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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下期中联考英语试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Can you come to have dinner with me this evening ?Im afraid not . I _take care of my grandmother. She is ill.AcantBhave toCmayDcould2 . _, do you know where the nearest post office is?ABy the wayBOn the wayCIn the wayDTo the way3 . The newly-opened company _ the local people with more chances to work.AgivesBprovidesCoffersDshows4 . I dont want to be a policeman _ I dont like to catch thieves.AforBwhenCthenDbecause5 . Why did Jackie look so upset?Because he failed in the English test as a result of his carelessness. He felt ashamed of it.Abecause ofBunder the name ofCas well as6 . Did you read todays newspaper?Yes,I did. There is.Do you want to know it?Aexciting somethingBsomething excitingCexciting anythingDanything exciting7 . Abbreviations(缩写)“gr8”and“ICQ”are _ used in e-mail EnglishPeople use them to chat onlineAcarefullyBfinallyCseriouslyDnormally8 . Tina likes many kinds of foods, _milk and ice-cream.Afor exampleBsuch asCexample9 . Not only his uncle but also his cousin_ France, and they know the country very well.Ahave gone toBhas been inChave come toDhas been to10 . My aunt Lisa is _ office worker.AaBanC/Dthe11 . He often rides a bike to school , but I _to my school.Aby bus Bon a busCby a busDtake a bus12 . _ you _ a letter from your brother so far?Yes. I _ a letter from him only yesterday.ADid; get; gotBHave; got; have gotCHave; got; gotDDo; get; have got13 . Although I dont _ him, I _ him this time.Abelieve;believe inBbelieve in;believe inCbelieve;believeDbelieve in;believe14 . We are _ at his _ success.Asurprising; surprisingBsurprised; surprisedCsurprised; surprisingDsurprising; surprised15 . The Jacksons come from _ and they are _.ABritain; BritishBBritish; EnglandCEngland; BritainDBritish; Britain二、完型填空That day, the bathroom door heavily shut behind me. Then there came my little brothers loud _. Oh, my god! The door had slammed on his finger! Now he asked me to take his fingernail back. Without thinking, I rushed into the bathroom. _, it couldnt be found. I knew from the look on his face that he was so scared and painful. He couldnt _ one of his parts was gone in such a way. He kept sobbing, and I felt worried and _ because our parents would come back soon and they would be angry with me.Suddenly, a _ idea came to me. I whispered in his ear, “Toby, do you know that lizards (蜥蜴) grow their _ back and little boys can grow their fingernails back too?” Tobys soft green eyes grew wide and he became very excited. “They can?” he asked. Quite surprised by the _, “And how?”I told him, “_ that nothing is impossible. From now on, you just need to keep a little _ in your heart and tell your fingernail how much you love it and how much you need it.” I could see Tobys little face _. Then I continued, “We should _ the whole thing from Mom and Dad.” Toby nodded firmly. After a while, Toby said to me _, “Im talking to my fingernail, wishing it to grow quickly.”A week later, with a joyful burst of laughter, Toby ran towards me. “See!” he said, “its really growing back and becomes well again just as any _ fingernails!”“Its a real _! Everything can go well _ you truly believe.” Toby said happily.16 . AsmileBcryCcheerDcall17 . AHeavilyBCompletelyCUnexpectedlyDUnluckily18 . AguessBstandCunderstandDexplain19 . AhelplessBcarelessCsillyDwrong20 . AfairBstrangeCbrightDtrue21 . AfeetBheadsCtailsDfingers22 . AsceneBthoughtCplanDobject23 . ARecordBRealizeCRememberDRemind24 . AsongBnoiseCsoundDvoice25 . Aturned upBshowed upClit upDput up26 . AhideBstopCcheatDhold27 . AbravelyBsadlyCnervouslyDquietly28 . AwholeBnormalCusualDtypical29 . AstickBskillCmagicDjoke30 . AwhileBuntilCifDunless三、阅读单选The future is coming! All over the world there are many new ideas for new places to live and work in.Some of them will be in the sea! They will be very big and lots of people will live and work in them. The Americans are planning to build a town called Atlantis City. It will be in the sea, about five miles away from the land. But the most exciting idea comes from Japan.It is called Aeropolis. Aeropolis will be a huge sea city, with parks, schools, a hospital and an airport and it will move! It will travel slowly around the world. There are just two problems. Aeropolis will cost a lot.of money to make. And for people who get seasick, it wont be much fun.31 . Which country will plan to build a town in the sea?AAmerica.BEngland.CChina.DJapan.32 . Whats the name of the Japanese sea city?AAtlantis.BAeropolis.CTokyo.DOsaka.33 . The underlined wordhuge means_.Avery smallBvery longCvery bigDvery short34 . Which of the following statements is TRUE?ASea cities will be holiday towns.BSea cities wont be a nice place for people whoget seasick.CThere are already two sea cities.DSea cities will be very small.Little Women is a novel by an American writer, which was published in 1868 and 1869. The novel follows the lives of four sistersMeg, Jo, Beth, and Amy March from childhood to