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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期第一学期期中英语试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Have you heard of the Huawei Company?Sure, its one of the _ companies _ make us Chinese proud.Agreat; whichBgreater; whichCgreatest; that2 . Sam, can you work better with_ money and _people?Alittle; fewBless; fewerCa little, a fewerDleast, most3 . Jack takes upbooks in the bookstorehis free time.Aread, spendBreading, to spendCto read, spendingDreading, spending4 . - I have _ three kilos during the Spring Festival.- Youre overweight, and you shouldnt eat too much meat.Aput awayBput upCput onDput in5 . I must finish my work firstcleaning up the room.Abecause ofBinstead ofCin the front ofDbehind6 . We all _ our country to be stronger and stronger.AhopeBwishCthinkDlike7 . Tosomething means you have enough money to buy something like cars, mobile phones, etc.AloseBappearCafford8 . -Were supposed to recycle paper and bottles. It can help the environment.-_. It can save money, too.AIts nothingBBest wishesCI agreeDI disagree9 . How are you, Helen?_.AHello!BGood morning!CIm fine, thanks.DHow are you, Eric?二、完型填空How can we keep a feeling of balance(平衡)in our lives? How can we live with a positive attitude(积极的态度)? To answer the two questions, lets pay attention _ the following points.Life isnt fair . Our life isnt always _ with pleasure, is it? Life doesnt always give us a hand and doing our best doesnt always bring good results.Failure. Failure is necessary to life, almost as necessary as the _ we breathe. Failure is part of trying. The only thing that we need to think about is _ to deal with it. In fact, failure can be a great teacher that leads us to success.Loneliness. Its _for us to be with our family and friends forever. Sometimes we have to be alone. Dont be afraid when we feel lonely. Treasure the friendship, kindness and love we own now.Suffering. Growing up is not easy and pain is part of our lives. Almost _ gets hurt, take a deep breath and give life a big smile when we suffer(遭受)pain.Personal Responsibility . We each have a choice to be either a winner _ a loser. We should have responsibility for the choice we make. What we will have in the future depends on what we do _Self-confidence. We should believe we can do something well. Nothing in the world is difficult for man who _himself.Life is like a long journey. Travel with a positive attitude and look at the bright side of things. There will always _ sunshine and flowers in our eyes.10 . AbackBwithCaboutDto11 . AbusyBpopularCfilledDfull12 . AwaterBairCfoodDdrink13 . AwhatBthatChowDwhich14 . ApossibleBimpossibleCimpoliteDpolite15 . AsomeoneBno oneCeveryoneDall16 . AandBbutCnorDor17 . AtodayByesterdayCpastDtomorrow18 . Ais confident ofBis angry withCis similar toDis afraid of19 . AhaveBbeCcomeDgo三、阅读单选阅读下面短文,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将其字母标号填入题前的括号内。When I was small, my mom used to give the family a funny special treat from time to timeshe would make breakfast food for dinner. I remember she did so one night. She had been at work all day but wanted to do something special for us all. On that evening, my mom put a plate of eggs and very burnt toast(面包)in front of my dad. I waited to see if anyone noticed. But my dad just took his toast, smiled at my mom and asked me how my day at school had been. I dont remember what I told him that night. But I remember watching him put butter on that toast. He ate it up as usual.After dinner, I remember hearing my mom apologize to my dad for burning the toast. Ill never forget what he said: “Honey, I love burnt toast.” Later that night, I went to kiss daddy good night. I asked him if he really liked his toast burnt. He wrapped(紧抱)me in his arms and said: “Your mommy worked very hard today. Shes really tired. And a bit of burnt toast never hurt anyone!”Life is full of imperfect things. Nobody is perfect, either. Im not the best at anything. I forget birthdays and other important events just like everyone else does. But Ive learned something important from my father. Understanding is the basis of everything, whether between a husband and wife, a parent and child or just between two friends. Remember, burnt toast never hurt anyone. Its the people with the kind thoughts who make life worth living.20 . The writers fatherduring the dinner.Adidnt take the burnt toastBate up all the burnt toastCthrew away the burnt toast21 . What does the underlined word “apologize” mean?A辩白B谢罪C道歉22 . From what the father said to his son, we know the father.Acould understand his wifeBalways argued with his wifeCworked hard every day23 . What has the writer learned from his father?.AThe