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人教版2019-2020学年八年级第二学期期中考试英语试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . A: Is Jim coming by train?B: Im not sure. He _ drive his car.AmustBmayCneedDshould2 . Is the library _ now? No, it usually _ at 9 a.m.Aopens; opensBopen; openCopen; opensDopens; open3 . -Will you go to _ school-leavers party tomorrow?- Certainly. Im going with my parents.AaBanCtheD/4 . _ in and take a seat, I have something to talk with you.AComeBCameCComingDTo come5 . In old Chinese poems, each line has _ words.Aa number ofBseveralCa good number ofDa set number of6 . There _ great changes in our hometown over the twenty years.Ahave taken placeBhave hadChave beenDwere7 . Do you know the boy _ brown hair?AhasBhaveCisDwith8 . Have you decided which high school to choose?Not yet. I _ go to Haian Senior High School.AmustBshouldntCmayDneednt9 . -How long _ it take him _ home? -It takes about 15 minutes.Adoes, to get B. is, getBdoes, to get to D. is, to get to10 . Have you invited Joe and Linda to dinner?Yes, of course. But _ of them accepted.AnoneBneitherCbothDall11 . _ is Gina. She is_ good friend.AShe; myBHer; myCShe; IDHer; I12 . (题文)They _their way to make me_ at home.Aget in; stayBgo out of; feelCget on; to be13 . I _ have afternoon tea, but I _ taking a walk now.Aused to; used toBwas used to; get used toCused to; am used toDwas used to; used to14 . My mother delicious food for us every evening.Ais cookingBwill cookCcooksDwas cooking15 . Will you buy this tie for Dad? I have no idea. I dont knowor not the colour matches his new shirt.AifBthatCwhyDwhether二、补全短文5选5This week we asked students at New Star High School about the best ways to learn more English. 16 . . Some students had more specific(具体的) suggestions.Lillian Li, for example, said the best way to learn new words was by reading English magazines. She said that memorizing the words of pop songs also helped a little. When we asked about studying grammar, she said, “17 . ”18 . .Hes been learning English for six years and really loves it. He thinks studying grammar is a great way to learn a language.19 . .By watching them, he can watch the actors say the words. Sometimes, however, he finds watching movies frustrating because the people speak too quickly.Liu Chang said that joining the English club at school was the best way to improve her English. 20 . . She added that having conversations with friends was not helpful at all. “We get excited about something and then end up speaking Chinese”, she said.根据短文内容,将下列方框内的句子还原到文中空白处,使短文内容完整、通顺(每个选项只能用一次)AMany said they learned by using English.BHe also thinks that watching English movies isnt a bad way.CI never study grammar. Its too boring.DStudents get lots of practice and they also have fun in the club.EWei Ming thinks differently.三、完型填空Hello, Im Mrs. Smith. Here_some lost things (东西)_in the “Lost and Found” box. This is a watch._is blue. David found it this morning. Is it_? That is a jacket. It is yellow and black. Alan found it this afternoon. Those are_pencils. One is blue. One is red. Mary found them in_classroom. By the way, Jack lost his_. Its a white key. He must find it. Can you_Jack? Boys and girls, if (如果) you lose something, you can ask me_help, Call me. My_number is 887-9569.21 . AamBisCareDbe22 . AItsBTheyreCYoureDIm23 . AThatBThisCItDOne24 . AmineByoursCyourDmy25 . AtwoBthreeCfourDfive26 . AhesBshesChisDher27 . ApenBpensCkeysDkey28 . AhelpBaskCspellDthank29 . AatBaboutCforDof30 . AphotoBschoolCcardDphone四、阅读单选Mickey Mouse and his good friends Donald Duck and Goofy like Chinese kung fu very much. They come to Shaolin Temple(少林寺)in China to learn it. Bat King is not kind but he practises Chinese kung fu very well. He always does bad things to the people in the temple. The people there are very afraid of him. In Shaolin Temple, the master is very strict(严格). They have to practise hard. Donald cant put up with it. He leaves the temple and does not tell anybody. Goofy always does things in the wrong way. At the same time, Bat King has a plan. He wants to beat(打败)the people in Shaolin Temple. Mickey and his friends want to help those people. They study kung fu hard. They also have lots of adventures(冒险). In these adventures, they are better at kung fu. What adventures do they have? Will they beat the Bat King and help the people in Shaolin Temple? Find out in the Disney and Childrens Fun storybook Kungfu Mickey.31 . Why do Mickey Mouse and his friends come to Shaolin Temple?ATo help the people in the temple.BTo beat Bat King.CTo visit the master of the temple.DTo learn Chinese kung fu.32 . Who is good at kung fu in the beginning?AMickey Mouse.BBat King.CGoofy.DDonald Duck.33 . What does the underlined phrase put up with mean in Chinese? _A忍受B准备C逃避D忽视34 . From the passage we CANNOT know _.Awho are the friends of Shaolin TempleBwho always does things in the wrong wayCwho wants to beat the people in the templeDwho beats Bat King at last35 . The passage wants to tell us _.Awe should learn kung fuBwe should help each otherCsomething about a storybookDsomething about Shaolin Temple.Peter always doesnt know the way. His friends often laugh at him. They say he needs a map to find the bathroom in his own house. In his eyes, every street has no difference, and he doesnt know which way to go. Sometimes he has to take a taxi home because he cant remember the way to his house.Peter watches a lot of films