳选项。Since the great success of cloning the sheep Dolly, the cloning of human beings is no longer a fictional(虚构的) story but can be proved to be medically possible.14 . I just want to say: NO! NEVER!15 . For example, they insist that if we could clone a new Einstein, we would make more progress on physics; and if we could get a new Shakespeare, we would enjoy more profound classic literary works and . But how can we guarantee that another Hitler could not be brought back to life “thanks to” cloning? Moreover, can we give birth to a baby who exactly shares your grand grandpas genes? We would be confused by that relationship or kinship.16 . Some scientists believe that we can get the organs we need to save peoples life from the cloned counterpart. But is it unfair to them? Even if they are not the creatures of nature but of technology, they are a kind of life.17 . I do not suppose this action is humane.18 . It is another violation of the natural law. Life should be a cycle from birth to death and then rebirth and re-death. Every round of change can breed more varieties of genes. Thereby our human species can live rather than copying ourselves repeatedly, which I believe would lead to the final retrogression(退化) of human species.AI do not think we can be granted the right to kill them and take out the organs for our use.BIf we can always replace our old organs with new ones, we will predictably never die.CThus, the problem unavoidable arises: should we permit human cloning?DAnd in that case, we would find ourselves lost in an embarrassing and disorderly situation.ESome people maintain that it can save talents.三、完型填空Walt Disney,the great film-maker was born in Chicago in 1901. His greatest wish was to be a famous _1_. When he was young, he went to a _2_ office in a city named Kansas. There he had some friends _3_. He took some pictures with himself and wanted to get a job. But he had no _4_. They looked at the pictures and said, “Sorry, young man, we dont think there is _5_interesting in your pictures. ”But he didnt lose 6_. He went on to draw pictures. His family was _7_. One day a mouse came into his room and played on the floor. He stopped _8_ and watched it. The mouse came to him and sat on his desk, so he gave the mouse a piece of bread. Then the mouse came nearer and was given more bread.9this way after some days the mouse became his good friend. Disney went to the west of the USA after a few years. He tried to get work as an artist, but he wasnt still 10. One day he remembered the cute mouse. He picked up his pencil and began to draw. He drew some different pictures of the mouse. He called it Mickey Mouse. Now most people knew and loved him all over the world. 19 . A artistB scientistC inventorD actor20 . A bookB newspaperC postD photo21 . A workingB livingC playingD doing22 . A luckB luckilyC unluckilyD lucky23 . A anythingB nothingC somethingD everything24 . A headB mindC heartD idea25 . A richB happyC poorD sad26 . A drawB drawingC to drawD drew27 . A forB withC inDon28 . AsuccessfulB successC successfullyD fail四、阅读单选John sent for a doctor because his wife was ill He called the doctor and made sure they would meet at five He arrived at the doctors at twenty to five He thought, Its a little bit earlier Ill wait for a moment Its good to keep the timeThen he stopped his car in front of the doctors He looked around and saw a noisy square(广场)not far from here He went there and sat down on a chair to enjoy the last light of afternoon sun and make himself quiet He saw some children playing and some women talking to each other happilySuddenly he heard a girl crying He came up to her and asked some questions Then he knew she got lost John tried to find out her address and took her home The girls parents were very thankfulThen John hurried to the doctors The doctor said angrily when he saw him, Youre late Why did you keep me waiting for twenty minutes? John said nothing but one wordSorry! 