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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -Mum, what are you cooking in the kitchen? It _ so good!- Fried noodles.AsmellsBtastesCsoundsDeats2 . Children need to sleep_nine hours a night.AatBonCforDto3 . The life we were used to _ since our grandfather died.AchangingBchangedChas changedDchange4 . The show If you are the one (非诚勿扰) is 21:15 to 22:45 at weekends.AatBonCinDfrom5 . -Good morning ! -_!AThank youBGood morningCDIm Lingling.6 . -Would you mind my opening the window to let in some fresh air, Jack?- No, not at all, Mary, go ahead.What will Mary do?AShe wont open the window.BShe will open the window.CShe will go ahead with Jack.DShe will be angry with Jack.7 . Today Ben didnt come to our club to practice tennis. What _to him?I dont know. Lets call him.AhappenedBis happeningCwill happen8 . Is there any meat in the fridge? I want some for dinner. No, there is _ left, and _ of us has any time to buy any.Anone; noneBnothing; nobodyCnone; nobodyDnothing; none9 . After the match,all the team members were _ because of losing the game.AupBdownChappyDtiring10 . We find _ hard for Daniel and _ to work without a car.Ait; she to goBits; she goingCit; her to goDits; her going二、补全对话5选5补全对话AWhat can we do to help them?BBy the way, do you know about what to do during an earthquake?CSorry to hear that. DWhats wrong with you?EBut how can we do that?A: Hi, Jim. You look worried. 11 . B: An earthquake happened in my home town. Im worrying about my grandparents. A:12 . Was it serious?B: No, my grandparents are OK but their house fell down. A: What about other people there?B: Many people lost their houses and they had no places to live in. Lets do something to help them. A:13 . B:Lets raise some money for them. A:14 . We are still students and we dont have money. B: How about selling newspapers after school?A:Good idea. 15 . B: Not too much. We can search for something about it on the Internet. A: OK, lets begin.三、完型填空One day a rich man took his son on a trip to the country _ he could have his son see how poor country people were.They stayed one day and one night in the farmhouse of a very humble farmer. _ the way back home at the end of the trip the father asked the son, “What did you think of the trip?”The son answered, “Very nice, Dad.”The father then asked, “Did you _ how poor they were?”The son _, “May be.”The father then added, “And what did you learn?”To this question, the son thought for _ and answered slowly, “I learned that we have one dog in the house and they have four. We have a fountain (喷泉)in the garden and they have a _ running beside their houses that has no end.“We have fancy lanterns in our garden, while they have the _ in the sky. Our garden goes to the edge of our yard, but for their backyard, they have the entire horizon (视野)!”At the end of the sons reply, the rich father was _. His son then added: Thanks, Dad, for _ me how poor we really are.”Isnt it true that all _ the lens(镜头) you use to see life?If you have love, friends, family, health, good humor and a positive attitude toward life, youve got everything!You cant buy any of these things. You can have all the material possessions (财富) you can imagine, provisions (储备) for the future, etc., but if you are poor of spirit, youll have nothing!16 . AafterBsoCbefore17 . AOnBInCBy18 . AnoticeBlookCstudy19 . AbelievedBthoughtCreplied20 . Aan hourBa quarterCa second21 . AlakeBstreamCpool22 . AstarsBcandlesCfire23 . AangryBspeechlessChappy24 . AtellingBaskingCshowing25 . Adepend onBhold onCagree on四、阅读单选When I was a kid, my dad worked in a shop in the center of our town. Sometimes, I went to the shop with him and I made a little pocket money by buying things for his workmates. But I never paid attention to all the things and people around me.One day, as my dad and I were driving to the shop, I looked out of the window of the car and I saw an old man standing at the street corner. There was a rose in his hand, he was smelling the rose. For some reason, our eyes met and we looked at each other for about twenty seconds. There was nothing unusual about this man but the meet was unusual to me. Up to that moment in my life, I had given no thought to anyone on the street, in shops or anywhere else. I had no interest out of my family. But I was interested in that old man. For the first time I had interest in a stranger. What kind of life had he lived? Where had he been in his