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英语初级听力 Listen To This 1 答案文本1011. forty2. fifteen3. a hundred and fifteen4. three hundred and eighty5. three thousand four hundred and eighty6. twenty a7. thirty b8. fourteen d021. four eight two six three four2. seven two one five o six3. six nine seven double two four4. five six four three eight o031.nineteen eighty-two2. nineteen eighty-seven3. nineteen seventy-one4. fourteen ninety-two5. ten sixty-six6. eighteen thirty-two041. the fourteenth of July2. the second of October3. the twenty-third of March4. April the tenth5. the thirty-first of January051. thirty-two High Street2. a hundred and fifty-two Piccadilly3. forty-eight Sutton Road4. eighteen Bristol Square061. nine thirty2. ten forty-five3. eleven ten4. three fifteen5. six forty-five071. Doctor Smith2. Saint Thomas3. Bond Street4. Mrs. Archer5. Eton Avenue6. Eden Square081. C-H-E-S-T2. D-I-Z-Z-Y3. F-L-O-W-E-R4. J-O-K-I-N-G5. L-E-M-O-N6. Q-U-I-E-T7. W-A-V-E8. G-R-E-A-T091. Dont go.2. I cant see.3. It isnt true.4. Ill tell you.10a. Dr. Blake wasnt born until 1934.b. Ill see you at nine forty-five.c. She doesnt live in Oxford Street.d. You werent with us on the twenty-first of May.e. Id like to phone Eastleigh, thats E-A-S-T-L-E-I-G-H. Six eight two double four eight.f. Mrs. Jones has an appointment at eight am.g. A northeast wind will bring rain to the London area tomorrow.11Now listen carefully. Look at Practice 1. Put number 3 in box A. Put number 6 in box B. Put number 7 in box C. Now add the numbers. Look at Practice 2. Put number 8 in box A. Put number 2 in box C. Put number 1 in box B. Add the numbers. Look at Practice 3. Put number 7 in box B. Put number 2 in box C. Put number 4 in box A. Add the numbers. 121. Does she work in a supermarket?2. Does she work in a bank?3. Does he work in a chemist?4. Does he work in a big shop?5. Does she work in a hotel?6. Does she work in a shoe shop?7. Does he work in a shoe shop?201My names King.How do you spell that?K-I-N-G. I live in Hampstead.Hows that spelt?H-A-M-P-S-T-E-A-D.02What do you do for a living?Im a journalist.Really? Do you like it?Yes, I do. Its very interesting.03Woman: This is John, Mother.Mother: How do you do?John: How do you do?Woman: Johns a journalist.Mother: Are you? Do you like it?John: Well, its alright.04Hello, where are you from?Oh, Im English.Really? Which part do you come from?Well, I live in London, but I was born in Manchester.Oh!05Can you speak French?A little.Where did you learn it?At school.Can you speak any other languages?Im afraid not.3011. shirt2. skirt3. socks4. shirt and tie5. blouse and skirt6. pants and shirt7. shoes and socks8. shoes, socks and pants9. pants, shirt and socks10. skirt, blouse and sweater021. key2. toothbrush3. comb4. key and door5. table and chair6. toothbrush and comb7. bicycle and tire8. comb, toothbrush and key9. bed, table and chair031. letter2. show3. something4. read5. cigarettes6. taxi7. bookcase8. none9. magazine10. any11. policeman12. policewoman041. shoes2. shut3. window4. lamp5. bottle6. refrigerator7. newspaper8. purse9. clothes10. bed11. plate12. stove13. radio14. first15. second16. third17. fourth18. fifth051. talking2. another3. listening4. worrying5. glasses6. holding7. walking8. pointing to9. looking at二1011. eighteen2. ninety3. seventeen4. seven hundred and eight5. seventy-eight6. a hundred and eighty7. fourteen8. seventy-six9. fifty10. sixty-five11. a hundred and twelve12. twenty-three13. forty-five percent021. twenty-five2. thirteen3. fifteen4. sixteen5. six hundred and fifty6. a hundred and eighteen7. five and a half8. four five three double one nine03J-K-X-E-Y-A-I-G-H-V-W-R041. S-A-D2. J-A-M3. F-R-Y4. R-E-D5. B-R-E-N-T051. twelve fifteen2. twenty-five past two3. a quarter to five4. half past ten5. a quarter to nine6. Its about twenty past one.7. Its almost a quarter to two.8. Its almost eleven.9. Its exactly four.10. Its nine thirty.201Robert: Hello, Im Robert. Whats your name?Sylvia: My names Sylvia.Robert: Are you French?Sylvia: No, Im not. Im Swiss.02Ronnie: Where do you come from?Susie: From Switzerland.Ronnie: What do you do?Susie: I work in a travel agency.Ronnie: Do you? I work in a bank.03Tony: Whos that girl over there?George: Which one?Tony: The tall one with fair hair.George: Thats Lisa.Tony: Shes nice, isnt she?04Frank wants a new jacket. He and Sally see some in a shop window.Frank: I like that brown one.Sally: Theyre cheaper in the other shop.Frank: Yes, these are more expensive, but theyre better