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现代远程教育 Lingo College English 灵通高职高专英语 (第一册) 课 程 学 习 指 导 书 编者:李洪峰 2008年 6月 课程学习方法指导1. 大声朗读并反复背诵每篇课文后的生词和短语;2. 记忆并掌握课文中出现的重要语法结构和句型,并进行造句练习;3. 理解并尝试翻译每单元中至少一篇课文,用自己的话理解和翻译;4. 认真完成课后的练习题,掌握每一道练习题,尤其是词汇、句型和翻译练习题;5. 掌握每单元的应用文写作练习;6. 要努力做到课前预习和课后复习,有学习问题及时提出和解决。课程学习进度安排1. 每周上网自学灵通英语第一册课件教学4次,每次需要1个小时;再需要抽出半周时间复习和巩固提高所学的知识,完成网上学习平台上的在线自测题。要按照每单元的教学要求严格要求自己的学习。学完1个单元大约需要一个半周的时间。一个月要学完两个半单元的课程。2. 学期中和学期末注意郑大远程学院在网上发布的在线辅导答疑通知,及时参加网上的辅导答疑,及时向老师提出问题,解决问题。3. 在学习中如遇到疑难问题也可随时通过电子邮件和电话的方式和任课教师练习,及时解决问题。4. 每学期大概4个月的时间,按计划和进度要学完第一册的10个单元,学生可以根据自己的实际情况有所变动和调整,但必须保证学期末之前完成相应的学习任务。课程学习课时分配灵通英语第一册共有10个单元,每个单元4个学时,共计40学时Unit 1 Education Unit 2 Goals and SuccessUnit 3 Historical Events Unit 4 SportsUnit 5 Interpersonal Relationships Unit 6 Health Unit 7 Interview Unit 8 Environment Unit 9 The Cyber World Unit 10 High-Tech Development每单元具体可以这样安排学习课时:1. Fun Start / Text A 课后的单词和短语 / Text A 课文讲解:1学时;2. 完成Text A 课后的练习题:1学时;3Text B 课后单词短语 / Text B 课文分析讲解:1学时;4完成Text B 课后的练习题:1学时。 Unit 1 Education 一、单元学习目标1. 熟练掌握课文中出现的重点单词、短语和句型。2. 理解课文的主旨并能较熟练的翻译课文。3. 能运用课文中学过的英语单词、短语和句型进行造句和简单写作。4. 掌握应用文日记的写法。二、单元重点、难点1. 熟练掌握本单元课文中出现的重点单词、短语和句型。 重点单词: opportunity succeed culture environment influence compete method 重点短语:as a rule due to together with apply to be skilled at重点句型:It is becoming more and more for sb. to do sth. It is/was (not) just that 强调句型 with + n. 作状语2. 重点掌握课后的练习题,尤其是有关词汇、句型和翻译的练习题。3. 掌握难点应用文日记的写法。三、单元练习题I. Choose the best answer from the four choices.1. He suggested _. A. to hire a car B. of hiring a car C. we hired a car D. our hiring a car2. Chinas entry into WTO has a great influence _ every Chinese.A. to B. upon C. in D. with 3. _ he said about the news is hard to believe.A. That B. It C. What D. Whether4. 29 free medical services are _ to nearly all the college students in China. A. favorite B. available C. convenient D. average5. In nearly any country, there always exists a _ gap between the old and the young.A. generation B. dynasty C. time D. ounce6. I am a new _. I was hired yesterday.A. employer B. employee C. employment D. employ7. Your _ to teaching is different from mine.A. thinking B. approach C. fuel D. lump8. They guaranteed our victory and _ our victory helped them a lot. A. on turn B. in turns C. in turn D. in return9. Isnt it about time we _ our lunch? A. have B. should C. will have D. had10. _ opposite to the teacher, he felt very nervous. A. Seated B. Sat C. Seating D. Being satII. Reading ComprehensionHarvard, Princeton, Yale, Stanford, Columbia: These schools have a lot in common. Their admissions are incredibly competitive, they charge a high price and graduates have a big advantage in finding a good job. In fact, graduates from famous schools might not enjoy as much of an advantage in the job markets as many think, and that a big name on your diploma doesnt always mean a big payoff.Lets start with the cost: Tuition at the top schools can easily average $35,000 per year or more, while a lesser-known school might cost up to $ 20,000 areas so students have to add their living costs to their tuition bill.Once they graduate, however, students are often facing with thousands of dollars of debt that they need to repay. The reasoning goes that graduates from big-name schools can write their own ticket, but the statistics dont bear this out. Graduates from a school which requires test scores high above the average can expect to make an extra 5% more than others, but that doesnt justify paying 40% more for tuition.Graduating from a lesser-known school with the same academic qualifications can make you the same money over the long run. Long-range studies show experience and performance eventually matter much more than the name on your degree, especially when times get tough. 1. Big-name universities are NOT famous for their _.A. competitiveness B. high tuitionC. fame D. financial aid2. Graduates from famous schools _ get jobs with good pay.A. always B. never C. dont always D. rarely3. The tuition of the famous schools averages _ per year.A. $ 35,000 B. $ 30,000 C. $ 25,000 D. $ 20,0004. Managers today prefer to hire people with _.A. experience B. good fameC. a big-name diploma D. much money5. If someone writes his own ticket, he _A. is good at writing B. is in troubleC. has a lot of choices D. is very importantUnit 2 Goals and Success一、单元学习目标1. 