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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期第二次月考(不含听力材料)英语试题一、听短对话回答问题1 . What will be used in the future in the boys opinion? AComputerBBlackboardCNewspaper2 . What does the man hope to buy someday?AA car.BA computer.CA robot.3 . Where did the woman leave her English book?AOn the bed.BBy the telephone.COn the desk.4 . What are they going to do?Aride a bikeBfly kitesChave a picnic5 . What is the woman going to do?AGo to work in a restaurant.BGo to play table tennis.CHave a picnic in a park.二、听句子选答语6 . What are the students doing now?ATheyre reading newspapers.BTheyre cleaning the meeting room.CTheyre having an English class.7 . AMary and Tony.BPeter and Mary.CTony and Peter.8 . AA dancer.BA singer.CA pilot.9 . Whats the time?AIts six.BIts seven.CIts eight.三、听长对话回答问题听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。10 . What will robots help to do in the future?ADance.BDo housework.CRead books.11 . What can the new robots do?APlay games with people.BTalk to people.CLook after children.12 . What does the boy want to do?AMake a robot.BWork with a robot.CBuy a robot.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。13 . What does Eric want to be?AA teacher.BA doctor.CAn artist.14 . Where does the girls father work?AIn a hospital.BIn a high school.CIn a college.四、听句子或对话选择图片15 . ABC16 . What does the boy want to be?ABC17 . How are they going to the zoo?ABC18 . What kind of programme does the girl like best?ABC五、听短文回答问题你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个问题。请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的A.B.C三个选项中选出最佳选项。短文读两遍。19 . How many resolutions does the boy make?AThreeBFourCFive20 . What hobby does the boy going to take up?APainting.BDancingCSinging21 . What is the second resolution about?ASelf-improvementBImproving relationships with his classmates.CPhysical health.22 . How often does the boy plan to play basketball?AOnce a week.BTwice a weekCThree times a week.23 . What relationships does the boy want to improve?AThose with his classmates.BThose with his mother.CThose with his teachers.六、听音辩词24 . AthoughtBboughtCboat七、单选题25 . -There are _ students in the school. The number of girls _ 800.Atwo thousand, isBtwo thousands, areCthousands of, areDtwo thousands of, is26 . (题文)We need some apples. Could you please ?Acut up themBcut it upCcut them up27 . Mum, you are _ taller than me now. Well, you will be as _ as me soon.Amore; tallBmuch; tallCmuch; tallerDmore; taller28 . There is no way he can make a _ when he leaves school now, I think.AaliveBlivingCliveDlives29 . (题文)Can I have a look at your family photo?Sure._.AThank youBHere you areCYoure welcomeDSee you30 . What would you likeat weekends?AvisitBvisitingCto visitDvisits31 . Daniel isCanada,and hes good English.Ain; fromBfrom; atCin; inDat; from32 . I dont know when he _. When he _, I will let you know.Awill arrive, will arriveBarrives, arrivesCwill arrive, arrivesDarrives, will arrive33 . Mike is a member of our school basketball team. He is much _ than me.Abetter at playBbetter at playingCthe best at play34 . -Sophie, I can carry the heavy bag for you, if you cant.-Thats a very kind _. Thanks a lot.ApromiseBserviceCofferDsuggestion35 . The Internet is really _ to us. We can easily find the information we need.AsafeBhardCboringDuseful36 . I wonder if it _ rain tomorrow. If it _ rain, Ill go hiking with my friends.Awill; isntBdoesnt; wontCwill; doesnt37 . Lily and Lucy _ their mother. They have big eyes and yellow hair.Alike bothBboth are likeCboth likeDare both like38 . Excuse me, _? Walk along this road and turn left.Ahow do I get to the Peoples parkBwho is the way to the post officeCthere is a hospital near thereDwhere the bank is39 . Can you tell me _ from here?-About five miles.Ahow far is itBhow far it isChow much it isDhow much is it八、补全对话7选540 . 情景交际选择方框中的句子完成对话,其中有两项多余He Jing:What do you often do in your spare time?Wei Han: 1 He Jing:Its great! But I cant play the piano. I can play the guitar.Wei Han: 2 He Jing:I like pop music. What about you?Wei Han:I also like it. 3 I like folk music best. Im Tengers fan. I like singing all of his songs.He Jing:I know little about folk music, but I enjoy listening to Song Zuyings songs.Wei Han: 4 He Jing:Yes, I like them. My favorite English song is Yesterday once More.Wei Han: 5 But I prefer Take Me to Your Heart.AWhat kind of music do you like?BIt is a sweet song.CI like playing the piano.DClassical music is serious music.EDo you like English songs?FDo you like foreign music?GBut its not my favorite.