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人教版2019-2020学年度八年级第二学期第一次月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Please turn off the computer after you finish _ the email.AwriteBto writeCwriting2 . Jason, would you please _ this notice?No problem. Ill do it right away.Aput onBput offCput upDput out3 . What did you give your mother on her fortieth birthday? I gave her some flowers. (The sentence structure is _.)AS+VBS+V+IO+DOCS+V+PDS+V+O4 . How did you travel last summer?.ABy a carBBy the carCBy our carsDBy car5 . Sue _ dance lessons twice a week.Ais takingBtookCtakesDhas taken6 . I want to a machine to help people cook.That sounds interesting.AdiscoverBinventCimagineDmove7 . I am surprised that a little boy can write many stories.Asuch, soBsuch, suchCso, soDso, such8 . China is _the Great wall and pandasAfamous asBfamous forCready toDready for9 . For a moment I did not know how to _ his question.AansweredBanswer toCreplyDreply to10 . Ben looks _ because he failed to pass the driving test.AhappyBsadlyCunhappyDunhappily11 . He is a newcomer,and he has _friends.AlittleBa littleCfewDa few12 . Going _ the crowd of people isnt an easy thing.AacrossBcrossCthroughDover13 . - I couldnt get any tickets for the basketball game.- _AGood idea!BWhat a pity!COK. Anytime.DYes, Id love to.14 . Jim has a lot of friends here,he is new.AandBsoCthoughDthen15 . I like talking_ the football match_ my friends after class.A about, withAabout, overBto, aboutCwith, about二、补全短文5选5第二节阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的五个选项中选出能填入短文空白处的最佳选项,使短文通顺、连贯,意思完整。Wangfujing Street is a busy shopping street in Beijing.16 . You can buy books, clothes, shoes and many other things on the street.The street is about 700 years old. In the past, lords(贵族) lived there. Next to one of the lords houses there was a well.17 . Many people had no water to drink. However, the lords well still had lots of water. This lord did not want to give the water to anyone. So he asked an old man to stand in front of the well and stop people taking water.18 . He said, “My lord, if I dont give them water, they will die.19 . ” Finally, the lord agreed with the old man.20 . “Wangfu” means the lords house and “jing” means the well.AThere are many shops.BThen nobody can work for you.COne year, there was little rain.DThis is how the street gets its name.EBut the old man always gave water to poor people.三、完型填空No matter who you are and where you live, the most important thing is what kind of person you are. There are many good qualities that can benefit you a lot in your life. Among them, the following _ qualities are the most helpful ones.Have a _ attitude. Life is not always a bed of roses. When facing difficulties, dont lose heart. Do you know what can help you overcome difficulties? Its your altitude. Cheer up! Life is like a _. When you smile in front of it, it will also smile at you.Keep learning. Maybe you _ your present life. Every day you have _ much work to do that you cant find any time to learn. However, the world around you is changing all the time. Never be satisfied with yourself, _ you will fall behind others. _ learning can help you get success in the future.Be creative. In modern society, the students who have creative thinking are needed most. Being creative means_ new ideas and having creative imagination. Those who are creative have more choices in their life.Be honest and keep your promise. Honesty is the best policy(原则). _ likes a person who tells lies. The one who keeps his word is popular everywhere.As long as you have these qualities _ above, you will be excellent and make a difference to the world. Albert Einstein once said, “Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.根据短文内容选择最佳答案。21 . AthreeBfourCfive22 . AnegativeBpositiveCsad23 . AboardBstoneCmirror24 . Aare used toBare used forCused for25 . AtooBsoCsuch26 . AandBbutCor27 . AKeepBKeepingCKeeps28 . Acoming up withBcatching up withCcalling up29 . AEverybodyBNobodyCSomebody30 . Athat is mentionedBmentioningCmentioned四、阅读单选Canberra is the capital of Australia. It is a modern and lively city with a population of over 345,000.HistoryCanberra is the eighth largest city in Australia. It is 238 kilometres from Sydney and 507 kilometres from Melbourne. Melbourne was once the capital of Australia. Sydney people also wished to make their city the capital. It was difficult for the government to make the decision. Then in 1911, the government chose a place to build the new capital. It was between Sydney and Melbourne,the two largest cities in Australia. It took more than 14 years to build the city. In 1927, the city was set up. It became the capital and was named Canberra. “Canberra” means “a place for friends to get together”.CultureCanberra is a beautiful city with trees and flowers everywhere. Theres the Flower Festival in September each year. People can enjoy all kinds of beautiful flowers and welcome the spring to arrive. A manmade lakeLake Bertey Griffin is in the center of the city. Its about 25 kilometres long. People like to ride bikes, walk or run around the lake. In Canberra, therere many famous universities like the Australian National University and the University of Canberra. The National Library and the National Museum of Australia are also famous places that people like to visit.31 . How far is Canberra from Sydney?A25 kilometres.B238 kilometresC345 kilometres.D507 kilometres.32 . When was Canberra set up?AIn 1911.BIn 1927.CIn 1954.DIn 1955.33 . The word “Canberra” means _.Athe largest cityBa beautiful manmade lakeCthe old capital cityDa place for friends to get together34 . The Flower Festival is a festival to _.Aride bikesBvisit universitiesCwelcome the springDwalk around the lake35 . How long is Lake Bertey Griffin?AAbout 238 kilometresBAbout 507 kilometres.CAbout 25 kilometres.DAbout 345 kilometres.A boy named Reggie was well-known in his hometown because he couldnt hear anything. He was born deaf. Although people liked him a lot, they also treated him much more differently than other people. The other