father liked to eat burnt toast.BUnderstanding is the basic point of everything.CLife is not perfect, but the father is perfect.24 . What is the best title of the passage?ALife is imperfectBThe father and the sonCBurnt toast never hurt anyoneWhen you have a different opinion with your friend, what should you do? One of the ways is to talk to your friend and tell him or her how youre feeling. Its always important to share your feelings with your friend.Of course, sometimes friends do drift apart. As we grow older, our interests change and sometimes this means that a friendship may not be as close as it once was. This also means that you , too, may find a different group of friends to spend time with.Then what should you do to keep friends? One helpful thing is to be sure you let others know you like them. Smile, talk to them, listen with interest and praise them for the things you like about them. People naturally like to make friends with the people who understand and enjoy them.Its also important to remember that you should always be yourself. Sometimes when you focus on “keeping friends”, you might begin to do things or act in some ways that arent normally part of your personality. Moreover, if your friend is unfriendly to you, that doesnt mean you should become hurtful to other people. If keeping a friendship means you have to become someone who you arent, that friendship isnt worth keeping.25 . When you have a different opinion with your friends, you should _.Akeep quiet and have a good restBtell how youre feeling to themCkeep away from them for days26 . When the writer says “friends do drift apart” in the second paragraph, he wants to express _.Apeople remain friends for a lifetimeBthe friendship is closer and closerCthe friendship is not as close as before27 . Which of the following is good for keeping friends?APraise and enjoy your friends.BNever understand the weakness of friends.CSay something that does harm to your friends.28 . The last paragraph tells us that _.Aits important to always agree with our friendsBpeople shouldnt lose themselves to keep friendsCwe are encouraged to be hurtful to unfriendly people29 . The passage is mainly about _.AfeelingsBeducationCFriendship2014 is the year of horse in China. Do you know anything about the horse?The horse is strong and runs very fast. Hes a useful and hard-working animal. The horse learns to know his owner soon. He loves his owner, even after his owner loses his life. Heres a story about such a horse. In a war, the owner passed away(死), and fell from his horse. When people found his body some days later, the horse was still standing beside it. During that long time, the horse didnt leave the body of his owner, without food or water, in the coldest weather, driving away the birds that might eat it. Wasnt he a great animal?30 . When people found the body of the owner, the horse was _.Agoing awayBstill standing beside itCdrinking waterDeating grass beside it31 . The story probably took place in _.AspringBsummerCautumnDWinter四、句型转换根据汉语提示完成句子32 . He said, Are you interested in English? (合并为宾语从句)He asked me _ I _ interested in English.33 . The book is a story-book. That book has a red cover. (合并为一句)That book _ has a red cover _ a story-book.34 . When do the Smiths leave Beijing? Can you tell me? (合并为宾语从句)Can you tell me _ the Smiths _ Beijing?35 . Mr. Liu said to us, Ill go to Chengdu next week. (合并为宾语从句)Mr. Liu told us _ go to Chengdu the next week.36 . The boy wanted to watch the baseball match but didnt want to stay at home. (改为同义句)The boy wanted to watch the baseball match _ staying at home.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式,每空只写一词。37 . There is no _(怀疑)that shared bikes can help people travel around freely in cities without pollutionA38 . The driver _(后悔) his carelessness in driving and went to the hospital to say sorry to his passengersA39 . As a student, we need to learn how to make _(礼貌的)requests. .40 . Eating too much salt _(增加)the risk of high blood pressureA41 . A long time ago it was _ (广泛地) believed that there was life on MarsA42 . Hey! What are you listening to? Its a _ (私人的)conversationA43 . You will be heavily _(惩罚) if you don t obey these rulesA44 . I think I should be allowed to make these _(选择) myselfA45 . Tu Youyou has won the Nobel Prize. We are very _(自豪的) of her.46 . The expressions might depend on _(谁) they are speaking to.六、材料作文47 . 书面表达请你根据以下提示,向外国友人简单介绍一下黄山(Mount Huang)。提示:1.位于安徽省南部,是中国著名的旅游胜地。每年有大批中外游客前去游览观光。2乘公共汽车去大约要花3个小时;也可以乘火车去。3登山可领略云海(the sea of clouds)、奇松(wondrous pines)、怪石(unique rocks)等秀丽的风景及清晨美丽的日出。注意:1.词数:80词左右。2不要逐字翻译。第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、材料作文1、

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