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6年级上册 Unit 7A卷: 课堂点拨题 1. 不定式表示目的(1) We can use water _things. A.to clean B. cleaning C. clean(2) _our classroom clean, we cant litter . A. To clean B. Cleaning C. Clean2. too much 和 too many(1) Look! There are too many _ in the river. A.fish B.plastic C. rubbish D.water(2)【易错】Too much plastic bad for the Earth. A. is B. are C. be(3)【易错】Its cold outside. Dont go outside. A.too much B.much too C.too many (4) Dont use too plastic or too plastic bags. A.much,many B. many,much C. much,much 3. 情态动词should(1)We _ use too many plastic bags. A. should B.shouldnt C.can D.dont(2)We shouldnt waste water (改为同义句) We s water.4. come from_ comes from trees. A.Coal B. wood C. water5. 一些语法细节和固定短语(1)Trees help _ the air clean. A.keeping B. for keep C. keep(2)【易错】Coal is _ useful energy. A.an B a C. / (3)【易错】Do you know the news? Yes, Mike _ me _ it yesterday.A.told, about B.tells, for C. says, about D.said ,about(4)【易错】Lets start the game, OK? A.play B.playing C.plays(5)【易错】 goes around the sun. A.The moon B.Moon C.The Earth (6)【易错】Its useful toy robot. A.a B.an C./B卷: 课后巩固题 一.选择( )1. , people shouldnt drive so much. A. To save water B. To save trees C. To save energy( )2.Dont use _ plastic , Mum. A.too many B. too much C. much too D. many too( )3.There _ too much water on the farm. A.isnt B. arent C. werent D.want( )4.There coal and oil on the Earth. A.is many B.are many C.is much( )5.The sun can give us lots of _ . A.energy B. energys C. energies( )6._ a nice picture. A.How B.Whats C.What( )7.【易错】Reading in bed is _ for our eyes. A.good B. bad C. useful D.beautiful( )8.People shouldnt drive too much. Its bad the environment. A. to B. at C. for( )9.-Whens Earth Day? -Its 22nd April. A.at B.in C.on( )10. our energy comes from coal and oil. A.Most B. Most of C.A lot of二填入适当的词1.use (形容词) 2.much (近义词) 3.drive (名词) 4.cut (过去式) 5.save (反义词) 6.cut (动名词) 7.Dont _(throw)rubbish anywhere.8.The students are _ (plant) trees on the hill now.9.Nancy usually _(use) paper bags and glass bottles.10.【易错】Water is useful for us. We use water _ (wash) clothes.11.【易错】_(protect) the Earth, we can reuse many things.12.【易错】He starts _ (draw).13.We use wood _ (make) things.14.【易错】The books are _ (use).15.【易错】When we use coal and oil up, they will not come back. So we (can)reuse them.16.- (Throw)the magazine away.Its not (use)now.17.-Please dont.I can (use) it (make)boxes.18._ your father go_ (climb) last week ?19.Mr Green (drink) too much yesterday.20.My bag is very (use).三翻译1.许多能源 2.再利用水去浇花 3.用木头做椅子 4.砍伐树木 5.在地球上 6.浪费水 7.太多塑料袋 8.对有害处 9.做一个课题 10.大多数学生 11.大多数能源 12.在树上的一些香蕉 13.开如此多的车 14.很多石油 15.其他东西 16.不要浪费太多的时间. Dont waste .17.【易错】地球上并没有很多煤和石油。There not coal oil on .18.【易错】许多地方没有太多的水。 There isnt water in places.19.你不应当开车太多。 You _ drive too _.20.【易错】地上有太多的塑料袋。 There are _ _ plastic _on the ground.21.垃圾对空气有害。 Rubbish _ _ _ the air.22.【易错】汽车使用很多能源。 Cars _ _ energy.23.你能告诉我关于你学校的情况吗? Can you _ me _ your school?24.太多塑料对地球有害。 Too plastic the Earth.25.所有的学生应该知道如何保护地球。 students should know to protect the Earth.四连词成句,注意句子字母大小写和标点1.things, wood, we, make, use, to (.) 2.much, places, isnt, water, there, many, in (.) 3.should,we,protect,Earth,the,and,it,keep,clean(.) 4.you,can,plastic,to,bottles,a,toy,make,reuse(?) 5.help,can,keep,because,trees,clean,air,the(.) 五搭配题( ) 1. Do you like playing football? A. They are running.( ) 2. Can you draw it? B. This is Helen speaking.( ) 3. What are they doing? C. No. Shes in the office.( ) 4. Is Miss Li in the study? D. No, I cant.( ) 5. Whos that speaking? E. Yes, I do.( ) 6.How can we keep the air clean? F.Its on 22nd April.( ) 7.What should they not do? G.We can plant more trees.( ) 8.Is threr too much oil on Earth? H.Yes, he does.( ) 9.Does your brother live in the city? I.No,there isnt( ) 10.When is Earth Day? J.They shoudnt waste water.六句型转换1.We use wood to make tables. (对划线部分提问) 2.Wood comes from trees.(改为一般疑问句) 3.【易错】People should save energy because theres not much energy(对划线部分提问) we people save energy ?4.【易错】We can reuse a plastic bottle to make a toy. (对划线部分提问)【 we reuse a plastic bottle ?5.He comes from Shanghai. (对划线部分提问) he from?6.We should walk to the restaurant.(改为否定句) w7.It is a nice posters(改为感叹句) nice poster!8.We should not shout in the hospital .(对画线部分提问) _ _ we _ _ in the hospital ?9.Dont swim in the river . (同义句)_ _ in the river .10.Our energy comes from coal and oil.(对划线部分提问) C卷: 复习提高题 一. 