九、完型填空I want to have a house. It is a big _ ,beautiful and cool house. I think I can _ it “My dream house”.Around the house, I have a big _ . There are many kinds of flowers in it. And I plant some fruit trees, too, such as some apple trees and orange trees. Near the garden, theres a swimming pool. Il is fifty metres long. I can often go swimming after school. I _ swimming is good for me.There are three _ in the house building. On the ground floor, there is a dining-room with a kitchen, and a big sitting-room. There _ no other rooms on this floor.On the first floor, there are bedrooms _ balconies and bathrooms. On the second floor, there are _ for books and computers. _ there is also a piano room.Do you have your dream house? If you have one, please _ about it. I think it is as big and beautiful as mine!41 . AveryBmuchCenoughDtoo42 . AcallBseeChearDget43 . AstreetBschoolCgardenDshop44 . AmakeBthinkClikeDbegin45 . AhousesBroomsCwindowsDfloors46 . AareBisCamDbe47 . AofBwithCforDin48 . AkitchensBdining-roomsCstudiesDtoilets49 . AButBSoCBecauseDAnd50 . AtellBsayCspeakDtalk完形填空先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项In the doctors waiting room, men and women were sitting _ on the chair, waiting for their turn. Bob, a school boy, was _ them. They all looked very _ except Bob. He _ an interesting story in a magazine. Just then the doctor came in to say he was ready for the next person. Bob jumped up and ran into the _ room.“Whats your _, young man?” said the doctor. _ Bob said a word, the doctor made him _ down on a bed. “Now, let me listen to your heart.” Bob tried to speak, but the doctor told him not to say anything. Bob tried to sit up, but the doctor _ him. “Now open your mouth. Ill take your temperature Mm, good.” _ a moment, the doctor said, “Well, my boy, you havent got a bad cold. Its nothing. Mm, In fact, theres nothing wrong with you.” “I know there isnt,” said Bob, “I just came here to fetch(取得) the medicine for my father.”51 . AquicklyBquietlyCluckilyDnoisily52 . AamongBbetweenCatDfor53 . AhappyBexcitingCinterestedDsad54 . AsawBwas seeingCreadsDwas reading55 . ApatientsBwaitingCsittingDdoctors56 . AstoryBtroubleCthingDwrong57 . ABeforeBAfterCUntilDWhile58 . Ato lieBlayClyingDlie59 . AstopBstoppedCstopsDstopping60 . AAfterBInCOnDAt十、阅读单选“Tell me what you are going to do next Sunday morning , Jim ?”Mr .Wang asks , “Im going to see a new film . Its an English film about the life of the students in America. Bill tells me its very interesting .”“After seeing the film , what are you going to do ?” Mr. Zhang wants to know. “Im going to read Chinese ,” Jim says . “Do you like it ?” asks Mr.Wang . “Chinese is not easy for me , but I like it very much . I am going to work hard at it . After lunch Im going to have English and other subjects . I think I can do better than before .“Then , what about Sunday evening ?” Mr. Wang asks . “ After supper Im going to help Han Mei with her English . She wants my help ,” Jim says .“You are going to have a busy day , arent you ?says Mr.Wang.61 . What is Jim going to do next Sunday morning ?ASee a film.BVisit his grandma.CGo fishing.DTake guitar lessons.62 . What is the film about ?AThe life of the students in China.BThe life of the students in America.CForeign life.DSchool and college.63 . What is Jim going to do after seeing the film?APlay soccer.BStudy English .CRead Chinese.DWrite a story.64 . How does Jim think of Chinese ?AHe like it .BHe dislike it .CIts easy for him .DHe doesnt know.65 . What is Jim going to help Han Mei with ?AChinese.BMath.CScience.DEnglish .OnNov30,2016,theUNadded“the24SolarTerms”(节气)intothe listoftheIntangibleCulturalHeritageofHumanity(人类非物质文化遗产).AsanimportantpartofChineseculture,the24SolarTermsguidepeoples farminganddailylife.Itsreportedthatpeoplein183countries andareas areusingtraditional Chinesemedicine(TCM),whichisbasedonabalanceddietandlifestyle. OnDec6,2016, theChinese governmentannouncedthefirstwhite paperon TCM.IthassetrulesforTCMdevelopmentabroadforthefirsttime.Wontons(馄饨)arebecomingmoreandmorepopulararoundthe world. Sometimes people deep-frythem, which taste delicious andcrispy(香酥脆).Also,theyeatwontonswithsoup.First,makeawontonwithasquarewrapper(面皮),thenputsomefilling,suchasmeatand shrimp(虾)inthewrapper.Afterthat,pushtheoutsideofthewrappertogetherwith fingers.Finally,cookandenjoythem.66 . We learn from the passage that the 24 Solar Terms .Aare out of dateBwork well in the UNCare useful in everyday lifeDmake no difference to us67 . On Dec 6, 2016, Chinese government set up the first white paper on .Athe 24 Solar TermsBtraditional Chinese medicineCChinese delicious foodDmodern western medicine68 . The underlined word “deep-fry” refers to in Chinese.A水煮B小炒C油炸D清蒸69 . The right order of making a wonton should be according to the passage.ABCD70 . The information above turns to .Aimprove Chinese medicineBwish people to eat wontonsCspread the 24 Solar TermsDintroduce Chinese cultureFrom: 11350csu.eduTo: Jennysmithyahoo.comSubject: partyHi! Jenny, My sister Ann and I are