熟练掌握课文中出现的重点单词、短语和句型。2. 理解课文的主旨并能较熟练的翻译课文。3. 能运用课文中学过的英语单词、短语和句型进行造句和简单写作。4. 掌握应用文电话留言的写作。二、单元重点、难点1. 熟练掌握本单元课文中出现的重点单词、短语和句型。 重点单词: reasonable figure quit responsible priority involve communicate重点短语:in common result in depend upon/on in sight motivation accomplish fimake sure come true重点句型:should not be too , but also should not be too not but rather2. 重点掌握课后的练习题,尤其是有关词汇、句型和翻译的练习题。3. 掌握应用文电话留言的写作。I. Choose the best answer from the four choices.1. Other things _ equal, iron heats up faster than aluminum(铝).A. be B. being C. is D. are2. It was luck that you reminded me _ my meeting with Jones.A. of B. in C. for D. to3. The _ for the new city hall has been chosen.A. sight B. sigh C. site D. seat4. One meter _ 1,000 millimeters. A. equal to B. is equaled C. equals D. equals with5. _ is worth doing is worth doing well. A. That B. What C. Those D. Which6. Its reported _ the Chinese team has won another gold medal in swimming. A. what B. which C. as D. that7. Alice told me that she preferred singing _.A. to dancing B. than dancing C. to dance D. for dancing8. If he _ tourists for his business, he would have to close his shop. A. depends on B. had depended on C. depends with D. had depended with 9. The policeman asked the witness (证人) to _ to mind exactly what happened. A. remember B. remind C. mind D. recall10. There was nothing we could do _.A. but wait B. except to wait C. only to wait D. but waitingII. Reading ComprehensionAron Ralston was trapped, his right arm under a 200 kg stone. He was deep in a canyon (峡谷) in Southern Utah. All he had with him was a days worth of food and water, and some ropes and climbing equipment. Aron was an outdoorsman, and knew how to take care of himself. He liked climbing 5,000-meter peaks, often by himself in the winter. For the next four days he tried to break or shift the rock as he waited for help. His knife had little effect on the hard stone. He made his food and water last nearly three days. Finally, on the fifth day, Aron realized he had no other choice: to free himself, he would have to cut off his own hand. He knew that the knife would cut skin and muscle, but not bone. So first Aron had to break his own arm by twisting it against the rock. He then tied a rope tightly around the upper arm to control the bleeding, and cut through his hand to free himself. The entire procedure took approximately an hour. Tired, hungry and bleeding heavily, Aron climbed out of the canyon and walked nearly 8 kilometers to find help. “Im not sure how I handled it,” he later said. “I felt pain and I coped with it. I moved on.” 1. Aron was trying to climb _ when he got stuck.A. a mountain B. a canyonC. the forests D. a river2. On the 5th day, Aron had to make a decision to _.A. have his right arm cut off B. eat up all the food and waterC. cut off his right arm himself D. throw away all the ropes3. Aron used a _ to cut his hand.A. gun B. swordC. stick D. knife4. The tone of the author is _. A. respectful B. cold-blooded C. indifferent D. serious5. What is this passage mainly about?A. Climbing peaks by oneself is not always an exciting thing.B. Aron was known as a successful outdoorsman around the world.C. Aron decisively cut off his own hand to free himself when trapped.D. Knowing how to take care of oneself is important for outdoorsmen.Unit 3 Historical Events 一、单元学习目标1. 熟练掌握课文中出现的重点单词、短语和句型。2. 理解课文的主旨并能较熟练的翻译课文。3. 能运用课文中学过的英语单词、短语和句型进行造句和简单写作。4. 掌握应用文天气预报的写作。二、单元重点、难点1. 熟练掌握本单元课文中出现的重点单词、短语和句型。 重点单词: afford transport disaster board destination estimate 重点短语:go down send off have no idea end up go on a trip重点句型:It takes sth. for sb. to do sth. 花费某人时间做某事 They stood ready to board the train , not knowing (现在分词短语作伴随状语)2. 重点掌握课后的练习题,尤其是有关词汇、句型和翻译的练习题。3. 掌握应用文天气预报的写作。三、单元练习题I. Choose the best answer from the four choices.1. _ the interruption, he wasnt able to finish his exercise before the class was over.A. Instead of B. Despite of C. Because of D. In spite of2. I love classical music; _, I rarely go to concerts.A. in addition B. however C. wherever D. therefore 3. As director of the company, I cant _ three weeks away from work.A. afford B. carry C. cost D. pay 4. “Why did you come to lunch so early?”