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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期期中质量检测英语试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . My uncle arrived the airport the morning of May 3.Aon; atBat; onCin; inDat; in2 . Wow. What a beautiful coat! I bought it in Suzhou last year. Its _ silk. Its dear.Amade ofBmade fromCmade inDmade by3 . As the story _, the secret of the castle is discovered littleby little.AendsBbeginsCdevelopsDhappens4 . We dont have more bedrooms. So I have to a bedroom with my sister.AtouchBshareCleaveDbreak5 . Dont spend too much time watching Douyin videos. It is a waste of time.OK. I will turn it off _ I finish watching this funny one.Aas soon asBunlessCso that6 . Would you like to travel with me this summer?. I cant wait.AWhat a pityBThats all rightCYes, Id love to7 . (题文)We take_pride_in her.She is the first Asian professional tennis player to win it.(同义替换)Aare interested inBare terrified ofCare proud ofDare used to8 . Here is European girl and African boy.Aan; anBa; anCan; a9 . He is a good boy. He often _ others first.AthinksBthinks ofCthinks onDthinks about10 . -I wonder why so many people like watching the move “Kongfu Yoga”.-Many scenes in this movie are so _. They give people enjoyment.AnecessaryBcentralCfascinatingDconvenient11 . -What are you going to do this weekend? -_. If there is enough time, I may go to Shanghai with my friends.AIt doesnt matterBIt dependsCDont mention itDForget it12 . Dont run in the hallways. _, Mr Smith.AThank youBExcuse meCSorry13 . Lily, here are your pens. Please _.OK, Mom.Aput it awayBput them awayCput away them14 . Thank you for providing such useful information for me._ANever mindBMy pleasureCWith pleasureDAll right15 . If this magazine is not yours, _ can it be?Awhat elseBwho elseCwhich elsesDwho elses二、补全短文5选5Something WonderfulWhen the doorbell rang, Tom looked through the peephole(门镜). He saw a delivery person already hurrying down the stairs. He had left a package(包裹) behind in the hallway.16 . . “Ken! Theres a package for us! Someone sent us something!”Ken looked out and then opened the door to get the package. “Its to Mom and Dad,” he said. “We cant open it until they wake up.” Tom knew his parents enjoyed sleeping late on weekends.17 . . He sat down on the floor beside the package and looked at it. The package seemed to come to life.18 . . It was saying, “You should open me because Im something wonderful.”Tom wondered what was inside. He looked at the return address.19 . . Could Grandparents send him a toy?A hand fell on his shoulder. “What have you got there?” His mother asked in a sleepy voice.Tom stood up and said, “Its for you and Dad, something from Grandparents.”20 . Then his mother said, “I know what it is. Remember the delicious cantaloupe(哈密瓜) Grandfather grew in his garden last summer? Well, this year, well grow some that will be just as good.”三、完型填空Mike:Hello, Kate! Do you want_ milk?Kate:No, thanks. I dont like_Mike:Dont you? I like it very much, and_ good for you.Kate:Oh, here are Lily and Lucy.Lily:Hi, Mike! Hi, Kate! How are you today?Mike and Kate:_,thank you.Lily:_are those, Mike?Mike:Theyre rice cakes. Do you want one?Lily:Yes,_I like rice cakes very much.Theyre_Kate:How_ milk?Lily:No, thanks. I dont like_ milk very much. But I like bananas.Kate:Oh dear!_!They are all finished.21 . AsomeBoneCaDa glass22 . AeggBappleCmilkDorange23 . AitBitsCisDits24 . AYesBNoCFineDGood25 . AWhereBHowCWhoseDWhat26 . ApleaseBthankCaDhave27 . AbadBredClongDgreat28 . AatBinCbehindDabout29 . Ato haveBto buyCto sellDto play30 . AOKBSorryCGreatDNo四、阅读单选Long ago, a wolf called Howler lived in a valley where lots of fruit trees grew. He often tried to climb up the trees to eat the fruit, but couldnt reach.In the valley, an old man named Martin also had a few fruit trees that he looked after very well. But as he was getting older, he noticed that he didnt have the strength to pick the fruit.Martin had the most beautiful fruit trees in the valley, which was why Howler had his eye on them. One day he