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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期期中英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . (题文)What does your brother look like?He is thinner and_ taller than me.Aa littleBa fewCmoreDless2 . The twins lookthe same, but are quite different in personality.AmostlyBexactlyCclearlyDclosely3 . -I wonder _. - Through “Didi”. It is easy.Ahow you came back homeBwhy you came back homeCwhen you came back home.4 . _,Peter?I have got a bad cold.AWhat color do you likeBWhats the matter with youCWhere are youDWhats the weather like5 . I saw Tom _ basketball with his friends when I passed the playground.Ato playBplaysCplayDplaying6 . Do you need more people _ you _the birds?Ahelp; to countBto help; countsCto help; countDhelp; count7 . May I _ your dictionary, Jane? Sure. But you cant _ it to others.Aborrow; borrowBborrow; lendClend; borrow8 . _ young in our village are now living _ much more comfortable life than we did.AA; 不填BThe; theCA; aDThe; a9 . 假如你是玛丽,你向别人介绍自己时应该说: _AHow are you?BMy names Mary.CWhats your name?DGood morning!10 . Be quick! We have_ time to finish the workAmoreBfewerCnoDless11 . Mrs Green isgood teacher that she often makes her class lively and interesting.AsoBsuchCsuch aDso a12 . My father with my mother _ my grandparents home this Sunday.Ais goingBare goingCis going toDare going to13 . The old man _ along the road when the truck suddenly knocked him off.AwalksBwalkedCwas walkingDhad walked14 . Tony found_really difficult for him to have a better understanding of this movie.AitBthisCthatDit was15 . He does well in playing _ guitar but he is poor at playing_ baseball.Athe; theBthe; /C/; theD/; /二、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余项。A:Excuse me. Im a stranger here. 11.16 . B:Sure. There is one on the Central Street. A:Oh. 12.17 . B:Go along the road, then turn right when you see a supermarket.A:13.18 . B:Er. About half an hour. A:14.19 . A:Of course. 15.20 . You need to walk there. B:OK. Thanks a lot. A:Youre welcome. By the way, the bank opens until 4:00 pm. You must go there in a hurry.B:I know. I go there at once.ACan I take a bus there? BCould you tell if there is a bank in the neighborhood? CCan you tell me how I can get there?DYou can take a taxi there, too. EHow long does it will take me to get there?FHow about going there with me?GBut the bus stop is on the Xingfu Road.三、完型填空One day I was watching a movie at home and tears dropped from my eyes as I saw a moving picture. My three-year-old son came to me and asked me why I was crying. I _ silent as I couldnt explain to him it was just an emotional(情感的) thing. To my surprise, he _ my face with his little hand and said, Dear Mom, stop crying! You see _will be fine. Youre my good girl. So just get up and lets get ready for school. On hearing him saying this to me I could not help _. It was so funny for a child to say so. Later I _ that he had repeated almost the _ thing that I told him when he was crying.The first time a child begins to speak, he tries to _ what his parents have been telling him for a long time. Usually parents _ with the words Mama, Papaand so on. But as the child continues learning and possibly starts speaking on his own without being _, we as parents always _ hes still being guided by us. The only _ is that were now doing that in a more passive(被动的)way than before. We always use words that we dont want our child to say, and when he says those words, we _ where he has learned them. Even then, some of us dont realize that the child has learned the words only from _ only. Instead, we start to put the blame(指责) on either his friends or somebody who has talked to him when we are not present.So if you want your child to have perfect _, youll have to set a good example to him. And if you cant do this, you have no right to expect your child to have such a thing. After all, the parents words and behavior have a great _ on their children.21 . AtookBmadeCsetDkept22 . AtouchedBhitCsmelledDtasted23 . AsomethingBeverythingCnothingDanything24 . AsingingBshoutingClaughingDcrying25 . AsuggestedBthoughtCrealizedDbelieved26 . AstrangeBbadCsameDexciting27 . AaskBcopyCpracticeDdecide28 . AstartBdealCendDlive29 . AtaughtBwatchedCgivenDadvised30 . AconsiderBknewCrememberDforget31 . AprizeBwayCactivityDdifference32 . AwonderBsayCbelieveDthink33 . AweBourCoursDus34 . AstudyBlifeCbehaviorDhealth35 . AinfluenceBuseCnatureDsight四、阅读单选To raise money for the Childrens Hospital, Nelly decides to have a yard sale.Nelly got the toy bear from her cousin John. John took a tour to Shanghai for five days. Before he returned, he bought the toy bear for Nelly as the Christmas gift.Nelly likes to wear a cap when she plays sports. She got the white cap from her sister when she was nine. At the age of thirteen, she got the red cap from her aunt. She has had it for four years.Nelly wants to study abroad like her brother in the future. So she studies English very hard. Last month, her father bought her a new dictionary. So she wants to sell the old one now.Nelly has had this scarf for about five years. She got it from her pen friend Jenny. Although they never meet, they are good friends. Jenny made the scarf herself so it is very special to Nelly.36 . When did Nelly get the toy bear?AOn New Years Day.BAt Christmas.CAt her birthday.DAt the Spring Festival.37 . How long has Nelly had the red cap?AFor four years.BFor five years.CFor six years.DFor seven years.38 . Who gave Nelly a new dictionary?AHer aunt.BHer cousin.CHer brother.DHer father.39 . Why is the scarf very special to Nelly?AIts very expensive.BIts her first scarf.CHer pen friend made the scarf herself.DShe likes the color very much.Many people think of the brain as a mystery. They dont know much about intelligence and how it works. When they do think about what intelligence is, many people believe that a person is born smart, average, or dumband stays that way in the whole life. But new research shows that the brain is more like a muscle(肌肉)it changes and gets stronger when you use it. And scientists have been able to show just how the brain grows and gets stronger when you learn.Everyone knows that when you lift weights, your muscles get bigger and you get stronger. A person who cant lift 20 pounds when he/she starts exercising can get strong enough to lift 100 pounds after working out for a long time. Thats because the muscles become larger and stronger with exercise. And when you stop exercising, the muscles shrink(收缩)and you get weaker. Thats why people say “Use it or lose it!”But most people dont know that when they practice and learn new things, parts of their brain change and get larger a lot like muscles do when they exercise. Inside the cortex(皮层)of the brain are billions of tiny nerve(神经元)cells(细胞),called neurons. The nerve cells have branches connecting them to other cells in a complicated(复杂)network. Communication between these brain cells is what allows us to think and solve problems. When you learn new things, these tiny connections in the brain actually multiply and get stronger. The more you challenge your mind to learn, the more your brain cells grow. Then, things that you once found very hard or even impossible to do like speaking a foreign language or doing algebra(代数)seem to become easy after learning them for a period of time. The result is a stronger, smarter brain.Scientists started thinking that the human brain could develop and change when they studied animals brains. They found out that animals that lived in a challenging environment were more “perspicacious”they were better at solving problems and learning new things.40 . According to the first paragraph, .Athe function(作用)of our brain is like that of the muscleBuntil now its impossible to explain the brains mysteryCmany people believe ones intelligence is naturally determined(决定)Dones brain grows stronger as the age increases41 . What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?AThe complicated structure of the brain.BHow changes in the muscles affect the brain.CThe importance of the brain.DHow the brain becomes stronger by learning new things.42 . What does the underlined word “perspicacious” in the last paragraph probably mean?AStrong.BSmart.CPopular.DActive.43 . The paragraph that follows the passage will most probably talk about .Athe differences between animals brains and humans brainsBthe relation between human brains and musclesCscientists findings about animals brainsDhow to make your brain smarter through self-developmentWe recycle(回收利用) rubbish, so why not language? Recycling language means using vocabulary that you have learnt before again and again. However, unlike rubbish that piles up(堆积)in our environment, if we do not recycle language, we simply forget it. So how do you recycle language?There are basically three