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人教版2019-2020学年江苏东台八校八年级下期中考试英语试卷(带解析)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Who teaches you Japanese?I teach_AmeBmyCmyselfDmine2 . Lets go boating with Jack if he us this Sunday. I think we should ask if he his homework tomorrow first.Awill visit; will doBvisits; doesCwill visit; doesDvisits; will do3 . -The best timeWuxi is in spring.-Yes, I think so.AvisitsBto visitCvisitDvisiting4 . - Which festival is not Chinese? - _AChristmasBThe Chinese New YearCThe Dragon Boat FestivalDThe Mid- Autumn Day5 . -Must I write all the words down now? -No, you _.AmustntBcantCwontDneednt6 . Before 2015, we finished _ the park.AbuildBbuildingCto buildDbuilt7 . -_? -Its cool.AWhats the weather?BHow is the weather like?CWhat weather is like?DWhats the weather like?8 . _ great fun they have_!AWhat; to practise footballBWhat; playing chessCHow; playing table tennisDHow; to play the piano9 . As students, you should read _ you can.Aas much information soBso many books asCas many books asDas few books as10 . Dont _ a child if he does something wrong. We should teach him to do it right.AkillBcatch Cpunish二、完型填空Bill is fifteen now, but hes still in Grade One. He likes_and does not like to use his_He does not listen to the teachers in class and so he_his homework His teachers do not like him They tell his parents about it, but they do not_what to do.It s Sunday today. Bill_early in the morning. After breakfast, his mother tells him to do his_He goes to his study. His mother is_with her housework. Bill goes out with a ball. Now lunch is ready, but she_Bill. When Bill comes back,his parents look very angry, but say nothing.After lunch Bill wants to go out again. His father stops him and asks, Have you finished your homework? No,answers the boy, I cant do_.His father pulls( 拉 ) him by the ear ana says,_your ear? Oh,dear! Bill calls out ,Its in your hand!11 . Aplaying footballBto play the footballCplaying the footballDplay football12 . AhandBpenCheadDbag13 . Acan doBcan not doCdontDdoesnt14 . AhaveBthinkCfindDknow15 . Aget upBgets upCstands upDstand up16 . AhomeworkBhomeworksChouseworkDhouseworks17 . AbusyBdoesClikeDworry18 . Acan findBfindsCcant findDfind19 . AtheyBthemCitDone20 . AWhereBWheresCWhatDWhats三、阅读单选If youre making a list of the most attractive places to visit when you grow up, Italy is one you shouldnt drop.Italy lies in southern Europe. It is home to 58 million people. Its about twice the size ofChinas Shanxi Province.Why does this not-too-big country attract people from all over the world?To 14-year-old Zhi Rui in Beijing, Italy is a country with a long history, special beauty and taste.I would like to visit Rome and boat in the moonlight in Venice. Would the pasta ( 意大利) and pizza there taste the same as what I have in Beijing?Rome, in the west of the county, is the biggest city in Italy. The city is like a great museum, open to all. It has a history of more than 2,700 years. Historical sites are everywhere,such as the Colosseum (Arena of Death) (竞技场), and Pantheon (万神殿), to name just two.Venice, a city on water, is one of the wonders of the country. This city in the north-east of Italy is built on more than 110 islands. Seawater is everywhere in and around the city. Peoplethere move from place to place by boat.Art: No matter where you are in Italy, you are sure to come across paintings and statues in museums and churches. In Milan Cathedral (米兰大教堂) alone are more than 3,000 statues.21 . If Chinas Shanxi Province has an area of 150,000 square kilometres, Italy issquare kilomotres in area.A150,000B300,000C580,000D75,00022 . How many cities are talked about in the passage?ATwo.BThree.CFour.DFive.23 . People in Venice usually take a to go out.AtrainBbusCsubwayDboat24 . The underlined phrase to name just two means _A命两个名字B仅有两个名字C一举两得D仅举两例25 . What is the best title of the passage?AA country on waterBA country with a long historyCPasta and pizza in ItalyDA taste of ItalyYou may want to travel this summer but dont know where to go.Dont worry.China is a country with a very long history,a rich culture and many beautiful places.There are 52 World Heritage Sites in China.Chinas first six places were put on the World Heritage Sites list in 1987.There are three different kinds of World Heritage Sites:natural,cultural and mixed.Now well introduce three sites to you.Jiuzhaigou Valley is in the northern part of Sichuan Province and goes up higher than 4,000 meters.Its waterfalls are quite beautiful.Hundreds of different kinds of birds live in the valley,and many other kinds of animals live there,too,like pandas.Potala Palace has been the winter palace of Dalai Lama since the 7th century.It was built on Red Hill in the center of