going to have a party this Friday at my home. Some friends will be there. Most of them are from the office. My best friend, Tom, will come, too. I want you to meet him.Do you want to come? Well play games and talk. Then well have dinner. Everyone will bring food or drinks. It begins at 4:00 pm. and ends at 8 or 9 pm.Well have a great time! Can you come?I hope so! Let me know soon. Call me or send me an e-mail.71 . Who sent this e-mail?AJennyBTomCLisaDAnn72 . The party begins at _?A4:00 amB6:00 pmC4: 00 pmD6:00 am73 . Tom is _ best friend.AJennysBLisasCAnnsDJacks74 . Whats true about the party?AIts on Saturday.BAll of Jennys friends will come.CPeople will not bring things.DIt will last four or five hours.75 . What will Jenny do first?ABuy food for the party.BCall TomCSend an e-mail to Lisa.DDrive to Lisas house.FootballTwo teams play the game. There are eleven player each team. The field must be about 100 m long and 73m wide. There are two goals, 7. 32 m long and 2. 44 m high. To score a goal, a player must put the ball into the other teams goal. They may use their feet, heads or other parts of the body, but they must not use their hands One player in each team, the goalkeeper, may use his hands.VolleyballThe court is 18m long and 9 m wide. The net is 2. 44 m high for men and 2. 24 m high for women. There are two teams and there are usually six players in each team. The players try to make the ball hit the ground on the other side of the net. They may use their hands, fists or arms, but they must not catch the ball or hold it while playing.76 . How big is a football field?A7.32 m long and 2. 44 m highBAbout 100 m long and 73 m wide.C107. 32 m long and 75. 44 m wideD26 m long and 14 m wide77 . The underlined word goalkeeper means?A后卫B中锋C运动员D守门员78 . How many players are there usually in a football match?A6B10C12D2279 . Each volleyball team can have _ players.AfiveBsixCtwentyDeleven80 . Which of the following is NOT true?AThere are eleven players in each football team.BThe net is 2. 44 m high for women and 2. 24 m high for men.CIn a volleyball match, players may use their hands, fists or arms.DIn the football match, players can use their feet, heads or other parts of the body.十一、听短文填写表格你将听到一篇短文。请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的单词,每空仅填一词。短文读两遍。NameIdeas about robotsPeterTo make a(n)81 . robot to help people at any time.LisaTo be a(n) 82 . and study robots.FrankTo 83 . some robots to China.EmmaTo learn something about robots in her fathers 84 . DickTo teach 85 . about robots at school.十二、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。86 . Our city will build a new b_(桥)over the river.87 . Please a_(到达)at school on time.88 . English is very i_(重要的)and many people enjoy learning it.89 . We should f_(遵守)the rules at school.90 . The dish is so d_(美味的). I like it very much.十三、回答问题When I first arrived on this island, I had nothing. But Ive found the ship and made a small boat. Ive brought back many things I can usefood and drink, took, knives and guns. Although I have lost everything , I have not lost my life. So I will not give up and I will wait for another ship. I have already cut down trees and built a house. I go out with my gun almost every day to kill animals and birds for food. Im even learning to grow fruit and vegetables.A few weeks ago. I found the marks of another mans feet on the sand. Who else is on my island ? Not long after that , I saw some cannibals trying to kill two men from a broken ship. One of them died but the other ran towards my house. I helped him kill the cannibals. This man now lives with me and helps me. I named him Friday because that day was the day I met him. He is smart and I have already taught him some English .Taken from Robinson Crusoe91 . Did Robinson have anything when he first arrived on the island?_92 . What has Robinson brought back from the ship?_93 . What is Robinson learning to grow?_94 . Who tried to kill two men from a broken ship?_95 . Why did Robinson name the man Friday?_十四、材料作文96 . 书面表达假如你是Daming,你的英国笔友Mark打算来中国旅游三天,你能够根据下列表格中的提示,给他制定一份出游计划吗?请写一封80词左右的信,信的开头已给出,不计入总词数。要点包括:1. 选择合适的交通出行方式;2. 给出一些景点建议:去哪里玩,做些什么等;3. 可以根据题目适当发挥。TimeDestination(目的地)How to get there?What can we see or do?Day 1Beijingplanego climbing.Day 2Hangzhouplane/traingo boating.Day 3Shanghaitrain/coachgo shopping.参考词汇:西湖 the West Lake;上海东方明珠 the Oriental Pearl Tower;高铁 high-speed railwayDear Mark,I am very glad that you are coming to China._Yours,Daming第 22 页 共 22 页参考答案一、听短对话回答问题1、2、3、4、5、二、听句子选答语1、2、3、4、三、听长对话回答问题1、2、四、听句子或对话选择图片1、2、3、4、五、听短文回答问题1、六、听音辩词1、七、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、八、补全对话7选51、九、完型填空1、2、十、阅读单选1、2、3、4、十一、听短文填写表格1、十二、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、十三、回答问题1、十四、材料作文1、

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