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人教版2019-2020年度九年级中考信息冲刺卷压轴卷英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . You shouldnt accept him so quickly because this project is very important. You should _ the pros and cons well. OK, I will.ArefuseBaskCweighDdecide2 . Zhao Liying, who played the lead role in Journey of Flowers, says “As an actress, you can never be_ hard-working.”AsoBsuchCenoughDtoo3 . The exhibition tells us we should do something to stop air pollution.AwhereBwhichCwhatDwhy4 . Jack is a boy, _ last name is Brown.AhesBheChis5 . -Have you found the information about famous people _you can use for the report?- Not yet. Ill search some online.AwhomBwhichCwho D what6 . _ computers are now in common used all over the world. In China nearly 60% of the families have one at home.AElectronicBElectricityCElectric7 . My _is Ma Yun. What about you?AdreamBfanChobbyDhero8 . Steve is looking _ a Chinese friend by chatting _ some Chinese children on the Internet.Aat; toBafter; ofCfor; withDfor; of9 . They plan _Lijiang on National Day of 2018.Sounds great !Ago toBto go toCto goDgoing to10 . If I _ you, I _ late for school this morning.Awere, wouldnt beBwere, wouldntCwas, wont beDam, will二、补全对话7选5根据对话内容从方框中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Happy birthday, Daming! Heres your present!B: Thank you. 11 . A: Sure.B: OK. Wow! 12 . I love it. Hey, Mike! Would you like to come to my birthday dinner this evening?A: Yes, Id love to. 13 . B: We eat long noodles.A: Why?B: 14 . A: Thats interesting! 15 . B: Of course. In some places, Chinese also eat eggs on their birthday.A: I see. Theyre also a symbol of life.B: Yes! How clever you are!A. Its a beautiful toy!B. Can I open it now?C. Where did you buy it?D. They are very delicious.E. What do you eat at a birthday dinner inChina?F. Because long noodles are a symbol of long life.G. Can you tell me more about the Chinese birthday dinner?A. Its a beautiful toy!B. Can I open it now?C. Where did you buy it?D. They are very delicious.E. What do you eat at a birthday dinner inChina?F. Because long noodles are a symbol of long life.G. Can you tell me more about the Chinese birthday dinner?三、补全短文6选5根据短文内容,从方框中的六个句子中选出五个句子还原到短文中,使短文通顺、完整。This year 2,300 teenagers from all over the world will spend about ten months in US homes. They will attend US schools, meet US teenagers, and form impressions of America. 16 . They will learn new languages and gain a new understanding of the rest of the world.17 . Fred, nineteen, spent last year in Germany with Georges family. In turn, Georges son Mike spent a year in Freds home in America. Fred, a lively young man, knew little German when he arrived, but after two months study, the language began to come to him. 18 . Students rose respectfully when the teacher entered the room. They took fourteen subjects instead of the six that are usual in the United States. There were almost no outside activities.19 . The fathers word was law, and all activities were around the family rather than one of the members. Fred found the food too simple at first. Also, he missed having a car.“Back home, you pick up some friends in a car and go out and have a good time. In Germany, you walk, but you soon learn to like it.”Meanwhile, in America, Mike, a German boy, was also forming his idea. “I suppose I should criticize(批评)American schools,” he said. “It is far too easy by our level. 20 . In Germany we do nothing but study. Here we take part in many outside activities. I think that maybe your schools are better in training for citizens. There should be some middle ground between the two.”AFamily life, too, was different.BBut I have to say that I like it very much.CHere is a two-way student exchange in action.DSchool was quite different from what he had expected-much harder.EIn fact, there are many differences between the two countries cultures.FAt the same time, about 1,300 American teenagers will go to other countries.