decided to steal the fruit and started jumping up and down the tree.Martin looked out of the window and realized that the wolf was trying to steal fruit from his beautiful trees. Howler jumped and jumped, but he couldnt reach even the lowest branches of such a big tree.Seeing this, Martin had a great idea: he offered Howler a ladder to climb up, but in return the wolf would have to give him half of the fruit. Howler accepted the deal and began to collect the fruit. For the whole morning, he went up and down the ladder filling his basket with the fruit.Howler soon realized that he could eat all the fruit if he didnt give Martin some. He thought up a new and secret plan. Martin, on the other hand, trusted Howler and even began to think they would be friends forever.But the wolf stole the ladder and went off to other trees in the area for more fruit.Realizing that the ladder was missing, Martin went looking for it. Martin felt very disappointed at the trick and no longer trusted Howler. Though he wasnt angry with the wolf and they became friends again, he never made any more deals with him.At last, Howler learned that he shouldnt trick people and he should keep promises. He also learned that if he had been honest and not greedy, he would still have been able to enjoy more delicious fruit.31 . Which is NOT true about Martin?AHe had the most beautiful fruit trees in the valley.BHe was looking for a friend to help him pick the fruit.CHe took good care of the plants.DHe was too old to pick the fruit.32 . What was their deal?AThe wolf would pick all the fruit in the valley with the ladder.BMartin would give all his fruit to the wolf if the wolf picked the fruit.CThe wolf would give all the fruit he picked to Martin.DThe wolf would give Martin half of the fruit he picked with the ladder.33 . The underlined word “it”(in Paragraph 7) refers to .Athe fruitBthe big treeCthe basketDthe ladder34 . How did the wolf break the deal?AHe stole the ladder for more fruit in the area.BHe made a new ladder himself.CHe ran away because of the hard work.DHe stayed in the trees and ate all the fruit.35 . It can be inferred from the story that.Amaking a deal is very importantBwe should trust othersCwe should keep promisesDwolves are always badHave you ever seen snow? Many people in the world have not. Some countries never have snow; some have only a little on the tops of very high mountains. In the north of England, there is quite a lot of snow every winter, but in the south of England, there is usually little. When a student from a warm country comes to England in autumn for the first time, he feels cold at first. There are often dark clouds, grey sky and cold rain in England in autumn, and most students from warm countries do not like this. But snow is different. Though it is cold, it is also beautiful. Perhaps, after several dark mornings, the student wakes up one day, and there is a lot of light in his room. He thinks “Is it so late?” and jumps out of bed. But no, it is not very late. He looks out of the window and there is the snow on the ground and on the houses and everywhere. The light of his room comes from clean, beautiful snow.36 . In which part of England is there much snow in winter?AIn the east. BIn the north.CIn the west. DIn the south.37 . In the autumn of England, we can NOT often see _.Agrey skyBdark cloudsCstrong winds Dcold rain38 . In England both snow and autumn rain are _.AcoldBcleanCbeautifulDheavy39 . Why does the student ask himself “Is it so late?”ABecause he has some work to do.BBecause it is bright in the room.CBecause it is really late.DBecause he usually gets up early.40 . Which of the following statements is true?AEvery country in the world has snow in winter.BForeign students like the weather in England.CIt is often very warm in the autumn of England.DMany people in the world havent seen snow.We can help you plan your holiday!Welcome to Sunset Island Tourist(游客) Information Centre25 Green Street, Port George, Sunset IslandOpen every day except(除了) Sunday09:0017:00We can help you find a