quality.Sally: Lets go in and look at some.05Kurt: Georgina .Georgina: Yes?Kurt: Would you like to come to the cinema this evening?Georgina: Oh, that would be lovely.Kurt: Fine. . Ill call for you at about six oclock.06Peter and Anne are at a party.Anne: Whos that man over there?Peter: Thats Tim Johnson.Anne: What does he do?Peter: Hes an airline pilot.Anne: Thats an interesting job.Peter: Yes, but airline pilots spend a lot of time away from home.Anne: They see a lot of interesting p1aces.Peter: Yes, but they have a lot of responsibility.Anne: Well, they earn a good salary, dont they?Peter: Thats true. But they have to retire when they are quite young.3011. kitchen2. sink3. under4. over5. beside6. tea kettle7. chair8. curtain9. plant10. above11. left12. right021. lying down2. reading3. drinking4. milk5. typing letter6. turning on7. water8. turning off9. light10. making11. eating12. bone13. cooking14. someone15. finished031. son2. friend3. wife4. husband041. want2. hungry3. tired4. bedroom5. thirsty6. dinner051. living room2. wall3. above4. behind5. TV6. rug7. floor8. under9. door10. corner11. between061. wait for2. bus3. sleep4. hot5. cold6. dirty7. look8. happy071. to be about2. weather3. housewife4. garden5. automobile6. mechanic7. show8. outdoors9. winter10. summer11. indoors12. spring13. flowers三1011. seventeen2. seventy3. a hundred and forty-eight4. two thousand and seventy5. three thousand four hundred and ninety-two6. twenty-one7. thirty-nine8. four hundred and twenty-two thousand9. three hundred and six10. nineteen thousand11. ninety thousand12. two hundred and twenty-two thousand two hundred and twenty-nine13. a hundred and forty-six thousand14. thirty-eight thousand15. two thousand six hundred and sixty16. five hundred and four thousand17. a hundred and eighty-five thousand six hundred and sixty18. twenty-three percent02(A television advertisement) Do you want a new dress, a coat, a pair of shoes? See what you can order from your Easyway Catalogue. Now fill in your Easyway shopping list. You can find womens sweaters on Page 4. You can find womens shoes on Page 7. You can find mens suits on Page 13. Now womens coats, Page 5. Mens coats, Page 15. Childrens coats, Page 55. Mens trousers, Page 14. Baby clothes, Page 40. Childrens dresses, Page 44, Mens sweaters, Page 16. Childrens shoes, Page 60. Look at the Catalogue. You can find clothes for all the family. Welcome to Easyway Shopping. Well send you another catalogue next month.201Joanna: Where did you go yesterday?Frank: I went to Croydon.Joanna: Did you go shopping?Frank: No, I went for an interview.Joanna: Oh, did you get a job?Frank: Yes, I got a job as a Management Trainee.Joanna: Fantastic.02Angela: How did you get on in your exam?Bob: I failed.Angela: Oh, I am sorry. What are you going to do now?Bob: Im going to take it again, of course.Angela: When are you going to take it?Bob: Im definitely not going to take it until next year.03Assistant: Good morning.Tim: Good morning. Would you have a look at this watch, please? It doesnt keep good time.Assistant: Yes, of course.04Gaby: Lets have a party.Edward: What a good idea. When shall we have it?Gaby: What about Saturday evening?Edward: Fine, and where shall we have it?Gaby: In your flat.Edward: Oh, you know what my landladys like. She wont let us have a party there.Gaby: Lets ask Doris. Perhaps we can have it in her flat.05My husband and I dont like the schools in our area. We dont think the teachers are very good, and the children dont learn very much. Some children at these schools cant read, its terrible. Go to the schools and look: the children fight; some of them even smoke and drink. No, our children can have a better education at home with us. After all, we are both teachers.3011. object2. get dark3. music4. grow5. sunshine6. bright7. place8. electricity9. coffee10. evening11. relax12. expensive13. cheap14. repair021. someone2. chase3. brush4. teeth5. throw out6. sharpen7. homework8. bathroom9. run10. warm11. trash12. go to bed031. more2. below3. on the left4. egg5. next to the last6. shelf7. pillow8. pair of041. put2. sheet3. lying down4. eye5. using6. smiling7. older8. couch051. family2. father3. mother4. husband5. pair of shorts6. tree7. backyard8. son9. daughter10. sister11. flowers12. sun13. cloud14. children15. call16. supper17. time四1011. Los Angeles to Chicago: two thousand and fifty-four2. Houston to Miami: one thousand one hundred and ninety3. Detroit to New York: six hundred thirty-seven4. Miami to Los Angeles: two