鲁教版2020年广东中考英语模拟试卷(四) B卷

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鲁教版2020年广东中考英语模拟试卷(四) B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)_ boy with a pair of glasses is my cousin, Peter. A . AB . AnC . TheD . /2. (2分)It is important to clear all your own things from the classroom when the school year ends. A . personalB . possessionsC . passport3. (2分)- I remember there _ a lot of fish in Yanglan Lake. Now it has been polluted.- What a pity! I think we should play a role in protecting the environment.A . are used to haveB . are used to beC . used to haveD . used to be4. (2分)Which do you prefer, a CD player or a walkman? _. I prefer a portable computer.”A . BothB . EitherC . NoneD . Neither5. (2分)We stopped , but there was not any sound. A . to listenB . listensC . listening6. (2分)He a tent and wanted to sleep in it at night. A . put upB . put onC . puts up7. (2分)People should be _ from _ down trees without plans. A . stopped ,cutB . stop, to cutC . prevented, cuttingD . prevent, cutting8. (2分)-Listen! Someone is playing the piano.-Wow! beautiful music! I like it very much.A . WhatB . How aC . What aD . How9. (2分)Many people talk about Didi. I really wonder _.You call to order a taxi through it on your mobile phone easily.A . how can I use themB . who uses them mostC . what they are used for10. (2分)Could you buy _ drinks for us?OK.A . a lotB . someC . any11. (2分)There are five people here. _ there are only four cups.A . SoB . ButC . AndD . Or12. (2分) Do you think the rain will stop tomorrow?_. It has rained for four days. Its too wet everywhere.A . I hope that.B . Im afraid it will.C . Im sure it will.D . I hope so.13. (2分)Our English lesson is _ 9 oclock _ the morning. A . at; onB . at; inC . in; onD . at; at14. (2分)Not only you but also he _good at _.A . is, singingB . are, singingC . is, to singD . are, to sing15. (2分) Why dont you go out to have fun? You see, we are studying for the tests these days. And we are _ busy_ we cant go out.A . too, toB . enough, toC . so, thatD . not so, that16. (2分)Do you know the moving story of Jack and Rose?Of course._ the film Titanic several times.A . seeB . sawC . have seenD . seen17. (2分) Tom, can you tell me ?Sorry, I dont know.A . how many people have been hereB . when is the meetingC . why did they decide to do itD . where will it start18. (2分)Simon _ milk tea. That means he doesnt like milk tea. A . enjoysB . hatesC . drinks19. (2分)While she _, she cut herself.A . was cookingB . cookedC . had cookedD . cooks20. (2分)If there _ no buying and selling of animals, there will be no killing in nature. A . isB . will beC . hasD . will have二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)根据短文理解, 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。Yesterday I read a report on a charity show in a newspaper. The aim of the show was to 1money for the poor children. In the country areas, some children are out of school2their parents cant pay for their education.To my surprise, many famous performers took part in the charity show, such as Andy Liu, Jay, Faye Wang, Kitty Chen and so on. The stars didnt ask for any pay. They did it for3 ! There were a lot of performances 4 singing and dancing. The audience were so excited that they 5 their hands from time to time. Of course, the show was a success.All the people followed the stars example. A great number of people showed their generosity(慷慨) in 6 their money to the show. Both the ticket money and the donated money were soon sent to the poor areas and some of the poor children can get back to7 now.Now many charity shows are held in our country, not only to8 education in poor areas but also to help people in trouble. As the Chinese saying goes, All the others will come to ones rescue(援助)9one is in trouble. I10 the whole world will become better if every one of us gives charity to others.(1)A . pay B . raise C . spend D . cost (2)A . and B . so C . because D . or (3)A . good B . ever C . long D . free (4)A . like B . as C . of D . clapped (5)A . shook B . waved C . held D . clapped (6)A . donating B . bringing C . collecting D . taking (7)A . village B . home C . hospital D . school (8)A . teach B . think C . give D . support (9)A . as B . when C . while D . because (10)A . like B . wish C . believe D . want 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共23分)22. (10分) Many people who work in London prefer to live outside it, and to go in to their offices or schools every day by train, car or bus, even though this means they have to get up early in the morning and reach home late in the evening.One advantage of living outside London is that houses are cheaper. Even a small flat in London without a garden costs quite a lot