四、完型填空Some people succeed, while others may not. This is because some people own certain qualities, which _dont have. If you want to be successful, you should have the following qualities at least.The _thing you must remember is that in order to succeed, you must be optimistic(乐观的). If you do not _to win, you will not try as hard as those who do expect to win. You also need to have a clear purpose and a _for doing something. If you do not have a purpose, you will not do your best to work hard and make sure that every detail you have done _right.Reading is another thing to success, as it will help you learn about _other people have achieved success. If you want to learn how to set up a successful business, you should read books about like Bill Gates and Jerry Yang, who have _amazing success in their areas of business.Another _that helps people succeed is creativitythinking about things differently and wondering how others will do _thing. Think about some successful people you know. They might be successful with _creativity, but the most successful people are the most creative ones.Practicing is equally important if you want to _because practice makes perfect. Practice every day at any career you are in, and _doing so, you will see yourself, your business and your self-confidence begin to grow. If you feel _about what you do, this confidence will make other people believe in you more _. Your workmates will be happy to work with you, and your boss will give you more important things _. Finally if you succeed, you can look people in the eye and smile confidently.Success is yours for the taking! Cheers!21 . AotherBothersCanotherDthe other22 . AfirstBsecondConeDtwo23 . AfinishBfailCforgetDexpect24 . AcauseBaimCreasonDneed25 . AamBwasCisDare26 . AwhatBwhereCwhenDhow27 . AachievedBlostCmissedDeaten28 . AwayBdirectionCworldDquality29 . Aa differentBthe sameCthe differentDa same30 . Aa littleBlittleCa fewDfew31 . AsuccessBsuccessfulCsucceedDsuccessfully32 . AwithBinCatDby33 . AimaginativeBconfidentClovelyDwarm34 . Aas wellBalsoCeitherDneither35 . AdoingBdoCto doDdone五、阅读单选Many children want to develop a hobby. Youll need to find different interests and decide which hobby really interests you.While, this may be hard to do, and here are four great reasons to work it in:Hobbies help build a teens confidence(自信).By finding an area of interest, a teen can build his skill. This leads to positive(积极的) results and builds teenagers confidence.A hobby helps teens have a sense of his identity(个性).Our likes and dislikes help let us know who we are as people.Hobbies help by sending a signal, “I like doing this. This makes me feel good about me. Therefore, this is a part of who I am.”Hobbies keep teens from getting bored.Bored teens look for things to do and are more likely to do something bad. Helping teens develop a hobby is helping them stay out of trouble.Hobbies will help teens to get on well with their parents.When a teen is busy with a hobby, his parents have easy access(机会) to something to praise him about. They can communicate with each other easily.36 . According to the passage, hobbies can make kids_.Abe sure something they want will happen in the wayBknow they are different from their parentsCfeel a little bad about themselvesDnot be a good student at school37 . If Jim has a hobby, he will _ in his free time.Abe boredBbe in troubleCmake a lot of moneyDfeel happy38 . Hobbies will help teens to get on well with their parents because_.Ateens are busy and have no time to fight with parentsBparents never praise them about their hobbiesCparents have an interesting topic to talk with childrenDteens have to ask their parents for some money39 . The passage above is mainly about_.Aits not easy to find a hobbyBhow to develop a hobbyCwho we are as peopleDwhy teens need a hobby六、用单词的正确形式完成短文Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次) A. directly B. event C. competed D. proved E.an idea In April, if you want to have a great time celebrating the arrival of spring, you can join the biggest kite 40 . in North America. The AKA (American Kitefliers Association) and the KTAI (Kite Trade Association International) have declared April to be the National Kite Month.Five people who flew kites and changed historyBenjamin FranklinIn June, 1752, Benjamin Franklin began using kites to study the atmosphere. He flew a kite in the storm and 41 . that lightning is electricity.Homan WalshDo you know Niagara Fall(尼亚加拉大瀑布)? In 1847, people decided to build a bridge over the great gorge (峡谷), but they didnt know how to get the very first line across the gorge. They finally had 42 . . If someone could fly a kite across the gorge, they would have that line. A lot of people tried, but only 10-year-old Homan Walsh succeeded.Alexander Graham BellIn the early years of the twentieth century, Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, built huge man-carrying kites.Wright BrothersWilbur and Orville Wright invented the first airplane in 1903. They were also skilled in kite-flying and riding. Their years of kite-flying 43 . led to the invention of the airplane.AmediumBwatchCattractedDexpectedEfieldsRight kite-flying conditionsBecause we cant control the wind, we learn to 44 . for the right kite