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人教版2019-2020学年八年级第一学期第一次月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Tom, _ there any milk in the fridge?No, Mom. There _ two tomatoes left.Ais; isBis; areCare; areDare; is2 . Dont _. When something _ you, you can ask me for help.Aworry, worryBworries, worriesCworry, worries DWorries, worry3 . _ Theyre booksAWhatre these?BAre these English books?CHow do you spell it?4 . Could you please clean your room?_. Ill do it at once.AYes, sure BSorry, I cantCIt doesnt matterDHere you are5 . -Did you _ at the meeting yesterday?- No, I _ nothing.Asay; saidBspeak; spokeCtalk; toldDspeak; said6 . The monkey comes from South America. Its _.ASouthern AmericaBSouthern AmericanCSouth AmericanDSouth America7 . _wonderful advice !AHowBWhat aCHow aDWhat8 . She is new here, so she has _ friends at school.Aa fewBfewClittleDa little9 . - Im sorry Im calling you so late.-_.ANo problemByoure welcome.CThats right .DIm all right .10 . We should keep the door and the windows _ to get quiet because its too noisy outside.AopenBopenedCclosedDclose11 . Our country is getting .We are proud of it.Amore and more strongBstrong and strongCstronger and stronger12 . Our rain forests are , so we should protect them.AdangerousBin dangerCinvisibleDin safety13 . There is _juice in the fridge? Lets go and buy_.Afew,someBa few, anyClittle,someDa little,some14 . _ the keys?_ on the bed.AWhere is;ItsBWhere are;TheyreCWheres;TheyreDWhere are;Its15 . Sit down, P1ease._.AIm fineBMy name is Li LeiCThank you16 . The wedding of Prince William was held in Westminster Cathedral _April 29, 2011.AatBinConDby17 . Be careful when you _ the blender.Aturn onBturn offCturn into18 . His father is _ English teacher in Liuzhou.AaBanCthe19 . He doesnt play the violin so _ as his father.AgoodBwellCBetter20 . Playing basketball is _ than watching TV.Amore healthyBmore healthierCmuch more healthierDmuch healthier二、完型填空Good morning, _. Nice to _ you all (全体). _ am _ new teacher. My name is _, A-N-N. You can call (称呼) _ Miss Brown. Here is a _ game. Now please _ to me. I say “1”, you should (应该) _ your book. I say “2”, you should put up your _. I say “3”, you should sit _. OK? Now I say “3, 2, _”. Wow. Thats _. Lets _ it _. Now I say “1, 2, 3”.21 . AteacherBboyCgirlDclass22 . AlookBseeCmeetDcall23 . AIBYouCHeDShe24 . AyouBmyCheDyour25 . ACarlaBAnnCTomDSam26 . AmeByouCsheDI27 . AclassBfriendCnumberDtelephone28 . AcloseBlistenClookDgo29 . AbuyBopenCputDstand30 . AbooksBbagsCchairsDhands31 . AupBinCdownDat32 . A1B6C5D433 . AoldBnewCgoodDsorry34 . AsitBputCsayDplay35 . AafterBagainCalsoDtoo三、阅读单选The way we spend our time can be divided into three bottles. These are the Necessary Tasks Bottle, the Voluntary Tasks Bottle and the Happiness Bottle.Every day, we spend time filling the Necessary Tasks Bottle with useful things, like making money, doing housework, buying food and paying bills. We then fill another bottle with Voluntary Tasks. These are things that we do for others, we may not enjoy, but we do them anyway This bottle gets filled with tasks like taking children to activities, cooking family meals, and washing clothes for family members, Those bottles are very important if we dont fill them each day.However, we often forget to fill the third bottle-the Happiness Bottle. This is the bottle that we fill with activities that make us happy. Is your Happiness Bottle sometimes empty at the end of the day? Between doing all the Necessary and Voluntary Tasks, time flies by, and before we know it. it is time for bed. We all have days like that.This is why each day we have to make an effort(努力) to fill our Happiness Bottle. Most days, I fill mine by going to the dancing class. And I always leave classes more happily than when I enter. This week, I had the pleasure of taking part in a guitar practice in my neighborhood. We show our musical talent and practice music for charity(慈善) It was a time of fun, friendship and music-making. At the end of the evening, my Happiness Bottle was filled to top.The challenge(挑战)for each of us is to not let the day go by without filling our Happiness Bottle. That takes some planning. Many of us probably need to pencil happiness activities into our schedule(日程表) Or, we will fill our schedule with those Necessary and Voluntary Tasks.This week. Think about how your time is being spent. Are you doing enough activities that bring joy to your life? Or are the Necessary and Voluntary Tasks using up all your time? At the end of the day. Hopefully weve done all we can to make sure that our Happiness Bottle is filled.36 . Which activity belongs to(属于) a Necessary Task according to the passage?AHaving fun with