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译林牛津版2020届九年级下学期英语第二次模拟考试试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳 (共8题;共16分)1. (2分)Uncle Jack drove after drinking and had a terrible accident.So he has decided to keep off wine.A . give awayB . stay away fromC . get on with2. (2分)Do you have any good method of remembering English words?You can try to imagine a picture of the word.A . wayB . keyC . problem3. (2分)Where did you go on your holiday?I toured around London.A . travelledB . enjoyedC . walked4. (2分)Wheres Jack?Hes left a _ saying that he will be back in a minute.A . messageB . newsC . information5. (2分)Miss Li has less free time than Mr Brown.Yes. She is busy every day.A . spareB . restC . cheap6. (2分)I fail to see how you work it out. Thats OK. Ill explain it again.A . happen toB . want toC . am not able to7. (2分)Why didnt she go to America by plane?Because she is frightened of flying.A . afraidB . sureC . aware8. (2分)Do old people like dry and cold weather? No, they dont.A . not coldB . not rainyC . not warm二、 根据句子的意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的 (共7题;共14分)9. (2分)I often _ TV on Sunday evening. Sometimes I _ some music. A . see; listenB . watch; listenC . see; hearD . watch; listen to10. (2分)Tom never does his homework.Oh, what a _ boy he is!A . lazyB . lonelyC . careless11. (2分)You look so young! How old are you? Aha! Its a _.A . secretB . reasonC . suggestionD . problem12. (2分)I felt _ when I heard the _ news.A . excited, excitingB . excited, excitedC . exciting, excitedD . exciting, exciting13. (2分)The dish doesnt _ nice. I dont think it has a good _.A . taste; tasteB . look;lookC . taste; lookD . look; taste14. (2分)Oh,my god. I _ 2 kg this month.Dont worry. Its normal for a growing teenage girl.A . put upB . put offC . put onD . put down15. (2分)Her idea is similar _ her mother, but different _ her father. A . to;fromB . of;toC . to;ofD . from;from三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)完形填空 I get up 16:45. I have breakfast at 7:00 2then I go to school. I 3to be late. Our classes 4at 8:00. 1 have lunch 5school. 6the afternoon, classes are over at 3:30, and I get home at 4:00. But sometimes I 7so early because I play basketball there. Then I get home at 5:40. I have supper at about 6:00. In the evening I do 8. I often watch TV, but sometimes I like 9some reading. I go 10at about 9:30.(1)A . in B . on C . at D . for (2)A . and B . but C . so D . or (3)A . not like B . doesnt like C . dont like D . like not (4)A . starts B . begins C . start D . to start (5)A . in B . at C . on D . to (6)A . At B . On C . When D . In (7)A . leave not school B . not leave school C . dont leave school D . dont leave to school (8)A . I homework B . my homework C . I homeworks D . my homeworks (9)A . to do B . do C . does D . did (10)A . in beds B . to beds C . on bed D . to bed 四、 阅读理解 (共5题;共42分)17. (10分)阅读理解 Bobs Cold Drink HouseDelicious banana milk shake and other cold drinks.Cold drinks for everyone.Your second home in town.Open hours: 10:00a.m. - 9:00p.m.Closed on the second Monday of every month.Please call 080-123-456.(1)What can you buy in Bobs Cold Drink House? A . Ice creamB . Bananas.C . Cold drinksD . Sandwiches.(2)What does “Your second home in town” mean? A . It looks like your home.B . Its a nice place to relax.C . You can sleep there after dinner.D . You can buy it as a second home.(3)How long is Bobs Cold Drink House usually open every day? A . 8 hours.B . 9 hours.C . 10 hours.D . 11 hours.(4)If Mary spends two dollars on the drink on Thursday, what can she buy? A . A large cup of lemon tea.B . A small cup of orange juice.C . A large cup of ice black tea.D . A small cup of banana milk shake.(5)What can we find in this ad (广告)? A . Online order.B . The e-mail address.C . The telephone number.D . The address of the house.18. (6分)(At the beach)Ben: Hi, Judy! I cant believe you came to join us!Judy: Hello, Ben. I came because I like your idea: when you give, youre rich. Im happy that I can do something for the Earth.Ben: Right. Thats why we had this plan to get our clean beach back. Do you know if Pauls coming? I remember he had the same idea and said he would try his best to come over.Judy: But he just called and said he wouldnt come today because its too hot.Ben: I cant believe it! He always says, “We can do this and that.”Judy: Dont you know him? He only pays lip service to what should be done but seldom does anything.Ben: I see. Lets forget about him. Well have Tony and Sophie to help us soon.Judy: Thats great. So where should we start now? Should we pick up those bottles first?Ben: Sure, lets go.(1)Why are Ben and Judy at the beach?A . To go swimming.B . To clean up the beach.C . To have a beach party.D . To learn about sea animals.(2)What does Judy mean by saying Paulpays lip service?A . He enjoys eating.B . He is good at singing.C . He talks a lot but does little.D . He kisses people to show his thanks.