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人教版2019-2020学年浙江杭州大江东八年级下期中考试英语试卷(带解析)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空It rained for days.Mike couldnt go out and_with his friends.His parents went to work and had to_the boy at home.They bought some_for him.But he didnt like to read them. He stood by the window(窗户)and_Outside.The rain_this morning and Mike was happy.But it was wet(潮湿的)outside.His parents didnt_him go out and play there.They_the boy to read a book.But when they left he began to play behind the house_,his parents came back for lunch. His mother found the boy was very dirty.“Oh,dear!”called out the woman.”Look at your_!How dirty they are!When did you see I was so dirty_you?“But I didnt see you when you were young,mom.”said the boy.1 . AstudyBtalkCplayDwork2 . AleaveBteachCseeDHear3 . ApencilsBpaperCfruitDbooks4 . AlookBlookedClooksDsees5 . AstoppedBstartedCwantedDgot6 . AhopeBleaveCgrowDlet7 . AaskedBsaidCmadeDfound8 . AAt nightBAt sixCAt noonDIn the evening9 . AfaceBeyesCearsDclothes10 . AforBlikeCatDOn二、阅读单选Everyone has traits ( 4+性 ) that make us who we are. We have physical. traits, like red hair, long legs and funny-looking toes. We also have character traits including humor, warmth, creativity and so on.Certain physical traits are fully inherited (遗传 ), such as blue eyes and knobby knees. About 25,000 t0 35,000 genes (基因 ) are in a single cell in the human body. These genes carry the traits that are passed down genetically from parents to their children.Many traits exist between inheritance and development - the interaction with environment.One example is body shape. It tends to be passed down from parents. But once diet becomes a factor, environment begins to play an important role in how the body develops. Body shape is a trait that is a mixture ofinheritance from parents and influence of environment.So lots of our most important traits have been learned, rather than inherited. For example, if youre really great at video games, its not because your parents passed down the skills in genes. Its because you have practiced a lot of video games and developed those skills yourself. If you have kids who turn out to be great at video games, it is because they put in the hours, learned the skills, and memorizedthe moves that are necessary to play the video games well.Of course, some of us have brains that are more advantageous to video game playing. Say you were born with a large and powerful part of the brain that controls your hand-eye coordination (协调能力 ).Thats inherited. What you do with it, how you choose to develop that advantage, is up to you.You can pierce your nose or get a tattoo - it doesnt matter how much you change your body during the lifetime. None of those things will turn into genetic material to be passed down to the next generation. However, if your children grow up in an enwronment with role models who are pierced and covered in tattoos, they are more likely to get piercings and tattoos!11 . is a physical trait that is fully inheritedAThe eye colorBThe special dietCThe body shapeDThe pierced nose12 . According to the passage, the writer believes thatAcharacter traits can hardly change during the lifetimeBthe skills of video game playing are passed down to kidsCa kids hand-eye coordination isnt related to inheritanceDenvironment plays an important role in traits development13 . Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?AWhy are Traits Important?BHow does Inheritance Influence Traits?CWhere do Traits Come from?DWhat are Physical and Character Traits?Jiang YiyiI studied all weekend. I studied for a math test all day on Saturday. On Sunday morning, I did my history homework. In the evening, I talked to my friends on the phone.Zhang ZimuI had a great weekend. I visited some of my friends. On Saturday night, we went out to a party. On Sunday night, we went to the amusement park(游乐场). We really had fun.Ma YiliI had a boring weekend. On Saturday, I cleaned the house, and I washed the clothes. On Sunday, I painted my bedroom. It was really a tiring(累人的) weekend.Sun TianyuLast weekend, I stayed at home. I watched old videos on Saturday. And on Sunday, I saw an old movie. It was an interesting weekend.14 . What did Jiang Yiyi do on Saturday?AVisited her friends.BStudied for a math test.CWatched TV.DDid her history homework.15 . How was Zhang Zimus weekend?ATerrible.BBoring.CGreat.DBusy.16 . Who did Zhang Zimu go to the park with on Sunday night?AHer parents.BHer friends.CHer sister.DHer grandparents.17 . When did Ma Yili clean the house?AOn Friday.BOn Sunday.COn Thursday.DOn Saturday.18 . Who watched old videos on Saturday?AJiang Yiyi.BZhang Zimu.CMa Yili.DSun Tianyu.Students in many countries wear school uniforms. Heres a list of countries below.In Brazil, students dont have to wear uniforms in public schools although they might have one. In general, the uniforms are a pair of blue trousers and a white T-shirt with the school symbol printed