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人教版2019年九年级上学期期中考试(不含听力材料)英语试题(II)卷一、听短对话回答问题1 . ATwo.BThree.CFour.二、听句子选答语2 . What colour is Peters sweater?AGreen.BRed.CBlack.3 . AtrainBtrueCtooth4 . AhumansBhealthChundreds5 . When will the woman have time?AOn Sunday evening.BOn Sunday morning.COn Saturday evening.6 . AYes, she is.BNo, she cant.CYes, she does.三、听句子或对话选择图片7 . ABC8 . ABC9 . ABC10 . What does Jenny play well?ABC四、听短文回答问题听短文,回答以下小题。11 . Jacks schoolwork was _.ApoorBgoodCexcellent12 . Jack usually hurried to school in the morning because he often _ at night.Astudied his lessons lateBhad a good sleepCwatched cartoons or sports games for a long time13 . Jacks mother tried to make him _.Awork harderBwatch cartoonsCsleep in class14 . Jack got a hundred _.Ain readingBin spellingCneither in reading nor in spelling15 . From the story, we can know _.AJack was good at reading and spellingBJacks mother was not happy at his wordsCJack got ten dollars at last五、单选题16 . _ do you think _ your school life?AHow;likeBWhat;ofCHow;ofDWhat;about17 . Andy _ swimming and he can swim_ a fish.Alikes; likesBlikes; likeClike; likesDlike; like18 . This summer vocation I am going to do a lot of _ to prepare for the senior high school.AjobBworkCinventionDservice19 . It is _ story.I like it very much. Me,too.Asuch an interestingBsuch interesting aCsuch a interestingDsuch interesting an20 . Jim was disturbed by the noise from outside, _? _. He always keeps his mind on what he is doing.Awas he; YesBwasnt he; YesCwas he; NoDwasnt he; No21 . How long does ityou to go to your school from your home?AtakeBspendCcostDpay22 . Wu Yishu won the first prize in ChinesePoetryCompetition. Her teacher and classmates _ her.AcriticizedBpreventedCpraised23 . Can you play tennis? Yes, I _.AdontBdoCcantDcan24 . There _ a football match tomorrow.Ais going to have Bis going to has Cis going to is Dis going to be25 . If he carries on driving like that, hell _ dead.Atake upBmake upCend upDwalk up26 . Those people play a role in the winner.AdecideBdecidedCdecidingDto decide27 . The left-behind kids(留守儿童)cant see their parents_ the parents come back home from work.AbutBuntilCorDif28 . I dont know.Awhat the population of Tianjin isBwhat is the population of TianjinChow much the population in Tianjin isDhow much is the population in Tianjin六、完型填空A lion woke up one evening and felt hungry. He went to look_ food in the forest. He wanted to _ something to eat.Suddenly, he saw a_ running about. The lion ran after the rabbit. _, he caught the little rabbit. As he was going to eat the rabbit, he _ a deer. He decided he would chase the deer instead because the deer was _ than the rabbit. So he left the rabbit and _ to the deer. The deer ran fast and finally escaped (逃脱), as the lion was too _ and tired to run.The lion stopped running. He said to himself, “I should go back to eat the rabbit.” He hurried back to the rabbit. But when he came back, the rabbit was gone. The lion felt foolish. Now he had _ to eat.As the old _ goes, quit while youre ahead. If you already have everything you need, you shouldnt let yourself become too greedy (贪婪的).29 . AforBafterCupDout30 . AtakeBaskCcatchDfind31 . AdeerBlionCchickenDrabbit32 . ASoonBSuddenlyCTotallyDunluckily33 . AsawBcaughtCtaughtDattacked34 . AhappierBsmallerCbiggerDheavier35 . AturnedBtalkedCwalkedDstopped36 . AsadBhungryCexcitedDsurprised37 . AsomethingBeverythingCanythingDnothing38 . AwordBsayingCsentencesDblog七、阅读单选As a child, I was really afraid of the dark and of getting lost. These fears were very real and caused me some uncomfortable moments.Maybe it was the strange way things looked and sounded in my own room at night that scared (使惊恐) me so much. There was never complete darkness, but always a streetlight or passing car lights, which made clothes on the back of a chair take on the shape of a wild animal. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the curtains (窗帘) seem to move when there was no wind. A very low sound in the floor would seem a hundred times louder than in the day. My imagination would run wild, and my heart would beat fast. I would lie very still so that the “enemy” would not discover me.Another of my childhood fears was that I would get lost, especially on the way home from school. Every morning I got on the school bus right near my home. That was no problem. After school, though, when all the buses were lined up along the street, I was afraid that I would get in the wrong one and be taken to some other strange places. On school or family trips to a park or a museum, I wouldnt let the leaders out of my sight.Perhaps one of the worst fears of all I had as a child was that of not being liked or accepted by others. Being popular was so important to me then, and the fear of not being liked was a serious one.One of the processes (过程) about growing up is being able