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人教版2019-2020学年度第一学期期末测试九年级英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、补全短文6选5下面文章中有5处需要添加小标题,请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题,其中一项为多余选项。Going to college is a new experience full of excitement of the unknown. It is common to feel a little uncomfortable going into a situation where everyone is a stranger. You may probably miss your friends. Trying actively to find new friends can help ease the feelings of being lonely. College is a great chance to make new friends. The question is: How?1 . You may find you have lots of things in common with your roommate, but even if you are completely different from each other, with a little effort and understanding the two of you may become best friends.2 . If you leave your door open, this shows that you welcome visitors. As a result people will naturally stop in and say hello. Closed doors are not likely to bring many visitors and those who stay locked up in their rooms may give others the impression of being cold. Others students will be less likely to stop in and build a new friendship.3 . It is a great way to meet new people. It also helps you get more familiar with the campus. By staying active in college groups such as clubs and organizations you can meet lots of people with whom you share common interests.4 . Get to know your classmates as youll be spending several months with them. Starting conversations in class is a great opportunity to meet people who are interested in the same kind of studies as you are. Short friendly discussions can build friendships.5 . If youre athletic, trying out for a sport will do for you the same thing that joining a club will do. You will meet a large group of people who share your interest in sports.ATalk to classmates.BOpen the door to welcome friends.CClose the door to keep away from theftDJoin clubs or organizationsETry out for a sport.FGet to know your roommate.二、阅读单选“Whats the matter, Bob?” asks Mrs. White, “Why do you look so sad?”“Mum, I wish we can stay in New York. I have many friends there .We are new here, and I have no friend now.” Bob says.“You will soon make friends here,” says Mrs. White, “Wait and see!” At this time, someone is knocking at the door. Mrs. White opens it .A woman with a nice smile stands there.“Hello,” she says, “Im Mrs. Green, I live next door.” “Come in, please,” says Mrs. White, “Bob and I are so glad to see you. Do you want any help?” “Yes, I come here to ask for two eggs,” says Mrs. Green, “I want to make a cake.” “You may have the eggs,” says Mrs. White, “but please sit down. Lets have coffee and talk a little, OK?”In the afternoon, someone knocks at the door again. Mrs. White opens it. There stands a boy with a nice smile.“My name is Tom,” he says, “Mother gives you this cake and these two eggs.”“Well, thank you, Tom.” Says Mrs. White, “Come in and meet my son, Bob.” The two boys are about the same age.“Lets play football, OK?” says Bob, “I have a little dog. It will play with us. ” Tom finds it fun to play football. Soon they have great fun playing football.“Im glad you live next door,” says Bob, “Now I have someone to play together.” “Im glad your mother wants two eggs,” says Bob.“She doesnt really want the eggs,” Tom laughs, “She just wants to make friends with your mother!”Then Bob laughs, too. “Thats a funny way to make friends,” he says, “but its a nice way.”6 . Why does Bob look so sad?AHe has no time to play football.BHe has too much homework.CHe has no friends here.DHe doesnt like his new school.7 . Where did Bobs family use to live?ALondon.BNew York.CNew Zealand.DSan Francisco.8 . Why does Tom knock at Bobs door?AHe wants to play football with Bob.BHe wants to give the cake and eggs.CHe wants to borrow Bobs football.DHe wants to ask for eggs.9 . Whats Mrs. Greens real purpose of asking for two eggs?ATo make friends with Mrs. White.BTo ask for two eggs.CTo give cakes.DTo look for Tom.10 . Whats the best title for the passage?AHow to ask for eggs.BThe friendship between two boys.CHow to make cakes. DA funny way to make friends.What does it take to graduate from university? Some papers or high scores in exams? Well, these are not enough if you are a student at Tsinghua University.According to a new rule of the university, students must prove (证明) themselves in the swimming pool. They need to pass a swimming test of at least 50 meters, and those who fail the test will be required to take a swimming course throughout their school years. By the time they graduate, they will have known how to swim; otherwise they cant graduate with their bachelors degrees (学士学位). The news made waves in Chinese social media (媒体). Some people praised the university for requiring a necessary skill that can save lives, and they also believed that the rule would help improve students health. However, others questioned if it was fair to expect those who come from inland cities (内陆城市) to be able to swim. In fact, this is not a new rule. Tsinghua University first made swimming a requirement in 1919 but later gave it up