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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期期末考试英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ does the bicycle cost ?AHowBWhatCHow muchDHow many2 . Parents always think_ easy_ high scores, but children think it is difficult.Athat; to getBit; to getCthat; gettingDit; getting3 . (题文)Jack is the third _ in our class.AtallBtallerCtallest4 . The storm which they had predicted out to be nothing last night.AturnsBturnedCwill turnDhas turned5 . Oh, what an _ film it is! I am really _in it.AinterestedinterestedBinterestinginterestingCinterestedinterestingDinterestinginterested6 . -How do you study_a test ?-I study _working _a group.Afor,in,withBfor,by,atCfor,by,inDof,in,by7 . Jay Chou is a popular singer and his CDs _well.AsellBare soldCsells8 . When I got home, I was angry to find my room.Ain a good messBin a bad messCon a good messDon a bad mess9 . Shall we meet at 10 oclock tomorrow morning?I wont be free then .Lets make it _day.AotherBthe otherCanotherDothers10 . This time I want to do _ .Adifferent somethingBdifferent anythingCsomething differentDanything different二、完型填空完形填空(共1小题)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。IMAGINE a life without arms or legs! You cant hold anyone in your armsYou cant walk anywhere with your feetHow would you last a day like that? Would you_at yourself in the mirror like Nick Vujicic, the 29-year-old Australian?Nick was born without limbs(四肢), so life was not_for himAt school many students played jokes on him_he looked different from everyone elseHe was refused to be their friends, so he always felt_However, he faced that bravelyHe learned to type and write with two toes(脚趾)when he was six, and he could_surf the Internet and play golfIn university, he achieved great success and was among the excellent students in the studiesAnd he decided on _to do later in his lifeto encourage others to work hard for their dreams.Now Nick is one of the most popular_in the worldHe travels to many countries and gives speeches about his story_difficulties“Living life fully is about looking at what you have, not what you_,” he saidHis story encourages millions of people.“I tell people to keep on getting up when they_and to always love themselves,” he said“If I can encourage just one person, then my job in this life is done.”11 . AlaughBcryCsmileDshout12 . AoldBeasyCmodernDdifficult13 . AbecauseBifCuntilDbut14 . AexcitedBrelaxedClonelyDsurprised15 . AevenBeverCprobablyDnever16 . AhowBwhoCwhatDwhere17 . AdoctorsBspeakersCscientistsDengineers18 . AatBforCbeyondDagainst19 . AmakeBhopeCwantDlose20 . AfallBplayClistenDExercise三、阅读单选21 . We can learn from the first letter that “English Kids”_Abuilds up a school to teach children EnglishBmakes plans for foreign English learnersCteaches middle school students EnglishDshows parents how to teach their children English22 . Whats the mothers problem with her son?AHe has no interest in English learningBHe cant pay attention to his English classCHe can understand English but not able to speak itDHe doesnt like his mother to teach him English23 . From the second letter, we know that the mother shouldnt_Aencourage her son to learn English wellBexpect his son to speak English after understanding itCtell her son how much she loved speaking EnglishDbe too hurried to quicken her sons step to speak English24 . According to Jo, children need a lot of _ to understand a language before speaking it.AmoneyBtimeCprizesDchances25 . The underlined word “enthusiastic” in the last paragraph probably means “_”.A热情B拖沓C懒散D胆小I entered a university after years of hard study. I thought my life would be full of happiness and knowledge. But my life in the university is not as what I had expected. Then I became lazy and silent, even puzzled (困惑). I dont know what my future would be like.Four years in the university is only a short period. And a half of it has passed already. This year, many people, such as my parents and my friends, asked me what I wanted to do and they all told me to make a plan for my life with their thought. I dont want to take their advice. I want my own style. So I think carefully.I have been a young volunteer for five years. It has been a happy time and it is a big thing for me. Then I have a dream to join the University Student Volunteer Go West Program. I think I can be a teacher in the west. I would like to devote my life to helping the children there. I want to make the world a better place for them. To make it come true, I will work harder in the next two years. There is an old saying “Where there is a will, there is a way”. I think my dream will come true in the near future.At last, I want to say to everybody, “Try your best to realize your dreams, no matter how big or small they are. The path to dream may not be smooth and wide. Even there are some difficulties you will face. But hold on to the end, you can find there is no greater happiness than making our dream come true.”26 . Why is the writer puzzled?ABecause he is lazy and silent.BBecause he is not sure about his future.CBecause he is too young to realize his dream.DBecause he thinks the life in the university is not so meaningful.27 . What can we infer(推断) from the passage?AThe writer never listens to parents and friends.BThe writer became a volunteer before he entered the university.CThe writer thinks there is no happiness in making his dream come true.DThe writer wants to go to the west because the world there is better.28 . What does this passage mainly tell us?ANever give up your dreams.BNever listen to others advice.CTo work harder when needed.DTo be confident when facing difficulties.