29 . John drove to the doctors _AlateBearlyCin timeDin no time30 . John went to the square to _Aspend the timeBlook for the doctorCsee the children and the womenDhelp the girl31 . The girl cried because _Asomeone hit herBshe fell off her bikeCher parents were angry with herDshe didnt find the way home32 . At last John got to the doctors at _Atwenty to fiveBtwenty past fiveCfive oclockDforty past five33 . From the story, we know John is a _Abusy personBquiet personChelpful personDlucky personCOOKING WITH ESSENCE ON MAIN34 . What can people learn from Essence on Main?AArtBMusicCEnglishDCooking35 . The most lessons are in _.AMarchBAprilCMayDJune36 . We can learn to make summer desserts on _.AApril 22BMay 18CMay 25DJune 1437 . What day is May 7?AMondayBWednesdayCThursdayDFriday.38 . Mrs Black comes back from work at 5 every day, the time of Spring Class is suitable for her, isnt it ?AYes, it isnt.BNo, it isnt.CYes, it is .DNo, it is.五、阅读判断Do you have an umbrella? Someone invented the umbrella about 4,000 years ago. People used umbrellas in Egypt, Assyria, Greece, and China in ancient times. We use our umbrella for protection from the rain. However, people first used umbrellas for protection from the sun. People in China were the first ones to use their umbrellas for rain. They put wax(蜡纸) on paper umbrellas.European women used umbrellas before European men used them. Jonas Hanway was the first man to carry one in England. He made umbrellas popular for men and women. Some people called the umbrella a Hanway because of him.We make umbrellas from many different things. The first ones were wood and cloth. Now many are plastic(塑料). Today umbrellas are easy to carry. They fold up into a small package(包). The umbrella is a great invention. Dont forget yours the next time when it rains.根据文章内容判断正误,正确的写“A”,错误的写“”。39 . The umbrella was invented about 2,000 years ago.40 . The first umbrellas were used for protection from sun.41 . People in Europe were the first ones to use their umbrellas for rain.42 . Some people called the umbrella a Hanway because he made umbrellas popular for people.43 . The first umbrellas were made from plastic.六、填写适当的单词补全句子句意填词根据所给句子,填入一个适当的单词,使句意完整。44 . My two cousins look quite different.One is tall,but the other is_45 . On school nights,I either do my homework_ read books.I never watch TV.46 . -Dont _to turn off the lights when you leave the classroom,Tom.-All right,Ms.Lee.47 . Look! How_ Mark is running!He must win the race.48 . The coldest season of the year is _七、用所给单词的正确形式填空49 . MVP is short for the most _ (value) player in a game.50 . You should find out more information before making your final _ (choose).51 . Thanks for offering us such useful _ (suggest).52 . The baby has been _ (wake) for ten minutes. He is waiting for his mother to feed him.53 . Zhang Yimous new movie Going Home is worth _ (watch) twice.八、回答问题Peng Liyiian, First Lady of China, made a speech in English at the United Nations on September 26, 2015. She talked about education and shared her Chinese dream with the world.Peng began her speech with a story of her father. Her father grew up in a small village in China. In those days, not many villagers could read, so her father opened a night school to teach them. With his help, many people learned to write their names and read newspapers for the first time. And many women were able to teach their children how to read. Pengs fathers love for education influenced her deeply. She was lucky enough to have a good education. Later, she followed her fathers footsteps and became a professor of music.Education is important, but still, some children in China cant go to school. Peng hopes that all children can have a good education, and that is her Chinese dream.54 . In what language did Peng Liyuan give her speech at the United Nations?55 . Whats Peng Liyuans speech about?56 . Did Peng begin her speech with a story of her father?57 . Where did Pengs father grow up?58 . Whats Peng Liyuans Chinese dream?九、话题作文59 . 书面表达请将作文写在答题卡相应的位置上。在家庭生活中,我们会做很多关于我们青少年的决定,比如该买什么新年衣服,该怎样庆祝生日,该上哪所学校等。你认为在我们自己的事情上应该自己做决定,还是听从家长的意见?针对这一话题,九年级七班的同学们展开了辩论。假设你是正方或反方的一员,请围绕你的观点,结合自身的亲身经历,说出2至3条理由来支持你的观点。(只能选择一方观点表达。)要求:1. 词数不少于80词; 2. 文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数。第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、二、补全短文5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、阅读判断1、六、填写适当的单词补全句子1、七、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、八、回答问题1、九、话题作文1、


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