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Lets have a review,How(如何) to greet(打招呼) someone? (1) Hello/ Hi ! (2) Good morning!/ Good afternoon. (3) Nice to meet you. (初次见面) How to reply(答复)?,Unit 3 Look at me! Period 1,Its a fine(天气好) day today! Im fine(身体好). What about you? (你呢?) How are you?,It isnt a fine day (天气不好) today! But Im fine(身体好). What about you? (你呢?) How are you?,Sing a song (唱歌),Sing a song (唱歌),- How are you?,- Im fine, thank you. (我很好,谢谢。),Who(谁) can you see?,Where (哪里) are they?,What are they doing? (在做什么),Who(谁) can you see?,I can see two birds (小鸟), Mike and Chen Jie.,Where (哪里) are they?,They are on their way (路上) to school.,s-c-h-o-o-l 学校,Go to school,去上学,They are greeting each other. (互相打招呼),What are they doing? (在做什么),They are going to school together.,Practice,分角色表演对话: (1) Boys: Mike Girls: Chen Jie; (2) Group 1,2: Mike; Group 3,4: Chen Jie. (3) Three students,Useful expressions,1. Lets go to school ! Lets 表示向别人提议一起做某事。课文中用Lets 表示的非常多。回答时可以使用OK,Great!等等。,Useful expressions,2. How are you? How are you?用于询问别人的近况。用于熟人之间有一别段时间未见面,或是对方身体欠佳,或是较正式地向人打招呼等场合。因此不必每次见面都问此话。每天见面时,只要说Hello!或Hi! 就可以了。,The Chain Game (连锁问答游戏),Mr. Wang will say “How are you?” to the student(学生) in the first row (第一排).He or she should say:”I m fine, thank you.” Then the student should pass the sentence “How are you?” to the student in the second row(第二排). Just do it one by one(一个接一个). The last one(最后一个) should come to the front(前面) and ask me “How are you?”,- How are you? (1) - Im fine, thank you. (2) - Very well, thanks.,Lets play,Pair work S1:Hello! Hello!/ Good morning. S2:How are you? S1: Im fine, thank you./ Very well, thanks.,Goodbye!,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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