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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Dont arrive late for class.Abe late forBarrive forCbe later for2 . What is the answer(答案) to the question?Sorry, I dont know. Its too_ for me.ArightBeasyCrelaxingDdifficult3 . Is there _in the book? Yes, the story is very exciting.Asomething interestingBinteresting somethingCanything interestingDinteresting anything4 . My sister always hopes to a doctor.AmarryBmarry toCbe marriedDget married5 . A bad thing can be _ a good one sometimes.Arun intoBlooked intoCturned intoDgot into6 . _ old lady in red is _ university professor.AAn; aBAn; /CThe; aDThe; an7 . Which is _,the sun,the moon or the earth?Of course,the moon is.Athe smallestBthe biggestCbiggestDsmallest8 . Mary, is that umbrella _? No. It belongs to Jane.AyourByoursCherDshe二、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Hi, Jordan! 9 . B: Really? Is she going to be on the news?A: 10 . Dont you remember she played a part in a TV advert (广告) in April?B: Oh, yes. I remember. 11 . A: At 9:30. Were going to watch it at my home. 12 . B: Of course. Oh, I cant believe it. Im going to see your sister on TV.A: My sister likes acting. 13 . B: Wow, thats great. I hope her dream can come true soon.AWhat time is it going to be on?BYes, she is.CDo you want to join us?DMy sister is going to be on TV on Friday.E. She is going to be an actress. F. Why is she going to be an actress?G. No, she isnt.三、完型填空I am a middle school student. I am grade eight now. I live near our school. I live _ our school student in our class. I have two good friends.Mike and Jack. Mike is 13-year-oldand Jack is one year _ than Mike. I am three months younger than Mike. So Jack is _ of us. But Mike is the _ of usI am _ than Mike. Jack is _ in our class. He has many friends.Yesterday we went shopping,I wanted to buy a T-shirt. Mike and Jack wanted to buy sport shoes. We went to a clothes store. But the things in it is very expensive. Mike _ a pair of shoes. It cost $258. Thats too expensive! I think it is _ in this store. Then we went to another clothes store. This store is _ than the first one. I bought a green T-shirt and Jack bought his sport shoes, it take us just about $50. Finally, we went home. I enjoyed _ a good time with my friends.14 . A. near B. nearer C. the nearest15 . A. older B. oldest C. the oldest16 . A. older B. oldest C. the oldest17 . A. taller B. tallest C. the tallest18 . A. quiet B. quieter C. quietest19 . A. outgoing B. more outgoing C. the most outgoing20 . A. bought B. buy C. to buy21 . A. expensive B. cheapest C. the most expensive22 . A. cheaper B. expensive C. more cheaper23 . A. have B. having C. had四、阅读单选Modern work and life bring anxieties(焦虑). Sometimes even little things make us upset(心烦)How can we deal with all of the worries and relax? Here are some tips.1.Take pictures every dayTaking photos to record your daily life is a good way to make you feel happy. According to scientists, the pictures can remind you of those happy memories.2. CrySome people hide their emotions(情感) when they feel sad. Crying many times can make you feel better.3.Rest on weekendsWeekends are a time for rest, but some people, especially (尤其) women, spend whole weekends doing housework. It makes them feel more tired. After working for a week, weekends are the best time for relaxation. A relaxing weekend can make you feel much better.4.Take part in more activitiesHaving a party is a great way to relax. Going out with friends for a picnic will be fun, and you wont feel lonely.5. Go for a swim or a runSwimming or running during the day can make you feel better, help you forget everything temporarily, and help you sleep better.6Sing while taking a showerSome people. like to sing while taking a shower. They dont care how good their singing is. Its just a way to relax. Have a try. You are the only listener.24 . What is the passage mainly about?ALife in modern society.BHow to work well.CHow to relax and live happily.DHow to deal with little things.25 . What do scientists say about the pictures?AThey can make you record your daily life.BThey can help you remember those happy old days.CThey can remind you of the bad memories.DThey can teach you how to take photos.26 . What can help people sleep better according to the passage?ARunning.BTaking picturesCCrying.DSinging.27 . Which of the following is TRUE?AWe should do housework on weekends.BCrying often is bad for our health.CSinging is one way for some people to relaxDWe should swim or run for a long time every dayMr. Zhang was a sports fan. He worked in a hospital in the capital. He was busy all the time and had little time to have a rest. And one day he felt unwell and couldnt go on working. He decided to spend a weeks holiday in a quiet village where he could go swimming or fishing. He got off at a small railway station and soon got to a quiet village. He took a room hotel and went to sleep as soon as he had a good meal.At first Mr. Zhang enjoyed himself there. He could do everything he wanted and went wherever he liked. Nobody disturbed him and knocked at the door at midnight. But on the fourth day he was in trouble. After lunch it was very hot. He went swimming in the river. Suddenly he saw a beautiful bird in a big tree. He wanted to catch it, so he walked to it, but it found him and flew away ans soon as gone. He began to pick some flowers in the forest and before long he lost his way.The sun had gone down and night had fallen before Mr. Zhang found a small restaurant in another village. He came in and told them to bring him some bread, two eggs and a glass of tea. After a while his food was brought. Soon he ate up all the bread and eggs. When he was going to have the tea, he found there was a fly in the glass. “ Whats in my tea?” Mr. Zhang called out, “ A fly”“ Its impossible, sir.” said the owner of the restaurant, “ I had told them to pick all the flies out of your tea before they brought it to you!”28 . From the story we can guess Mr. Zhang may be a.AengineerBdoctorCtour guideDtranslator29 . Mr. Zhang decided to take this holiday because.Ahe was too tired to go on workingBhe was very busy all the timeChe was paid a lot of moneyDhe liked swimming and fishing30 . Mr. Zhang hoped to spend a weeks holiday by.Acatching birdsBswimming or fishingCpicking flowersDhaving good meals