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鲁教版九年级下学期英语第二次模拟试题C卷一、 单项填空。在每小题的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)Yesterday afternoon, Lucy played _basketball and Lily played _ piano.A . the; theB . / ;/C . the; /D . / ; the2. (2分)Mike usually spends _ time doing homework than Jack. A . littleB . lessC . fewD . fewer3. (2分)Li Ming will be . His parents are going to have a party for his _ birthday.A . sixteen; sixteenthB . sixteenth; sixteenthC . sixteen; sixteenD . sixteenth; sixteen4. (2分)These yellow dresses are very nice. I hope to have _.A . littleB . fewC . oneD . it5. (2分)_the scientists have done lots of research on Mars, there is still much waiting to be discovered. A . IfB . SinceC . UnlessD . Though6. (2分)Thats Ms. Miller and room number is 345.A . myB . hisC . herD . shes7. (2分)-When did the earthquake (地震) in Lushan happen?-It happened _ 8:02 _ the morning of April 20, 2013.A . on, inB . at, inC . at, onD . on; on8. (2分)Feng Gong is one of _ stars in our country. A . the more famousB . most famousC . the most famous9. (2分)The screen is big. Do you like it? A . quiteB . evenC . againD . only10. (2分)You drive on the right of the road in China. Its the traffic rule.A . mustB . canC . willD . may11. (2分) Mum, when will we start off to the airport? As soon as the bedroom wall _.A . paintsB . is paintedC . will paintD . will be painted12. (2分) Have you read the story Hamlet? Of course. It is a famous tragedy by Shakespeare.A . writeB . writingC . to writeD . written13. (2分)What did Mr Smith do before he came to China? He _ in a car factory.A . worksB . workedC . is working14. (2分)We are playing football. Come and _ us. A . joinsB . joiningC . joinD . to join15. (2分) _ is your new bike? I _ about 900 yuan for it.A . How many; paidB . How much; paidC . How much; took16. (2分)When the accident happened, people in the building poured out in a hurry.A . came inB . ran outC . jumped down17. (2分)The girl came into the classroom, _ an English song. A . singB . singingC . sang 18. (2分)We hope _ hard at his lessons now. A . he to workB . him to workC . to workingD . he can work19. (2分)Changchun is an old industrial base city _ was chosen to be one subvenue(分会场) for the 2019 CCTV Spring Festival Gala(春晚). A . whenB . whichC . whatD . who20. (2分)In the old days, people lived in caves and they often went _for food. A . shoppingB . boatingC . swimmingD . hunting二、 完形填空(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)完形填空 Mike thought he had a very sad life. He even couldnt sleep 1because of that. After his father knew that, he asked the 2young boy to put some salt in a glass of water and drank it. His father asked him 3it tasted. Terrible, Mike answered.Mikes father smiled and took 4to the nearby lake. Mike was required to put some more salt in the 5and then drank from it again.After that, his father asked the same 6again. How does it taste? Good! Its different from the water in the glass, Mike replied. His father continued to 7if he could taste the salt. Mikes answer was no.Mikes father sat 8him, and said, The pain of life is like salt. No more, no less. In fact, the number of pain in life remains the same. But the number we taste the pain9the place we put it into. 10when you are in pain, the only thing you can do is to make your sense of things bigger. Stop being a glass. Become a lake.(1)A . good B . nice C . well D . bad (2)A . happy B . unhappy C . careful D . cute (3)A . what B . why C . when D . how (4)A . him B . he C . she D . her (5)A . river B . sea C . lake D . pool (6)A . advice B . idea C . word D . question (7)A . speak B . ask C . say D . tell (8)A . beside B . between C . among D . above (9)A . looks up B . depends on C . looks like D . gets up (10)A . Though B . And C . Or D . So 三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共35分)22. (10分)根据短文理解,选择正确答案。Personal RobotMake your parents and teachers happy!Are you having problems finishing your homework on time? Do you avoid tidying your room until your mom shouts at you? You dont need to worry if you buy a Mr. Helping Hand personal robot. Mr. H can help to plan your time and hand in homework on time. Your own personal robot will follow you around, putting away books and objects that you have left on the floor or bed.Mr. H also has these features (特点):as light as a telephoneworks for long hoursunderstands simple wordsOriginally (最初) sold for $499NOW ONLY $299BUY NOWWatchThis is a watch that James Bond would be proud to wear!This is NOT a watch for ordinary people!This is PENGO WATCH CONTROL!. control(控制) your TVs, videos, even cars. gives you a daily weather report. reminds you things you may forget. sets off a silent warning alarm(闹铃) when parents or teachers get closeBesides, your PENGO WATCH CONTROL will always tell you the right time!Originally sold for $199NOW ONLY $99For further information, click here.(1)With the help of Mr. H, you can . A . help to plan your timeB . work for long hoursC . take photosD . set off a silent warning alarm(2)A PENGO WATCH CONTROL can help you to . A . repair your TVB . tidy your roomC . know what your parents areD . know what the weather is like(3)You can get your Mr. H for now. A . 499B . 299C . 199D . 99(4)What cant Mr. Helping Hand help you to do? A . Tidy the room.B . Help to do homework.C . Help to plan the time and hand in homework on time.D . Put away books and objects that you have left on the floor and bed(5)Where would you be most likely to find the two texts? A . On a city mapB . In a story book.C . On a teenage website.D . In a sports newspaper.23. (10分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。