thousand six hundred and eighty-seven5. Detroit to Houston: one thousand two hundred and sixty-five6. New York to Los Angeles: two thousand seven hundred and eighty-six7. Houston to New York: one thousand six hundred and eight8. Chicago to Miami: one thousand three hundred and twenty-nine9. Detroit to Chicago: two hundred and sixty-six10. Chicago to Houston: one thousand sixty-seven021. Cairo: five million four hundred thousand2. London: six million nine hundred thousand3. New York: seven million4. Tokyo: eight million five hundred thousand5. Sao Paulo: twelve million six hundred thousand6. Peking: nine million7. Bombay: eight million two hundred thousand8. Moscow: eight million eleven thousand031. one dime2. one nickel and one penny3. one quarter and one dime4. two nickels5. two quarters and a penny6. two dimes and a penny7. two dimes and two nickels8. two pennies, two nickels and two dimes9. one penny, one nickel and two dimes10. two quarters, two nickels and two dimes201Do you like my new shoes?Oh, yes. Arent they smart?Thank you.02Did you remember to get the bread?Well, I remember walking past the Bakers shop.But you forgot to get the bread.Im afraid so. I dont remember you telling me to get it.Well, I certainly did. In fact, I reminded you to get it at lunch time.03Ive run out of money.How much money do you need?Oh, about ten pounds.Cant you make do with five pounds?No. Thats not enough.04Speaker: Welcome to our conference, ladies and gentlemen. Can you tell me where you come from? First, the girl over there with the fair hair. Your names Lisa, isnt it?Lisa: Thats right. Im Lisa. I come from Germany. Im German.Speaker: Thank you, Lisa. Now the tall man with the black hair. Is your name Tony?Tony: Thats right. Im Tony. I come from Italy. Im Italian.Speaker: Welcome, Tony. And now, the small girl on the left. Whats your name?Francoise: Francoise.Speaker: And where do you come from?Francoise: Im French. I come from France.Speaker: Welcome to the conference, Francoise. And now its time for coffee. Can you please come back in half an hour?Speaker: Now the coffee break is over. We have people from ten different countries here. Please write their countries and nationalities. You know Lisa and Tony and Francoise.1. Lisa comes from Germany. Shes German.2. Tony comes from Italy. Hes Italian.3. Francoise comes from France. Shes French.4. Carmen comes from Spain. Shes Spanish.5. Hans comes from Holland. Hes Dutch.6. George comes from Brazil, Hes Brazilian.7. Ingrid comes from Sweden. Shes Swedish.8. Maria comes from Venezuela. Shes Venezuelan.9. Skouros comes from Greece. Hes Greek.10. Ahmad comes from Egypt. Hes Egyptian.3011. dictionary2. to clean house3. cleaning lady4. housewife5. different6. younger7. older8. sheet9. blanket10. easy chair021. to drink with2. to eat with3. youngest4. oldest5. busiest6. heaviest7. sharpest8. to the left9. to the right031. sell2. ice cream3. ice cream cone4. cents5. lady6. park7. bench8. typist9. office10. story11. next041. little2. student3. teacher4. draw5. beautiful6. adult7. children五1011. a nickel2. two nickels3. a dime4. two dimes5. a quarter6. two quarters7. three nickels8. three dimes9. three quarters10. five dimes11. a dime and a nickel12. two pennies and a nickel13. two dimes and a nickel14. two dimes and two nickels15. two pennies and a quarter16. two dimes and two quarters17. two nickels and two quarters18. three dimes and two quarters19. two nickels and three quarters20. a dime, a nickel and a quarter201Assistant: Good afternoon. Can I help you?George: Have you got any envelopes, please?Assistant: Yes, here you are.George: Thank you. How much is that?Assistant: Fifty pence, please.George: Thank you.02George: How much is that?Assistant: Fifty pence, please.Instructor: George gives the assistant a pound. How much change does he get?03George wants a bottle of aspirins, a tube of toothpaste, and a film for his camera. He can buy all of them at his local chemists. Hes talking to the shop assistant. Listen.George: Id like a bottle of aspirins, please.Assistant: A large one or a small one?George: A large one, please.Assistant: Thats eighty-seven pence.George: And a tube of toothpaste. A large one.Assistant: Thats fifty-six pence.George: Oh, yes. And a film for this camera. Twenty exposures.Assistant: Hmmmm. Twenty exposures. Thats one pound seventy-two.George: Right. Here you are. Five pounds. Thank you very much.Assistant: Dont forget your change, sir.04What kind of money do you have in England?Oh, we have pounds and pennies.What coins do you have?The fifty-pences the biggest, and the halfpenny is the smallest.Really? In America, the biggest is the fifty-cents, and the smallest is the cent. When do you start school?Five.Really? How interesting! What sports are popular?Well, lots of people play tennis and football.3011. Somethings cooking on the stove.2. Somethings chasing a cat.3. Someones brushing his teeth.4. Someones throwing out something.5. Someones watching a dog and a cat.6. Someones sharpening a pencil.7. Someones shutting a door.8. Someones cleaning her house. 