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人教版2019-2020学年度七年级第一学期第一次月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Our school has fifty-six _ teachers.Awoman B. women C. womans2 . He accepted the _ with pleasure. He thought it an honor to attend such a great party.AinstructionBinvitationCintroductionDinvention3 . will you go back to your hometown? In a week.AHow longBHow farCHow soon4 . (2012湖北黄冈)Do you know that there are many different_animals in the zoo?Yes,I doAnd I also know that some of them are_scaringAkinds of;kind ofBkinds of;kinds ofCkind of;kinds ofDkind of;kind of5 . The house they offered us_ to be a tiny but nice flatAcarried outBput outCturned outDworked out6 . The 2014 Summer Youth Olympic Games will be held _ August in Nanjing.AinBonCbyDat7 . The only good habit of the boys is _up early.AgettingBto getCgetDgets8 . Its a good _ to have breakfast every morning.AheathBskillChabitDproblem9 . The poor man died to the hospital.Aby the wayBin the wayCto the wayDon the way10 . _ am a girl. _ name is Wang Lei.AI; IBI; MyCMy; IDMy; i二、完型填空Hi! Im Cindy. Im_English_. Cindy is my _. My family name _White. Im in China now. My Chinese name is _ . Its _ . Its 3: 00 now, Whats this? _a key, Whats that? Its a ruler. _key and the ruler _ blue. _ is that pen? Its black. Its my pen.11 . AaBanCtheD/12 . AnameBnumberCgirlDboy13 . Afirst nameBlast nameCfamily nameDmiddle name14 . AisBamCareDbe15 . AZengxiaohuiBzeng xiaohuiCZeng Xiao HuiDZeng Xiaohui16 . AcolorBredCred colorDwhat color17 . AItsBitsCItsDits18 . AABAnCTheD/19 . AisBamCareD/20 . AWhat colorBWhatCHowDWhats三、阅读单选Dear Tom,Thanks for your letter, and I am glad to be your pen friend. Let me tell you something about myself.I am a student in Class One, Grade Seven. This year, I learn many new subjects. They are English, geography, history and so on. I like English very much because its very useful. I often see English movies on the weekend. I think it is good for my English.I have four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. After class I do sports. My favorite sport is soccer. I think its very exciting. I often play soccer with my friends, Martin and Victor. What about you? Please tell me something more about yourself.Yours,Li Yong21 . Who writes the letter?ATom.BLi Yong.CMartin.DVictor.22 . What subject is NOT mentioned (提及) in the letter?AEnglish.Bgeography.CHistory.DMath.23 . What does Li Yong often do on the weekend?AHe often reads English.BHe often plays soccer with his friends.CHe often writes letters.DHe often sees English movies.24 . How many lessons does Li Yong have every day?ATwoBFourCfiveDSix25 . What sport does Li Yong like best?ABasketball.BSoccer.CBaseball.DTennis.For years I wanted a gardenId spend hours thinking of different things I could plant that would look nice togetherBut then we had Matthew, and Marvin, and the twins Alisa and Alan, and then HelenI was too busy raising them to grow a gardenMoney was not enoughNeither was timeOften when my children were little, one of them would want something that cost too much, and Id have to say, “Do you see a money tree outside?_, you know”Finally, all the children got through high school and college and were off on their ownI started thinking again about a gardenThen, one spring morning, on Mothers Day, I was working in my kitchenSuddenly, I looked out of the window and there was a new tree, planted right in my yardThere were things blowing around on it Then I put my glasses onand I couldnt believe what I sawThere was a money tree in my yard!I went outside to lookIt was true! There were dollar bills(帐单), one hundred of them, hanging all over that treeThere was also a note among them, “Thank you for your time, MomWe love you!”Later, my children bought me tools, ornaments, a sunflower stepping stone and gardening booksA new page started in my lifeThat was three years agoMy gardens now very pretty, just like I wantedWhen I go out and take care of my flowers, I dont seem to miss my children as much as I once didIt feels like theyre right there with meNow every year when winter comes, I look out of my window and think of the flowers Ill see next spring in my little gardenI think about what my children did for me, and I get tears in my eyesevery timeIm still not sure that money grows on treesBut I know love does!26 . How many children did the writer have?AThreeBFourCFiveDSix27 . What did the mother mean when she said “Money doesnt grow on trees”?AShe was too busy to plant a money tree at that timeBShe had to save money so that she could have a gardenCIt wasnt easy for her to make money to raise all the childrenDThey didnt have much money because the mother lost her job28 . The “money tree” appeared in the writers yard _Abefore her children were bornBone spring morning when the children were littleCafter the children went to schoolDon a Mothers Day after the children left her29 . The children planted a money tree in their mothers yard because _Atheir mother needed money badlyBthey wanted to show their love to their motherCit was time for them to give the money back to herDthey wanted to live together with their mother foreverHello,I am Paddington