on it.School uniforms are used in Cuba. All students wear school uniforms with the color as a symbol of grade level. Children also wear scarves because they are young pioneers.Japan introduced school uniforms in the late 19thcentury. Today, All students wear school uniforms. Many boys wear white shirts, short pants and caps. Girls uniforms might include a gray pleated (褶)skirt and a white blouse.In Singapore, all students must wear uniforms. Though the colors are different from school to school. The uniform for boys is usually shorts or long trousers, with a shirt (often white), while girls wear white pinafores(连衣裙) or skirts.19 . In Cuba a student wears the scarf as a symbol of _.Agrade levelBcold weatherCpublic schoolDyoung pioneer20 . Which is true about the students uniforms in Singapore?ASchool uniforms are introduced in the late 19thcentury.BOnly the students in public schools wear uniforms.CBoys uniforms are different from girls in color.DStudents usually wear white shirts or skirts.21 . On the school day, a student doesnt wear the uniform. He probably comes from _.ABrazilBCubaCJapanDSingapore三、填写适当的单词补全句子短文填词(10分)A woman with a lot of clothes under her arms pushed to the door. 22 . N_ was around to wait for her, but a loud speaker near the door said,“Welcome 23 . t_ our cleaners. If you have cleaning, please listen carefully and24 . f_ these directions(指令).”The woman looked around in 25 . s_. She still couldnt see anybody.“First of all, take all the dry cleaning and put it in the blue bag in front of you.”the speaker went on. The woman did 26 . a_ she was told.“Put shirts in the yellow bag.”the speaker went on.“Trousers 27 . d_ in the green bag and jackets in the red one.”The poor woman was28 . t_ to follow these directions.“Just to make sure theres no 29 . m_, well repeat.”Said the speaker.“Put dry cleaning in the red bag, shirts in the blue one, trousers in the yellow one and jackets in the green one.”The woman took clothes from bag to 30 . c_ up with the new directions. At last she pulled all the clothes under her arms again angrily and31 . w_ to the door.At that moment, a man jumped out of the back room.“Im Allen Funt,”he said.“You are on the TV camera(摄像机).”四、单词填空Reading for pleasure is the easiest way to become a better reader in English. It is also the most important32 . .Some students say they dont want to read for33 . .They want to use their time to learn the rules of the language and new words. Many experts say pleasure reading is very important for English learning. Dr. Stephn Krashen, a famous34 . on language learning, says that pleasure reading35 . you learn many important things about English. Students learn more grammar and more words36 . they read for pleasure. They37 . learn more about good writing. Dr. Krashen tells us that pleasure reading helps each student in a38 . way. Each student needs to learn something different. Pleasure reading makes39 . possible for each student to learn what he or she needs.Reading for pleasure is not the same as studying. When you read for pleasure, you choose your own books, and you40 . have to remember everything. There are no tests on your pleasure reading books. Pleasure reading will help you:. learn41 . English speakers use English read faster in English find examples of good writing in English learn new words learn about the cultures of English speakers五、信息匹配材料A-D分别介绍了四本书的内容请根据Tom, Betty, Sophia, Jane的需求帮助他们选出他们想读的书并完成小题。A. This book will help you understand how to stay well and avoid sickness. Youll learn some things that you might use at home to avoid catching a cold.B. This book has useful information about how to prevent common accidents. Its about safety both indoors and outdoors. C. This book will tell you something about how to keep healthy by doing exercises. Youll learn not only the importance of doing exercises, but also the ways of doing exercises.D. Do you have difficulties to communicate with others? Do you often say something wrong when you talk to others? This book will teach you how to say proper things to people.42 . Tom is collecting information about how to prevent electrical fire.43 . Betty is trying to advise her mother to do some sports.44 . Sophia wants to know some ways to avoid common cold.45 . Jane is studying talking strategies.46 . Kate wants to keep thinner and healthier. Maybe she can borrow the book from _.ATomBBettyCSophiaDJane六、材料作文47 . 假设你是李华,你新注册了一个博客账号。你打算在上面用英文来简单地介绍自己以结交到来自世界不同地方的朋友。请根据以下内容提示,写一篇不少于7句话的自我介绍。短文开头和结尾已给出,不计入总句数。内容提示:1. How old are you?2. Which city do you come from?3. Who do you live with?4. How do you go to school?5. What subject do you like?6. What is your dream?7. What is your hobby?Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog. My name is Li Hua._ _That is all about me. Do you want to be my friend? Email me. Please!第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、2、3、三、填写适当的单词补全句子1、四、单词填空1、五、信息匹配1、六、材料作文1、


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