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人教版2019-2020年度中考英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Sue came to the small town five years ago and she _ here now.Ais used to liveBis used to livingCused to livingDused to live2 . My favorite _ is summer. I can swim with my friends.AmonthBdayCseasonDweekend3 . After P.E. I often feel thirsty. Why not buy some _ to drink?AbreadBnoodlesCorangeDteas4 . With the help of mobile security Apps(手机安全应用软件),we can do shopping on the Internet much now.Amost safelyBthe most safelyCmore safelyDsafely5 . Jenny is. She is ready others at all times.Ahelpful; helpingBhelp; to helpChelpful; to helpDhelp; to help6 . He _ Thailand for honeymoon since he _ Mary two days ago.Ahas gone to; married withBhas been in; marriedChas gone to; got married toDhas been to; married7 . How many players _ in a football team?Athere areBare thereCthere will beDwill there be8 . Smoking is bad for your health. Youd better _.Aset it upBgive it upCpick it upDlook it up9 . _ is your mother? She is _ English teacher.AWho; theBWhat; /CWhat; anDWho; a10 . ,I found the job boring,but soon I got used to itATo start withBFirst of allCWithout doubtDAfter all11 . Your apple is about _ mine.Asecond threes as bigBtwo thirds as big asCtwo threes as big asDsecond thirds as big as12 . Grandpa put on the glasses _ he could read the newspaper clearly.Aso thatBnow thatCuntilDbecause13 . Robert is _ friend. _ in Class One.AI, HesBmy, HesCmy, His14 . Jack is not _ to move the heavy box.Aenough strongBstrong enoughCweak enoughDenough weak15 . 一_ do you like to eat?Apples.AWhereBWhatCHow16 . What time is the class over?Its _11:30.A/BinCat17 . -What day is it today? -Its _.AFridayBspringCNovember 15D2:00 p.m.18 . When someone is speaking to you, youre _ to listen to him actively.AallowedBbelievedCsupposedDcaused19 . A fire _ in the house.AhappenBis happeningChappeningDhappens20 . - Which would you like, milk or orange juice?-is OK.ABothBEveryCAllDEither二、阅读单选Whats your pain telling you?Is that pain you feel in your back, neck or shoulders just a short ache from your new exercise menu? Or is there something deeper and more serious at work? Either way, you decide not to pay attention to it.Pain is a warning system; it tells us that something is wrong, says Bradford Butler, a doctor. Continual pain goes further. It is telling you that a whole system in your body isnt working right. For many people and their doctors, the first reaction for pain, and sometimes the second and third reactions as well, is to take some painkillers and go on your way.That doesnt solve the problem, Butler says. Too often, with back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain or other continual pain, many doctors focus on reducing(减少) the pain rather than finding out the cause. Imagine this,you wake up midnight with an unbearable toothache,and then visit a doctor who discovers a huge cavity(空洞)but, instead of repairing the cavity, just gives you some powerful medicine for the pain and sends you home.“Left untreated,the pain would get worse and the damage to the tooth would worsen,leading to bigger and more expensive medical process later on,”Butler says.Butler offers some advice for those whose bodies are trying to warn them that something is wrongChoose your doctor wisely. Blind faith (信任) in any doctor is not the answer. Butler says, Doctors have their own specialty and make sure you find someone who will really help you with your problem. Dont let your body resetting its pain level fool you. What happens when you let the pain go? Your body adapts (适应) . Butler says, When your body gets used to the pain, you think the problem must be gone. While in reality, your bodys pain setting has been raised. The only time youre feeling pain is when youre already in terrible poor condition. Think of prevention. Dental (牙科的) patients are encouraged to have regular check-ups, whether theyre in pain or not, so the doctor can work on potential (潜在的)problems. Thats the way for other pain, Butler says. Being free of symptoms( 症状)doesnt mean you dont have big problems. It just means that you dont know theyre developing. We need to listen to our pain and fix whatever is wrong as soon as possible, Butler says. You wont get better until you find the cause of the problem. 