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沪教版2020届中考英语网上阅卷适应性考试试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) (共10题;共10分)1. (1分)Emma, an actress, has become a superstar because of _ hard work and talent. A . sheB . herC . hersD . herself2. (1分) model car is this? I think its Bobs.A . WhoB . WhichC . WhatD . Whose3. (1分)Marcus, could I have a look at your new mobile phone? Of course you . Here you are.A . mayB . couldC . mustD . can4. (1分)He is so _that he is still alive after the terrible earthquake. A . luckB . unluckyC . luckilyD . lucky5. (1分)What at the end of the film? The man left his home town and lived alone for the of his life.A . happened;otherB . happened;restC . happening;another6. (1分)_great fun it was to see the basketball final yesterday! What about you? What a pity! I had a lot of work to do yesterday.A . What aB . How aC . HowD . What7. (1分)_, Shenzhen was still a small village. A . In 1740sB . In the year of 1740sC . In the 1740s8. (1分) _ the office phones next week? Sorry, I dont know.A . Will; cleanB . Are; cleanedC . Are; cleaningD . Will; be cleaned9. (1分)Our teacher asked me _.A . what was Ann doing these daysB . why didnt Peter come to school the day beforeC . when will the dolphin show beginD . how long I usually spent on my homework10. (1分)Tom fell off his bike and hurt his knee. _. A . Pretty goodB . Thats too badC . Thats funnyD . Thats a good idea二、 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)完形填空I cant believe the homework my sevenyearold son brings home! I have to sit with him every afternoon in order to see all the homework 1There is so much work and he is very 2after school. I have to give him a little timeout, so he can swim 3just get relaxed in front of the TV. Then we continued and it 4a few hours at least to finish all the homework. I dont remember having so much work when I was at this 5and I dont remember it being so hard!It seems to me as if I am paying the school and they are sending my child 6with so much work for me to 7him do! Why dont they do all this work at school? I think these 8are doing the students great harm(伤害)! They shouldnt be 9to give the kids so much work to do on their 10Then the sport is pushed again and again! I have always been a 11of sports, but I can see that my son is not as interested as I 12to be. I can see that he would rather read or do something 13like drama or art. I would love him to be a sportsman, but if that isnt 14he wants, then I would rather he was happy. Kids should 15their own interests and not be made to do what other people want them to do!(1)A . compared B . followed C . corrected D . done (2)A . tired B . influenced C . surprised D . pleased (3)A . but B . or C . and D . then (4)A . collects B . affords C . takes D . writes (5)A . relation B . time C . moment D . age (6)A . knowledge B . experiment C . home D . example (7)A . direct B . check C . encourage D . help (8)A . schools B . brains C . choices D . differences (9)A . regarded B . suggested C . allowed D . managed (10)A . service B . own C . energy D . shame (11)A . stranger B . discoverer C . member D . lover (12)A . happened B . used C . agreed D . wished (13)A . strict B . nervous C . else D . usual (14)A . what B . which C . who D . whose (15)A . receive B . miss C . develop D . achieve 三、 阅读理解(共12小题;每小题2分,满分24分) (共4题;共24分)12. (6分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 When I was younger, bedtime was always my favorite part of the day. Wearing soft pajamas (睡衣裤) and with Lan, my stuffed monkey, in my arms, I felt no pressure at all.I named Lan after my uncle when I compared Lans long arms and legs to his. One night I ran up to Uncle Lan at a family party and told him I had named my monkey after him. His eyebrows wrinkled (起皱纹) in confusion, and then a chuckle (哈哈大笑) escaped from his lips. I guess he didnt understand how important it was to me.Even if Uncle Lan didnt think my monkey was special, I certainly did. I dressed him in a white baby nightgown (睡衣). My mother thought that Lan was the best-dressed stuffed animal in the world. Yes, he was certainly a fashionable creature. The strong cologne (科隆香水) I used on him years ago makes him still smell pretty.For a long time, Lan went everywhere with me. He was my best friend, and I told him everything. But when I turned twelve, I realized I was too old for stuffed animals. I thought people would think I was babyish, so I put him in the cupboard with the rest of my teddy bears and dolls. I begged him to understand why I was doing this, but at the same time I longed to talk to him again.It took me several years to realize that it was OK to miss Lan. I know now that maturity (成熟) doesnt only mean growing up and taking on more responsibility (责任). It also means holding on to your childhood and acting young sometimes.Lan has been with me since I was six years old. Holding him in my arms connects me with my past and my present as I continue growing and understanding myself.