选择( )1.【易错】Playing too much computer games time. A.are waste B. is wasting C.are wasting ( )2.There are a lot of oranges _ the trees. A.in B. at C. on ( )3.When is World Environment Day? Its _.A.in 10th September B.on 5th June C.in 22nd April D.on 22nd April( )4.We can _ after school. A.walk to home B.go to home C. walk home D. went home( )5.【易错】How the river is ! There is lots of rubbish in it. A. dirty B. clean C. rubbish( )6.You cant take into the classroom. A. the book B. the schoolbag C. the dog( )7.The little girl slips on the banana skin and . A. fall B. falls C. feels( )8.【易错】Paper the desk messy. Toys the floor messy and dirty. A. make,make B. make,makes C. makes,make( )9.Miss Li them Chinese New Year. A.telling,to B. tells,about C. tell,about ( )10.Earth Day is on . A. 8th March B. 22nd April C. 5th June( )11.The poster nice. A.looks at B.looks like C.looks( )12.Trees help _ the air clean. A.keeping B to keep C. keep D. keeps( )13.【易错】He can _ to school . A.by bike B.ride a bike C. rides a bike( )14. the Earth,we should use paper bags and glass bottles. A.Protect B. to protect C. Protecting( )15.Tom me it yesterday. A.told;about B.tells;about C. says;about( )16.They are trees. A.cut down B.cuting down C. cutting down( )17.【易错】-Can I waste water? - . A.Yes,I do B.No,you cant C. No,I cant( )18.【易错】Lets meet the school gate. A.in B.at C.for二填词1._(do) your mother go to the supermarket yesterday evening?2.Mike would like _( play) computer games with us .3.We should take a bus to work (keep) the air clean.4.No (run) means you cant run here.5.- Look! Heres a sign. You cant talk here. -Sorry. We (not see) it just now.6.He would like (go) shopping with you.7.【易错】You shouldnt waste water _ (too).8.【易错】All the students were _ about the _ football game (excite).9.We can reuse paper _ (make) a box.10.【易错】He came here _ ( meet ) his cousin.11.【易错】Let _ ( he ) _ ( clean ) the desks and chairs.12.【易错】Every (student)should do something (help)others.13.【易错】Its Helens turn _(clean) the classroom.14.What can people do (keep) the classroom clean?15.We use wood (make) tables and chairs.16.【易错】Lets start (read).17.Do you know how (protect) the Earth.三改错1.You can use papers to make a boat. 2.Can we use too many plastic. 3.What can we reuse these things. 4.We should plant any trees and flowers. 5.We can use water clean our clothes. 6.What is the weather like last summer. 四完形填空A good environment (环境)can _1_people feel(感到)happy. We should make a green world. We should _2_ more trees. We _3_ cut down too many trees. We should stop factories from pouring (倾倒) _4_ water into rivers. We should save _5_. We should not drive too much. We can go to work or school by bus or _6_. We can reuse paper and plastic bags. We can make the world a better(更好) place.1. ( )A. protect B. makes C. make2. ( )A. water B. plant C. buy3. ( )A. can B. should C. shouldnt4. ( )A. dirty B. clean C. much5. ( )A.trees B. energy C. water6. ( )A. by taxi B. by car C.on foot五阅读理解A)阅读短文, 判断正(T)误(F)。Mary is an English girl. She likes watching basketball matches, but she doesnt have much money to buy tickets(票)。She has to watch the matches on TV at home when she has no homework. She must(必须)go to school from Monday to Friday, so she misses a lot of interesting matches. There will be a big basketball match in the afternoon next day. Mary wants to watch it very much. But her father doesnt think(认为)its good. Because it is Friday, Mary must have lessons.( ) 1. Mary comes from the US.( ) 2. She often watches the basketball matches on TV.( ) 3. Mary misses a lot of matches because she has not much money .( ) 4. She goes to school from Monday to Saturday .( ) 5. Her father doesnt think its good to watch basketball on Friday, because Mary has lessons that day .B)根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。 Wood comes from trees. We use wood to make tables, chairs and many other things. We should not cut down too many trees because trees help keep the air clean. We use plastic to make bags and bottles, but too much plastic is bad for the Earth. We should not use too many plastic bags or bottles. We should use paper bags and glass bottles.( ) 1. Wood is used to make tables and chairs.( ) 2. Too much plastic is good for the Earth.( ) 3. Trees can help keep the air clean.( ) 4. Wood comes from trees.( ) 5. We shouldnt use paper bags.

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