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人教版2019-2020学年八年级第一学期第一次月考英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -We had better leave our friends alone to deal with theirproblems.-I agree. Its not good for us to ask single ladies why she hasnt married.AdeafBembarrassingCpersonal2 . How was your trip in Beijing?Not so good. I stayed there for two days. But it rained on _of the days.AnoneBneitherCbothDall3 . -It wasof Mike to tell us of his delay in case we got worried.-I cant agree more.AcarelessBcaringCpatientDhonest4 . _ woman with sunglasses is _ English teacher in New Star High School.AThe, aBA, aCThe, anDA, an5 . This kind of on-line game _ a group of teenagers in China.Ais made ofBis made byCis made fromDis made in6 . Many people shop on line, _ years ago, they bought things only from stores.AandBsoCbutDor7 . Peter is very.But John is than him.Aoutgoing, outgoingBoutgoing, more outgoingCmore outgoing, outgoingDoutgoing, outgoinger8 . Have a good day, Ms. Green!_.AOKBThanks You.CNice to meet you.DIm OK. Thanks.9 . Bill Grates is one of _ people in the world.Athe richerBrichestCricherDthe richest10 . The little girl is _ young _ look after herself.Aso, thatBtoo, toCsuch, thatDso, to11 . I dont know how to _ with this math problem.You can solve this problem _ listening carefully in class.Ado;byBdeal;byCdo;inDdeal;with12 . John didnt go to bed _he finished his homework.AuntilBafterCwhile13 . The girl is good at_chess.Ato playBplaysCplayingDplay14 . -Do you mind my smoking here? - _. Its a public place.ABetter notBOf course notCNot at allDCertainly not.15 . Hi, Mike! Have you heard that Sharapova has returned to the court?_? She broke the rule and shouldnt be allowed(允许) to play tennis again! I dont like her any more.ACome onBTold youCSo whatDSee二、补全对话6选5A: What can I do for you?B: I want to buy a dress for myself.A: OK.16 . .B: Size M. And my favourite colour is yellow.17 . .A: Sorry.18 . . But there is one in L. B: Let me try it on. Oh, it is a little long for me.A:19 . .B: OK. How long do I need to wait?A: About a week.20 . . Everything will be half price.B: That sounds good.三、补全短文5选5Follow Your Dream is a famous show in America. It is mainly for children. It is designed to help children to follow their dreams.21 . One day, a seven-year-old girl named Mary came to the show. During the show, the host James asked Mary, “Hi, Mary! Welcome!22 . ” “I want to be a pilot!” said little Mary proudly.“23 . Lets suppose that one day you are driving a plane above the Pacific, but your plane has run out of fuel (燃料). What would you do?” James continued.24 . Mary thought for a few minutes and then said, “I would tell all the passengers (乘客) to tie their seatbelts first. And then I will jump out of the plane with my parachute (降落伞).”Everyone laughed. James was really surprised at the answer and couldnt believe the answer came from such a lovely girl. However, he then saw the tears (眼泪) rolling down the little girls face. So he asked, “Why would you do that?”“25 . And then I will come back to save my passengers,” said Mary.根据材料内容,将A-E五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整、正确,并将其标号填写在下面题号后的横线上。AI will go to get fuel.BBeing a pilot is really cool.CMany children came to take part in the show.DEveryone there was waiting for the little girls answer.E. What would you like to be when you grow up?四、完型填空Its true that we can have an important influence on anyone we meet. The right words at just the right time could _ someones life.When I was 3 years old, my parents discovered I was _. After asking many doctors and parents of other deaf children, they decided not to put me in a special school. Although I seemed outgoing, my self-esteem(自尊心) was quite low. On my first day at school, the other kids_ me because of my hearing aid and the way I talked. I was hurt deeply and I saw myself as a(n) _ kid.Mr. Green, my _ , changed all of that with a simple three-word phrase. One morning, he asked the class a question. Sitting _ my desk silently, I read his lips (嘴唇)and knew what he said. So I raised my hand right away. He called on me in front of the blackboard. I took a deep breath and _ answered Mr. Greens question.I will _ forget what happened next. Mr. Green pointed directly at me. With sparking (闪光的) eyes and a big smile, he cried: Thats right, BentFor the first time in my young life, my confidence rose. At that moment, I decided that no matter how many _ I may face, I can overcome them. Thanks to those three _words, my whole life changed from that moment. 26 . AloseBchangeCendDbegin27 . AthinBblindCfatDdeaf28 . Alaughed atBgave upClooked forDdecided on29 . AimportantBuglyChandsomeDsmart30 . AdoctorBdriverCteacherDnurse31 . AatBwithCinDfor32 . AcarelesslyBnervouslyClazilyDheavily33 . AoftenBsometimesCneverDalways34 . AhobbiesBbooksCinterestsDdifficulties35 . AunkindBbadCsimpleDhappy五、阅读单选A lion was getting tired of hunting. He called all animals and passed an order. Every day one of you should come by yourself as my food. All animals started to obey this order.It was the rabbits day. The rabbit was very sad. As he was going to the lions den (兽穴), he came across an old well (井). He looked into it. It was very deep and dangerous. He made a plan in his mind.The lion was very angry that no animal had come that day. The rabbit slowly came towards the lion. The lion shouted, Why are you late? The rabbit humbly (低声下气地) replied, On my way another lion chased me. I got away with much difficulty to give my life to you.The lion was pleased with the rabbit. But the thought of another lion in the jungle made him angry. The lion shouted, Do you know where he lives? The rabbit replied, Yes, sir. Please come with me.The rabbit took the lion to the old well. He said, Sir, that lion lives in this well. The lion looked into