to rent. With the same money, one can get a little house in the country with a garden of ones own.Then, in the country one can really get away from the noise and hurry of busy working lives. Even though one has to get up earlier and spend more time in trains or buses, one can sleep better at night and during weekends and on summer evenings, one can enjoy the fresh, clean air of the country. If one likes gardens, one can spend ones free time digging, planting, watering and doing the hundred and one other jobs which are needed in a garden. Then, when the flowers and vegetables come up, one has got the reward together with those who have shared the secret of nature.Some people, however, take no interest in country things: for them, happiness lies in the town, with its cinemas and theatres, beautiful shops and busy streets, dance-halls and restaurants. Such people would feel that their life was not worth living if they had to live it outside London. An occasional (偶尔的) walk in one of the parks and a fortnights (two weeks) visit to the sea every summer is all the country they want: the rest of the country they are quite prepared to spend with those who are glad to get away from London every night.(1)Which of the following statements is NOT true?A . People who love nature prefer to live outside the city.B . People who work in London prefer to live in the country.C . Some people enjoying city life prefer to work and live inside London.D . Many nature lovers, though working in London, prefer to live outside the city.(2)One can use the same money for _ to buy a little house with a garden in the country.A . getting a small flat with a gardenB . having a small flat with a gardenC . renting a small flat without a gardenD . buying a small flat without a garden(3)When the flowers and vegetables in the garden come up, those who_ have been rewarded.A . live in the countryB . have a garden of their ownC . are busy digging and plantingD . have spent time working in the garden(4)People who think happiness lies in the town would feel that _ if they had to live outside London.A . their life was meaninglessB . their life was invaluableC . they didnt need a happy lifeD . they couldnt sleep late in the morning(5)What does the writer think of the life in London?A . He likes living in the city centre.B . He prefers to live in the countryside.C . It isnt mentioned in the passage.D . He enjoys working in the garden at weekends.23. (8分)阅读理解Teenagers who switch off the TV and sit down to family meals are less likely to suffer eating disorders (饮食紊乱). A study has showed that eating together will lower rates of eating too much and eating too little. Younger people who eat round the table are less likely to take up smoking to lose weight.Researcher Barbara Fiese said, “The common belief is that teens dont want to be around their parents very much, and that teens are just too busy for regular meals with the family.” Actually, their parents have the most responsibility for it. “Parents may not be able to get their families together around the table seven days a week, but if they can arrange three family meals a week, they will protect their teens health in effective ways,” she advised.Professor Fiese found that teenagers who ate at least five meals a week with their families were 35 percent less likely to be “disordered eaters Even three family meals a week worked, with young people 12 percent less likely to be overweight than those who ate with their families less often. They were also 24 percent more likely to eat healthy food and have healthy eating habits than those who didnt share three meals with their families.Family meals are good for developing the relationship between teenagers and their parents. Teenagers can also use family meals as a time to get their thoughts known by their parents.(1)What will happen if teenagers have meals together with their families?A . They will lose weight.B . They will put on weight.C . They will get healthier.D . They will get unhealthier.(2)Who are responsible for teens5 health?A . Their teachers.B . Their parents.C . Researchers.D . Doctors.(3)Who is more likely to be a “disordered eater”?A . One having five family meals a week.B . One having three family meals a week.C . One never having family meals a week.D . One having much healthy food.(4)Where is the passage most probably from?A . A textbook.B . An advertisement.C . A storybook.D . A science magazine.24. (5分)阅读下面这篇文章,根据文章内容完成信息表格。