“I thought the bell had already _”. A. knocked B. hit C. stroke D. rung 5. A better learning environment improves students performance, and _ good marks. A. because of B. hence C. therefore D. accordingly6. It is necessary to build modern power stations which will produce electricity as _ as possible. A. efficient B. effective C. efficiently D. inefficient 7. No two people in the world see things exactly _.A. alikely B. like C. likely D. alike 8. The book is _ more difficult than the one I recommended to you. A. very B. so C. rather D. much9. It was beside the gate _ Tom saw something unusual. A. where B. when C. and D. that 10. May I have a word with you _ of the lesson?A. in the end B. to the end C. on the end D. at the endII. Reading ComprehensionA team of archaeologists (考古学家) has gone to New Mexico to look for proof of one of the greatest stories of the 20th century: the UFO crash at Roswell.William Foleman, an archaeologist at the University of New Mexico, agreed to excavate (发掘) the site where the UFO supposedly crashed in 1947.What exactly happened on the site is unclear. In 1947, a young man discovered some debris (碎片) on the field. After investigating the crash, the US Army announced they had recovered a “fly disc”.Several hours later, an Air Force general announced that the crash was caused by a weather balloon again. The field was closed off for several days while the military cleaned up the site.Believers claim that the military found a crashed UFO, along with several dead bodies at the site. This story has inspired countless books, movies and TV shows, but no one has been able to find any evidence to support it.In 1997, the Air Force said the weather balloon story was made up and that the military was actually conducting a crash-test program with balloons.But Foleman isnt so sure. While he says hes “Still uncertain” about UFOs, he knows that “something happened in July 1947”.1. Some people believe a UFO _ at Roswell. A. Landed B. flew C. crashed D. disappeared2. An archaeologist went to the site to look for _.A. Answers B. evidence C. aliens D. fossils3. In 1947 some debris (残骸) was found _.A. in a field B. in a park C. in a house D. on a military base4. The Air Force said the debris had come from a(an) _.A. plane B. car C. explosion D. weather balloon5. In 1997, the Air Force said their original story was _.A. False B. true C. unclear D. exaggerated (夸张的)Unit 4 Sports 一、单元学习目标1. 熟练掌握课文中出现的重点单词、短语和句型。2. 理解课文的主旨并能较熟练的翻译课文。3. 能运用课文中学过的英语单词、短语和句型进行造句和简单写作。4. 掌握应用文日程安排的写作。二、单元重点、难点1. 熟练掌握本单元课文中出现的重点单词、短语和句型。重点单词: association evidence popularity official symbolize host tradition重点短语:be similar to share in as well as prepare for 重点句型:as they call it, as we know it 非限制性定语从句 More people watch soccer than any other sport Since that time, it has become a tradition 2. 重点掌握课后的练习题,尤其是有关词汇、句型和翻译的练习题。3. 掌握应用文日程安排的写作。三、单元练习题I. Choose the best answer from the four choices.1. The weather in Guilin is _ that in San Francisco. A. the same as B. similar with C. same D. similar to 2. _ the heavy snow, they would have arrived at the meeting place on time. . A. Because of B. but for C. Due to D. Despite 3. She gazed at the tiny _ of the candle. A. flame B. fire C. burn D. burst4. I suggest you have your speech _ so that the audience will not be bored. A. shorten B. to be shortened C. shortening D. shortened 5. _ the difficulties that we may face, well go on with the project. A. Given B. In spite of C. Thanks to D. Because of 6. When can you get the book _ into Chinese?A. translate B. translated C. translating D. to be translated7. They _ two major snowstorms so far this winter.A. had B. have C. have had D. had had8. _ his parents disagreement, he married his beloved girl.A. Now that B. Because of C. Despite D. Although9. The fireman reached the top floor _ a long water pipe.A. with the purpose of B. on account of C. by means of D. in the course of 10.Id like to _ your essay with you when you have time.A. go over B. go by C. go for D. go afterII. Reading ComprehensionDo you know American