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人教版2019-2020年度八年级英语Unit1-Unit3检测试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Does he want to the party? Yes, he doesAcomesBto comeCcoming2 . Too much sugar is _ for people.AgoodBbadChealthyDright3 . What time do we meet, Jim?Lets at 8:30 tomorrow morning.AmeetBto meetCmeetsDmeeting4 . I am very interested in this maths problem. Can you show me_?Awhat to work it outBwhat to work out itChow to work it outDhow to work out it5 . I could hardly hear her at the back.AalwaysBalmost notCoften6 . Dad, _ are my dictionaries?I dont know. You often put your things everywhere.AwhoBhowCwhereDwhy7 . What _ you usually _ on weekends? I usually _ violin.Adid; do; play theBdo; do; playCdo; did; playDdo; do; play the8 . I left my English book at home,could you please share yours _ me?AtoBforCatDwith9 . (题文)Mum, could you please give me some _? Im hungry now.OK. Here you are.AwaterBbreadCcakeDtea10 . For your coming vacation, why not _ to Yunnan?Good idea.Ato consider goingBconsider goingCto consider to goDconsider to go11 . Must I come to the party before 6 oclock?No, you _. Youcome a little later.Amustnt, may Bneednt, may Cdont have to, must12 . At the railway station, the mother waved goodbye to her daughter until the train was _.Aout of sightBout of reachCout of orderDout of place13 . _is it from your home to school?The bus ride _about 10 minutes.AWhen; takesBHow long; takeCHow far; takesDHow; take14 . The building isglass and stones.Amade inBmade upCmade fromDmade of15 . Aunt Huang gave all her saving(积蓄)to the Hope Schoolshe herself was not rich.AbecauseBas ifCalthoughDfor二、完型填空When I was 7 years old,I went to the USA with my mom.I can still _ the first Halloween holiday I had in the USA.On the morning of Halloween,we paid a visit to a pumpkin(南瓜) farm.Each of us brought a pumpkin to school _ us.I used my pumpkin to make a lantern which had two round eyes and a scary mouth.In the afternoon,we _ the Halloween costumes(服装) and had a parade(游行) in school.Some of the costumes were funny,but some of them _ scary.I chose to wear a Superman costume.I did a lot of things that day,but the part I liked _ was “trick or treat” in the evening.After dinner,I went outside with a bag.I _ to get a lot of candies from my neighbors.At first,I was a bit nervous,_ when I knocked at the first door,my heart was beating very fast.A lady came out,and I said carefully to her,“Trick or treat.” My _ was so low that I could hardly hear myself speak.To my surprise,the lady was so kind that she gave _ five candies,and I was so excited.I thanked the lady and moved on.I cant remember how many houses I visited,but I can remember how many _ I gotI got 91 that day,and I was so happy.What a happy Halloween I had! And I wish we could have Halloween every month!16 . AspendBremindCrememberDenjoy17 . AtoBwithCforDof18 . AworeBwashedCsoldDkept19 . AtastedBsmelledCsoundedDlooked20 . AbestBworstClongestDshortest21 . AofferedBcontinuedChopedDrefused22 . AbutBsoCthoughDor23 . AheightBwishCpriceDvoice24 . AthemBusCherDme25 . AcandiesBhousesCcardsDpresents三、阅读单选When you are learning a language, listening, speaking and writing are important, but reading can also be very helpful. When you read, you can not only learn some new words, but also learn how to use them. When you read a passage, it gives you a good example for writing.Here are some good reading tips.Firstly, try to read at the right level (水平). Read something that you can understand. If it is too hard for you, it is not interesting.Secondly, try to understand the new words. If there are four or five new words on a page, dont use a dictionary. Instead, try to guess their meanings as you read. Mark (标记) them with a pencil. Then look them up in a dictionary when you finish reading, and write them down in your own vocabulary book. Try to remember them.Thirdly, try to read for a short time once a day. Fifteen minutes or half an hour every day is better than two hours every Sunday. For example, you can read before you go to bed, or after you get up or at lunch time.Lastly, read something that interests you. Choose a newspaper, a book or a magazine about a subject that you like. It will be easy enough for you to understand.26 . The underlined word “tips” in the passage means “_” in Chinese.A. 末端 B. 小费 C. 建议27 . How many reading tips does the writer give us?A. Five B. Four. C. Three.28 . If you meet a few new words on a page while reading, you can _.A. stop reading B. guess the meanings at first C. look them up right away29 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Reading a lot can help you write better.B. It is useful for you to read for long once a week.C. When you read,you can only learn some new words.30 . This passage is mainly about _.A. listening skills B. speaking skills C. reading skills阅读理解。