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人教版2019年九年级第二学期第一次月考英语试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -What can I do for you,Sir? -Id like to make an_for a large table.AadviceBexampleCorder2 . Its raining heavily. Id rather _ in bed _ out.Ato lie, than to goBlie; to stayingCstay; than goDlying; to staying3 . If you want to make friends with others,_,you must be honest.Aas a resultBnow thatCat firstDfirst of all4 . is it from Liupanshui to Guiyang?Its about 300 kilometres.AHow muchBHow manyCHow soonDHow far5 . Please_the seed_ soil .Acover; inBcover; withCcovered;withDcover; on6 . Therea football game in our city next week.Awill haveBis going to beChas beenDhave7 . -Mum, can I have _ to eat? Im hungry.-Sorry, there is _in the fridge. You can go downstairs to buy _.Aanything; nothing; somethingBsomething; none; anythingCsomething; nothing; somethingDanything; none; something8 . Excuse me. Could you tell me the way _ the nearest supermarket? Go down the street and turn left. Then youll see it.AtoBofCinDat9 . I enjoy the party very much,but I _ go home. Its too dark.Ahave toBmayCmustntDcant10 . Who taught _ to make a home page? Nobody, she taught _.Aher; herBshe; herselfCherself; herDher; herself11 . The headmaster is responsible the food- poisoning(食物中毒)accident in that school.AofBonCforDat12 . Dont give up, Tom. You havent realized _ great progress youve made!AwhatBwhat aChowDhow a13 . This is _ orange.AaBanC/14 . - The world has changed rapidly after the _of the computer and smartphone.- I cant agree more.AdiscoveryBinventionCcreation15 . Both sides are now _ that the project should be carried on.Acome to an agreementBon the agreementCin agreementDin an agreement二、完型填空It was a cloudy Saturday afternoonA group of birds were having a great time_food and playing on the main roadAll of a sudden, a big truck sped throughA_thing happenedBirds could_, tooAlthough this bird had already_, another bird flew over to her immediately, just like a family member, unable to accept the_Not long after that, another car passed by quickly,_the dead birds body to whirl(旋转) with the windThe male bird_the movementAs if she was still alive, he_flew beside her againHe stared at her as if he was asking, “_are you not getting up?”_, she was no longer able to hear himAt the same time, he was trying to lift her upHe,_, was unable to bear the burdenAnother car soon passed byHe quickly_Once the car had gone, he came down againAlthough other birds told him that it was_, he never gave upHe was trying his best to_her upAnother car passed by, and her dead body whirled again as if she was still alive and trying to_He had used all of his energy, but he was too weak16 . Apacking upBcaring forCsearching forDsetting down17 . AstrangeBnormalCfunnyDsad18 . AdisagreeBfeelCflyDspread19 . AdisappearedBdroppedCdiedDescaped20 . AstoryBtruthCgiftDpast21 . AshakingBholdingCsendingDcausing22 . AstoppedBdisturbedCnoticedDfeared23 . AworriedlyBquicklyCbravelyDsurprisingly24 . AWhereBWhenCHowDWhy25 . AUnluckilyBSlowlyCFinallyDDirectly26 . Ain needBof courseCby accidentDon purpose27 . Asat downBlooked upCshowed upDflew off28 . AsimpleBboringCuselessDimportant29 . AliftBkeepCcatchDput30 . AjumpBdanceCsingDFly三、阅读单选There is a king in the palace. Every year, he fixes his palace to make it look better than before. One day, the king says, “This year, I must make the palace more perfect(更加完美的). Everyone in my country will praise it.” After a month, the king asks many people to come to the palace and talk about their ideas. “This is a perfect palace,” say many people. But only a tall man doesnt say anything. The king wants to know why this man keeps quiet. So he asks, “Is not my palace perfect?”The man answers, “My dear king, your palace is very beautiful. But it isnt perfect. A palace is perfect because the people inside are perfect. You spend too much time making the palace perfect. Why not spend some time making yourself a perfect king?”The king thinks a lot about it. He thanks the man for his words. After that, he never tries to (尽力)make the palace perfect again.31 . What does the king like to do every year?ASleep in the palace.BGive love to his people.CWear beautiful