(1)Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A . Bedtime used to be the writers favorite part of the day because of the stuffed monkey.B . Uncle Lan liked the stuffed monkey as much as the writer.C . The writer used to carry the monkey with her wherever she went.D . Years later the writer realized that it was not wrong to miss Monkey Lan.(2)The writer loved Monkey Lan deeply because _. A . he could understand herB . he was a fashionable monkeyC . he could talk with herD . he was her most honest listener(3)We can learn from the passage that the writer believes _. A . keeping stuffed animals is babyishB . maturity doesnt mean growing up and taking on more responsibilityC . one should keep to his childhood and act young sometimes even when he has grown upD . human beings should be kind to animals13. (6分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项。 Smokejumpers are special firefighters. They jump from planes into areas that are difficult to reach by car or on foot, like the middle of a mountain forest. They race to put out fires as fast as they can.At a fire site, smokejumpers first check the land and decide how to fight the fire. They try their best to stop a fire from spreading. Using their tools, smokejumpers clear the land of burnable things like dry grass and leaves. They usually carry some water with them.In the US, although most smokejumpers are men, more women are joining. The important thing is that your height and weight must be within a certain range(范围). For example, smokejumpers in the US must be between 120 and 200 pounds, so they dont get hurt when they land, or get blown by strong winds.Smokejumpers must also be able to live in the wilderness. In Russia, many smokejumpers know how to find food in the forest and make simple tools.The work is dangerous, and the hours are long. But for smokejumpers, smokejumping isnt just a job. They love being able to jump out of planes, fight fires, and live in the forest. As 28-year-old proud Russian smokejumper Alexi Tishin says, This is the best job for brave people.(1)How do smokejumpers go to their work site? A . On foot.B . By train.C . By plane.D . By car.(2)The underlined word burnable in Paragraph 2 means _ in Chinese. A . 会动的B . 可燃的C . 易活的D . 可用的(3)As for smokejumpers in the US, _. A . they should be over 200 poundsB . most of them are under 28 years oldC . they have proper height and weightD . there are no women smokejumpers(4)What can we know about Alexi Tishin? A . He loves his job.B . He is American.C . He works for short hours.D . He lives in the wilderness.14. (6分)阅读理解 For most people, the word fashion means clothes. But people may ask the question, What clothes are in fashion? And they use the word fashionable in the same way: She was wearing a fashionable coat. His shirt was really a fashionable colour.But of course there are fashions in many things, not only in clothes. There are fashions in holidays, in restaurants, in films and books. There are even fashions in school subjects, jobs and in languages.Fashions change as time goes. If you look at pictures of people or things from the past, you will see that fashions have always changed. An English house of 1750 was different from one of 1650. A fashionable man in 1780 looked very different from his grandson in 1860.Today fashions change quickly. Some of this is natural. We hear about things much more quickly than in the past. Newspapers, radios, telephones and televisions send information from one country to another in a few hours.New fashions mean that people will buy new things, so you see there is money in fashion.(1)Most people think that fashion means _. A . booksB . clothesC . holidays(2)By _ we can see that fashions change as time goes. A . wearing a fashionable coatB . eating in a new restaurantC . looking at pictures of people(3)In the 4th paragraph the writer mentions _ kinds of ways to send information. A . threeB . fourC . five(4)There is money in fashion. means _. A . people like fashion and moneyB . fashionable things are expensiveC . one can make money through fashion(5)The passage is mainly about _. A . the changes of fashionB . the kinds of fashionsC . the money in fashion15. (6分)阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误。 Exercise is good for you because it can help you to keep fit and healthy. It is not enough just to eat a healthy diet. Exercise is important, too. Exercise makes your muscles(肌肉) stronger. There are about 600 muscles in the body. They move your bones and let you move your joints(关节). If you do not exercise your muscles, they will be weaker and smaller. One of the most important muscles in the body is the heart. To exercise your heart, you need to do something like swimming, or playing a game in which you run about. This will make you breathe more deeply and make your heart and lung stronger. One of the places where you can exercise is at school. In school, children have P.E. lessons that help them to keep fit and well. Try to exercise at least three times a week because exercise is good for you!