your good friendBPreparing a big dinner for your family.CGoing to work although it is raining heavily.DSending your son to a piano lesson on Sunday.37 . People can fill the Happiness Bottle by_.Aplanning our schedule without any Voluntary TasksBspending time on activities that make us happyCusing up all the time to find happiness.Ddoing more things for other people38 . What can we learn from the passage?APeople often fill the Happiness Bottle at bedtime.BPeople are happy to fill the Voluntary Tasks Bottle each dayCIt is necessary for people to plan happiness activities on the schedule.DIt is OK if we dont fill the Necessary Tasks or Voluntary Tasks Bottle.39 . What is the writers main purpose in writing this passage?ATo describe what the Happiness Bottle is likeBTo introduce ways to fill the Harness bottleCTo share the experience of filling the Happiness BottleDTo tell people to spend time filling the Happiness BottleLast summer, Mark became a middle school student. He took an English test in the first month. Mark was a good student and he worked hard. He finished the questions easily until he read the last one: “Everyone sees our schools cleaner every day. Whats her first name?”Of course, this question is a little special. Mark saw the woman some times. She was tall and her hair was dark. But Mark didnt talk with her and didnt know her first name. The test was over. Then one student asked the teacher, “Is the last question very important in this test?”“Yes,” said the teacher. “In our life, we meet many hard-working people.They are important. You should care about them._Mark never forgot that question. He also learned that womans first name. It was Kathy.40 . What test did Mark have in his first month in the middle school?AMath.BPhysics.CEnglish.DBiology.41 . What did Mark know about his schools cleaner?AShe was a little special.BShe was tall with dark hair.CShe often talked with the studentsDMark knew her first name.42 . What did Marks teacher think of the last question?AIt was fun.BIt was interesting.CIt was boring.DIt was important.43 . What does the sentence “You should smile at them or say hello to them.” mean?AWe should respect (尊重) the hard-working people.BWe should believe in the hard-working people.CWe should help the hard-working people.DWe should learn from the hard-working people.44 . Whats the right order about Mark?a. He saw the cleaner some times.b. He got to know the cleaners first name.c. He became a middle school student.d. He had a test.Aa,b,c,dBc,d,a,bCa,d,b,cDc,b,a,dIf someone says to you: “give me five”, do not search your pocket to get five yuan! It will make others laugh! The persons not asking for your money, but your fingers.In the US, give me five or give me the high five is a popular gesture (动作). You can see it often in films or on TV. It means the clapping (拍) of each others raised (举起的) right hands together.People do it when they meet for the first time or something happy happens. For example, a student has good marks in exams or wins a lottery ticket (彩票).If a football team wins a game, the players will give high fives to everyone around to celebrate.This gesture may come from the old Roman gesture of raising the right arm for the emperor(皇帝). This showed that the person raising his arm did not have a sword (刀) in his hand.Why not try to give the high five to your friends?45 . “Give me five” is a gesture to _.Amake people laughBask for moneyCcelebrate successDsearch ones pocket46 . The gesture “give me five” is the clapping of _.AtoesBhandsCarmsDlegs47 . The gesture started in _ according to the story.ARomeBAmericaCChinaDBritain48 . What is double “high fives”?ABoth kids clap their left hands.BBoth kids clap their right hands.CBoth kids do high fives several times.DBoth kids do high fives with both right and left hands.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。(每空一词)49 . Can you take a_(消息)for me? Yes, of course.50 . There are all the_(经理) names on the list, shall we invite them all?51 . Please look at the information_(下面). It may help you.52 . Sandy always_(担心) about exams. She should relax herself.53 . He wants to help_(生病的) people, so he hopes to be a doctor.54 . How many _(video) have you watched at the show?55 . I am so happy today because I meet an old friend of_(I ) in the street.56 . I dont like the_(west) food. I prefer Chinese food.57 . December is the_(twelve)month in a year.58 . He is looking forward to_(invite) me to his home.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空动词填空59 . 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。She likes bread, but she_(not like) salad.60 . 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。That_(sound) good.61 . 