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人教版2019-2020学年八年级(下)期中英语试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . If I have enough money, I_ a school bus to help the poor children go to school.AbuyBboughtCwill buyDam buying2 . She kept practicing _ she could win the National Speaking Competition.Aas a resultBso thatCin order toDbecause of3 . -Will we go hiking tomorrow?-I have no idea.It depends on the weather is fine.AthatBifCwhatDwhether4 . When will Mr. Black come to Beijing? _ September 5.AInBAtCOfDOn5 . Although Nanjing is not so _ as Shanghai, it is the second _ city in East China.Alargest; largestBlarge; largestClargest; largeDlarge; large6 . Lets play ping-pong. _.AThank youBSounds goodCSound good.DThats right.7 . If they live in Chongqing, they can go to Wuhan _ easily.Aon footBby the taxiCby boatDby sea8 . I invited my teachers _ my birthday party.Ato join inBjoin inCto join9 . (题文)The ticket for Wang Lihongs concert last Saturday_ him over 300 RMB.Apaid B. costBspentCtook10 . (题文)I dont think its fair to make such a little kid _ so many after-school classes.AtakeBto takeCtakingDto taking11 . With an average temperature of 20 degrees,spring is _its way to Shanghai.AonBinCofDby12 . He was _ angry that he left here without saying a word.AtooBveryCenoughDso13 . I think we should dress than before.AcasuallyBmore casuallyCmost casuallyDas casually as14 . -A well-dressed man entered the room and all the people stopped talking and watched him.-He was really charming.AA man who had a sweet smileBA man who was importantCA man who wore good clothes15 . Lucydoes better in drawing than her twin sister.Ais better forBis better atCis better toDis better in二、补全短文5选5In Thailand, people do not eat with chopsticks, like in China, Japan, and Korea. They usespoons and forks. 16 . Most food is already cut. If you need to cut things, use theside of your spoon first and then use your fork. 17 . If you are right-handed, keep the spoon in your right hand and the fork in your left hand.18 . The rice is not on the same plate with the other food. It is not necessary to finish all your rice or all your food. It is good to leave a little on your plate. If you eat anything, it means you want more.19 . The host (主人) will ask you two or three times if you want more food. It is the same with whatever you are drinking. During the meal, never empty your cup or glass.When it is less than half full, your host or neighbor will fill it again.20 . Always refill(再加满) your neighbors glass. This means that you must keep an eye on your neighbors glass all through the meal.AThey never use knives.BNever fill your own glass.CPeople always offer you more food.DThe spoon is more important than the fork.EPeople usually have rice in a different bowl.三、完型填空语法选择。There is a man called Mr. Flowers, and flowers were his only joy in life. He spends all his free time _ care of his favourite glass-house and grows flowers of every color, with long and difficult names, for competitions. He works _ to grow a rose of a new color to win the silver _ for the best Rose of the Year.Mr. Flowers glass-house is very near to a middle school. Boys are often tempted to throw a stone or two at one of Mr. Flowers glass-house. So Mr. Flowers does _ best to be in or near his glass houses at the-beginning and end of the school day.However , it was not always possible for him to be on a watch. Mr. Flowers tries in many ways to protect his glass-house, but nothing_ to be useful. Although he goes to school to report to the headmaster;_ this does not any good. He tries to drive away the boys_ throw stones into his garden, but the boys run even _ , and they laughed_ him from far away. He even picks up all the stones he _find around his garden, _ the boys have nothing to throw, but they soon found others. Mr. Flowers thinks hard._ to solve this problem?At last Mr. Flowers comes up with_ idea. He puts up a large notice_ of good and strong wood, some meters away from the glass-houses. On it the words_DO NOT THROW STONES AT THIS NOTICE. In this way, Mr. Flowers stops the trouble.21 . AtakeBto takeCtakingDtaken22 . AhopeBhopesChopefulDhopefully23 . AcupBcupsCa cupDone cup24 . AheBhisChimDhimself25 . AseemBseemedCseemsDis seeming26 . AbutBsoCandD/27 . AwhichBwhatCwhoDwhere28 . AfastBfasterCfastestDthe fastest29 . AatBinConDfor30 . AcanBmustCshouldDmay31 . Asuch thatBso thatCin orderDin order to32 . AwayBwhereCwhatDhow33 . AaBanCtheD/34 . AmakeBmakesCmakingDmade35 . AwritesBwroteCare writtenDwere written四、阅读单选根据短文内容,从每个小题的备选选项中选择一个最佳答案。36 . If you want to buy a new jacket, youll have to go to _.A3031 No.3 RoadB5300 No.3 RoadC9020 Bridgeport RoadD1100 Chesnut Street37 . If you want to go out for dinner on Sunday, you can call up the number _.A22785161 or 22706030B22706030 or 33562367C77364431 or 22785161D33562367 or 2278516138 . You dont have to pay on Monday if you go to _.ASkyline HotelBLansdowne Park Shopping CenterCNew York MuseumDGarden Restaurant39 . If you want to enjoy yourself on Sunday mornings, you can go to _.ALansdowne Park Shopping CenterBNew York MuseumCGarden RestaurantDCoffee Shop40 . Visiting New York Museum, you can know _.Athe history of American native peopleBthe history of New YorkCthe art of AmericaDthe art of New YorkOcean Museum9:0017:00 Thurs. to Sun.132 College StreetPrice: 50 yuanTel: 543-9871Show you a full picture of sea lives!Health Centre9:00 17:0016 Yongle StreetTel:380-1451Free exams for