(3)Which is true? A . Paul comes to the beach in the end.B . Judy feels bad about going to the beach.C . Ben is surprised to see Judy at the beach.D . Tony and Sophie will not come to the beach.19. (8分)阅读理解 There would be a school party on Friday evening. The girls were talking about what they were going to wear. Im going to wear a black dress, so everybody will notice(注意)me, said Emily. How about you, Linda? Im not sure. Maybe jeans(牛仔裤), an old shirt, and a hat. People will notice me more than you said Linda. But what are the boys going to do in the party? asked Jane. Do you remember the last school party last year? They just stood there, and we girls had to dance by ourselves!I hear that some of the boys learned how to dance this summer holiday. Maybe itll be better this time, said Mary.The party was held on Friday evening. Groups of students arrived. The music began. The girls stood in a line on one side, and the boys stood on another side. Mr Green, their teacher, tried to get them together, but failed. After a while, Tim said, I dont want to stand here the whole time. The party is only for two hours. Itll be over soon. He started to dance. All the others watched him. Then David asked Emily if she wanted to dance. Then Jack and Linda. Then, all began to dance. Soon there were more dancers than watchers. (1)How long would the party last? A . On Friday evening.B . For one hour.C . For two hours.D . For three hours.(2)What kind of clothes was Emily going to wear? A . A black dress.B . Jeans.C . An old shirt.D . Jeans, an old shirt and a hat.(3)How did Emily and Linda dance in the school last year? A . They danced by themselves.B . They danced with the boys.C . They didnt dance.D . They danced with their teachers.(4)How did the boys spend the summer holiday according to the passage? A . They went swimming.B . They learned to dance.C . They watched TV.D . They went climbing.20. (10分)阅读理解Mr. Brown is 75 years old. He lives in a small village(村庄).Mr. Brown has three sons, David, Jeff and Stefan. They have jobs in big cities. And they dont come to see Mr. Brown very often.The sons feel sorry for their father, so they built(修建) a big house for Mr. Brown. And they give him a lot of money(钱). But it doesnt make Mr. Brown happy. He always feels lonely.There is a school next to Mr. Browns house. Some students often come and visit Mr. Brown.Mr. Brown is happy to see them.Before Mr. Brown dies(死亡), he wants to give his house and money to the school. He says, I dont want money. I want love. And the students give it to me. Love is not money. Love is company(陪伴).(1)Mr. Brown has . A . one sonB . three sonsC . one daughterD . three daughters(2)Mr. Browns sons built for him. A . a houseB . a farmC . a hotelD . a school(3)The underlined word lonely means in Chinese. A . 悲伤的B . 无聊的C . 消极的D . 孤单的(4) often come and visit Mr. Brown. A . Mr. Browns sonsB . Some studentsC . Mr. Browns studentsD . Mr. Browns friends(5)We know that .A. Mr. Brown lives with his sonsA . Mr. Brown doesnt like his houseB . Mr. Browns house is next to a schoolC . Mr. Brown is happy to have a lot of money21. (8分)阅读理解 The 2014 FIFA World Cup, the twentieth World Cup football match, will be held in Brazil from June 12th, 2014 to July 13th, 2014. Thirty-two teams from different countries will bring us sixty-four wonderful games during the World Cup. This is the second time the World Cup is held in this country and the fifth in South America. Thousands of football fans are looking forward to watching the games. A Bite of China(古尖上的中国), a mouth-watering documentary TV program featuring delicious Chinese food, has interested a large number of people. The program has become very popular since it was shown on TV. The documentary provides not only Chinese delicious food but also the relations between people and food. We made this documentary with our respect and love for food. I hope it will help people learn more about Chinese food as well as Chinese culture, said the director Mr. Chen. Lu Jialei, a school girl from Hangzhou, China, won the championship of the first Chinese Character Dictation Contest, which made her become famous overnight. Lu is a hard-working girl and always comes top at school. I like reading and Im crazy about learning Chinese characters. I enjoy the contest and hope more and more people become interested in learning Chinese characters, said Lu Jialei after winning the contest.(1)How long will the 2014 FIFA World Cup last? A . About a week.B . About two weeks.C . About a month.D . About two months.(2)What kind of TV program is A Bite of China? A . A comedy.B . A documentary.C . A thriller.D . An action movie.(3)Which is NOT true according to the articles? A . Lu Jialei always gets good grades at school.B . The World Cup has been held in South America twice.C . Many people like watching the TV program A Bite of China.D . Lu Jialei hopes more people can take much interest in Chinese characters.(4)Where may the articles probably come from? A . A story book.B . A science report.C . A sports magazine.D . The Internet.五、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)22. (1分)He was _ (mention) in the letter. 六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)你校定于6月30日去远足。请你以学生会的名义写一个通知。(30-50词) 通知内容:1)早晨6:30在学校门口集合。2)穿校服、运动鞋。3)学校为大家准备水和午餐。4)请准时参加。第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳 (共8题;共16分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、二、 根据句子的意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的 (共7题;共14分)9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、四、 阅读理解 (共5题;共42分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、五、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)22-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23-1、

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