flying conditions. Wind that is too strong or too light is difficult to fly in. A flag or windsock (风向袋) can help you see the wind. The wind that is at the speed of about 525 mph is best for most kites.Kite-flying is most fun when the wind is 45 . . You can do more than just hold on. You can make your kite dance across the sky by pulling in and letting out the line. The flying space should be a clear and open area. Stay away from roads, power lines or airports. Open 46 . , parks and beaches are great for flying kites. The more room you have, the more line you can let out.Remember that as the wind goes over and around trees and buildings, it gets bumpy and difficult to fly kites in. Watch out for kite eating trees!Never fly in rain or lightning. Electricity in the clouds is 47 . to wet kite lines and foolish kite fliers.七、填空The kids at the top of the class get there by mastering a few good ways that others can learn. Here are some secrets of straight-A(成绩全优的) students.Take good notes and use them. The teacher will test you on what he or she emphasized. Thats what you find in your notes.Study anywhere or everywhere. Some students work late at nights when the house is quiet. Others wake up early. but straight-A students study as soon as they come home from school. All agree that they succeed in their study because they can studying like this.Organize well. Dont waste time looking for a pencil or missing paper. Keep everything at the right place.Plan your time. If you want to be a straight-A student, make sure to finish all your tasks before the deadline.Do more than you are asked. Part of learning is practicing. The more you practice, the better you will learn.任务一:根据内容完成下列表格。Secrets of Being a Straight-A StudentSecret 148 . Secret 249 . Secret 3Organize well.Secret 450 . Secret 551 . 任务二:你一定还有你的有效学习经验,请你写用英语一条出来与同学们一同分享。52 . Your Secret:八、信息匹配请阅读题中的个人情况说明,然后从A-F六个选项中选出符合要求的最佳选项,并在题号前填写相应的字母,选项中其中有一项为多余。AA New SweaterDShoe ShopBToms GrandmaEMy Good FriendsCCindy and SportsFFavorite Color53 . Cindy likes playing sports. She has a great sports collection. She has basketballs, 4 footballs and 5 tennis balls.54 . Lucy is my good friend. She is 14. She has a twin sister. Her name is Lily. She is also my good friend. Their birthdays are on September 15th.55 . Tom is a good boy. He buys a sweater for his grandpa. It is $15. He buys it from Huaxing Clothes Store. Its on sale.56 . Sam has a shoe shop. Its name is Mr. Clerks Shoe Shop. You can see many nice shoes at very good prices there.57 . Anna likes blue. Her dress is blue. Her pants are blue. Her backpack is blue, too. Look, her shoes are also blue.九、回答问题There are24 solar terms (节气) in China, and the grain rain (谷雨) is one of them. It falls on April 20 this year.This solar term is called the grain rain because it is known for “rain” that helps the grain grow. From its name, we can guess it means a time of more rain. So if you go out in the next two weeks, you may need to bring an umbrella with you.But this is a great time for planting crops. If you miss the time for planting during the Grain Rain, you will feel sorry later. So maybe you can try to plant some flowers or vegetables in your garden. When the spring rain falls, farmers begin to grow crops (庄稼). Farmers often say Spring rain is as precious (珍贵的) as oil.” It brings farmers hope for a good year ahead.There are also many interesting customs during the Grain Rain. In the northern part of China, people like to eat Chinese toon (椿芽) mixed with eggs. The food made during the grain rain tastes wonderful and is good for your stomach. In the southern part of China, the tea leaves are picked during the time. They are called Grain Rain tea, which is famous for its freshness and sweet smell.58 . What does grain Rain mean?59 . How long does the Grain Rain last?60 . When do farmers begin to grow crops?61 . Whats the old saying about spring rain in this passage?62 . How do you like Grain Rain tea?十、材料作文63 . 书面表达目前,许多中学生利用周末和节假日上课外补习班,对此人们有不同的看法。请根据下表内容写一篇短文。赞成者的观点1. 能够学得更好,上更好的高中;2. 避免花太多时间看电视、玩游戏。反对者的观点1.学生需要时间休息;2. 太多压力不利于发展。你的观点1. 2. 注意:1文章必须包括所有内容要点,要求语句通顺,意思连贯;2词数:80词左右:(文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数)3文中不得提及具体人名、校名及地名。Nowadays, many middle school students are taking all kinds of after-school classes atweekends or on holidays. There are two different opinions about it.Some people think that 第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话7选51、三、补全短文6选51、四、完型填空1、五、阅读单选1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、填空1、八、信息匹配1、九、回答问题1、十、材料作文1、

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