21 . Bradford Butler probably believes that.Areducing the pain is the most importantBfinding out the cause of pain is too easyCtaking some painkillers can solve the problemsDcontinual pain warns you that something is seriously wrong22 . In Paragraph 5 , the writer wants to tell us.Amedical process is not cheapBgetting fully treated is necessaryCrepairing the cavity is very difficultDpowerful medicine is the best solution23 . What can we know from the passage?AStaying in terrible condition makes us fool.BHaving regular check-ups is only for dental patients.CFinding the cause of the pain will make us healthier.DChoosing a wise doctor is important from beginning to end.Sam is a taxi driver. One night, three drunks(醉汉)get into his taxi. They tell Sam to go to Sunshine Park.Sam searches for the park on his phone. To his surprise, there is no such a park in the city. There is not even any Sunshine Park in the country! So he asks the drunks again. But they still tell him the same place.With no idea where to go, Sam starts his engine(发动机). He waits for some minutes and then makes the engine stop. “ All right, my friends, we are here!” he says.The first drunk gives him a tip(小费)of 10 yuan and gets out. The second drunk gives him a tip of 20 yuan and gets out. The third drunk doesnt get out and looks at Sam angrily.Sam worries that the drunk finds out that the car does not move(移动)at all. So he asks the drunk, “ What do you want to do?” The drunk answers, “Please drive slowly next time. You drive too fast and nearly kill (杀死) us!”24 . Sam is a _.AdrunkBdriverCkiller25 . Where does the drunks want to go?AHomeBSunrise ParkCSunshine Park26 . The third drunk is_and doesnt get out of the taxi.AsadBworriedCangry27 . The underlined word “searches means _.A搜索B打字C调查28 . What can we learn(了解) from the passage?ASam gets 30 yuan from the drunks.BThe car moves a little and then stops.CSam drives too fast and nearly kills the three drunks.阅读A、B两篇短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。Dont want to miss the train?Here are some steps to follow!Enter the railway station.There are X-ray machines at the gate of each railway station.All the luggage(行李) has to be passed through to examine for dangerous things.Once you put your luggage on the machine,please go to the other side and get it quickly in case that your luggage is taken either by mistake or on purpose.Find the right waiting room.After you enter the railway station,you should find the hall where your train is going to leave from.There are always electronic boards at the railway station with information shown in Chinese.You can find your waiting room according to the information given on your train ticket,or you can ask a member of staff(工作人员) for help if you are in trouble with Chinese.Get onto the platform(月台).In most cases,checkin starts 30 minutes before the train leaves if it is the starting station.So you are advised to arrive at the station one hour early.If it is not a starting station,checkin starts when the train arrives,then you just need to be 30 minutes early.You will be informed by radio then.Remember to take all your luggage!Board the train.The train number and the carriage(车厢) number are shown outside the train clearly;So it is easy to find your carriage.There is a member of staff at the door of each carriage to whom you are required to show your ticket.If you board on the wrong carriage,he/she will guide you to the right one.29 . Passangers luggage should be examined at the railway station.Aby a member of staffBby an X-ray machineCby a ticket sellerDby a policeman30 . The information on the train ticket tells a passenger .Awhich waiting room to go toBwhere to find an electronic boardCwho to ask for help at the stationDwhat the Chinese on the boards means31 . For G68 from Guangzhou to Beijing which starts out at 11:15 and arrives Wuhan at 15:28,checkin at Wuhan station starts .Aat 10:45Bat 14:28Cat 14:58Dat 15:2832 . The staff member at the door of the carriage will .Ahelp you find the right waiting roomBcheck your ticket and lead you to your carriageCcheck your luggage for dangerous thingsDshow you the ticket and tell you the train number33 . Which of the following is TRUE?AAll the trains leave from the same hall at a railway station.BIf you are in the wrong carriage,you will be asked to get off the train.CIts possible that your luggage may be taken by others when it is examined.DYou can find your carriage easily because each carriage has a different color.Driver Wanted1. Clean driving licence2. Good looks3. Age over 25Apply(申请) to: Capes Taxi, Shenzhen Tel: 0775-6561382Air Hostess(空姐) Wanted1. Age between 20 and 332. Height from 1.60 m to 1.75 m3. Two foreign languages4. College graduateApply to: China