(1)Exercise can help you to keep fit and healthy, so it is bad for you. (2)It is enough to eat a healthy diet. (3)Exercise can make your muscles stronger. (4)From the passage, we can know that playing basketball can exercise our heart. (5)Its good for you to try to exercise less than three times a week. 四、 补全对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) (共1题;共5分)16. (5分)根据对话内容,从下面方框中选出恰当的句子补全对话。 A: Hi! Dave. Havent seen you for a long time. Did you go anywhere interesting?B: Yes, I did. _A: What did you do there?B: We enjoyed the beautiful sights in the mountain and ate many kinds of wild vegetables that are offered by the villagers there.A: Sounds fantastic. _B: We sent some books to the students there. In fact, I felt a little sad when I came into their classroom.A: _B: The students there studied in poor learning conditions. _A: Can you tell me what you are going to do?B: We are going to provide the students with new desks and chairs.A: _I am willing to join you.A. Many of us have promised to give more help to them.B. My friends and I went to a village this vacation.C. Being a volunteer is really great.D. What else did you do?E. Why did you have that kind of feeling?五、 写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空只写一词。(共10小题;每小 (共10题;共10分)17. (1分)The dentist suggests that we should brush_(牙齿) three times a day. 18. (1分)My father and Uncle Fred are talking and _(大笑). 19. (1分)Who do you go to Canada with? No one. I went there a_. 20. (1分)Mr. Wu said he had finished reading the _ (九十九) chapter (章). 21. (1分)The telephone was i_by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876, that is, he was the first person to make the telephone. 22. (1分)All of my classmates were _(积极的) when they cleaned the classroom. 23. (1分)Some new students will come to our school _ (某个时候) next month. 24. (1分)These days house prices are dropping, so we can buy a house at a l_ price than before. 25. (1分)The girl lived in Beijing before she moved_ Shanghai. (填介词) 26. (1分)Some students take a_(小船) to school. 六、 句子翻译(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) (共5题;共15分)27. (3分)江南style 是在去年七月中旬发行,然后风靡全球。Gangnam Style was issued in the middle of July last year, then it _.28. (3分)Today there are already robots working in factories.今天在工厂里已经有机器人在工作了。 There is/are sb. doing sth. 有正在做例如:操场上有很多男孩子正在踢足球。_29. (3分)你不应该对父母和老师撒谎。_30. (3分)他如此忙以至没有时间去参加聚会。(sothat) 31. (3分)及时改正错误是很重要的。(important, correct, in time)_七、 任务型阅读(共3小题;1+2+3,满分6分) (共1题;共6分)32. (6分)任务型阅读THE HISTORY OF LIVING IN SPACESpace travel is nothing new. The first spacecraft with a human on board blasted into space In 1961. since then, people have not only been travelling to space, but many of them have also lived there for extended periods.FoodAll the meals on space stations are put together on Earth and sent to the space station, along with the astronauts, by space shuttle. Because the food has to last a long time (sometimes up to three months), a lot of it has to be preserved by dehydration or canning.The space station does not have a freezer to preserve food, but It does have a cool room to keep fruit and vegetables fresh.Astronauts also eat many other foods such as cereals, cereal bars, nuts and dried fruit that do not need any special preparation.EatingAstronauts have a set timetable each day. This tells them when to do everything, including when to have their meals. At meal preparation time, they start getting their food ready, which often includes adding water to re-hydrate the dehydrated foods.Without the help of gravity, sitting down to eat can be tricky. Astronauts sometimes have to strap themselves and their food into place. Because of lack of gravity, astronauts cannot use ground salt and pepper, and all drinks must be taken from bottles. They also have to be careful that crumbs do not fly off and get stuck in vents and instrument panels.(1)What does the space station have to keep fruit and vegetables fresh? (Fewer than 7 words)_(2)How do people send the food to the space station?_(3)What tells astronauts when to do everything about eating?_(4)Astronauts can use ground salt and pepper, cant they?_(5)Why should astronauts be extremely careful while theyre eating ?_八、 书面表达(共1题;满分20分) (共1题;共20分)33. (20分)上个星期天晚上,你去看了电影小屁孩日记(Diary of a Wimpy Kid)。电影讲述了十一岁的男孩Greg的故事。Greg刚进入初中时,他觉得他会很容易成为学校里最受欢迎的孩子。然而,他却遇到了许多困难。幸好他的好朋友Rowley总是和他一起面对困难。最终,Greg和Rowley都成为学校里最受欢迎的学生。 请你用英语向其他同学介绍这部电影,70词左右。第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) (共10题;共10分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) (共1题;共10分)11-1、三、 阅读理解(共12小题;每小题2分,满分24分) (共4题;共24分)12-1、12-2、12-3、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、四、 补全对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) (共1题;共5分)16-1、五、 写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空只写一词。(共10小题;每小 (共10题;共10分)17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、六、 句子翻译(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) (共5题;共15分)27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、七、 任务型阅读(共3小题;1+2+3,满分6分) (共1题;共6分)32-1、32-2、32-3、32-4、32-5、八、 书面表达(共1题;满分20分) (共1题;共20分)33-1、

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