Lhasa Valley.The white buildings on either side are called the White Palace.The central building is called the Red Palace.Its an important place for Tibetan Buddhism(藏传佛教)Wuyi Mountain is the most famous mountain in southeast China.Its as high as 408 meters.It has beautiful valleys of the NineBend River(九曲河),very old temples and relics(遗骸)The temples are the home of NeoConfucianism(新儒家学说),which has been a part of East Asian culture since the 11th century.26 . How many places in China have been put on the World Heritage Sites List since 1988?ASix.BTwentythree.CThirty.DFortysix.27 . From the passage we can know that Jiuzhaigou Valley _.Ais a cultural World Heritage SiteBis the most famous valley in ChinaChas many kinds of animals living thereDdoesnt have any waterfalls there28 . According to the passage,Wuyi Mountain is a _ site.AnaturalBmixedCculturalDnew29 . If you want to enjoy beautiful natural scenery at a very high place,you should go to _.AJiuzhaigou ValleyBPotala PalaceCWuyi MountainDthe Great Wall30 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AJiuzhaigou Valley lies in the southern part of Sichuan.BPotala Palace has two parts:the White Palace and the Red Palace.CThe temples on Wuyi Mountain are the home of Confucianism.DFour World Heritage Sites are introduced in the passage.The game of telephone is a classic ice breaker and party game. Its easy to set up and a lot of fun to play. You and your friends will try to pick a word or phrase, “pass it on” by whispering(耳语) it to someone next to you, and have fun seeing how much it changed during the game. All you will need to play is a couple of friends, a word or phrase, and a whisper.Get everyone in place.Although the game of telephone is simple to play, you will need to arrange(安排) the players in a way that supports the game. Have everyone stand in either a line or a circle. Players should be spaced far enough apart that they wont overhear the word when it isnt their turn. Proper position is important when playing telephone.Start the game.Choose a person to start the game. Make the person think of a word or give a certain word to him or her. And he or she should whisper it to the person next to them. The pronunciation of the word should sound like many others as the idea is to see how much it changes by the games end. Once the word has been told to the next person, they will whisper it to the person next to them.Continue whispering the word.Players continue listening to the word and repeating what they think they heard to the person next to them. This is done until the last person in the line or circle is told the word. Every person should have heard the word or phrase by the end of the game.See how much the word changed.Once the last person hears the word or phrase, they will say what they think they heard out-loud. This is compared to the original word that the game started with. This is the moment when all the players get to learn just how much the word or phrase changed through their “telephone line”.31 . The writer wants to tell us how to _ by writing this passage.Ahold an interesting partyBlearn words and phrasesCplay a party gameDhow to make friends32 . Picture _ is the right way of playing the game of telephone.ABCD33 . The words in Group _ may be heard in the game of telephone.Aduck-dark-park-luckBexcept-expect-expert-expressCgood-well-better-bestDluck-lucky-luckily-unluckily34 . When the _ person hears the word or phrase, he or she should speak it out loudly.AfirstBsecondCmiddleDlast35 . According to the passage, statement _ is TRUE.AThe people who are in this game should stand next to each other closely.BWe need some friends, a word or phrase and a telephone to play the game.CWhen you pass the word to the person next to you, you should shout it aloud.DThe game of telephone can be played both in birthday parties and New Year parties.Beijing is facing severe (严重的) traffic problems.Roads are wider now, but traffic jams (堵塞) often happen every day. Yuan, a Beijing taxi drivers said.Beijing government is trying to do something to make traffic jams less. Before 2007, there were a few subway lines in Beijing. There was only line 1, line 2, line 13 and Batong Line. But now there is line 5, line 10, line 4, the airport fast -track and the Olympic branch line. And there will be 13 subway lines_in Beijing at the same time at the end of this year.The opening of the new subway line is convenient to tourists. Before, arriving in Beijing, many visitors would usually take a taxi to interesting places of Beijing. Today, as soon as people get off the plane, they can take the Airport Express Line, going to different interesting places through the subway lines. The government also strives to open a new line each year