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人教版2019年九年级下学期期中调研考试英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The TV show Running Man is popular recently. Yes. It is the only program _ I watched this month.AwhoBwhenCwhereDthat2 . My Chinese book is nowhere to be found. Where _ it be?Is it under the sofa?AcouldBmustCshould.Dneed3 . When and where _ the accident _?Awas; happenedB/; happenedCis; happeningDdid; happen4 . How do you like the movie Avengers: Endgame? _.AIt is wonderful.BWhat about you?CNo, I dont like it at all.DYes, I like it.5 . Let me tell you _.Ahow much is the carBhow much does the car costChow much did I pay for the carDhow much I spent on the car6 . How many babies are born every day in the world?Im not sure. Maybe _ them.Atwo millionBmillionCmillions ofDmillion of7 . Parents always try to provide us _a good environment.AtoBforCwithD/8 . -My uncle goes swimming every Sunday.-Oh? But he_ hate swimming,Ause toBuses toCis used toDused to9 . -Dad, can I go out to play with my friends now?-Not until your homework_ .Awill finishBfinishesCis finished10 . We should pay attention tothe teacher carefully.Alisten toBlisteningClistening toDlisten11 . (题文)The price of the book has risen. It _.AdoublesBdoubledCincrease twoDis doubled12 . There arent _ apples at home. Would you like to go to the supermarket and get _?Aany; anyBany; someCsome; anyDsome; some13 . He _ all his free time with his grandma yesterday.AtookBspentCspends14 . Have you seen the movie Amazing China? Yes.Itsexciting documentary.AaBtheCanD/15 . I cant mind_ a roommate. We can help each other and save money as well.AhaveBhadCto haveDhaving二、补全短文5选5根据材料内容,从方框中选择恰当的句子填入文中空缺处,使短文意思通顺、内容完整。Test taking is a skill you can learn. Do you freeze up when a teacher says its time for a test? Do you get so worried that you make stupid mistake?16 . 17 . This way you will prepare for the test well and there will not be any reasons for you to be afraid.18 . After you study for the test in the afternoon, and then relax in the evening and have a good sleep at night. You need to be strong and refreshed to do your best.Come prepares with paper, pen, pencil, eraser, a watch, and book or dictionary if you need.19 . Read the questions well before you answer, at least twice.When you feel yourself start to get anxious, put your pencil down on the table, out of your hand, close your eyes, and count to 10. If you think you dont have time, remember that if youre anxious, you cant think well and will make stupid mistakes.20 . ARelax and have a good rest.BOnly when you relaxed can you do your best.CRead the instructions in the paper twice.DListen to your teachers carefully in class and practice more.EStudy the following steps and you will do better in your tests.三、完型填空This Sunday, my family are free.I have no_I would like to go out for a_with my family on a farm. We are very_In the morning, we do some_in the shop. My parents buy some chicken and some_to drink. I buy some hamburgers and four bags_milk. Hamburgers are my favorite_I would like to_a kite, so I take one with me. My father would like to listen to music,_he takes an MP3. My mother will cook some nice food for_I think the picnic will be nice.21 . AclassesBproblemCtime22 . AdinnerBwalkCpicnic23 . AkindBhappyCsorry24 . AworkBhomeworkCshopping25 . AjuiceBriceCbananas26 . AonBofCfor27 . AbookBcolorCfood28 . AplayBmakeCfly29 . AandBsoCbut30 . AusBourCwe四、阅读单选My grandfather did not live with us because he was a very busy man,helping the poor in a small town. But as the holidays drew near,he would take the train to visit his grandchildren for a few days during the winter vacation. My favorite part of the holiday was the trip my grandfather and I would make together every year on December 24. I love him for that.Grandfather was the first one to own a radio in his town, a large box made of wood. He kept it in the Outer House, where he saw his patients and chatted with friends. My grandfathers radio became the only way to learn the news of the Second World War.He was also the first one to send a daughter(my mother)to college, an act that made the whole village surprised. For this reason, he was the person I could ask about anything. He kneweverything-from the capital of France to how fish were able to breathe(呼吸)under the water.This December 24, my grandfather andI walked together to Firpos. We discussed what to buy at Firpos as we walked. We ended up buying the fruitcake,the same as last year. Grandfather got me a cookie to eat on the way back. I asked grandfather a question that I d been thinking over for some time now. Why was Christmas called the Big day?Grandfather was silent for a whole minute and when he finally spoke,his voice was slow. Christmas-the birthday of a very special soul, it was a day to grow big, he said.