clothes.DFix his palace to make it perfect.32 . The underlined(下划线的)word “praise”means _ in Chinese.A评论B梦想C赞扬D抚摸33 . What does the tall man think of the palace?ABeautiful.BPerfect.CSmall.DBig.34 . What does the tall man want the king to do?AMake the palace more perfect.BMake himself(他自己) more perfect.CThank more about the people.DSpend less money on the palace.35 . Whats the best title about the passage?AA Lazy KingBHow to Have a Perfect PalaceCA Quiet ManDHow to Be PerfectImagine having an ear made out of an apple. It seems like a crazy idea from a horror movie. But it could happen in the near future. Canadian biophysicist, Andrew Pelling used an apple to grow a human ear. He thinks fruit and vegetables can be used to cheaply repair human body parts in the future. Scientists have been trying to grow organs( 器官) in labs to replace our old ones. But it is a hard Job. For example, liver cells( 肝细胞)can grow in a lab, but the cells still need things like blood vessels( 血管) to actually work. These things have to grow inside a scaffold(支架) In the past, scientists have used manmade materials, animal parts and even dead people as scaffolds. But that has proved to be difficult and expensive. Pelling and his team, however, found the apple to be a cheap and easy to use scaffold. They first out an apple into the shape of an ear. Then they used a special way to take out the apples cells and make it a scaffold. The team then added human cells to the apple and watched it growYou can implant these scaffolds into the body, and the body will send in cells and a blood supply and actually keep these things alive, “Pelling said during a Ted Talk speech. The team put the apple scaffold inside a living mouse and the mouses cells slowly took over the pieces of apple. Now Pelling is thinking of other fruit, plants or vegetables to use,He says that the shape of flower petals could be perfect for repairing skin. And asparagus(芦苇) could fix a broken spine(脊柱). Now, Pelling and his team are trying hard to put these crazy ideas into reality36 . Pellings idea of manmade ear seems crazy because he used _ as scaffolds.Aanimal partsBdead peopleCmanmade materialsDordinary apples37 . The underlined word “implant” in Paragraph 7 probably means _.ApickBputCproduceDprotect38 . Which is the right order of making an ear out of an apple according to the passagea. Put the apple scaffold inside a mouse. b. Add human cells to the apple scaffold. c. Cut an apple into the shape of an ear. d. Make the apple ear a scaffold. e. Take out the apples cells in a special way.AabcdeBbedaeCcedbaDcdaeb39 . From the last three paragraphs, we can infer that Pelling will experiment with other fruit, plants or vegetables _.Ato make human earsBto repair burnt skinCto fix a broken spineDto make human body parts40 . What do people want to do at Nancys Gym?ATo enjoy swimmingBTo learn skatingCTo keep fit and become thinnerDTo become taller41 . Lucy likes skating. Which advertisement(广告) is she interested in?AIce WorldBWater WorldCNancys GymDKeep fit42 . The underlined words Lose weight means _ .A增重B健身C减肥D锻炼43 . You can go to swim in Water World at_.A8:00 a.m.B9:30 a.m.C10:00 p.m.D11:00 p.m.44 . Which activity costs the most for an adult?AKeeping fit at Nancys Gym.BSkating in Ice World.CSwimming in Water World.DMaking the Telephone.You have waited 45 minutes for the valuable 10 minutes break. But when the bell for the next class rings, you cant believe how quickly time has passed. If you have this experience, youll know how time flies when you are having fun and drags when you are bored. Now scientists have come up with a reason why this happens. They have found that the brain changes its way to work according to how we direct our attention to a task. When we are bored, we pay more attention to how time is passing. And this makes our brains think the clock is ticking more slowly. Recently some researchers who want to understand the conditions carried out an experiment. In the experiment, twelve volunteers watched a picture while researchers monitored (关注) their brain activity. The volunteers were told to first notice how long a picture appeared, then the color of the picture, and thirdly, study the