(每空限填一词)ChaiJing, who worked for China Central Television (CCTV) from 2001 to 2013 as a TV reporter made a documentary(纪录片) named under the Dome (穹顶之下)to educate the public about smog. It is released(发行)online on March 1st, 2015.In the opening of the documentary, Chai tells the story of her daughter with a begin tumor (良性肿瘤)before her birth. “ I couldnt help worrying while seeing the polluted sky in Beijing,” she says. She only took her daughter outside when the air in Beijing was good. The rest of the time she had to keep her at home like a “prisoner(囚犯)”. And there were175 polluted days in 2014 in Beijing.In the documentary, Chai had an interview with a six-year-old girl, WangHuiqin, who live in Shanxi Province, a heavily polluted area in China. The girl told Chai that she had never seen stars, blue skies or white clouds in her village.Chai also went to London and Los Angeles, which had both suffered air pollution in the past, to learn how they had improved their environment.Chai spent one year making this 103-minute film, which cost her over 1 million yuan. In the documentary, Chai tries to answer three questions. They are “ What is smog”, “ Where does it come from?” and “What should people do?” And she calls on everyone to get into the fight against smog.The documentary Under the DomeProducerChai Jing, who used to be a TV _Release dateOn March 1st, 2015Running time_minutescostOver 1 million yuanpurposeTo educate the public about _contentsWhat is smog? Where does it come from? What should people do?DetailsIn the opening of the documentary, Chai tells the story of her _. Chai had an interview with Wang Hui qin from Shanxi Province , a heavily polluted in China. Chai went to London and Los Angeles to _how to reduce air pollution.四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共10分)25. (10分) Your mouth will be opened and your teeth will be shown when you laugh. However, the h_those teeth are, the happier you look. Strong, healthy teeth can help you eat the right food to help you g_. They also help you speak clearly. But do you know how to take care of your teeth? These should be f_ .Brush your teeth twice a day after breakfast and before bedtime. If you can, brush after lunch or after eating sweet cakes. T_ your time while brushing. Spend at least 3 minutes each time you brush. Brush all of your teeth, not just the f_ones. Spend some time on the teeth along the s_ and in the back.B e sure the t_ you use is soft and should be changed every three months or even less.Learn how to floss(用牙线清理) your teeth, which is a very important way to keep them healthy. It feels s when you do it at first, but soon youll get used to doing it. The floss cleans up food thats h_ between your teeth.Brushing and flossing keep your teeth healthy. You also need to c_ about what you eat and drink. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink water i_ of drinks.五、 读写综合 (共2题;共10分)26. (5分)根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文内容意思通顺,内容完整。 Aron Ralston is an American man who is interested in mountain climbing. _.This is one of the exciting things about doing dangerous sports. There were many times when Aron almost lost his life because of accidents, On April 26, 2003, he found himself in a very dangerous situation when climbing in Utah.On that day, Arons arm was caught under a 360-kilo rock that fell on him when he was climbing by himself in the mountains, _ he stayed there for five days and hoped that someone would find him, But when his water ran out, he knew that he Would have to do something to wave his own life. He was not ready to die that day, _. Then, with his left arm, he bandaged himself so that he would not lose too much blood. After that, he climbed down the mountain to find help._. This means being in a difficult situation that you cannot seem to get out of. In this book, Aron tells of the importance of making good decisions, and of being in control of ones life. His love for mountain climbing is so great that he kept on climbing mountains even after this experience.Do we have the same spirit as Aron? _, and before we have to make a decision that could mean life or death.A. Because he could not free his armB. So he used his knife to cut off half his right armC. As a mountain climber, Aron is used to taking risksD. Lets think about it before we find ourselves between a rock and a hard placeE. After losing his arm, he wrote n book called Between a Rock and a Hard Place27. (5分) 假如你是育才中学初三年级学生李华。在上个月的深圳市读书月英语演讲比赛准备的过程中,你认识了外教Mr. Brad,并得到了他的帮助。现在请你给他写一封Email,表达谢意。写作内容:1)表达你的感谢;2)他给予你的帮助;3)你的祝愿。注意:1)词数80左右;2)可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3)文中不能出现真实的学校与姓名。Dear Mr,YoursLiHua第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共23分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、24-1、四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共10分)25-1、五、 读写综合 (共2题;共10分)26-1、27-1、

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