to realize and overcome our fears. Understanding the things that scared us as children helps us achieve greater success later in life.39 . _would scare the writer at night.AStreetlight and car lightsBWild animals and enemiesCMoving curtains and windDStrange sights and sounds40 . When she went to some other places, she would _.Awalk away without othersBtake a bus by herselfCfollow others closelyDmake sure not to take a wrong bus41 . The underlined word overcome means _ in Chinese.A接受B忍受C信服D克服42 . Which of the following statements would be possibly TRUE when she was a child?AShe thought being popular among people was important.BShe was always the leader of the others.CShe always got poor grades.DShe was not at all liked by others.阅读理解Sun LibraryOpening time:9:00 am.5:00 pm. Sunday to Friday Science books Section AEnglish books Section BStorybooks Section CHistory books Section DHere are some rules for the readers:Dont take your bag into the library.Dont talk or listen to music in the library.No food in the library.Keep the library clean and quiet. 43 . Mikes mother works in Sun Library.She works for _ hours a day.AfiveBsixCsevenDeight44 . If you want to read books in Sun Library,you cant go on _.AMondayBWednesdayCSaturdayDSunday45 . If you want to read some storybooks,you can go to _.ASection ABSection BCSection CDSection D46 . What does the underlined word “readers” mean in Chinese?A作家B读者C病人D游客47 . Which of the following is TRUE?AYou can read some history books in Section B.BYou can eat in the library.BYou can listen to music in the library.CYou must be quiet in the library.Water is very important to living things. Without water there can be no life on the earth. All animals and plants need water. Man also needs water. We need water to drink, to cook our food and to clean ourselves. Water is needed in offices, factories and schools. Water is needed everywhere.There is water in seas, rivers and lakes. Water is found almost everywhere. Even in the driest part of the world, there is some water in the air. You cannot see or feel it when it is a part of the air. The water in the seas, rivers and lakes is a liquid. The water in the air is a gas, and we call it water vapor(水蒸气).Clouds are made of water. They may be made of very small drops of water. They may also be made of snow crystals(晶体). Snow crystals are very, very small crystals of ice. Ice is frozen water. It is a solid(固体). There can be snow and ice everywhere in winter.Water may be a solid or liquid (液体) or a gas. When it is a solid, it may be as hard as a stone. When it is a liquid, you can drink it. When it is a gas, you can not see or feel it.Choose the best answer48 . Where can we find water?AWe can find water when it turns into vapor.BWater can be found almost everywhere.CWe can see it in deserts(沙漠) here and there.DWater is only in seas and rivers.49 . We can drink water .Awhen it is a liquidBwhen it is a solidCWhen it is in the airDWhen it is turned into ice50 . Clouds are made of .Aseas, rivers and lakesBa big piece of iceCvery small drops of water or snow crystalsDwater in its solid state51 . Water has three states (状态). They are .Aice, snow and airBsolid, gas and vaporCdrops of water, ice and snowDsolid, liquid and gas52 . We must save water becauseAcrops need waterBall living things need waterCall animals need waterDall plants need water53 . Mr. King goes to a dinner party. He is wearing old clothes. He comes into the room. But people in the room do not look at him. They dont ask him to sit at the table.Mr. King goes home and puts on his good clothes. He goes back to the party. Everyone in the room stands up and smiles(微笑) at him. They give him the very good food to eat.Mr. King takes off his coat, and puts it in the food and says, “Eat, coat!”The other people ask, “What are you doing?” He answers, “Im asking my coat to eat the food. I am wearing my old clothes. You do not look at me. You do not ask me to sit down. Now, I am in these clothes. And you give me very good food. Now I see, you give the food for my clothes not for me!”【小题1】Mr. King goes to the dinner party, but people in the room dont look at him,because _.Ahe doesnt come by carBhe is wearing his old clothesChe is old【小题2】Mr. King goes home to_Aput on his good clothesBtake off his good clothesCto buy good clothes.【小题3】Mr. King goes back to the party. People in the room stand up and smile at himbecause _.Ahe is wearing his old clothesBhe is wearing his good clothesChe comes back in a good car【小题4】Mr. king takes off his coat, and_.Aeats the good foodBasks it to eat the good foodCasks the other to eat the food【小题5】Now MKing sees the good food is _Afor his clothesBfor himCfor his good car八、听短文填写表格听一篇短文,回答以下小题。Peters troubleThe sport he likes_The time he spends on itAbout _ every dayPeople who ask him to study harderHis _54 . ABasketballBSwimmingCRunning55 . A1 hourB1.5 hoursC2 hours56 . AfatherBteacherCmother九、根据首字母、中文提示填空(题文)根据句意和首字母或汉语提示补全单词。