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窗体顶端一、单项选择题(45道小题,共55分)1、supply (1分)A、象征B、调查C、摇摆D、供应2、achievement (1分)A、忠告B、成就C、冒险D、同意3、beneficial(1分)A、有益的B、祝福的C、必然的D、平衡的4、focus on (1分)A、联系B、集中C、写下D、鉴于5、in sight (1分)A、相同B、看见C、失败D、表达6、机会(1分)A、motivationB、opinionC、opportunityD、opposition7、推荐/介绍(1分)A、increaseB、avoidC、damageD、recommend8、比较/对比 (1分)A、describeB、compareC、improveD、assume9、不考虑 (1分)A、resultfromB、endupC、pushasideD、resultin10、熬夜(1分)A、putforwardB、sitaroundC、stayupD、reachout11、_ these measures, Chinese government also tried their best to reduce the price of it. (1分)A、AdditiontoB、InadditionC、AdditionallyD、Inadditionto12、She regularly _ to the college magazine.(1分)A、writestoB、contributesC、attributesD、sends13、If he _ tourists for his business, he would have to close his shop.(1分)A、dependsonB、haddependedonC、dependswithD、haddependedwith14、He _ in Beijing since he was five years old.(1分)A、wasB、hasbeenC、hadstayedD、hadbeen15、Companies are struggling to find the right _ between supply and demand, but it is no easy task.(1分)A、equationB、formulaC、balanceD、pattern16、A better learning environment improves students performance, and _ good marks.(1分)A、becauseofB、henceC、thereforeD、accordingly17、Can you find us some records _ at weekends?(1分)A、tolistentoB、listeningtoC、listentoD、belistened18、Its reported _ the Chinese team has won another gold medal in swimming.(1分)A、whatB、whichC、asD、that19、They _ two major snowstorms so far this winter.(1分)A、hadB、haveC、havehadD、hadhad20、Anger is not necessarily the most useful or _ reaction to such events. (1分)A、wiselyB、enoughC、acceptableD、well21、As director of the company, I cant _ three weeks away from work.(1分)A、affordB、carryC、costD、pay22、The _ of blood always makes her feel sick.(1分)A、viewB、visionC、sceneD、sight23、The weather in Guilin is _ that in San Francisco.(1分)A、thesameasB、similarwithC、sameD、similarto24、Chinas entry into WTO has a great influence _ every Chinese.(1分)A、toB、uponC、inD、with25、The meeting was put off, _ was exactly what we expected.(1分)A、itB、whichC、thatD、what26、He said he would _ me to Mr. Li but he didnt.(1分)A、commentB、suggestC、commandD、recommend27、-“Why did you come to lunch so early?”. -“I thought the bell had already _”.(1分)A、knockedB、hitC、strokeD、rung28、There was nothing we could do _.(1分)A、butwaitB、excepttowaitC、onlytowaitD、butwaiting29、They guaranteed our victory and _ our victory helped them a lot.(1分)A、onturnB、inturnsC、inturnD、inreturn30、_ his parents disagreement, he married his beloved girl.(1分)A、NowthatB、BecauseofC、DespiteD、Although31、Could you please provide the _ of the information as well?(1分)A、sourceB、rootC、resourceD、beginning32、One meter _ 1,000 millimeters.(1分)A、equaltoB、isequaledC、equalsD、equalswith33、It is not _ for me to return all the books to the library now because I still need some of them for my research.(1分)A、continuousB、difficultC、convenientD、sufficient34、She decided to _ the study of art after obtaining her masters degree.(1分)A、doB、followC、pursueD、chase35、Its high time we _ our hand to those in trouble.(1分)A、giveB、willgiveC、gaveD、havegiven36、I object to _ all day long.(1分)A、bekeptwaitingB、bekepttowaitC、beingkeptwaitingD、beingkepttowait37、_ the heavy snow, they would have arrived at the meeting place on time.(1分)A、BecauseofB、butforC、DuetoD、Despite38、There will be a press _ this afternoon.(1分)A、meetB、meetingC、conferenceD、party39、May I have a word with you _ of the lesson?(1分)A、intheendB、totheendC、ontheendD、attheend40、The government is adopting strict _ to check the quality of vehicles to _ these cars are not contributing to pollution.(1分)A、measures,surelyB、manners,surelyC、measures,ensureD、manners,ensure41、他正在努力想一个更好的办法来解决这个问题。(3分)A、Heistryingtofigureoutabetterwaytosolvetheproblem.B、Heistryingtofigureofabetterwaytosolvetheproblem.C、Heistryingtofigureofabetterwaysolvingtheproblem.D、Heistryingtofigureoutabetterwaysolvingtheproblem.42、在长达几年的旅行之后,我最终选择了中国定居。