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5年级上册 Unit 6A卷: 课堂点拨题 一.复习主谓宾的肯定句/否定句,一般疑问句 和 特殊疑问句1.肯定句,否定句【动词的三单式】(1) Liu Tao lives _ the US. A. in B.on C. at(2)The e-mail is to my e-friend. A.to B.for C.of(3)They eat fish a snack bar. A.in B.on C.at(4)Lets go and play volleyball_ the playground. A. in B. on C. between(5)My brother _ (work) in a middle school.(6)Mr Black (teach) Maths in a middle school.2. 一般疑问句(1)【易错】Does she _ English. A.talk B. speak C. live(2) they have an english lesson every day? A.Do B. Does C. Doing(3)【易错】 your friends (have) English lessos at school?(4)【易错】 your friend (have) English lessos at school?(5)_ your parents _ (have) an e-mail?3. 特殊疑问句(1)What does he do _? A.after school B.school after C.after the school(2)What _ she _(like)? She _( like) _(dance).(3)What subjects (do) Liu Tao like? He (like) PE and Art .二. 关于国家 和 国籍 (1)【易错】Do you _ Chinese? No, I_. A.live, dont B. from, dont C. speak, dont(2) He lives in US. A./ B.a C.the(3)【易错】Is Nancy from ? A.the Japan B.the US C. the America三.复习动名词的用法(1) My e-friend likes _. A. fly kites B.flying kites C. fly kite(2)【易错】Who likes (sit) by the river?(3)They like _(study) English.(4)Sometimes Wang Bing goes _(swim) .(5)【易错】Would you like _(some) milk?四. Lets 和 Let后用动词原形(1)Lets go and football,Mike. A.play B.plays C. playing(2)Let me _ this email first. A. send B. give C. take五. 复习主系表的肯定句 和 特殊疑问句(1)【易错】 your sister 10 (year) old? No, she .(2)Lets football in the playground. A.playing B.play C. plays六. 有情态动词can的肯定句 和 问句(1) She can _ you. A.teach B.teacher C. teaches(2) Can you English? A.say B.reads C.speak七. “fish”的用法(1) Sam has fish. A.many B.much C.a lot(2)【易错】What _fish eat? They eat apples. A. do B. does C. areB卷: 课后巩固题 一填入适当的词1.country(复数) 2.dont(完全形式) 3.David(所有格) 4.sisters(所有格) 5.travel(现在分词) 6.right(同音词) 7.Chinese(名词) 8.arent(同音词) 9.swim(现在分词) 10.dance(现在分词) 11.watch(第三人称单数) 12.study(三单形式) 13.wait(三单形式) 14.US(同义词) 15.UK(同义词) 16.good(副词) 17.【易错】_ your parent _ (have) an e-mail?18.Do Helen and Mike (study) Music after school?19.Mr Green cant speak (China) , but I .20.Mr Brown (live) in China. He (speak) good .(China)21. Helen good at (skate) ?No,she .22.【易错】She is good at _ (make) clothes.23.【易错】My sister usually English in her (study) .24.They are good at (说) English.25.My sister is 20 _(year) old.26.Can you _(send) the letter for me?27.Does he swim _(good)? 28.Do they have Chinese _ (lesson). 29.Where do they _(live).30.【易错】My (hobby) are reading and (write).31.Dont _(eat) a lot of sweets.二翻译1.去踢足球 2.写个电子邮件 3.只有十八岁 4.在校 5.喜欢弹钢琴 6.去钓鱼 7.擅长钓鱼 8.吃许多鱼 9.居住 10.坐在河边 11.发送邮件 12.来自美国 13.一岁 14.波比和萨姆在一个小吃店里吃蛋糕。 Bobby and Sam cakes a snack bar.15.他们也唱得好吗? they too?16.你的爸爸和妈妈喜欢看电视吗?是的。 and TV? Yes, .17.王兵喜欢游泳吗?不,他喜欢打乒乓。 Wang Bing ? No, he . He table tennis.18.鱼吃苹果吗? fish apples?19.你的网友住在哪儿? 她住在北京。 Where _ your _ live? She _in Beijing.20.刘涛喜欢什么科目?他喜欢体育和美术。What _does Liu Tao _?He _PE and Art.21.Jim放学后干什么?他弹钢琴。 Jim ? He .22.我妹妹擅长画画。她喜欢画娃娃 My sister is _ _drawing. She likes _ _.23.晚上他们喜欢坐在河边。 They like by the river in the evening.24.【易错】他喜欢吃橙子吗? he like ?三连词成句,注意句子字母大小写和标点1.English,brother,can,my,speak (?) 2.subjects,does,what,like,Liu Tao(?) 3.have,not,does,Jim, fish,any(.) 4.does,speak,Helens,Chinese,brother (?) 四改错(先用铅笔圈出错误的地方,再在后面的横线上改正)1.What are that? Its a peach 2.What can your sister do? She can dancing. 3.Whats your sister job? Shes a nurse. 4.Is your father and mother workers? Yes, they are. 5.She can sings songs very well. 6.Whose your e-friend? 7.Where does he lives? 五句型转换 1.He does his homework carefully.(改成否定句) 2.My aunt usually goes shopping on Sundays.(改为一般疑问句) _ your aunt usually _ _ on Sundays?3.My uncle lives in the UK.(对画线部分提问) _ your uncle _?4.He can speak Enlish (改成否定句) 5.Peter likes Maths and PE.(对划线部分提问) 6.My brother likes playing football.