both. The results showed that the brain was more active when the volunteers paid attention to more subjects. It is thought that if the brain is busy noticing many aspects (方面) of a task, it has to spread its resources, and pays less attention to the clock. Therefore, time seems to go quickly. If the brain is not so active, it spends its full energy on the passing of time. As a result, time seems to move slowly. Next time you feel bored in class, perhaps you should concentrate on what the teacher is saying.45 . What does the underlined word “drags” probably mean?A. Passes slowly. B. Runs quickly. C. Moves actively.46 . What have the scientists found?A. Time goes by fast when we have nothing to do.B. The ten minutes break is important to students.C. The brain works in different ways in different situations.47 . How did the researchers do the experiment?A. By inviting the volunteers to have a long class.B. By asking the volunteers to pay attention to a clock.C. By monitoring brain activity while volunteers are watching a picture.48 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. We will be full of energy if were busy.B. Concentrating on things is a way to make people less bored.C. Time goes slowly when the brain is noticing many things at the same time.49 . Which is the best title of the passage?A. The best way to save timeB. The importance of planning timeC. The reason for time flying and dragging四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。50 . The baby _ (咳嗽) day and night. His mom took him to the hospital.51 . Helen _ (打) me on the head with a book just now.52 . How many _ (乘客) are there on the bus?53 . I was in trouble and I could see no way out of the _ (状况).54 . I think monkeys are good _ (攀登者).五、用所给单词的正确形式填空II. 用所给词的适当形式填空55 . Its necessary for people _ (save) our environment.56 . There are some _ (different) between Lucy and Lily.57 . Ann is _ (funny) than Sue. She likes telling jokes.58 . A good friend _ (true) cares about me.59 . I think my sister sang more _ (clear) than the boy.60 . Helen plays the violin _ (well) than me.61 . This movie is as _ (funny) as that one.62 . Susan can run _ (fast) than Larry.63 . Betty is _ (outgoing) than before.64 . Her hair is shorter than _ (I).六、信息归纳根据短文内容, 完成文后任务。注意:每个空格只填一个单词。A game of catch is not difficult at all. The two people throw a ball back and forth(来回地掷球). It seems a little boring. The two people are close enough to talk, but too far to touch(触碰). In fact, playing catch is part of baseball practice. Its a popular game. Because baseball is an American sport, and a big part of being American, playing catch is kind of an all-American dad activity. Outside cities, most people have backyards(后花园)not large enough to play baseball in, but just big enough for a game of catch.But any American kid will tell you its much more than a game. Playing catch is a time to be with your father. Its a time when theres nothing to worry about except catching a ball. When they play it, words move together with the ball itself, back and forth, easy and relaxing(放松). Kids and dads spend time together. The game can be good memories(记忆) of dads. Why? Dads are usually very busy. But there is no work, no phone and no other people around to take your dad away from you. For the time that it takes to play a game of catch, your dad is all yours.The Game of 65 . .66 . the gameIts part of baseball practice.A(n) 67 . and boring gameTwo people throw a ball back and forth. They can talk but 68 . touch each other when playing it.A(n) popular gameCatch is an all-American activity because 69 . is part of being American.Most people play the game in their backyards.A game 70 . kids and dadPlayers dont 71 . to worry about anything except(除了) catching a ball.72 . and the ball move together.For kids, the game can be good memories of dads 73 . he or she can nave the whole of his or her dad when they 74 . the time playing the game.七、材料作文75 . 请根据下列提示写一篇80个词左右,题为“Saving the Animals”的英语短文。提示:1.人类活动:乱砍滥伐树木和猎杀动物。2.导致的后果:动物生存环境越来越差,动物也越来越少,有的甚至濒临灭绝。3.请你提出至少两条合理化的建议。提示词:稀有的rareSaving the Animals_.第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、信息归纳1、七、材料作文1、

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