57 . (小题1)When did you get your ears p_.58 . (小题2)Ill try my best to a_ my dream.59 . (小题3)Its time for you to make a _ (选择).60 . (小题4)You should knock at the door before e_ the room.61 . (小题5)I want to be a singer, but my parents d_.十、单词填空请用适当的词完成下面的短文, 并把所缺单词填写在答题卡指定的位置上。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。Ewan Drum has always liked superheroes. He admires how they help people. 62 . the age of seven, he told his parents, I want to dress up like a superhero and help the homeless. A few months later, Ewans family planned63 . day of giving. Wearing his red superhero clothes, Ewan happily helped give out 70 bag lunches to 64 . people in a park in Detroit, Michigan. Thats how Super Ewan was born.Ewans good deed (事迹) 65 . around quickly. People gave away money and something else, and Ewan handed them out to people in need. When someone gave away bottles of 66 . , Ewan and his family held a drive to get even more. They took the water to Flint, Michigan, a city 67 . had unsafe drinking water. Another time, a businessman donated six turkeys for Thanksgiving. With his parents help, Ewan used social media (媒体) to 68 . for more turkeys, plus side dishes. “In the 69 . ,” he says, “we handed out 64 turkey dinners to families all 70 . Detroit.” Ewan has a motto (座右铭): Everyone can be a superhero to someone. At an event called the Hero Round Table, Ewan told the listeners, Its not difficult to help people. You can keep some socks and snacks in your car to help people in 71 . . Every little thing helps and can make someone feel happy.十一、填空If youre away from home, feeling a bit blue or searching for some comfort, the Danes have a solution. Its called “hygge”. Coming from Danish culture, but popularized by the British in 2016, hygge is much more than just a word, its becoming a feeling around the world.The hygge refers to the sense of happiness you get when your family is gathered together at new year or Christmas. It is all about the pleasant feelings of home: the smell of your mothers cooking, your partners arm around your shoulder and so on. Hygge is an antidote(良药) to stress. You know when youve got it, a gentle warmth starts spreading through your body. Another important part of hygge is that it has nothing to do with modern technology. Its a period time to relax your tired mind and eyes. So, put down that smartphone and turn off the computer. You should also know that hygge is not about healthy eating or more exercise. In fact, its just the opposite. Youre supposed to be lost in what you like: enjoy sweet snacks and calorie-laden cakes freely.Let yourself be carried on a wave of nostalgia(怀旧) back to your birthplace, and remember the childhood songs of your distant youth with a smile. If it helps, wrap yourself in a warm blanket and sleep with one of your favorite books (not a pill or e-reader).If Denmark seems too far, then think of old Beijing with its hutong and courtyard houses. Picture yourself sit around a traditional stove with your loved ones, eating dumplings and chatting about the old days. Let yourself drift back in time to a period where everything is relaxing, and there is no need to reply to any e-mails or text messages. They did not exist(存在) back then.Now youve really understood hygge without even having to set foot in Copenhagen. An Antidote to 72 . HyggeOrigin (起源)Hygge came from Danish culture.It was 73 . with the British in 2016.What hygge isYou will feel pleased74 . your family members around.You dont75 . to use modern technology like a cellphone or computer.You can eat whatever you like without76 . about daily exercise.What people can do77 . feeling stressedYou can remind 78 . of the sweet memories of childhood and relaxyourself by reading books that you like 79 . .If Denmark seems too far, let yourself think of old things and chat about the olddays when 80 . or text messages didnt exist.Its not 81 . for you to go to Copenhagen as you have known hygge well.十二、汉译英:整句五.翻译句子(每小题2分,共10分)82 . 我想自学如何制作风筝。_83 . 我哥哥至少和你一样细心。_84 . 同学们迫不及待地上了车。_85 . 如果你来北京,我会带你参观这儿的名胜。_86 . 看到如此多五颜六色的花儿,我简直无法相信自己的眼睛。_十三、材料作文87 . 假如Sally是你的好朋友,请根据下面表格中的信息介绍一下她,要求70词左右,字迹工整、语句通顺,并适当的发挥。Age:14From: AustraliaFavorite animals: KoalasAbilities (能力)Play the guitar, dance, runTransportationTake the bus to school, 10 minutesWeekend activitiesRead books, do homework, clean the roomNowVisit the zoo要求: 1. 文章必须包括表中所有信息,可适当增加细节;2. 文章的开头已经给出(不计入总词数),你只需接着写;3. 词数在70左右Sally is my good friend. 第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、听短对话回答问题1、二、听句子选答语1、2、3、4、5、三、听句子或对话选择图片1、2、3、4、四、听短文回答问题1、五、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、六、完型填空1、七、阅读单选1、2、3、4、八、听短文填写表格1、九、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、十、单词填空1、十一、填空1、十二、汉译英:整句1、十三、材料作文1、


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