because the number of students became too large and there were not enough swimming pools in the school for them to learn swimming. Anyway, it is still good news that Chinese students health has become more and more valued. Why not just take this chance to learn one more life-saving ability?11 . According to the passage, what does it take for a student to graduate from Tsinghua university?ASome papers.BHigh scores in exams.CPassing a swimming test.DAll of the above.12 . The underlined phrase “made waves” in Paragraph 3 most probably means _.Acaused a heated discussionBspread widelyCmade a requirementDproved the rule13 . Why did Tsinghua University once give up the rule? Because many students failed the swimming test. Because some people disagreed with the rule. Because there were too many students. Because there were not enough swimming pools.ABCD14 . What is the passage mainly about?ADifferent people hold different opinions about a new rule.BTsinghua University has made a new rule of graduation.CChinese students health should be more and more valued.DThere is a new chance to learn another life-saving ability.Beijing is facing severe (严重的) traffic problems.Roads are wider now, but traffic jams (堵塞) often happen every day. Yuan, a Beijing taxi drivers said.Beijing government is trying to do something to make traffic jams less. Before 2007, there were a few subway lines in Beijing. There was only line 1, line 2, line 13 and Batong Line. But now there is line 5, line 10, line 4, the airport fast -track and the Olympic branch line. And there will be 13 subway lines_in Beijing at the same time at the end of this year.The opening of the new subway line is convenient to tourists. Before, arriving in Beijing, many visitors would usually take a taxi to interesting places of Beijing. Today, as soon as people get off the plane, they can take the Airport Express Line, going to different interesting places through the subway lines. The government also strives to open a new line each year from now until 2015. The subway of Beijing reached 300 kilometers in 2010 and it will reach 561 kilometers in 2015.Miss Xiao, who lives in South Water Bridge and works at Hepingli, said that traveling by her car still took her at least one hour from home to work because of traffic jams. Now, because of the railway line 5, Miss Xiao can arrive at her office in less than haft an hour.15 . What are the trafc problems in Beijing now?ADrivers drive too fast.BRoads are not wide enough.CTraffic jams often happen.DTraffic lights are always broken.16 . What does the underlined phrase under construction mean in Chinese?A在学习B在建造中C在应用中D在控制中17 . Why is the opening of the new subway line convenient to tourists?ABecause the new subway line is very interesting.BBecause the new subway lines ticket is very cheap.CBecause people in Beijing can cost less money than that before.DBecause visitors can take the subway to many different interesting places.18 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AVisitors like to take a taxi in Beijing better.BThe subway of Beijing will reach 300 kilometers in 2015.CThere will be 15 subway lines in Beijing at the end of the year.DIt takes Miss Xiao less time to get to her workplace by railway line 5.19 . What is the main idea of the passage?APeople in Beijing invented high -speed trains.BRailway lines in Beijing only covers some areas.CBeijing welcomes visitors from different places.DBeijing government has done something to make traffic jams less.Farmer John and Farmer Bob were neighbors. For more than 30 years, they had been getting along very well.Then their good relationship broke. It began with a small thing, then bitter words, and then weeks of silence. One morning Farmer John woke up to find a stream between the two farms. “It must be Bob,” John thought.Then one day there was a knock on Johns door. He opened it to find a carpenter(木匠) standing at the doorway. “Im looking for a few days work,” the carpenter said. “I do have a job for you,” John said. “Look across the stream at that farm. Thats my neighbor Bob. He dug a stream between the two farms. I want you to build a fencean 8-foot fence. I dont want to see his place or his face any more. I dont have such a neighbor!”The carpenter said, “I think I know what to do, sir, and Ill be able to do a job that pleases you.”Farmer John helped the carpenter get the materials(材料) ready and then he was off for the day.About sunset when the farmer returned, the carpenter had just finished his job. The farmers eyes opened wide. There was no fence there at all! It was a bridge! And the neighbor, Bob, was coming across, with his hand outstretched(伸出). “Hi, John!Youre quite a fellow to build this bridge!”Then they met in the middle, taking each others hands. “Im terribly sorry for what I have said and done. We should be good to each other.” said Farmer Bob. Then they turned to see the carpenter, who was ready to go. “No, wait! Stay a few days. I have a lot of other jobs for you,” said Farmer John. “Id love to stay,” the carpenter said, “but I have more bridges to build.”20 . Just before the carpenter came, John and Bobeach other.Adidnt speak toBwere friendly toCoften fought withDnever had bitter words with21 . Farmer John asked the carpenter to build a fence because.Ahe wanted to protect his farmBhe didnt want to do it himselfChe wouldnt like to see BobDhe wanted to find him something to do22 . What does the sentence“Youre quite a fellow to build this bridge!”mean?AJohn was great to build this bridge.BJohn was not good at building bridges.CJohn was foolish to build such a bridge.DJohn should build the bridge earlier.23 . What is the best title for the passage?AWhat a Big Fence!BA Strong BridgeCThree Kind MenDA Fence or a Bridge?