“And how do you grow big in your heart, Grandfather?” I asked him.He answered slowly and softly, as though I were the same age as he,”By doing something you think will make them happy. Something you dont have to do, by putting their needs before yours at least once a day. Its a good start for trying to live a big life.31 . When did grandfather go to visit his grandchildren?AHe usually went every year on December 24.BHe usually went every winter.CHe usually went when he was free.DHe usually went during winter holidays.32 . How did people in the town learn the news of the world?ABy listening to Grandfathers radio.BBy asking Grandfather.CBy chatting with others.DBy listening to grandfather.33 . what surprised the small town many years ago?AThe whole family left the town.BThe writers mother was sent to a college.CGrandfather helped the poor in the town.DGrandfather and the writer had a trip around.34 . What does the underlined words”drew” mean?AendedBcameCpaintedDcaught35 . In grandfathers eyes, how did people grow big in heart?ABy speaking slowly and softly.BBy doing things he liked.CBy putting others need first.DBy knowing a lot from others.Mike was the kind of guy you love to hate. He was always happy and always had something interesting to say. If someone asked him how he was doing, he would reply, “Couldnt be better!” He was really a care-free young man and never felt tired.Mike used to say, “Each morning I wake up and say to myself, Mike, you have two choices(选择) today. You can choose to be happy or you can choose to be upset. I choose to be happy. Each time something happens, I am always ready to learn a good lesson. I choose to learn from life.”I tried to understand what he said. Indeed life is all about choices. Every situation is a choice. The bottom line is: Youre living your life and you make it either happy or sad.Several years later I had a car accident and my legs were seriously injured. When I was lying on the ground, I remembered that I had two choices: I could choose to live or choose to die. I chose to live.People like to say, “Choose the one you love and love the one you choose.” Why not choose the one we love and live happily?36 . What kind of man was Mike?AA happy young man.BA hard-working man.CAn ugly bad boy.DA kind young man.37 . What does “Couldnt be better!” mean?AIts bad.BIts very good.CIt isnt bad.DIt isnt very good.38 . Which of the following is NOT true?AMike tried to be happy every day.BMike chose to learn from life.CThe writer learned from Mike.DThe writer was unhappy every day.39 . When the writer got hurt in a car accident,.Ahe loved the one people choseBpeople loved the one he choseChe chose to liveDhe chose to die40 . Which can be the best title for the passage?ALife Is DifficultBLife Is DifferentCLife Is ColorfulDLife Is Full of Choices五、完成句子完成句子41 . 爱丽丝来自德国,她在一间初级中学教德语。Alice is from _. She teaches _ in a _.42 . 乔治是一个活跃的学生,他参加了许多课外活动。George is an active boy at school, and he _ many after-school activities.43 . 每年中秋节的晚上我们都过得很愉快。We have _ every Mid-autumn Festival evening.44 . 我爷爷每天六点起床,然后进行晨练。My grandfather gets up at 6 every day. And then he _ .45 . 我父母每周去探视我奶奶一到两次。My parents usually go to visit my grandma _.六、单词填空Most students want to study well. The key is to improve their study habits. First, you need to 46 . a plan carefully. Many students complain(抱怨)that they cannot find enough 47 . to read books or do something. Thats because they dont have a good plan to48 . with their time. They should make a list of the important things: when to do the homework, when to do the sports, when to have a rest and so on. Second, you should find a right place. Though students can find many good places for study, a quiet and bright place like a classroom or a library is much49 . At last, you need to have some tests. Having a test can be a good way to50 . your advantages or weaknesses(弱点)in study. Then you can make a better plan.51 . short, if you make a nice plan, find a right place to pay 52 . to your study and make good use of tests in time, youll 53 . become a better student.七、材料作文54 . 书面表达随着手机等电子产品使用的日益广泛,一些查找作业答案的手机应用软件也应运而生,同学们认为一:作业太多,太难,不得不向手机求助。二:抄写答案不能提高学生的学习能力,只能阻止学生思考。恰当运用网络,不依赖网络。那么你认为呢?请描述你的观点。注意: 1. 文中应包括提示观点,可以适当发挥,增加自己的看法。2. 不少于80词,文中不要出现真实姓名及班级。第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全短文5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、完成句子1、六、单词填空1、七、材料作文1、

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