Toughman? That is amateur boxing competitions around the U.S. Compared to professional boxing matches, a Toughman fight could not be simpler. Passing a brief physical examination and paying $50 get you a pair of gloves. The fights take place in three two-minute rounds with the winner decided by points awarded by a judge. The prize money doesnt compare with professional matches either. Some professional boxers make millions every time, while the most a Toughman competitor can hope for is $1,000 for winning a series of fights. Some fighters hope that a Toughman boxing match will lead to fame and fortune though. Mr. T, a famous tough guy actor, got his start in Toughman, but that kind of success is one-in-a-million. Another difference between Toughman and professional matches is that Toughman fighters usually have no idea what theyre doing. The $50 entrance fee doesnt buy a minute of training. Experienced fighters are trained to protect themselves as well as attack their opponents, but Toughman fighters could barely keep their hands up. Art Dore, who founded the league 24 years ago, admits, “These guys cant fight.” This kind of inexperience can be fatal; 12 people have been killed in Toughman matches, four in the past nine months alone.1. Participation in a Toughman competition costs _.A. $1,000 B. $50 C. millions dollars D. one million dollars2. A Toughman fight usually last _ minutesA. one B. two C. three D. six3. The main reason that some boxers are hurt in Toughman fight is that they _.A. have improper manners B. are lack of trainingC. are distracted by the noisy crowd D. are controlled by unfair judges4. The most famous person to emerge from Toughman competitions is _.A. Lennox Lewis B. Art Dore C. Mr. T D. Mike Tyson5. It is _ that participation in Toughman can lead to fame and fortune.A. common sense B. very rare C. never seen D. naturalUnit 5 Interpersonal Relationships 一、单元学习目标1. 熟练掌握课文中出现的重点单词、短语和句型。2. 理解课文的主旨并能较熟练的翻译课文。3. 能运用课文中学过的英语单词、短语和句型进行造句和简单写作。4. 掌握应用文邀请函的写作。二、单元重点、难点1. 熟练掌握本单元课文中出现的重点单词、短语和句型。重点单词: solution attitude impression benefit issue argue complain appreciate重点短语:get/be angry with sb. talk on and on get along with 重点句型:stop doing sth. would rather than have trouble (in) doing sth. 2. 重点掌握课后的练习题,尤其是有关词汇、句型和翻译的练习题。3. 掌握应用文邀请函的写作。三、单元练习题I. Choose the best answer from the four choices.1. Many of the same techniques were applied _ the solution of industrial, scientific and medical problems.A. within B. to C. for D. at2. Your effort is much _ as we all benefit from it. A. appreciated B. approved C. appealed D. applied3. The _ of blood always makes her feel sick.A. view B. vision C. scene D. sight4. We got into a violent _ about whether to go by sea or by air.A. opinion B. argument C. hesitation D. doubt5. The boss interviewed every applicant in _ and talked with each person for 15 minutes. A. surprise B. turn C. level D. case6. One of our _ is to always use the material of the best quality. A. theories B. logic C. principles D. forms7. When learning a foreign language, the best _ is to speak as much as possible.A. advantage B. approach C. access D. principle8. Its up to you to _ or refuse it. No one will really interfere.A. accept B. receive C. take up D. except9. You must take the _ for the failure of the business.A. regret B. duty C. responsibility D. concern10. He said he had great _ in his secretary; she would do the right thing.A. knowledge B. understanding C. confidence D. dependenceII. Reading ComprehensionInterpersonal Relationship James is a middle-aged New York builder. Hes lonely. Just like everyone else, James needs human contact from time to time, and hes found a way: at cuddle (拥抱) parties. New York can be a terrible place: it has a high murder rate and some seriously disturbed people living in it. But James says hes comfortable at a New York apartment with twenty strange people. The floor of the “cuddle zone” is soon covered with complete strangers snuggling (依偎) and cuddling, but thats as far as it goes. Cuddle parties are the latest trend for lonely, isolated city folks who want to meet people and become safely intimate. The safety comes


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