from now until 2015. The subway of Beijing reached 300 kilometers in 2010 and it will reach 561 kilometers in 2015.Miss Xiao, who lives in South Water Bridge and works at Hepingli, said that traveling by her car still took her at least one hour from home to work because of traffic jams. Now, because of the railway line 5, Miss Xiao can arrive at her office in less than haft an hour.36 . What are the trafc problems in Beijing now?ADrivers drive too fast.BRoads are not wide enough.CTraffic jams often happen.DTraffic lights are always broken.37 . What does the underlined phrase under construction mean in Chinese?A在学习B在建造中C在应用中D在控制中38 . Why is the opening of the new subway line convenient to tourists?ABecause the new subway line is very interesting.BBecause the new subway lines ticket is very cheap.CBecause people in Beijing can cost less money than that before.DBecause visitors can take the subway to many different interesting places.39 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AVisitors like to take a taxi in Beijing better.BThe subway of Beijing will reach 300 kilometers in 2015.CThere will be 15 subway lines in Beijing at the end of the year.DIt takes Miss Xiao less time to get to her workplace by railway line 5.40 . What is the main idea of the passage?APeople in Beijing invented high -speed trains.BRailway lines in Beijing only covers some areas.CBeijing welcomes visitors from different places.DBeijing government has done something to make traffic jams less.四、填写适当的单词补全句子根据对话内容,写出单词的正确形式41 . -What did you_ with your old computer?-Oh, I sent it to my cousin. He needs it very much.42 . Keep going, Mandy! We almost arrive at the top of the mountain.-I cant. I am_ out.43 . -This dog is really_. I dont know who will buy it.-But I think its beautiful.根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。Holding doors open for people behind you, picking up litter, thanking people. . . these acts of kindness seem very【小题1】. But students at James Middle School know that such small acts make the world a better place.Eighth-graders from James Middle School, took part in the Random Acts of Kindness Week44 . March 31 to April 4.During the week, they tried their best to do kind things for others. Celeste Murray, an English teacher at the school, started the activity. Since she was little, she has always tried to do small acts of kindness in her daily life. “I believe the world is45 . by small things,” she told the newspaper The Daily Times. Over the week, to her surprise, Murray also46 . great changes in her class.Before that, she always needed to ask her47 . to push the chairs in or turn off the lights before they leave the classroom. Now, the students do those things by48 . . “The teachers have a lot of work,” Said Jordon, one of Murrays students. He learned to care more about others. Eliza,49 . student, gave out more praises(赞扬) to others. “It makes them feel happy and successful,” she said. The activity made students feel that they can make a difference. Hailey decides to continue to do at least one act of kindness every week, 50 . busy she is. She believes her acts could encourage others.五、填空“Who needs a shopping mall if you have Taobao ?” says Wang Lin, 28, a writer in Beijing. She spends lots of money on Taobao. It is well-known Taobao, Chinas largest online shopping site, has become an important part of our life. A large number of Chinese Internet users like Wang have found the joy of online shopping. Most online shoppers are students or young workers. More women shop online than men. Clothing and home use products (产品) are the most popular online. It is said that more than 250 billion yuan was spent on online shopping last year, 80% through Taobao. Taobao means looking for treasure(财富) in Chinese. People can find almost everything they need on Taobao, from clothes to books, from candies to DVD players. You may question the safety online shopping. Wang Lin said, It is very safe and convenient (便利).If you receive the products from the sellers and you arent them, the shop owner will not get the money. You can also get your money back if you want to return the product.51 . 将处译成汉语。_52 . 在处填上适当词使文章完整。_53 . What is the most popular products when people spends lots of money on Taobao?_54 . 找出与下列句子意思相同的句子。They say that people spent 250 billion yuan doing some shopping on the Internet last year._55 . 找出本文的主题句。六、材料作文56 . (题文)假设你是Susan,在家里你的父母总是对你有很多要求,有时你是否感到厌烦?你是怎样解决的?请你根据下列表格提示用英语写一篇短文。父母的要求每天打扫房间;不能玩电脑游戏;晚上10点前必须睡觉你的看法虽太严厉,但理解他们你的解决方式与父母多交流,为父母做些家务要求:1.文章必须包括表格中所给提示内容,可以展开思路,自由地适当发挥。2.不能出现真实的校名、人名和其它真实信息。3.词数80词右。前两句已经给出,不计入词数。第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、填写适当的单词补全句子1、2、五、填空1、六、材料作文1、


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