三、用单词的正确形式完成短文阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的单词填空(每词限用一次)。source on average plastic fixed examinedThe US public uses about 50 billion water bottles a year and most of those 24 . bottles are not recycled, according to Elizabeth Roytes book Bottlemanid: How Water Went on Sale and Why We Bought It.More than $100 billion is 25 . every year on bottled water in the U.S. in many developing countries where there isnt a safe 26 . of tap water, bottled water is the only choice.In the US, tap water is controlled by the government and often 27 . for dangerous substances(物质). Each American drinks 79 litres of bottled water per year 28 . . The bottled water industry is so successful that it has outpaced milk, coffee, and juice in the number of gallons of drinks sold putting it behind only beer and soda.三、选词填空wide then with use without appear direct talent so honor sad muchwide then with use without appear direct talent so honor sad muchHedy Lamarr was born in 1914. When she was still a teenager, she fell in love with acting. Soon she was discovered by an American 29 . . At the age of 18, she 30 . in her first film and began to get a lot of attention. Years later, she became a famous Hollywood actress. She was so popular that her hairstyle was even 31 . followed by the fans. At that time she was 32 . as the most beautiful woman in the world. Many people pay 33 . attention to her beauty than her acting skills. This brought her 34 . and pain, 35 . she gave up acting and started a new life. Then she decided to invent something 36 . . You must be very surprised. What could an actress invent? But wed like to say anybody who has used a mobile phone should thank her. Because 37 . her technology of FHSS(跳频扩频), today we will not have GPS, Bluetooth, mobile phones or Wi-Fi networks. So she was called Wireless Goddess. Now, Hedy is remembered not only as one of the most 38 . actresses but also a great inventor.四、多任务混合问题The story took place in a small town in winter. One day a man met an old lady standing by an expensive car. It was clear that her car broke down. So he stopped his old truck and got out. Although he was smiling, the old lady was worried. “Is he going to hurt me?”The man could see that she was frightened, so in his friendliest voice he said, “Im here to help you, madam. Why dont you wait in the car to get warm? By the way, my name is Bryan Anderson.” It took Bryan about fifty minutes to fix the car. The lady felt quite thankful and she asked how much she should pay him.But Bryan wanted no money.对他来说,帮助别人很正常。He said, “If you want to repay me, next time you see someone in need, just give out your friendly hand.”After saying goodbye, the lady continued down the road till she reached a small caf. She stopped for something to eat. As the pretty waitress stood next to her, the lady noticed she was nearly eight months pregnant (怀孕)._As the old lady was going to pay the $10 bill, she remembered Bryans words.The old lady paid one hundred-dollar bill. But when the waitress returned with the change, the lady was gone. On the table she saw a small note. Her eyes were filled with tears when she read it, “Somebody once helped me the way Im helping you. If you want to pay me back, continue being kind to others. ” Under the note were nine more $100 bills. Was the old lady an angel? The waitress was so excited that she called her husband to tell the story. “BryanBryan Anderson my dear youre not going to believe what has happened ”Love needs to be passed on. Everyone can be an angel.请根据短文内容完成下列任务。39 . Did the old lady believe in Bryan at the beginning of the story? Why?_40 . 请将划线句子翻译成英语。_41 . 请将划线句子翻译成汉语。_42 . 请根据短文内容将句子补充完整, 使句子意思连贯。The waitress found_ and _on the tablewhen she returned with the change.43 . What have you learned from the story? (with one sentence)_五、材料作文44 . 书面表达世界在发展,生活在变化,杜会的进步让我们的生活越来越好,请通过以下四组图片,从信息来源、购物方式、居住环境、联系方式等方面,以“ How Life Changes”为题写一篇短文。要求:1.词数80-100;2.请先简要介绍表格中的4组图片,再根据生活实际列举1-2个方面,做适当发挥;3.字迹工整,语言流畅,表达正确,逻辑清晰。4.提示词: get news and information; keep in touch with; talk with; communicate with; send and receive messages; used to do.How life changesGreat changes have taken place in our life for years,第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、补全短文6选51、二、阅读单选1、2、3、4、三、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、2、四、多任务混合问题1、五、材料作文1、

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