womanhood.These four sisters live with their mother. Meg and Jo March, the elder sisters, both work outside the home for money to support the family. Meg teaches four children in a nearby family, while Jo helps her grand-aunt March, who is very rich. Beth helps with the housework, and Amy attends school. Their nearest neighbor is a rich man whose orphaned grandson lives with him. The sisters introduce themselves to the handsome shy boy, Laurie, who is the age of Jo. Meg is the beautiful sister; Jo is the tomboy(爱打闹的女孩); Beth is the musician; and Amy is the charming artist with blond curls. Jo is easy to get angry. One of her challenges(挑战)in growing up is to control her anger. Laurie enjoys his neighbors, joining the family often in play. His grandfather, Mr. Laurence, is charmed(吸引)by Beth, and gives her the piano used by Lauries late sister.35 . Who wrote the novel Little Women?ALouisa May Alcott.BJo March.CLaurence.DLaurie.36 . What does Little Women tell about?AAbout the lives of four sisters when they are young.BAbout the lives of four sisters when they are old.CAbout the lives of four sisters after they get married.DAbout the lives of four sisters when they grow up.37 . What is Amy and how does she look like?AShe is an artist and has golden curly hair.BShe is a musician and charming.CShe is a teacher and has blond curls.DShe is an artist and easy to get angry.38 . Who is Mr. Laurence?AHe is very rich.BHe is Lauries neighbor.CHe is Lauries grandfather.DHe is Jos grandfather.39 . What do we know about Laurie from the passage?AHe lives with the four sisters.BHe is an orphan.CHe is easy to get angry.DHe doesnt like his late sister.SEPT 10 is day for us to say thank you to teachers.But next year we might do it on another day.A draft amendment(修正案草案)on education laws proposes(提议)头move Teachers Day to Sept28, which is believed to be the birthday of Confucius(孔子)(551-479BC). The Chinese mainland started to celebrate Teachers Day in 1985. There was no special reason why Sept10 was chosen. But many people think it is not a good choice. Teachers are always too busy on Sept10, because the new term starts at the beginning of the month. If the day is at the end of September, it will be near the National Day and teachers can enjoy the two holidays together. Besides, people think Teachers Day should fall on a day with special historical and culture meaning. Thats why Sept28 is a good choice. Confucius is an important educationalist philosopher in Chinese history. His ideas help shape our values. He tells us to love our family and respect the elderly. Moe importantly, Confucius started Chinas private education system. Chinese people regard him as “the best teacher in ancient times” and a “ model teacher for generations”. In an online survey on sina.com, 65 percent of the people supported the change of Sept10,but about 31 percent were against it. They believed it is nothing but formalism.40 . According to the text a draft amendment on education laws Is to _A. change the time to ccelebrate Teachers day?B. B.know when and where Confucius was bornC. decide why we should say thanks to teachersD. discuss what we should do on September 1041 . Many people thank Sep. 10 is nor . good choice for the follo ing reasonsa. is started in 1985b.teachers are always to busy.c.his near the National Dayd. Special historical and cultural meaning should be considered.Ab cBa,bCb,dDc,d42 . What was the most imporant achievement Confucius made in Chinese history?AHe was a famous educationalist and philosopher.BH is idea was 2 great help to shape our values.CHe told u5 to love our family and respect the elderlyDHe stared Chinas private education system.43 . On which dare does Teachers Day fall in Taiwan.Sep. 10orSep 28?ASep10Bnot knownCSep 28DNeither44 . Besides collecting public opinion from the State CouncilAanother survey has been held onlineBfew people supported the changeCmost people can enjoy two holidaysDmost people think it formalismOnce upon a time, there was a farmer called Da Niu. One day he was walking in the forest and found a bird. The bird was hurt (受伤) and it cried. Da Niu picked it up and took it home. He looked after it carefully every day. The bird got well soon.One morning Da Niu enjoyed the sunshine next to the wall. The bird took his hat and flew away. Da Niu was veryangryand ran after it. He shouted (大叫), “What a bad bird you are!”Suddenly he heard a big noise behind his back. The wall he sat next to just now (刚才紧靠近坐着的) fell down (倒下).45 . Da Niu found the bird.Ain the shopBat the zooCin the forest.Don the farm.46 . How did Da Niu treat the bird when it was hurt?AHe looked after it carefully.BHe ran after it.CHe shouted to it.DHe was angry with it.47 . The underlined word angry means “”in Chines.A开心的B生气的C伤心的D大笑的48 . Why did the bird take Da Nius hat?ABecause it was naughty.BBecause Da Niu was unfriendly to it.CBecause it wanted to save Da Nius life.DBecause it wanted to throw it.49 . What is the best title of the passage?AThe bad birdBThe nice farmerCThe farmer and the birdDThe farmers hat四、根据首字母、中文提示填空50 . Billy seems to have difficulty in _ (发音) the new words.51 . Scientists continue to make more _ (进步) in the fight against cancer.52 . The exam is coming, and our teachers are much _ (严格的) with us than before.53 . Our English teacher gives us a number of _ (建议) on how to remember words.54 . Some of them agree with you, but I am strongly _ (对抗,违反) your project.55 . I closed my eyes and _ (想象) I was flying in the sky like a bird.