those over 70Give you good advice to keephealthy!Jundu Tourist VillaJundu Tourist Villa is situated at the Ming Tombs, Changping District, Beijing.Price: 480 yuan per night or moreRed Wall HotelRed Wall Hotel, enjoying the favorable geographic position, is close to many famous scenic spots in Beijing.Surrounding: Beihai Park, Wangfujing StreetPrice: $ 32 to $ 75 per night41 . You can visit Ocean Museum on _AMondayBTuesdayCWednesdayDSaturday42 . One can get free exams in Health Centre if he is _.A73B67C35D2743 . How long does Health Centre last every day?A5 hoursB6 hours C. 8 hours C. 10 hours44 . If you want to live in Jundu Tourist Villa, you should pay _ per night at least.AnothingB50 yuanC$ 75D480 yuanAs we know, Chongqing has changed a lot. Most of the people feel much safer now. More and more trees are being planted in the city. And every day you can see many old people play sports everywhere. The change makes the people in the city live a happy life. The small survey below is from the people who live in Chongqing. One hundred persons were chosen to answer the questions last week.What they want Health Safety Food52% 33% 15%Where they like to live In a quieter place In a busier place In a greener place15% 5% 80%What they think of working in the city Bad Good No idea8% 80% 12%Whether they plan to change their living places Yes No Difficult to say39% 41% 20%45 . From the survey, _ of the people in Chongqing care about health.A41%B80%C39%D52%46 . Most people think working in Chongqing is _.AbadBgoodChardDsad47 . From the survey, we know most people want to live _.Ain a busier placeBin a quieter placeCin a greener placeDon the mountain48 . According to the passage and the survey, we know that _.Amost people plan to change their living placesBin Chongqing all the people have a lot of foodCthe people in Chongqing dont like planting treesDthe change in Chongqing makes people enjoy living thereWelcome Party for All New StudentsDear students,Please come to the Student Center for a welcome party from 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm this Friday, or as soon as you can after class. If you join the party, you can have free hot dogs and soft drinks.We hope to see you there.Student Affairs OfficeBirthday Party Confirmation(确认)Dear Linda,Thank you for inviting me and my dog, Paul to your 13th birthday party. We look forward to doing face painting and playing games with dance music with you and your friends on Saturday, April 9th from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm.See you there!Best wishes,MarySpecial Christmas HelloDear Sandy,Merry Christmas! Ive been keeping an eye on you all the year. Mrs. Claus and I know you have tried your best to be a good boy. When we arrive in your city, we will be sure to stop at your home and celebrate Christmas with you.Love,Santa and Mrs. Claus49 . The welcome party is held _.Ain the morningBat noonCin the afternoonDat night50 . Students can enjoy _ at the welcome party.Adance musicBfree hot dogs and soft drinksCface painting gamesDtalent shows51 . _ will have a birthday party on April 9th.AMaryBPaulCSandyDLinda52 . Which of the following is TRUE about the birthday party?AThe birthday party will be held on Sunday.BMary will sing songs at the birthday party.CThe birthday party will last 1.5 hours.DMary will go to the birthday party with her pet bird.53 . What do the underlined words “keep an eye on” probably mean?Atake part inBbe careful withClisten toDtake a close look at54 . We can learn that Santa Claus _.Awill celebrate Christmas with SandyBthinks Sandy is a bad boyCwill bring Christmas presents to SandyDwill not arrive at Sandys home五、语法填空Spring Festival is an important festival in China. It usually comes in 55 . or February. Before the Spring Festival, I always help mum do some shopping and do some 56 . We buy fruit, drinks and vegetables. When the Spring Festival falls, we usually57 . (visit) our relatives (亲人) and friends. Some people go back to their hometown and58 . (stay) with their grandparents. We have big dinners and 59 . (party) on those days. We enjoy the festival.六、根据图画及所给单词写出句子看图写句请根据每题所提供的图片和提示词(要求全部用上),写一个与图片情景相符的句子60 . (impolite, speak)_61 . (write, when, knock)_62 . (if, not, rain)_63 . (eat, western)_64 . (carefully, the three girls)_七、材料作文65 . 健康一直是人们关注的问题,我校要举行以“关爱健康”为题的主题班会,请根据以下内容,以“How to be healthy” 谈谈你的看法。1.保持健康的重要性2.保持健康的方法:第一、要有健康的饮食习惯吃足够的食物、不要太多也不要太少;多吃水果蔬菜;要有规律吃等等第二、要有良好的生活习惯早睡早起;勤洗手等。第三、运动能让我们身强体壮,精力充沛。每天至少锻炼一小时等。3.自己的看法(至少一条)注意事项:1短文必须包括所有内容要点,不要逐句翻译,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺。2参考词汇:important, healthy, eating habits, enough, regularly, living habits, strong, make, active, energy, at least, exercise, happy3. 词数要求:80左右。短文的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数;How to be HealthyHello, everyone! Ill share my ideas about “health” with you._八、其他从B栏中找出与A栏相对应的答语,并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑。ABWould you like to have a trip to Mount Fanjing?A. Its cold.I feel nervous before answering questions.B. Since last week.How long have you been like this?C. Sure. Id like to.Whats the weather like in Tongren in winter?D. Take it easy and relax yourself.How was your exam?E. Not bad.66 . _67 . _68 . _69 . _70 . _第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全短文5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、4、五、语法填空1、六、根据图画及所给单词写出句子1、七、材料作文1、八、其他1、

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