9. Someones cooking some food.10. Someones opening a window.11. Someone wants to do his homework.12. Someones looking out of a window.13. Someones wearing glasses.14. The stoves hot.15. Two people are outside. 16. Someones in the bathroom.17. The doors closing. 18. The cats running fast. 19. Someones in the kitchen.20. Someones too warm and is opening a window.21. Someones too cold and is doing something.22. Someones throwing out the trash.23. A man is watching someone whos outside the house.24. We dont want these animals in the house.25. Someone wants clean teeth.26. Someone wants a clean house.27. Someone wants a sharp pencil.28. Someone wants hot food.29. Someones sitting down outdoors.30. Someones brushing his teeth before going to bed.六101Hello, I want a cab.OK. What address is it?1120 East 32nd Street.Right. The cab will be there in a few minutes.02Whats your job?Im an accountant.Oh! Do you enjoy it?No. I dont really like it. Its boring.03Where do you come from?Indonesia.Oh! Which part?Jakarta.Really?04Can you speak German?Yes, I can. I speak it very well.Where did you learn it?I lived in Germany when I was a child.What else can you speak?Well, I know a little Italian.05I think a businessman should be good-looking.No, I dont agree.06Would you like a drink?No, thank you. I dont drink.Are you sure?Yes. Im quite sure. Thank you very much.What about a soft drink then?Oh, alright. Lemonade would be fine.07Thank you very much for the meal.Not at all. Im glad you could come.You must come and have a meal with me some time.Yes. That would be nice.08Have you heard about the Prime Minister?No.Shes gone to China!Really!09How do you spell interesting?I-N-T-E-R-E-S-T-I-N-G.Thank you very much.10Would you mind passing the salt, please?Certainly.201Tim talked to Harry about the lecture.Harry: What did you think of the lecture?Tim: I thought it was very interesting.Harry: Did you really?Tim: Yes, didnt you?Harry: Certainly not. I thought he talked a lot of rubbish.Tim: So you think you know more than he does.Harry: Well, take coal for instance.Tim: What about it?Harry: Coal wont become important again.Tim: Why not?Harry: Its too dirty. They wont be able to find people to work down coal mines in the future.Tim: Theyll invent new kinds of machinery.Harry: Nonsense. The only sort of power theyll use in the future is atomic power.02 reporter from a local newspaper is interviewing some students on the subject of students and money.Reporter: Excuse me. Are you a student?Student 1: Yes, I am.Reporter: Forgive my asking you, but do you have to take a part-time job in the ho1idays?Student 1: Not really. My parents are fairly well off so I get an allowance from my father.Reporter: Youre lucky, arent you?Student 1: I suppose so.Reporter: What about you? Are your parents wealthy?Student 2: No, certainly not.Reporter: Do you work during the holidays?Student 2: Well, last Christmas I did two weeks as temporary postman, then in the summer I spent four weeks fruit picking, and I do a bit of baby-sitting, so I manage.Reporter: Thank you.301My name is Robert. I am eighteen years old and I am French. I am not married. Sylvia is small and fair. She is seventeen and she is a student.02The tall boy with fair hair is eighteen years old and he comes from Sweden. He works in a record shop. The small boy with dark hair is seventeen. He is Spanish, but he does not live in Spain. He lives in France. He works in a hotel.七101I think a doctor should be a friendly person.Yes. I agree.02Would you like something to drink?Just coffee, please.Are you sure?Quite certain. Thank you.03What are you doing in New York?Im writing a story for YES magazine.I see.04What are you doing in Cairo?Im visiting my parents.Really!05Why are you visiting HongKong?Im just on holiday.06Why are you in London?Im here on business.Oh.07Thanks a lot for putting me up.Thats OK.Do come and see me when yo

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