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。What about _(go) to the park?62 . 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。My brother _ (have) a baseball bat.63 . 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。Thanks for _(bring) me the book.64 . 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。Where _(be) the books?65 . 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。_ the girl_( have ) a TV?66 . 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。Lets_( play )football.67 . 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。They_(not have) any soccer ball.68 . 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。Bob _(play) soccer with our friends every day.六、单词填空Do you have 69 . iPad? Now a lot of students have iPads, and using iPads is very popular among them. They can listen 70 . music, watch movies and read with iPads. There are also many applications(应用)for English learning, so iPads can 71 . them with study.However, some students bring their iPads to the classroom and 72 . games on them. Other students 73 . up late to play with iPads at home, so they want to 74 . in class. Whats more, using iPads for a long time is bad for students eyes, so they have to wear 75 . . Teachers and parents dont want students to use iPads.All in 76 . , students need to make proper(合适的) use of iPads to help study and relax. Do you think so? 七、填空阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容完成表格中的信息,每空一词。Im Andy. I study at a school in Beijing. There are lots of rules(条例) in my school. We have to wear school uniforms every day, and we cant wear rings. We cant arrive late for school. We cant talk in class. After class, we cant run in the hallways. I can follow most of them, but I cant follow some.My cousin Mike is in a school in the USA. In his school, students cant bring alcohol(酒) to school Students cant smoke. Students cant colour their hair, and boys cant have long hair. Its easy for Mike to follow them.My e-friend Julie studies in a school in Canada. In her school, students cant eat in the classroom. They cant listen to music in class. Julie thinks she can obey these rules.We dont like some of the rules, but most of the rules can help us and we have to follow the rules.Rules in different schoolsSchoolsRulesA school in BeijingStudents have to 77 . school uniforms every day.Students cant wear rings, arrive 78 . for school, 79 . in class or 80 . in the hallways after class.A school in the USAStudents cant 81 . alcohol to school, smoke or 82 . their hair.Boys cant have 83 . hair.A school in CanadaStudents cant 84 . in the classroom or listen to 85 . in classSometimes students dont like the rules, but they have to 86 . the rules, because most of the rules can help them.八、回答问题注意:认真阅读短文,按规定词数答题。As a child, Alain Robert was afraid of heights. One day, when he was 12, he returned home for his school. At the front door of his building, he looked for his keysHe didnt find themIt was3: 30 p.m.and his parents worked until 6: 00 pmAlain looked at his apartment on the eighth floorHe saw an open windowHe closed his eyes and imagined himself climbing the buildingWhen he opened his eyes, he told himself, “I can do it”Fifteen minutes later, he was in his house and his fear of heights was gone.Today, Alain still climbs buildingsIn 2003, he climbed a building in London dressed as Spiderman to advertise the film In 2004, he climbed Taipei 101(one of the tallest buildings in the world) To reach the top of a building, Alain uses his hands and special shoesAlain takes climbing as a hobby.He also does it to raise money for charity-for children and the homeless When he climbs, he wants to send a message to people: If you have a dream-something you really want to do, it can become trueBut you must be brave and keep tryingIf something bad happens, dont give upClose your eyes and tell yourself, “I can do it.”回答下面 5 个问题,每题答案不超过 5 个词。87 . When was Alain Robert afraid of heights?88 . Which floor did Alain live on?89 . Why did Alain climb a building in London, dressed as Spiderman?90 . What does Alain use to reach the top of a building?91 . What do you think of Alain Robert?九、材料作文92 . 假如你是李林,你的美国笔友Sam要来你的家乡,恰巧你不在,你想介绍你的同学刘伟接待他。请用英语给Sam写一封邮件,内容包括:1. 推荐刘伟接待的原因;2. 刘伟的基本情况(参考下表信息)。Age16Hobbiessports, music, travellingPersonalityhonest, friendly, helpfulOther informationbe good at Chinese and English, know Chinese culture well要求:1.语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整;2.文中不得出现真实地名;3.词数:80词左右。Dear Sam,_Yours,Li Lin第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、单词填空1、七、填空1、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、

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