Airlines, Beijing Tel: 010-88488970Teacher Needed1. For private language school2. Teaching experience necessaryApply to: instant Languages Ltd, Dalian Tel: 0411-431386134 . If you want to work in the south, you can apply for a job as _.Aa driverBan air hostessCa doctorDa teacher35 . You may call _ when you wish to be a teacher.A0775-6561382B010-88488970C0411-4313861DA or B36 . Mary, aged 26, knows English and Japanese. Which job can she apply for?ADriving for Capes Taxi.BWorking for China Airlines.CTeaching at Instant Language Ltd.DNone of the above.37 . What prevents Jack, an experienced taxi driver, from working for Capes Taxi?ALiking beer and wine.BHaving broken traffic rules.CBeing unable to speak a foreign language.DNot having a college education.38 . Which of the following is not mentioned in the three ads?AHeight.BAge.CLanguage.DHealth.三、单词填空My name is Josh, and I have the best job in the world. I dont work in an office or sit at a desk doing paper work all day long. I get to be o_and enjoy the sun. I am a lifeguard, and I look forward to summer every year. Ive been a lifeguard since I was 15 years old. To become a lifeguard, I had to prove I was a strong swimmer. Then I had to pass a first aid and CPR test in case of emergency. I learned how to row a small boat to rescue (救援) people who had swum too f_out and could not get back to shore. I even had to learn how to help people who got b_by a shark!There really isnt anything bad about my job, but if I had to pick one thing, it would be that I work only during the summer when the weather is hot e_for people to go swimming at the beach. However, even that rally isnt a problem because I work at an indoor pool during the winter on weekends. I grew up near the beach as a child. So, I love s_time swimming in the water, especially at the beach. Even though lifeguarding means that I cant go swimming whenever I want, I like to help others stay safe so they can enjoy the beach as much as I do. The job is very rewarding, and I love it. My office has a great view, a nice summer breeze and the lovely s_of waves washing up on the shore. It doesnt even seem like “work”!39 . o_40 . f_41 . b_42 . e_43 . s_44 . s_四、语法填空阅读短文,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。Six people were on a train. Five of 45 . (they)were quiet and polite, but the 46 . (six)was a rude young man who was 47 . (noise). At last this young man got out at a station with his two heavy 48 . (bag). None of the other passengers helped him, but one of them waited until the rude man was very far away and shouted to him, You left something behind! The young man 49 . (hurry)back with his two bags. The passenger who had called him back said, A very bad impression!五、多任务混合问题阅读短文,并按照要求完成下面各题。There are many great works of art in museums, including some priceless pieces that can never be replaced. When we get a chance to enjoy them, we need to respect the art and other visitors. Here are several rules we should follow in museums.Respect the space Keep the museum space clean and throw away all rubbish. Remember that large things are not allowed in museums. But we can put our coats? bags,backpacks, umbrellas, etc, into the storage (储物柜) near the entrance, No eating or drinking is allowed inside museums, Finish all food and drinks before entering the museum.Respect the art Dont touch the art by hands, fingers, heads or any body part, though some people think a small touch wont hurt a painting or other pieces of works. But imagine how those “touches” would add up in a museum with thousands or millions of visitors each year! And even the smallest hurt might be too difficult, or too expensive to fix. So remember the museums golden rule: No touching the art.Respect other visitors Show consideration by not blocking the view of others who are also there to enjoy the art. Complete silence isnt necessary, but keep as quiet as possible.Most of these rules aim to protect the art. Following them can help make our museum experience safe and enjoyable.1、2题完成句子;3题简略回答问题;4题找出并写下全文的主题句;5题将文中画线句子译成汉语。50 . Finish all _ before entering the museum.51 . In fact, even a small touch will _ a painting or other pieces of works.52 . Whats the museums golden rule? _53 . _.54 . _.六、话题作文55 . 书面表达。请根据下面的提示,以“My favorite day”为题,写一篇60词左右的短文,可适当发挥。提示内容:1.你叫Mike,星期天是你最喜爱的一天,因为那天你不用上学;2.你可以去游泳俱乐部游泳,还可以和你的好朋友Nick玩;3介绍你的好朋友Nick:它是一只白色的小狗。第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、阅读单选1、2、3、4、三、单词填空1、四、语法填空1、五、多任务混合问题1、六、话题作文1、


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