and reads a lot of books about animals. Each bird knows which way is south. Bats (蝙蝠) can fly at night and find their way with their ears. He feels embarrassed (困窘的) because all these animals have a good sense of direction. He tries to find his way with the help of stars in the sky. There is a star called the North Star, and he knows how to find it.Of course, Peters friends are still laughing at him, because he can only see the North Star outside when it is sunny at night. He cant tell the directions in the daytime or when he is inside or when it is cloudy.36 . Why Peter has to take a taxi home?Ahe is tired after shoppingBhe doesnt know the way homeChe likes taking the taxiDhis friends want him to do that37 . Bats find the way with their _.AearsBmouthsCnosesDeyes38 . How does Peter find his way in the evening?ABy reading a map.BBy asking others.CWith the help of stars in the sky.DWith the help of Bats.39 . What does the underlined phrase “sense of direction” mean in Chinese?A幽默感B责任感C幸福感D方向感40 . Why do Peters friends still laugh at him? cant still find his way in the daytime cant still find his way when he is inside cant still find his way when it is cloudy cant still find his way when he sees the North StarABCD阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。When youre curious(好奇的) about something, and want to know more about it, you can use the way of asking questionsAsking questions is the first step to make discoveries and find interesting answersThe steps below can guide you during the researchStep1 On a note card or piece of paper, write down the subject that you are interested inJust get the main idea downFor example, you might write: Discover more about dinosaursStep2 Next, stop and think for a moment about what you already know about your subjectList what you already know like the sentences below:(1)Dinosaurs lived long before human beings appeareD(2)Dinosaurs lived on the earth for more than 150 million years(3)Some dinosaurs fed on(吃) plants, some on meatStep3 What can you do with what you want to learn? By asking questionsOn your paper, start writing down questions about the dinosaurs as you think of them:(1)Whats the best weather for dinosaurs to live in?(2)How many kinds of dinosaurs are there?(3)Have dinosaurs really disappeared?Step4 Armed with your list of questions, you can now go to the nearest library or computer to begin your researchAs you learn more about your subject, youll probably discover some new questionsFor example, you might discover that dinosaurs disappeared about 65 million years agoWhy? What happened? Asking new questions can help you research your subject more widelyIf you always find something interesting to research, take time to organize(组织) your thinking by asking good questionsAnd remember learning more always brings more questions41 . When you do some research, you should take the following steps:(1)list what you want to know (2) choose a research subject(3)list what you already know (4) discover new problemsA(4)(3)(2)(1)B(1)(4)(3)(2)C(2)(3)(1)(4)D(3)(2)(4)(1)42 . From the passage, we knowAdinosaurs appeared after human beingsBnot all the dinosaurs fed on meatCdinosaurs lived on the earth for 65 million yearsDdinosaurs lived warm season43 . What does “Armed with your list of questions” mean?APutting your list of questions under your armBDiscussing your questions with your classmatesCWriting down your list of questionsDTaking your list of questions with you44 . The best title(标题) for this passage is “”ADiscovering DinosaursBAsking Good QuestionsCFinding SubjectsDLearning Steps五、完成句子将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。45 . She helps us with our English_. (一直)46 . Now, Emily reads_six books a year. (至少)47 . Can you tell me how to_these problems? (处理;应对)48 . Smoking isnt allowed_. (在公共场所)49 . As a famous person, you have to_what you say or do. (小心)六、用单词的正确形式完成短文阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。while busy collect month he clothes careful hand one with decide hardBill was a 15-year -old boy. He had fallen in love with a ring since he saw it for the _time. The ring was beautiful, but it was too expensive for him to afford it.Bill didnt give up and _ to raise fifteen dollars by himself. He then went to the shop and asked the saleswoman if she could hold it for _. And the saleswoman said, “OK!”On Bills way home, he came up _an idea. He thought he could _plastic bottles and sell them to the factory. He became much _ than before. Every day after school, Bill collected bottles, and sometimes he also babysat children.After several _ hard work, Bill finally had enough money. He ran to the shop and bought the ring. Then he rushed into his house _ Mom was sweeping the floor. Bill placed a small box in her_.Mom opened it _ and a beautiful ring appeared. Her eyes were full of tears when she saw the beautiful ring with a small card saying “Happy Mothers Day”.50 . _51 . _52 . _53 . _54 . _55 . _56 . _57 . _58 . _59 . _七、材料作文60 . 书面表达假如你有一位来自澳大利亚的笔友Peter,请根据下面内容要点用英语写一篇短文介绍他。1.他是一名学生,13岁,喜欢弹钢琴,也会下象棋。2.住在悉尼(Sydney),家离学校有12千米。3.他通常在6:10起床,然后乘公交车去上学,大约花费35分钟。4.他的学校虽然有很多规章制度,但是他很喜欢学校。5.他最喜欢的动物是熊猫,现在正看一本关于熊猫的书,他希望来中国看熊猫。要求语句通顺,表述清晰,书写规范,不少于60词。_第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全短文5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、完成句子1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、材料作文1、

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