( 对划线部分提问) 7.The twins live in Beijing. (对划线部分提问) 8.He often does his homework after school. (对划线部分提问) 9.They come from Canada.(改为否定句) 10.He likes Chinese lessons. (对划线部分提问) 11.They like running. (对划线部分提问) C卷: 复习提高题 一. 选择( )1.He has many lessons _school. A. in B.on C.at( )2.Are there _ in the river. A.any fish B.some fish C. two fishes( )3.【易错】We write Chinese addresses _ . A. this B. these C. like this( )4.What _ your parents _?A. do, do B.does, do C. do, does( )5.My father is a _ .He likes _ sick people.A. doctor, help B. doctor, helps C. doctor, helping( )6.We can wait you in front of the park. A.for B.to C.at( )7.What subjects he like? A.are B.do C.does ( )8.We . A.wait and wait B. waits and waits C. waiting and waiting( )9.They teach Chinese and teach them English. A.us;we B.we;our C.our;them( )10.【易错】- do you have in the morning? -English and Chinese. A.What B. What subjects C. What lessons( )11.【易错】We have lessons on Sunday. A.some B.not C.no( )12.【易错】- Sam like ? -Yes,he is good at it. A.Do;fish B.Does;fishes C. Does;fishing二填词1.【易错】There are a lot of (people) (study) English.2.What can your father (make)?3.Sometimes she doesnt play with (I).4.I have a good friend. (she) name is Mary.5.Does Jim like (like)?6.Lets do the homework (one).7.Hello! This is Helen (speak).8.【易错】My house on the _(two) floor.9.Please (sit) here.10.Dont (wait) him.11.How old is (her)?12.Can he speak (Japan)?13.【易错】-Would you like (一些) cakes? -Yes,Id love to.三句型转换1.My friend is David. (对划线部分提问) 2.Ben usually goes to the garden on Saturdays. (对划线部分提问) 3.He goes to bed at nine. (对划线部分提问) 4.Does he have Chinese lessons at school. (改为陈述句) 5.Mike likes playing football (改成一般疑问句) 6.My sister is ten years old. (对划线部分提问) 四. 阅读理解,判断正误(对的打T,错的打F) (一)Liu Tao has a new e_friend. He is Tom. He lives in Australia. They chat(聊天) on the internet(互联网) on Friday evening.Liu Tao: Hello, Tom.Tom: Hi, Liu Tao. How are you?Liu Tao: Not so good. I have a cold.Tom: Im sorry to hear that. Is it winter there?Liu Tao: Yes. Its very cold here. But I like winter. I can make snowman.Tom: Hi, Me, too. Its summer in Australia now. Do you like summer?Liu Tao: Yes, I do. I like swimming and eating ice creams in summer. What do you like doing?Tom: I like swimming too. I also like playing basketball. Do you like it?Liu Tao: Yes, I do. But Im not good at it.Tom: We both like swimming and playing basketball. Thats great. I hope(希望) we can play together some day(某一天) ( ) 1. Tom is in China now. ( ) 2. Liu Tao is ill. ( ) 3. Liu Tao does not like winter. ( ) 4.It is summer in Australia. ( ) 5 Liu Tao and Tom have the same 相同的 hobbies.(二)Where are the cake and the cat?Its an Art lesson. Mr Art is teaching his students drawing. The students are learning how to draw pictures.Mr Art: Today were going to draw a cake and a cat, OK? Look at the blackboard,please. This is a cake. What shape is it, Tony?Tony: Its a circle.Mr Art: Thats right. There are some candles and some words on the cake. Do you know the words, Mike?Mike: Theyre “Happy Birthday!”Mr Art: Good. What can you see on the cake, Liu Tao?Liu Tao: I can see two hearts on the cake, a big one and a small one.Mr Art: Yes, you are right. Now, please look! Beside the cake theres a cat. Ill show you how to draw it. OK?Mr Art: Great! Now its your turn to draw the cat and the cake.(All the students begin to draw pictures.)Mr Art: Tony! What are you drawing?Tony: Im drawing a cake and a cat.Mr Art: But wheres the cake?Tony: The cat has eaten the cake.Mr Art: Wheres the cat?Tony: It has run away(跑了). ( ) 1. Its a music lesson.( ) 2. Mr Art is teaching the students how to draw shapes.( ) 3. There are some candles, shapes and words. ( ) 4. The cake is a circle.( ) 5. Mr Art finds no cats or cakes on Tonys paper.

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