every day31 . Mr. Zhang went to the village from home.Aby busBby carCon footDby train32 . Mr. Zhang didnt enjoy himself in the village, did he?ANo, he wasnt.BYes, he wasCNo, he didntDYes, he did.Who is your first deskmate(同桌)?Jack: My first deskmate is Albert. He is a naughty(淘气的) boy with black hair and brown eyes. He was shorter than me at that time. Our favorite subject is science. And we have the same dream-to be a scientist.Mary: My first deskmate is a girl. Her name is Nastya. She is kind, beautiful and funny. She was born in a village in Russia. The name of it is Green Mountains. Next summer we will go to her village together. It will be a great journey for us.Lily: Emma is my first deskmate. She is a very tall girl with long, straight, black hair and brown eyes. She is also my good friend because she is nice to me.33 . What is Albert like?AHe is funny.BHe is clever.CHe is friendly.DHe is naughty.34 . Who was born in a village in Russia?AMary.BNastya.CEmma.DLily.35 . Mary will go to next summer.Aher hometownBher mother schoolCGreen MountainsDNastyas new home36 . Emma is a good friend of Lily because .Ashe is beautifulBshe is Lilys first deskmateCshe is kind to LilyDshe is a girl with a big dream37 . What can we learn from the passage?AJack likes science best.BLily wants to be a scientist.CAlbert is shorter than Jack now.DMary and Emma have black hair.Anxiety is a feeling of uneasiness and worry. Anxiety can show up in a lot of ways. For example, trouble concentrating(专心), an upset stomach or sleeplessness. And anxiety can be one of the most serious challenges that students face today. Yet, it can also be one of the most hidden and unknown.Perhaps youve seen the increase in anxiety in your classroom and school, maybe around testing seasons, or even your classmates experiencing hurt. You know anxiety is more than just“worries”. Anxiety can influence classroom performance just as much as any other learning disability.According to the Child Mind Institute, health-care providers have seen a 17 percent increase of anxiety in children over the past 10 years. But there arent many more students seeking help and care. In fact, less than one percent of students will seek anxiety treatment.Students who are worried and anxious arent doing it on purpose. The nervous system acts automatically(自动地), especially when it comes to worry. Thats why phrases like just relax or calm down arent helpful. But with practice, students can learn to slow down their anxious brains. Here are two helpful suggestions.Firstly, practice deep breaths. When people slow down their breathing, they slow down their brain. Slow, deep breaths are the key. It works every time.Secondly, take a break and go outside. Being out in nature can also calm an anxious brain. Sometimes just a change of scenery is what makes the difference. Breathing the cool air or making time to notice singing birds can also calm an overactive worrier. As students, you can observe the environment carefully. How many different kinds of trees do you see? How many different bird songs do you hear? How many different colors are in the grass? That can help you turn the focus away from your worries.Dont set anxiety up as something you want to get rid of. Its a part of your life, and it will not go away completely. What you should do is to face it bravely and learn to deal with it.38 . According to the writer, _ can help students turn the focus away from their worries.Agetting hurtBgoing to the parkChaving a testDhaving less sleep39 . What can we learn from the passage?AHalf of the students want to have good anxiety treatment.BStudents can get rid of their anxiety by relaxing themselves.CStudents can practice slow and deep breaths to reduce anxiety.DStudents need to have anxiety to help them get good test marks.40 . What is the passage mainly about?ACreating anxiety.BIncreasing anxiety.CExperiencing anxiety.DDealing with anxiety.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空()用所给词的适当形式填空41 . Look! My brother_(eat)ice cream here.42 . Do you enjoy_(run)in the morning?43 . What is Jim doing?He_(play)with his friends.44 . Its 7: 00 in the morning. The Browns_(have)breakfast.45 . _ the children_(swim)in the hot spring(温泉)now?六、单词填空请用适当的词完成下面这篇短文,并把所缺单词填写在答题卡指定的位置上。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。Letting kids learn more about46 . at an early age is easier than you think. It is happening all around us, and you can use everyday things to encourage your childrens interest.Most parents believe it is difficult to help their children 47 . science. But you dont need48 . high scientific degree to teach your children science. All you need is that youre willing to try, to see the world, and to take the time to encourage their natural curiosity(好奇心).You can help by having an active attitude(态度)towards science yourself. Then start simply by 49 . your children questions about the things you see every day. And then listen to their answers without judging(评判)them, which will improve50 . confidence, and help you decide just what your children know or do not know. Different kids have different interests, 51 . they need different kinds of science projects. Collecting rocks may interest your young daughter, but your older son may need something more to deal with it. Knowing your children is the52 . way to find enjoyable learning activities. Here are some more pieces of 53 . :Choose activities that are the right level of difficulty. If you are not sure, pick something easier.Read the suggested ages on projects, books, and then make sure that the activity is proper for your child. Let your child choose the project or activity himself. Its easy enough to ask him which to choose54 . than force(强迫) him. Suggest choosing 2 or 3 things your child can do. When a child picks something he is interested in, he will enjoy it and55 . more from it.七、材料作文56 . 假如你叫Bob,请给你远在美国的笔友Jack写封信、向他介绍你的朋友Lisa.请从以下几个方面进行介绍。*Age & birthday;* favorite sport & sports collection(运动收藏品):*Eating habits (likes & dislikes)& the reasons (原因): favorite subject and teacher& the reasonsFavorite school activity & the reason要求:l.信件内容必须涵盖以上所有项目。可适当发挥:2、有恰当的开头,结尾:3.书写工整、卷面整洁:4.80字左右_第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、4、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、单词填空1、七、材料作文1、

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