ways to do it. The first is through reading. Go back to your favourite articles and read them once more. Just reread them and do not worry about each vocabulary item. If there are some that you are not sure about, make a guess and you will probably guess right. The second way to recycle is through writing. Look at some of your favourite articles and write either a short paragraph or a few sentences in your own words. After you have done this a few times, go back and read through what you have written, checking vocabulary functions. Dont worry if you have made mistakes. Thats how you learn. The third way to recycle language is by having an imaginary chat with yourself about your favourite articles at home. You can pretend there is someone with you who speaks English and tell him what you are thinking about or how you feel.44 . According to the passage, recycling language means _.Arepeating vocabulary at timesBrevising vocabulary at a proper timeClearning new vocabulary as much as possibleDusing vocabulary that we have learnt very often45 . If we recycle language, it may _.Abe kept in our mindBbe forgotten easilyCpile up in our environmentDdisappear from our mind soon46 . The second way to recycle language tells us to.Arewrite our favourite articles.Bpay more attention to mistakesCpractise spoken English with someoneDpay no attention to vocabulary functions47 . Which of the following is NOT mentioned in recycling language?AReading.BListening.CWriting.DSpeaking.48 . Which of the following is probably the best title of the passage?AWhy to Recycle LanguageBHow to Learn VocabularyCHow to Recycle LanguageDWhy to Learn Vocabulary五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms. (用括号中所给单词的适当形式,完成下列句子。)49 . He has written some _ computer games. (succeed)50 . _, the police came to help them right away. (lucky)51 . I think Miss Wang is a good _ teacher. You will like her. (physical)52 . Just now I heard a big _ at the cinema entrance. (argue)53 . The compass was one of the greatest _ in ancient China. (invent)54 . Though the problem is very difficult, he wants to work it out _. (he)六、用单词的正确形式完成短文任务型完形填空get up change body so thatreally sit something shout at reason shallHas anyone ever told you, “Stand up straight!” or55 . you when you arent keeping your back straight at a family dinner? Words like that might make you unhappy, but theyre not wrong. Maybe the way you hold your body when youre56 . or standing, is not seriously proper. But it may be too bad for your57 . . Researchers said that common headaches and back pain had58 . to do with it.Many studies suggest that if the way of sitting or standing isnt right, your muscles (肌肉)59 . work harder to keep your back straight and balanced. And the worse thing is that if you dont keep the back straight for a very long time, your body will60 . a lot. This will make you look ugly and strange.You61 . should stand up straight. It can even influence your feeling. So there are a lot of62 . to have a good habit.But how do we have a good habit? Try changing your environment. You can change the position of your screen,63 . its at or a little below eye level. Try sleeping on your side with your neck supported and with one thing between your legs. If you sit a lot,64 . and move around from time to time, and be sure to exercise.七、回答问题任务型阅读Im Bob. This is my room. Its a big room. The walls are orange. I have no computer or TV in my room, but I have a great sports collection. There are seven baseballs under my chair. In the drawer, there are ten ping-pong balls and six ping-pong bats. You can see a big bookcase in the room. What are in the bookcase? There are some books, some soccer balls, and some basketballs. And my volleyballs are under my bed. I play volleyball every day.65 . What color are the walls?_66 . What is under the bed?_67 . How many baseballs does Bob have?_68 . What are in the bookcase?_69 . Does Bob have a computer in his room?_八、书信作文70 . 书面表达假如你是Dave, 昨天你收到了你的好朋友Jim的邮件, Jim 在邮件中向你倾诉了他的烦恼:1.父母不了解自己,并且偷看自己的日记,于是他同父母吵架;2.自己喜欢踢足球,但是花费时间太多,以至于成绩下降,感觉非常苦恼;3.晚上熬夜写作业,第二天早上上课非常困。请你根据Jim在邮件中提及的问题,回复一封邮件给他提一些建议。注意;开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。词数:90词左右Dear Jim,Im glad to hear from you and Im sorry to hear that youre in trouble with your parents and study._Good luck!YoursDave第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、回答问题1、八、书信作文1、

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