the well. He mistook his reflection (倒影) for another lion. He shouted and there was an echo.He thought that the other lion was shouting too and jumped into the well. That was the end of the lion.36 . The underlined word it in the second paragraph refers to _.Athe rabbitBthe lions denCthe old wellDthe plan37 . The lion was _ when he thought of another lion in the jungle.ApleasedBangryCexcitedDbored38 . The underlined word echo means _ in Chinese.A影像B回声C波纹D折射39 . We can learn that _ from the passage.ASometimes wisdom can winBIts bad to be lazyCIts good to have good friends.DThe order is not necessary sometimesIm Li Mei and I study in No. 3 Middle school. I live in the school on weekdays. I only go home on weekends(周末). I usually go home by bus. It takes about half an hour. Some students go home by bike. We often have some activities in our free time. Peter and Tom often play soccer. Kate and I often go to the school library. Helen often does her homework in the classroom. What does Sally like to do after school? She likes to play ping-pong. We have dinner at about six oclock. Then we go back to our classroom to study. At half past nine, we usually go to bed. Our teachers are all very good. We are happy in our school.40 . Where does Li Mei live from Monday to Friday?AIn the library.BIn her school.CAt home.DIn the street.41 . How does Li Mei go to school?ABy bus.BBy car.CBy bike.DI dont know.42 . How long does it take Li Mei to get home from her school by bus?AAbout30 minutes.BAbout20 minutes.CAbout15 minutes.DAbout one hour.43 . Who does Kate often go to the school library with after school?AHelen.BLi MeiCSally.DPeter.44 . What time do they usually go to bed?AAt8:30 pm.BAt9:30 amCAt9:30 pm.DAt9:30 am.六、阅读判断Mike likes climbing the mountains very much. One day he went climbing in the countryside. After three hours, he felt tired, then he started to sleep under a big tree. When he woke up, he saw a tiger not far from him. He jumped up and ran away quickly. When he got to a road, a car came and nearly(几乎)stopped, Mike opened the door of the car and jumped in. He got a terrible surprise when he was in the car, there was nobody in the drivers place. He was so afraid that he closed his eyes.The car moved slowly and it stopped at last. He opened his eyes and saw a man open the door and he wanted to sit in drivers place. Mike said to him, “Dont get in. The car can drive by itself (它自己). ” But the man said, “ The car couldnt move on the mountain and I pushed (推)it all the way down .”45 . Mike likes to climb the mountains.46 . Mike saw a tiger not far from him when he woke up.47 . Mike got a terrible surprise in the car because there was a tiger driving the car.48 . The car move slowly down by itself.49 . A man pushed the car all the way down from the mountain.七、填写适当的单词补全句子单词拼写50 . It _ that it is going to rain this afternoon.51 . Sally wants to get a _ job as a teacher.52 . He is recording in the _of the radio station.53 . His _ is to find a good job.54 . Few people like reading these _ but Tom.八、用所给单词的正确形式填空55 . The coats with blood were those _(murder )56 . Does the first suspect have _(crime)record?57 . The soldiers have been moved to another place for_(safe)58 . What s wrong with you ,young man ?You are breathing _(heavy).59 . Guan Dawei is a man of great _(wealthy).60 . Mr. Smith said that the Earth _(go)round the moon.61 . I hear somebody _(call)my name outside the classroom. Let me go and have a look62 . It is said that the little boy _(kidnap )last Sunday63 . Wed better _(not stay )out alone at night .64 . The police _(find)out some useful clues so far .九、单词填空Recently, more and more students have 65 . (意识到) that it is necessary to learn to 66 . (管理) the time well. Some students think its a good idea to make a list of todays 67 . (任务). Teachers point out if students are good at 68 . (比较)their own experience with others good ways , they will find it easy in the 69 . (接下来的) days. David, a student from Class 9, says, I dont think doing homework until 70 . (午夜)is good for my study. And, in my 71 . (观点), though there is always much homework, we should do it by 72 . (我们自己). To be 73 . (诚实的)is the most important, or well lose more. If we pay attention to these basic 74 . (规则), we will certainly make great progress.十、回答问题Tony is ten years old this year. He is in Grade Three. He doesnt work hard at school. His Maths teacher doesnt like him. But he thinks he is the cleverest boy in his class. And he thinks he is good at Maths. On a Monday afternoon, Tony went home from school. He felt very hungry. So when he got home, he said to his mother, Mum, I am very hungry. Can I have some food to eat? The supper is not ready now, but there are two apples on the plate. You can eat them first. Tonys mother said When he saw the two apples, Tony said, Mum, I have three apples now. Look! This is the first one. This is the second one. One and two is three. I am very clever. Yes, youre very clever. said his mother. Now give me the first apple, and your father will eat the second one. You eat the third one. 75 . Which grade is Tony in? _76 . Why doesnt his Maths teacher like him? _77 . How did he feel when he went home from school? _78 . How many apples were there on the plate? _79 . What do you think of Tony? Why? _十一、话题作文80 . 世界上有各种各样的节日,你最喜欢的节日是什么呢?以My favourite festival_ 为题介绍一个你最喜欢过的节日,内容包括:1. 人们庆祝它的时间、地点,主要庆祝方式以及意义。2. 简述一次你曾经过这个节日的一次难忘经历,以及你的感受或感悟。作文要求:1. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名;2. 语句连贯,词数不少于80;作文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。My favourite festival_第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话6选51、三、补全短文5选51、四、完型填空1、五、阅读单选1、2、六、阅读判断1、七、填写适当的单词补全句子1、八、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、九、单词填空1、十、回答问题1、十一、话题作文1、


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