阅读下面材料,从每题所给的三个选项(A、B和C)中,选出最佳选项。Invention 1These glasses are made from a special liquid(液体). They allow users to adjust the focus(调整焦距) of the glasses until everything is clear. They are designed for children. So they wont buy new glasses every time when their eyesight changes.Invention 2The Donkey Bike has a strong steel bar(钢条) running along it. It can carry both a gas can and a pet at the same time when you ride this bike.Invention 3This machine looks friendly and is called Little Printer. It can print news headlines, riddles and other things on a roll(卷) of paper. So you can make your own little newspaper with it.29 . The special glasses are made from _.AsteelBliquidCpaper30 . Which of the following is True about the “Donkey Bike”?AIt can carry four persons.BIt is designed for children.CIt includes a strong steel bar.31 . The roll of paperin Little Printer is used for _Acleaning the cover of the machineBprinting your own newspaperCreading news headlines or riddles32 . A child who has poor eyesight may be interested in _.AInvention 1BInvention 2CInvention 333 . The passage is mainly about _.Athe change of eightsightBa gas can and a petCsome cool inventions四、单词填空先阅读短文,再在其后空白处写出个单词的正确形式,单词的第一个字母已给出。One day an old man was walking along the beach. It was low tide(潮水), and there were thousands of stranded starfish on the sand. They were c34 . in by the water and then left b35 . The man began walking very carefully so as not to s36 . on any of the beautiful living things. Since the animals still seemed to be a37 . , he considered picking some of them up and putting them back in the water, where they could come back to their lives. The man knew the starfish would die if left on the beachs d38 . sand but he reasoned that he could not p39 . help them all, so he c40 . to do nothing and continued walking. Soon afterward, the man came upon a small child on the beach who was b41 . throwing one starfish after anther back into the sea. The old man stopped and asked the child, ”What are you doing ? ” ”Im saving the starfish, ” the child replied. “Why do you w42 . your time ?. There are so many you cant save them all, so what does it matter?” argued the man. Without hesitation(犹豫),the child picked up another starfish and threw the starfish back into the water “It m43 . to this one,” the child explained.五、填空It is very common for students marks to fall. Sometimes it is because of situations (情况) outside school such as problems at home. Sometimes it is only because the exams get harder.When your marks start to fall, you should try talking to a friendly teacher. He or she will be able to help you with the subjects you feel difficult. Stop 把自己同其他的学生比较. It doesnt matter if other students get higher marks than you. What is important is that you do your best. Before each exam, you should go through your notes from class. You should remember the most important things you have written in a shorter form.Look through your notes again before the exam. You will be surprised when you find you remember so much. It may take hard work and you may not improve your marks straight. But let your confidence rise by every mark. Soon they should begin to climb again. Remember: _. Besidesthis, right ways are also needed by you. Keep on working hard, sooner or later, you will be successful.阅读短文,按要求完成下面的任务。44 . The reasons for students marks to fall includes: _.45 . 把1处汉语译为英语。46 . 将2处复合句改为简单句。47 . 写出3处“this”所指代的内容。48 . 给短文拟作一个标题。六、将所给单词连成句子(题文)将所给词语连成句子,标点已给出。要求:符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,词语不得重复使用。49 . (小题1)with, what, DNA, scientists, do, can_?50 . (小题2)week, did, experiment, do, an, you, last_?51 . (小题3)night, the, out, stars, come, at_52 . (小题4)opinion, mine, your, as, is, the, same_53 . (小题5)class, is, students, made up of, fifty, our_七、材料作文54 . 书面表达66. Peter是Xishan Middle School一位来自美国的交换生。假设你是Peter,请根据下面的表格信息给美国的同学Andy写一封信,向他简要介绍一下Xishan Middle School的情况,并对其中的校规谈谈你的感受或看法(至少一点)。Schoolbig, new.Teachersstrict, kind.RulesSame as our schools:wear school uniformsno food in classarrive at school on time.Different from our schools:class starts early at 7:00have lunch at home.注意:(1)内容必须包含表格要点,可适当发挥;(2)词数:80100,信的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。Dear Andy,Hows it going? Now Im an exchange student of Xishan Middle School in China.I enjoy the life here. Can you write to me soon?Yours,Peter第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、单词填空1、五、填空1、六、将所给单词连成句子1、七、材料作文1、


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