hotel,choose somewhere interesting to eat and plan your dayPlease take a free map of the island for moreBoat trips around Lighthouse Island!Two-hour trip leaves each day at 09:00.Lunch includedSwim in the beautiful water off Lighthouse Island!Exciting nightlife!The clubs of Port George are open every night until 04:00-the latest music every night!Two free drinks if you arrive before midnightMake friends with our wildlife(野生动物)!At Rosetown Reserve, youll find wildlife that only lives on Sunset Islandget close to wild horses, deer and parrots. Easy walks and a great teahouse!41 . To get more tourist information, you can go to 25 Green StreetAat 10:00 on SundayBevery day at 10:00Cat 14:00 on FridayDevery night until 04:0042 . Where can tourists see wild horses, deer and parrots?AOn Lighthouse IslandBAt Rosetown ReserveCAt Tourist Information CentreDIn the clubs of Port George43 . How will a tourist enjoy the two-hour trip around Lighthouse Island?ABy bicycleBOn footCBy boatDBy underground44 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the reading material?AYou can enjoy a cup of tea at Rosetown ReserveBYou can get some special gifts at Sunset Tourist Information CentreCYou can enjoy the latest music 5 a.m. in the club of Port GeorgeDYou can get a free dinner during the two-hour trip around Lighthouse Island45 . Where can you most probably see the reading material?AIn a novel(小说)BIn a storybookCIn a travel guide(指南)DIn an art magazine五、语法填空.综合填空Mrs Li has a small garden.She grows some vegetables in it.When summer comes,they46 . (look) very nice and fresh.One evening,Mrs Li looked at her vegetables and said,“Tomorrow I will 47 . (pick) them and then cook them.” But the next morning,her daughter ran into the house and said,“Mum,come 48 . (quick)!Some ducks of our neighbours(邻居) are eating our vegetables!” When she arrived,the ducks ate up all the vegetables!Mrs Li 49 . (feel) sad.Her neighbour was really sorry.A few days later before Thanksgiving Day,her neighbour gave Mrs Li a box.In it was a fat duck,and on it was a piece of paper with 50 . (this) three words,“Enjoy your vegetables!”六、材料作文51 . 写作:写一篇短文描述你和朋友的情况,从家出发到达表格中所列的地点距离、交通方式和花费的时间。Person(人)Place (地点)Distance(路程)Transportation(交通工具)Time(时间)Ithe hospital(医院)2 kilometerswalk20 minutesTomthe park(公园)15 kilometersdrive a car10 minutesMarythe library10 kilometerstake a bushalf an hour_七、看图写短语或句子看图写句。请根据每题所提供的图片和提示词(要求全部用上),写一个与图片情景相符的句子。767778 79 8052 . (seem, because, son) _53 . (Darren, when, Michael)_54 . (if,ride, helmet) _55 . (turn, green)_56 . (cross, obey, traffic)_八、其他用适当的介词填空。57 . Children are often told not to play _ fire.58 . I cant pronounce some _ the words and I make mistakes _ grammar.59 . They go to different places for their holiday _ plane.60 . I dont agree _ you because sixteen-year-olds arent serious enough _ that age.61 . Our English teacher is strict _ us.62 . I know my parents care _ me, but I think I should be allowed to make this decision _ myself.63 . China lies _ the east of Asia and _ the west of Japan.64 . _ our surprise, she has failed the exam.65 . Children usually wear new clothes _ New Years Day.66 . She is a beautiful girl _ blue eyes.67 . There are some presents _ you _ our best wishes.68 . _ Childrens Day, all the children are very happy.69 . We are doing much better _ English _ the teachers help.70 . The city is famous _ its football and people there are very proud _ their football team.71 . _ the age of 8, he learned to play the piano and he succeeded _ winning the first prize last week.72 . _ fact, he always comes up _ good solutions to peoples problems.73 . The notebook must belong _ Alice. It has her name _ it.74 . _ be honest, food that is bad _ you can taste good.75 . _ general, wed like to stay at a place _ a big pool or somewhere _ the ocean.76 . I take _ my mother and my brother is similar _ my father.第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全短文5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、语法填空1、六、材料作文1、七、看图写短语或句子1、八、其他1、

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