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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期第一次月度检测英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -Listen, _the music sounds! The girl plays the piano very well.- Yes, she started to play it at five.Ahow greatlyBwhat a greatCwhat greatDhow great2 . Lisa to go to the cinema with us, although she was free last night. ApromisedBrefusedCagreedDdecided.3 . Where is your father? HeShanghai.He PuDong since last Friday.Ahas gone to;has gone toBhas been to;has been toChas gone to;has been inDhas been to; has gone to4 . I am going to London for a holiday next month. _!AHave a good timeBIts terribleCGood jobDWhat a pity5 . In Korea, youre supposed to _ when you meet someone for the first time.AkissBbowCshake handsDhug6 . Her uncle likes playing basketball, he oftenit on Sundays, but now he.Aplays, is fishingBis playing, fishingCplay, is fishingDplaying, fishing7 . He doesnt know _.Ato do whatBhow to doCwhat to do8 . -Mr. Wang, I have a fever. What should I do?-First of all, you should _ your temperature.AaskBtestCseeDtake9 . Who is talking _ the phone?John.AtoBonCatDin10 . Those who want to say something more _ your hands and _ to speak.Arise; raiseBraise; riseCrise; riseDraise; raise11 . -Could I go boating this weekend, Dad?-Yes, you _. But you _ come back before lunch.Acould; mustBcan; mustCcould; shouldDmust; should12 . The play us some stories at the lost and found office. Theyre very interesting.AmakesBsellsCasksDshows13 . Maybe when I graduate, Ill think about _ an English teacher.AbecomeBbecomingCbecameDto become14 . The man _ when he saw the policeman.Aruns awayBran awayCruns outDran out15 . Thererepeople and thereretraffic in the city.Atoo many; too manyBtoo many; too muchCtoo much; too many二、完型填空Mr and Mrs Green had different(不同的) ideas about where to go for the weekend. Mrs Green wanted to go to see her sister, but Mr Green didnt like to go there. He wanted to go to Maine. “Florida is too hot in summer,” Mr Green said to her.“Maine is a little cold,” said Mrs. Green. “I like swimming, but the water in Maine is usually not warm enough.”“Florida is too far,” said Mr. Green. “We dont have enough time to drive there. Itll take us more than two days.”Just then, the telephone rang(铃声响). Mr. Green answered the phone. It was Mr. Greens mother. “Is that Jim speaking? Please come in the shortest time. I need help. Im calling from the hospital in Boston.”They stopped their discussing, and in no time(立刻) they both went out.16 . Who did Mrs Green want to see?AHer mother.BHer sister.CHer brother.DHer father.17 . Where did Mr Green want to go that weekend?AFlorida.BPenangCBoston.DMaine.18 . Why didnt Mr. Green want to go to Florida?ABecause its cold there.BBecause its too far.CBecause his mother was in hospital.DBecause its warm enough.19 . Where did Mr. Greens mother live?AFlorida.BMaine.CPenangDBoston.20 . Whos Jim according to the passage?AMr. Greens son.BMr. Green.CMr. Greens brother.DThe writer三、阅读单选FOR BASKETBALL PLAYERS At least eight hours of sleep every night. Drink ten glasses of water every day. Two hours of training every day.No soft drinks. Eat plenty of rice. Eat fruit four times a day. Eat vegetables three times a day. Eat white meat only. No red meat. 21 . How many times should the basketball players eat fruit?ATwo.BThree.CFour.22 . This picture mainly introduces the ways of _.Abecoming strongBtrainingCeating四、填写适当的单词补全句子根据句意和首字母或汉语提示,将单词的正确形式完整地写在答题卡相应的位置上。23 . Do you know who is the o_ of the garden?24 . The foreigner spoke slowly and c_ so that everybody could follow him.25 . I felt very n_ when I first made a speech in public.26 . The farm _(提供) the school with fresh vegetables.27 . Jack received many gifts from his friends on his _(十二) birthday.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空三、根据句意及所给汉语或英文提示,写出所缺单词。28 . Eddie wants to live in a beautiful_(宫殿).29 . Washington DC is the _(首都) of the USA30 . Miss Li is our _(最喜欢的) teacher. We all like her very much.31 . I want to eat the _ (最大的) apple of the three.32 . Visiting England is one of my beautiful _ (梦).33 . Look! Who_(swim) in the river?34 . Wed like _(live) in a quiet place.35 . How about_(go)on a school trip next week?36 . Would you like something _ (eat)?37 . Its hot today. Please _ (not close) the door.六、填空根据短文内容,完成文后任务,注意:每个空格只填一个单词。When children are out , like at a summer camp (夏令营) or a friends house, they may feel sad, and start to miss (想念) their beds, their dad and mum, and all the things at home. We call it being homesick. Let me tell you some tips about how to deal with it:Have fun.When you do interesting things, you will have no time to feel homesick, and soon you will start to have a good time.Contact (联系) your family and friends. For a night visit, you can all your parents once that night, and again in the morning. In a camp, you can call them once a day. You can also e-mail them. If you are away for a long time, you can write a letter. When you contact them, please tell them your happiness (快乐).Talk to someone.Tell someone you feel homesick, and it can make you feel better(更好), for example, you can talk to other children in the camp. You can also talk to your teacher and he/ she will give you some ideas to help you.When to feel homesickWhen you are 38 . , you may feel homesickwaysHave a good timeDo something interesting, soon you will have 39 . .Contact your family and friendsFor a night visit, give your parents 2 calls.Call them or give them an 40 . when you are in a camp.Write a41 . if you are away for long.Talk to someoneYou can talk to other camp childrenYour teacher will 42 . you.Bill和父母要去看电影。阅读A、B、C三则电影海报,完成阅读任务。ATransformers: Dark of the Moon (变形金刚3:月黑之时)Day: SundayTime: in the morning (8:00-10:30) Place: Dahua Cinema Price: $8BBad Teacher Day: SaturdayTime: in the evening (8:00-9:30)Place: Garden CinemaFilm star: Cameron DiazPrice: $6CMr Poppers Penguins (波普先生的企鹅)Day: FridayTime: in the afternoon (3:00-5:00)Place: Xingdu CinemaFilm star: Jim CarreyPrice: $7 A. 根据上述海报内容,填写信息表。PostersABCPrice$8$621.$ _PlacesAt DahuaCinema22 _At XingduCinemaTime23 From8:00 to 10:30_From 8:00to 9:30 onSaturdayeveningFrom 3:00to 5:00 onFridayafternoonB. 从A、B、C三则海报中选出Bill和父母在晚上八点钟看的电影,并计算出他们需要的费用。At 20:00, Bill and his parents are going to watch (24) _ and they will pay (付费) (25) _.43 . _44 . _45 . _46 . _47 . _七、书信作文48 . 假设你的英文名叫Jack,有一个英国的网友Tom,他给你写了一封电子邮件。请你根据邮件内容,用英语给Tom回一封电子邮件。Hey Jack,How are you doing recently? I have just had a busy but wonderful term. You know, I love reading a lot, especially extracurricular books (课外读物). How about you? Is it necessary to read extracurricular books? What kinds of books do you like most? Why?Good luck!Yours,Tom注意:(1)短文应包括邮件中的信息,可以适当发挥;(2)文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;(3)词数:80词左右;(4)短文首句仅供选择使用,不计入总词数。Hi Tom,Glad to receive your e-mail! Yours,Jack第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、填写适当的单词补全句子1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、填空1、2、七、书信作文1、

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