(3分)A、Aftertravelforseveralyears,IenduptosettleinChina.B、Aftertravellingforseveralyears,IendeduptosettleinChina.C、Aftertraveledforseveralyears,IendupsettlinginChina.D、Aftertravellingforseveralyears,IendedupsettlinginChina.43、与其说他是个商人倒不如说他是位艺术家。(3分)A、Heismorethananartistandabusinessman.B、Heisanartistbutnotabusinessman.C、Heismoreanartistthanabusinessman.D、Heisnotanartistbutabusinessman.44、By listening and copying those around him, he becomes very skilled at the language,long before he learns reading or writing.(3分)A、通过不断地聆听和跟随他周围的人,他在学会阅读和写字之后就已经能熟练地使用语言了。B、通过不断地聆听和模仿他周围的人,他在学会阅读和写字之前就已经能熟练地使用语言了。C、通过不断地倾听和模仿他周围的人,他在学会阅读和写字之后就已经能熟练地使用语言了。D、通过不断地倾听和模仿他周围的人,他在学会阅读和写字之前在语言上就已经变得很熟练了。45、Men usually like to speak about things in a very direct, factual manner, while women, on the other hand, like to talk on and on, exploring a given topic.(3分)A、男人通常以一种间接的、实事求是的习惯谈论事情;而女人则相反,喜欢一直地讲下去,深入地讨论一个话题。B、男人通常喜欢以一种直接的、实事求是的举止谈论事情;而女人则喜欢不停地讲下去,深入地探测一个话题。C、男人通常以一种间接的、实事求是的态度举止事情;而女人则喜欢一直地讲下去,深入地探测同一个主题。D、男人通常喜欢以一种直接的、实事求是的态度谈论事情;而女人则相反,喜欢不停地讲下去,深入地探讨同一个主题。二、阅读理解(3道小题,共30分) In a job interview, the first question is often a breaking the ice type of question. Dont be surprised if the interviewer asks you something like: “How are you today? or What do you think of the weather lately? Answer the question without going into too much detail. Talking about qualifications is the most important part of any job interview. Your qualifications include your education and any special training you may have received in the past. Your qualifications also include your experience in any previous work. It is important to explain what experience you have in detail. Generally, employers want to know exactly what you did and how well you accomplished your tasks. This is not the time to be modest. Try to avoid some big mistakes in the job interview, such as leaving the mobile on and criticizing previous bosses. The worst thing is you yourself have no questions. Having no questions shows you are either not interested or not prepared. Remember that interviewers are more impressed with the questions you ask than the selling points you try to make.1. The passage is mainly about _.A) the typical questions asked in job interviewsB) importance of interviewees qualifications in job interviewsC) some common mistakes found in job interviewsD) Dos and Donts in job interviews2. A breaking the ice type of question is _.A) a question that makes people unhappyB) an opening question asked to make people less nervousC) a sharp question that makes people angryD) a question asked about serious topic3. All of the following are considered to be the interviewees qualifications except _.A) educational backgroundB) social backgroundC) all kinds of special training receivedD) experience in previous work4. _ is not mentioned in the passage as a mistake found in job interviews.A) Leaving the mobile onB) Criticizing previous bossesC) Having no questionsD) Arriving late5. If an interviewee has no question in the job interview, it may show he _.A) is not interested or not preparedB) is modestC) is familiar with the jobD) has good manners Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Stanford, Columbia: These schools have a lot in common. Their admissions are incredibly competitive, they charge a high price and graduates have a big advantage in finding a good job. In fact, graduates from famous schools might not enjoy as much of an advantage in the job markets as many think, and that a big name on your diploma doesnt always mean a big payoff. Lets start with the cost: Tuition at the top schools can easily average $35, 000 per year or more, while a lesser-known school might cost up to $ 20, 000 