time?Once a great man encouraged us to “stop and smell the rose”. Now I want to tell these words to you. Stop what you are busy with and try to fully understand things and people in your eyesight. If you dont care about others on your road of life, then you are missing your life itself.26 . How did the writer make a little pocket money?ABy asking his father to give him.BBy stealing others money.CBy buying things for his fathers workmates.DBy asking in the street.27 . What was the old man doing when I saw him?AHe was selling roses.BHe was walking in the street.CHe was talking to the writer.DHe was smelling a rose.28 . When did the writer have interest out of his family?AWhen he was a kid.BWhen he met the old man with rose.CWhen he went to school.DWhen he went to work.29 . What is the main idea of this passage?AIf you care about others on your road of life, then you are having your life itself.BIf you care about others on your road of life, then you are missing your life itself.CIf you meet an old man with a rose in the street, then youll have interest in your life.DIf you have interest in others, then you are having your life itself.Choose the best answer(根据以下内容,选择最恰当答案)Humans have sewn by hand for thousands of yeas. It was said hat the fist thread was made from animal muscle and sinew. And the earliest needles were made from bones. Since those early days, many people have been involved in the process of developing a machine that could do the same thing more quickly and with greater efficiency.Charles Wiesenthal, who was born in Germany, designed and received a patent on a double-pointed needle that eliminated the need to turn the needle around with each stitch(缝合)in England in 1755. Other inventors of that time tried to develop a functional sewing machine, but each design had at least one serious imperfection.Frenchman Barthelemy Thimonnier finally engineered a machine that really worked. However, he was nearly killed by a group of angry tailors when they burned down his garment factory. They feared that they would lose their jobs to the machine.American inventor Elias Howe, born on July 9th, 1819, was awarded a patent for a method of sewing that used thread from two different sources. Howes machine had a needle with an eye at the point, and it used the two threads to make a special stitch called a lockstitch. However, Howe faced difficulty in finding buyers for his machines in America. In frustration, he traveled to England to try to sell his invention there. When he finally returned home, he found that dozens of manufacturers were adapting his discovery for use in their own sewing machines.Isaac Singer, another American inventor, was also a manufacturer who made improvements to he design of sewing machines. He invented an up-and-down-motion mechanism that replaced the side-to-side machines. He also developed a foot treadle(脚踏板)to power his machine. This improvement left the sewers hands free. Undoubtedly, it was a huge improvement of the hand-cranked machine of the past. Soon the Singer sewing machine achieved more fame than the others for it was more practical, it could be adapted to home use and it could be bought on hire- purchase. The Singer sewing machine became the first home appliance, and the Singer company became one of the first American multinationals.However, Singer used the same method to create a lockstitch that Howe had already patented. As a result, Howe accused him of patent infringement(侵犯). Of course, Elias Howe won the court case, and Singer was ordered to pay Howe royalties(版税). In the end, Howe became a millionaire, not by manufacturing the sewing machine, but by receiving royalty payments for his invention.30 . _ made it unnecessary to turn the needle around with each stitch.ABarthelemy ThimonnierBCharles WiesenthalCElias HoweDIsaac Singer31 . Barthelemy Thimonniers garment factory was burned down because _ .Apeople did not know how to put out the fireBElias Howethought Thimonier had stolen his inventionCthe sewing machines was couldnt work finallyDworkers who feared the loss of their jobs to a machine set fire32 . _ invented the Singer sewing machine.ABarthelemy ThimonnierBCharles WiesenthalCIsaac SingerDElias Howe33 . Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?AThe Singer sewing company became more practical.BSinger is an American inventor and manufacturer.CThe foot treadle helped to make the sewers hands free.DSinger made improvements to the design of sewing machines.34 . Why did the court force Isaac Singer to pay Elisa Howe a lifetime of royalties?ABecause the judge was against Singer for his surly attitude.BBecause Howe had already patented the lockstitch used by Singer.CBecause Singer had borrowed money from Howe and never repaid it.DBecause Singer and Howe had both invented the same machine.35 . Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?AA Stitch in Time Saves Nine.BThe Case between Howe and Singer.CPatent Laws on the Sewing Machine.DThe Early History of the Sewing Machine.Best Sellers(畅销书) of the WeekThe New York TimesThis WeekTitle / Writer / Price / StoryWeeks on List(上榜周数)1The Forgotten Garden, by Kate Morton. $15.85. From England to Australia and back, two women try to solve a family problem.182The Help, by Helen Scott. $22.95. A young white man helpstwo black boys.583Spoken From the Heart, by Laura Bush. $30.00. Wife of U.S. President George W. Bush tells the stories of being the first lady.244Best Friends Forever, by Carol Brown. $19.95. Childhood friends meet again years later when one needs help.65Run For Your Life, by James Clark. $27.85. A New York policeman alone must stop a bad man killing people.1036 . The information about the Best Sellers of the Week is provided by _.AChina DailyB21st CenturyCThe New York TimesDWashington Post37 . The book which has stayed on the list for the longest time is _.AThe Forgotten GardenBThe HelpCSpoken From the HeartDBest Friends Forever38 . Nancy wants to buy the top three books on the list this week. She has to pay _.A$68.80B$70.75C$77.80D$80.8039 . David likes to read detective stories, so he can try _.AThe Forgotten GardenBThe HelpCBest Friends ForeverDRun For Your Life40 . Sarah is interested in the family life of American President. She can choose the book written by _.AKate MortonBHelen ScottCLaura BushDCarol Brown五、阅读判断Do you live in a city? Do you know how cities began? Long long ago, the world had only a few thousand people. These people moved from one place to another. They moved over the land, hunting animals for food.No one knows how or when these people learned about growing food. But when they did, their life changed. They did not have to look for food any longer. They could stay in one place and grow it.People began to live near one another, so the first village was established (建立). Many people came to live in the villages, and these villages became even larger.When machines appeared, life in the villages changed again. People built factories. More and more people lived near the factories. The cities began.Today, its strange that some people are moving back to small villages. Can you tell me why?根据短文内容,判断正(A)误(B)。41 . People moved from place to place to hunt animals.42 . The story says,“No one knows how or when these people learned about growing food. But when they did, their life changed.” In this sentence, the word “they” means people.43 . When machines appeared, life in the cities changed again.44 . All people like to live only in big cities.45 . People built factories after the cities grew big.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写46 . The film is based on a r_ story in life. Its very moving.47 . He likes telling lies. I cant be sure he is telling the t_ now.48 . They s_ all the problems on the way and won at last.49 . These soldiers are b_ enough to protect our motherland.50 . Please be careful! Youre always making m_ these days.51 . Jim was praised by the teacher today, because he gave all the c_ answers in the test.七、填写适当的单词补全对话完成对话,每空一词A: How is the 52 . ? B: Its warm and sunny.A: Oh, whats the 53 . ? B: It is October 2.A: 54 . day is it today?B: It is Saturday. Tomorrow is 55 . A: Tomorrow I will go 56 . the zoo.B: I will 6. 57 . my homework. I work hard 58 . school.A: 59 . time is it? B: It 60 . 8:00.A: Oh, I must go now. See you.B: 61 . you.八、材料作文62 . 书面表达践行文明礼仪从我做起。作为一名中学生,我们应该不断提升文明素养,做文明礼仪的倡导者。请以“Be a Person with Good Manners”为题,写一篇短文。内容必须包括以下要点:1. 叙述一次生活中文明或不文明的事例(时间、地点、人物、经过以及你的看法);2. 就如何成为一名有文明素养的学生提出自己的建议(至少两点)。注意:1. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名;2. 词数:80左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。Be a Person with Good MannersIts very important to be a person with good manners in our daily life. _第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、阅读判断1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、填写适当的单词补全对话1、八、材料作文1、

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