and I am a little bear.I live with the Browns in England. Most of my neighbours are friendly to me.And the Browns love me but I often miss(想念)Aunt Lucy so much.She lives in Peru(秘鲁).Aunt Lucys 100th birthday is coming.I want to buy a present for her.I find a beautiful book in a shop and I want to buy it.But it is kind of for me,so I have to work to make money.I get a jobto clean glass.At first,the job is difficult for me.But then I find it easy and interesting.I get more and more money and I can buy the book soon.I really hope my aunt will like my present.30 . Paddington lives with the Browns in.ASouth AfricaBEnglandCAustraliaDChina31 . Most of the bears neighbors are people.AshyBstrictCfriendlyDlazy32 . Paddington wants to buy a present for.AuncleBauntCfriendDneighbour33 . The meaning of the word“ ”should be“”.A昂贵的B不可能的C受欢迎的D轻松的34 . Paddingtons job is to.Aclean housesBsing for peopleClook after petsDclean glass四、用单词的正确形式完成短文Awould likeBlikeCthanks forDbecause ofEwas bornFas wellDear James,Hi! Its really nice to hear from you!35 . telling me so much about your life and the photo. You looked very handsome! I36 . to be your pen friend 37 . .I 38 . in Shanghai in May 1992, so were the same age. But Im 1.6 metres tall. Playing computer games is also my favorite hobby! And Im a smart girl and I never let computer games take up too much time. Besides, I 39 . reading and writing. Ive written several novels! Ill keep writing and someday Ill become as famous as J. K. Rowling!I have a typical Chinese family, which is smaller than yours: my dad, my mum and I.Have a nice weekend, James!Yours,Jane五、回答问题My father and I used to climb the mountain near my house.Walking together,my father and I used to have a lot of conversations through which I learned lessons from his experiences.He always told me,“You should have goals(目标) like climbing the mountain.” Without mountain climbing that we both enjoyed,we couldnt have enough time to spend together because my father was very busy.It gave me time to talk with my father and to be in deep thought as well as develop my patience.Once we climbed a very high mountain.It was a challenge for me because I was only ten years old.During the first few hours of climbing,I enjoyed the flowers,trees and the bird singing.But as time passed,I got a pain in both of my legs.I wanted to stop climbing.In fact I hated it at that moment,but my father said to me,“You can always see a beautiful sky at the top of the mountain.” At that time,I was too young to understand his words.But late after that,I got new hope and confidence(信心).I found myself standing at the top of the mountain.40 . What did the writer use to do with his father?(不超过10个词)_41 . Why couldnt the writer and his father have enough time to spend together?(不超过10个词)_42 . How the writer felt when he climbed a very high mountain during the first few hours?(不超过15个词)_阅读理解Hello, boys and girls. Please look at me. I am a robot(机器人). My name is Lucy. This is my head. Its big and round. I have two eyes, and they are very big. I have 3 hands and two legs. This is my friend. Its a robot, too. Her name is Lily. We look different. Her head is small and square(方形的). She has one eye, and it s small. She has two hands and 3 legs. Do you like us?根据短文内容, 回答下列问题43 . Whose head is big and round?_44 . Does Lucy have two hands, 3 legs and two eyes?_45 . Is Lilys eye small?_46 . Do their heads look the same?_47 . Do you like Lily? Please draw a picture of her.(请把她画出来)六、多任务混合问题Peter likes sportsHello, everyone! Im Li Ming. Oh, who is Peter? Do you know?Peter is my good friend. He is an English boy. He likes sports very much. He has a great sports collection. He has one (1) _, three (2) _, three (3) _ and two (4) _. Peter has much free time for sports. He likes playing basketball very much. Every morning he plays basketball with us. And he often watches basketball games on TV.根据短文内容,完成下列各题。48 . 根据短文内容及图片提示,在(1)至(4)处填写正确的单词。(1)(2)(3)(4)(1) _ (2) _ (3) _ (4) _49 . Li Ming and Peter are _.AbrothersBfriendsCclassmates50 . 将画“_”的句子改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答。_51 . 将画“”的句子改为否定句。_52 . 将画“”的句子翻译成汉语。_John and Rose are good friends. They are from Canada. But they are in China now. They are in the same school. But_they_are_in_different_classes. John is in Class One. He likes Chinese very much. Rose is in Class Two. Her favourite subject is English, but she doesnt like Chinese. Johns mother is a teacher. His father is a driver. Roses mother is a nurse. Her father is a worker. 26题判断正(T)误(F);2729题简略回答问题;30题将文中画线句子译成汉语。53 . Rose likes Chinese very much.54 . Where are they from?_55 . What is Johns mother?_56 . What is Roses father?_57 . _七、书信作文58 . 假如你是张华,你推荐好朋友李明参加“最佳学生奖”的评选,请根据下面表格的内容,写一封推荐信。个性善良,乐于助人,能力聪明,思维缜密;事迹1. 经常参加一些为贫困儿童募集衣服、书本的活动;2. 上个月,一个七岁的男孩迷路,他帮助孩子找到了家;3. 上周末,他从大火中救出一位老人。4. 领养流浪狗(homeless dog),每天放学后带他散步,成为好朋友,帮他刷毛、洗澡、喂食;希望要求:语句通顺,条理清楚,不要逐句翻译,可适当发挥。字数不少于80字。Dear Sir/ Madam,I would like to recommend my friend Li Ming for the Best Student Award._Yours faithfullyZhang Hua第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、五、回答问题1、2、六、多任务混合问题1、2、七、书信作文1、

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