children worried that they might hurt him while playing together. Adults acted like he was unable to understand them, as if he was a baby.However, this year, people got to know about him better. On Reggies birthday, it was also the Day of Silence, in order to celebrate both of them, everyone in town would wear earplugs so that they couldnt hear anything, either. People became to know how difficult life could be to be deaf. They also learned that Reggie had many skills (技能).On that day, _ They paid more attention to the things he said. They found that he was smart, and he can find a solution (解决办法) to almost any problem that he faced. He just needed to communicate (交流) with others in a different way. In the end, people found that he was really just like any other little boy.On the Day of Silence. people came to know Reggies true nature. They learned that although most of us are different from each othersometimes in big wayswe are still mostly the same in our hearts and minds.36 . Reggie was wellknown because _.Ahe could h near anythingBhe couldnt hear anythingChe wasnt born deafDhe was born blind37 . The underlined word “earplugs” means _ in Chinese.A帽子B大衣C耳塞D墨镜38 . During the Day of Silence people found that _AReggies life was as easy as theirs.BReggie couldnt live without others help.CReggie was just like any other little boy.DReggie didnt want to communicate with others.39 . Which of the following sentence can be the missing part of paragraph3? _AReggie met many problems.BPeople saw a whole new side of him.CReggie was different from others.Dpeople met many problems because they couldnt hear .How to learn English well.Well, I dont know how you all feel, but I find English really difficult. There are just so many new words to remember. My problem is that I cant remember all the new words. Im so worried about it. How can I improve my English?Dont worry, Li Ping. I think its very useful to make word lists for different topics. For example, you can make lists for fruit, vegetables and animals. Then you can review them whenever you have time. The more you review, the better you will remember!Im learning English and I feel frustrated. English grammar rules are really confusing. Sometimes I know all the words in a sentence but I still cant understand the whole sentence. I become nervous when I speak English, too. What should I do?Dont give up, David. As for grammar rules, Ive used pictures and tables to help me, for example with verb tenses. Ive also tried to put difficult structures into songs, but I think the best way to remember grammar rules is to use them. These methods work well for me. You can have a try.40 . Li Pings problem in English learning is that he.Acant remember new wordsBcant understand grammarCis nervous when he speaks EnglishDcant read new words41 . According to Tina, its useful towhen we try to remember new words.Ause picturesBmake word listsCsing songsDuse new words42 . David thinks thatare difficult.Anew wordsBlong sentencesCgrammar rulesDtopics43 . According to Anne, the best way to remember grammar rules is to.Aread themBuse themCreview themDwrite themThere are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. People have different things to do in four seasons.Spring is the first season in a year. The weather becomes warm. And it is the best season to get close to nature and fly kites. Parents often take their children to parks to enjoy fresh air and beautiful natural scenery(景色). Summer is the second season in a year. The temperature is very high. People like to go travelling in summer. Children like to eat their favourite ice cream and go swimming.Autumn is the third season in a year. Farmers are very busy in this season. It becomes windy. Leaves are falling. Everyone starts to prepare for (准备) the Mid-Autumn Festival in this season. All kinds of fruits are in the markets.Winter is the last season in a year. It usually snows heavily in northern parts of China. Every Chinese celebrates(庆祝)the Spring Festival in this season. Many families use flowers and lights to make their houses beautiful.44 . How is the weather in spring?AWarm.BWindy.CRainyDHot45 . Which of the following things may people do in summer?AUse flowers and lights to beautify their houses.BFly kites.CGet close to nature.DGo swimming and eat ice cream.46 . People are usually _ in autumn.AsadBrelaxedCfreeDbusy47 . Which of the following is true according to the passage?AThere are few kinds of fruits in autumn.BIt becomes windy in autumn.CChildren can get red packets when leaves are falling.DIt snows a lot in southern parts of China in winter.48 . What is the passage mainly about?AHow people like four seasons.BWhat people do in different seasons.CDifferent festivals in different seasons.DThe plants in different seasons.五、完成句子49 . 他的自行车和我的一样。His bike is the_mine.50 . 我希望有一天能成为一名医生。I_be a doctor one day.51 . 个真正的朋友是在需要时给你帮助,使你感动。A true friend_your hand and touches your heart.52 . 目前为止你认为它怎么样?What do you think of it_?53 . 我的哥哥和我在很多方面有很大的不同。My brother _quite _ me in many ways.六、单词填空Hello, my name is Jack. I am 54 . (十二)years old. I am a student in Class Five, 55 . (年级)Seven, Chouzhou Middle School. This is 56 . (我的)friend, John. We are both from China. However, we are quite different(不同的). Im from Hangzhou, the 57 . (省会)of Zhejiang, a big 58 . (城市), but he is from Yi Wu, a 59 . (小的)one. I like 60 . (秋天)best, because its cool in Yi Wu and my 61 . (生日)is in September. He likes spring best, because everywhere is 62 . (绿色的)in spring. I like 63 . (星期三), but he likes Saturday.七、根据图画及所给单词写出句子根据每小题所提供的图画情景和提示词,写出一个与图画情景相符的句子。64 . be good at _65 . enjoy, skate, two years ago _66 . bad, health _67 . not, read _68 . tomorrow _八、话题作文69 . 书面表达校园安全问题越来越受到重视,为了确保学生的安全,学校制订了一些规章制度。请根据提示内容,以“School safety”为题写一篇100词左右的英语短文。提示:1. 遵守校规,按时到校、离校;2. 不接受陌生人的物品;3. 结伴同行,天黑前到家;4. 遇到麻烦及时告知家长和老师。School safety_第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全短文5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、4、五、完成句子1、六、单词填空1、七、根据图画及所给单词写出句子1、八、话题作文1、

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