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给动词的适当形式填空。56 . Linda_(leave)for the airport just ten minutes ago57 . Have you come back from hospital? No, I _ (stay) in hospital for another week.58 . When I was a child, I couldnt understand why the moon _ (change) its shape(形状)all the time.59 . I looked for you everywhereWhere were you?I_(do)my homework the whole morning60 . There is little milk in the bottleWho_(drink)it?61 . In the past five years, there_(be) great changes in our village?六、填空We have only one earth. It is the only environment for humans, animals and plants to live or grow in. However, we are polluting our earth every day. Good news is that the whole world has realized the serious problems and has taken actions to fight against it.World No Tobacco Day (May 31)The first World No Tobacco Day is April 7, 1988. Since 1989, it was changed to be May 31st every year. The purpose of the World No Tobacco Day is to encourage people not to smoke.World Water Day (March 22, 1993)United Nations named 22 March as the first World Water Day in 1993. Its a day to celebrate water. Its a day to prepare for how we manage water in the future. It is celebrated around the world every year. Earth Hour ( 2007) Earth Hour started for the first time on March 31, 2007 in Sydney, Australia. Since then, the last Saturday of every March was named as Earth hour day that year. In March 19, 2016, more than 350 famous buildings in 178 countries around the world turned off the lights for one hour to remind people to save electrical power.What does China do to save our environment?Smoking is not allowed in all indoor public places from 2014.This is the first time for China to care about personal health in public places. Ban(禁令) on free plastic bagsSince June1, 2008, free plastic shopping bags are not allowed to provide in all supermarkets, shopping malls, and other places. It is to encourage people to go back to carry cloth bags and use baskets for their shopping things. Theme:The only environment for all the 62 . things has serious problems, but the whole world has taken actions to 63 . pollution. Actions around the 64 . NoTobacco DayStarted on April 7,1988,then changed to May 31st every year. Encourage people to 65 . up smoking.World66 . DayStarted on March 22nd 1993, celebrated around the world every year. Earth HourStarted for the 67 . time on March 31st 2007, turned 68 . lights for an hour to 69 . electrical power. Actions in China Public placesSmoking is allowed in 70 . public places to care about personal health. SupermarketShopping mallsEncourage people to carry cloth bags and use baskets for shopping things.You need to 71 . if you use plastic bags provided by the supermarket. 七、回答问题Answer the questions (根据以下内容回答问题)Twelve people in British Columbia experienced a disastrous balloon ride when it accidentally caught fire. The balloon was still tied to the ground when the fire started. Three people jumped out immediately and safely. But the ropes securing the balloon burnt through and the basket started rising. Seven more people jumped out as quickly as they could, but each one jumped from a higher height, The last two jumped from almost 50 feet up. Their clothes were on fire .They survived .but both would be in the hospital for several months, according to officials. The others escaped with broken bones and first-and second-degree burns, but nothing “critical,” Officials said that another balloon fire. causing no deaths and only minor injuries, had occurred only a week earlier.The two balloon riders who failed to jump out were a married couple celebrating their 50th anniversary, Their oldest son had surprised them with this “champagne flight” as a gift. The couple burnt to death in the basket. Which ascended to about 500 feet? Then the entire balloon burst into flames and plummeted to the ground. landing in a trailer park. The basket was still burning furiously. It looked like an orange torch as it descended, brilliant against the blue sky .Four trailers were destroyed by the bomb-like effect of the baskets heavy landing. When the dust finally cleared. the married couples were found, completely charred, embracing each other.72 . Where did the fire happen?_.73 . All of the balloon riders were safe in the accident, werent they?_.74 . How did the riders save themselves?_.75 . Why did the married couple join the balloon ride?_.76 . What happened to the trailer park?_.77 . What do you think of the couple?_.八、材料作文78 . 请以“My Hometown”为题,写一篇短文,介绍家乡最近几年的变化。可以着重从居住、交通、环境等方面来写,字数在80词左右。My Hometown第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、填空1、七、回答问题1、八、材料作文1、

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