areas so students have to add their living costs to their tuition bill. Once they graduate, however, students are often facing with thousands of dollars of debt that they need to repay. The reasoning goes that graduates from big-name schools can write their own ticket, but the statistics dont bear this out. Graduates from a school which requires test scores high above the average can expect to make an extra 5 more than others, but that doesnt justify paying 40 more for tuition. Graduating from a lesser-known school with the same academic qualifications can make you the same money over the long run. Long-range studies show experience and performance eventually matter much more than the name on your degree, especially when times get tough.1. Big-name universities are NOT famous for their _.A) competitivenessB) high tuitionC) fameD) financial aid2. Graduates from famous schools _ get jobs with good pay.A) alwaysB) neverC) dont alwaysD) rarely3. The tuition of the famous schools averages _ per year.A) $ 35,000B) $ 30,000C) $ 25,000D) $ 20,0004. Managers today prefer to hire people with _.A) experienceB) good fameC) a big-name diplomaD) much money5. If someone writes his own ticket, he _A) is good at writingB) is in troubleC) has a lot of choicesD) is very important The atmosphere is a blanket of gases around the Earth. For thousands of years these gases have kept the planets temperature at about 15oC. But now, because of pollution, there are more and more hot gases put into the atmosphere. This means the Earth is getting hotter. A greenhouse becomes hot for the same reason. Its a glass that lets the suns heat pass through, then stop some of it from leaving. Thats why scientists call the problem of the Earths rising temperature “the Greenhouse Effect”. Scientists agree that the Greenhouse Effect will add between 1.5oC-4oC to the Earths temperature by 2030. This will change the weather everywhere. Then there is the problem of food. When the climate changes there will be less food in the world. At the moment areas like the Midwest of America and central Russia grow a lot of wheat. In the future that may change when the USA and Russia become too dry for farming. Other countries will become wetter, but that wont help. The soil wont possible to grow the same amount of food as before. We cant stop the Greenhouse Effect. However, we can slow it down if we use less fossil fuel, protect rain-forest, use more natural energy from the sun, the sea and wind.1. It is indicated in the passage that_.A) the temperature of the earth will never changeB) the earth is becoming hotter and hotterC) the Greenhouse effect is not common in the worldD) we should use more fossil fuel2. What is the cause of the Greenhouse Effect according to the passage?A) More hot gases.that were put into the atmosphere.B) More and more glass-made houses.C) The rising temperature of the Earth.D) More wheat in America and central Russia.3. According to the passage , which temperature is suitable for the Earth?A) About 15oC.B) Above 15oC.C) 1.5oC 4oC.D) Above 4oC.4. What can we do to slow down the Greenhouse Effect?A) Use less fossil fuel.B) Protect rainforest.C) Use more natural energy from the sun , the sea and wind.D) All of the above.5. The best title for the passage is _.A) How to Protect Our EarthB) The Greenhouse EffectC) Solution to Pollution of the EarthD) Solution to the Energy Crisis三、应用文写作(1道小题,共15分)Directions: Write an invitation letter by using the information given below. 请你以 Mary 的名义给Jack写一封邀请信,主要内容如下: 1. 邀请Jack参加你妈妈为你准备的5月10日星期六的生日聚会;2.你的生日聚会的时间是:晚上6: 00 9: 00;地点是:你们家里。届时很多同学和朋友参加,大家能品尝你妈妈准备的美味佳肴; 同 学们可以唱歌、跳舞以及做游戏等。3.请Jack务必在2008年5月3日以前回复是否能参加,可通过发电子邮件Maryhotmail.com或打电话66285796等方式及时回复。真诚希望 Jack能参加。窗体底端


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