Some people learn a foreign language easily. Others may not. How can you help yourself learn English? I think there are two ways to make English learning a little easier and more interesting,First, you should build up confidence(建立自信). If you believe that you can, then you will learn. When you read or listen to something , you may not be able to understand it all. Dont worry. You can use a dictionary to help you. You can ask your teacher or friends to help you. Do not be afraid of making mistakes. You can learn from mistakes.Second, practice using English. For example, write a diary in English every day, and you will be able to write better. Speak English whenever you can. You may practice with your friends after class. Then you will be able to speak better.Remember the famous saying, “Practice makes perfect.” The more you practice using English, the better you will learn it.(1)What is main idea of the passage? A . It is very important and useful to learn a foreign language.B . Some people learn a foreign language more easily than others.C . There are different ways to help you learn a foreign language more easily.D . You should build up confidence before you learn a foreign language.(2)What is the first way to help you learn English? A . Try not to make any mistakes.B . Try to build up your confidence.C . Try not to ask others for help.D . Try to make English learning interesting.(3)What is the second ways to help you learn English? A . Practice using English.B . Practice writing English.C . Practice speaking English.D . Practice listening to English.(4)What does “Practice makes perfect” mean? A . The more you practice your English, the less you will enjoy it.B . The more you practice your English, the more mistakes you will make.C . The more you practice your English, the better you will learn it.D . Perfection is practice.(5)What can you do when you meet some new words? A . We can use a dictionary to help us.B . We can ask our teacher or friends for help.C . We need to be very afraid of making mistakes.D . Both A and24. (5分)根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。Mrs. Lee: Hello. 68178502.David: Hello._?Mrs. Lee: Sorry._. Can I take a message?David: Yes. This is David, Bruces friend. I want to ask him for some Chinese ancient coins. He told me he had got some recently._. I dont care if they were made of different metals. I just want to add some more coins in my collection.Mrs. Lee: OK. Ill tell him. Would you like him to ring you back later?David: Well, I wont be at home later this day. Would you please ask him to ring me tomorrow morning?Mrs. Lee: Sure._?David: Oh, sorry._ The new number is 66129853.Mrs. Lee: OK. Ill write a message for him.David: Its really nice of you, Madam. Thank you very much. Goodbye!Mrs. Lee: Bye!A. Hes not in at the moment.B. Who are you?C. My telephone number has changed.D. Im not sure he would give me one or two.E. Could I speak to Bruce, please?F.I am very happy to hear that.G. Has he got your telephone number?25. (10分)阅读下面短文,并借助上下文和插图补充所缺信息。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。 On a fine Sunday morning, Robert decides to go_in a small river nearby. So he gets a fishing net(鱼网)and a big glass_and he goes out. There arent many fish in the_but Robert finally catches one. He_the fish into the bottle and adds(加入) some_into it.Suddenly he sees several fish swimming in the river. He_off his shoes quickly. He walks into the river and tries to catch them. But they swim away. _he gets back to the bank(河岸),he finds his bottle turned over(被打翻)and the_is gone.He goes on(继续)fishing, but gets_. So he has to return home with an_bottle.四、 读写综合。 (共1题;共10分)26. (10分)阅读短文,根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。Brazil is a country in South America. It will host the 2016 Olympic Games.Brazilians are very friendly people and are generally relaxed, so it is important to say hello and goodbye to everyone. Women kiss men and each other, but men usually just shake hands. Brazilians stand very close to each other and touch each others arms, elbows(肘) and back regularly while speaking. You should not move away if this happens.If you go to a business meeting, you are not expected to take a gift. On the other hand, if you are invited to someones house, you should take a giftfor example, flowers or chocolates. However, you shouldnt take anything purple or black, as these colours are related to death. If you are invited to dinner, arrive at least half an hour late, but always dress well because appearances are very important to Brazilians.Football is very important in Brazil. People play football everywhere, and everyone plays. Adults and children play football in their free time. They usually play on football fields, but sometimes they football on the beach or in the street. Brazil has many world-famous footballers, like Pele, Kaka, and Ronaldinho. In total, there are more than 13 million players and 29,208 football clubs.Football is not the only popular sport in Brazil. Capoeira is an important part of Brazilian culture. It is a mix of martial arts(武术), exercise and music. People do capoeira in groups. You can watch capoeira groups in the park or in the street. People around the world come to Brazil to learn it._五、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)27. (5分)“保护环境, 人人有责”, 你想成为一名绿色使者吗? 请行动起来吧! 其实, 环保就在我们身边。请以“How to be a greener person”为题, 写一篇短文。内容包括: 1.骑自行车或坐公交车上学; 2.节约用水、用电、用纸; 3.回收玻璃、塑料和废纸; 4.自拟2点。注意: 1.词数90左右。短文的题目和开头已写好, 不计入总词数。2.短文须包括所有要点, 不要逐词翻译, 可适当发挥, 使短文连贯、通顺。3.短文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。How to be a greener personIts our duty to protect the environment around us.第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、 单项填空。在每小题的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 完形填空(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) (共1题;共10分)21-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共35分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、23-5、24-1、25-1、四、 读写综合。 (共1题;共10分)26-1、五、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)27-1、

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