Last week Johnny had a very busy weekend. On Saturday morning, he cleaned his room. That made his mother very happy. In the afternoon, he did his math homework. It was not difficult, so it only took him one hour to finish the homework. And in the evening, he went to visit his aunt with his parents. They had a big dinner there. The next morning, he went swimming after getting up. Usually he goes swimming twice a week. He loves it very much. After lunch he went to school playground and played football. That exercise makes him in a good health. On Sunday evening, he watched TV for an hour at home and then put the books in his schoolbag for the next day.31 . What did Johnny do on Saturday afternoon?AHe went shopping.BHe cleaned his room.CHe did his homework.DHe went running.32 . What about Johnnys math homework?AIt was easy.BIt was difficult.CIt was too much.DIt was important.33 . Where was Johnny on Saturday evening?AAt home.BIn his school.COn the playground.DAt his aunts house.34 . What did Johnny do after lunch on Sunday?AHe played basketball.BHe played football.CHe went swimming.DHe had a rest.35 . Where did Johnny play football?AIn his aunts homeBAt his homeCAt his schoolDWe dont kknowToby went to China for a holiday with his father this summer. Their first destination(目的地) was Beijing. They arrived in Beijing on 8th, August.According to the travel plan, can you guess what they did in Beijing?A Four-day Tour to Beijing for $ 280 eachDay 1(L)Arrive in Beijing. Take a bus to the hotel. Have a city tour to the Summer Palace.Day 2(B,L)Full day trip to the Tiananmen Square, the Palace Museum, and the Temple of Heaven(天坛). See Beijing Opera(京剧) in the evening.Day 3(B,L,D)Full day trip to the Great Wall, Ming Tombs and Beihai Park. Enjoy a famous Beijing Roast Duck Banquet(宴会) for dinner.Day 4(B,L)Visit Hutong and the Silk Market. Take the afternoon flight to the next destination.(B: Breakfast L: Lunch D: Dinner)36 . They paid _ for the Beijing tour.A$190B$ 280C$ 470D$ 56037 . On which day did they see Beijing Opera in the evening?AThe first day.BThe second day.CThe third day.DThe fourth day.38 . How many places of interest did they go to on their third day?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.39 . On the fourth day, they visited _.AHutongBSilk MarketCBeihai ParkDA and B40 . When did they leave Beijing?A10th, August.B11th, August.C12th, August.D13th, August.Zhang Fei, Liu Ying and Li Xiao are in the music club. They go to the club on Sunday morning. Zhang Fei goes to the club by bike and the bike ride is only twenty minutes. Liu Ying takes the bus to the club, and it takes her about half an hour. Li Xiao doesnt live far. He walks there and it takes him only fifteen minutes. He thinks its also good exercise.41 . The three students are in the _club.AsameBartCsports42 . They go to the club on _.AFridayBSaturdayCSunday43 . It takes Liu Ying about half an hour to get to the club_.Aby busBby bikeCby train44 . Its only fifteen minutes_ from Li Xiaos home to the club.ArideBwalkCdrive45 . For Li Xiao, walking is _.AboringBgreatCdifficult四、完成句子II. 根据汉语提示完成句子46 . I wanted to know _(她在和谁交谈).47 . Im sorry for_(我所做的事).48 . The teacher asked _ (谁能回答这个问题).49 . Jane said that _(她将乘飞机去那里).50 . He asked me _(我是如何处理这件事的).五、单词填空Im glad to be your guide. Let me tell you something about our trip. From the square you can begin your short51 . (旅行) of London52 . (穿过) the square, and you will get to the National Gallery. There are lots of53 . (著名的) paintings in it. Walk along the red street to Buckingham Palace. Turn left and reach the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. 54 . (在对面) you can see the Lon-don Eye. It can take you 135 metres 55 . (在上) the River Thames. On a clear day you can see 56 . (大部分) of London. Take the boat near Big Ben. Get off the boat at Tower Bridge. Next to it is the Tower of London. Its 57 . (超过) 900 years old. Take the boat back to the railway station. Go 58 . (经过) the station and go on. Turn left 59 . (进入) Kings Street and you can see a 60 . (教堂). This is where youll finish your tour.六、材料作文61 . 书面表达假设你是李华,你们班本周英语角的主题是“好习惯伴我成长”。请你根据以下要点提示,写一篇英语短文为在英语角上发言做准备。要点提示:1.早睡早起,从不迟到;2.经常做运动;3.吃健康食品;4.少看电视。要求:60-80词左右,可适当发挥。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Hello, everyone. I think good habits are very important. I have lots of good habits. _Thats all.第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、完成句子1、五、单词填空1、六、材料作文1、

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