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人教版第三十八中学2020届九年级上学期英语期中考试试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)There is playground in our school. And playground is so big. A . a; aB . a; theC . the; aD . the; the2. (2分)Her parents bought a new car for .A . themselvesB . herselfC . themselfes3. (2分)Please dont make so much noise. The baby now. A . sleepsB . sleptC . will sleepD . is sleeping4. (2分)They usually _ to go home.A . takes shipsB . makes shipC . take shipsD . by ship5. (2分)I usually watch football matches television Saturday . A . at;onB . on;inC . on;onD . in;on6. (2分)Where do we usually see the sign? A . On the bus.B . In the street.C . Inside the museum.D . In the swimming pool.7. (2分)Lily Lucy are sisters. A . andB . orC . but8. (2分)Do you want to _ the sports meeting? A . goB . comeC . join toD . take part in9. (2分)What do you usually do _ your parents arent at home?-I do my homework. Sometimes I watch TV or play computer games.A . becauseB . whileC . butD . before10. (2分) This is your order, a sandwich and an apple pie. _ Ill have it here.A . For here or to go?B . Something to drink?C . Anything else? D . Is that OK?11. (2分)Is the price of the computer very _, Li Mei? No, it _ me only 1, 099 yuan.A . low; spentB . expensive; tookC . high; costD . cheap; paid12. (2分)Are you better today, Alice?一Yes,but I still feel after the illnessA . angryB . weakC . lonelyD . unfair13. (2分)Did you visit your grandparents at the weekend ? Yes. _ I went for a walk along the river with them. A . ButB . AndC . SoD . Or14. (2分)选出不属于同一类的词( ) A . appleB . pearC . potato15. (2分) I will visit Yellow Crane Tower(黄鹤楼) tomorrow. _ !A . Sounds greatB . Good luckC . Best wishesD . Have fun二、 完形填空。 (共2题;共25分)16. (10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Computers are now as commonly used in business as the telephone. Therefore, its important that people know how 1them efficiently (有效地). Now, you and your whole team are 2to do this on your computer in the simplest waytaking our online courses. And then you can learn and practice 3yourself.The person 4appears on the screen acts as your teacher, guiding you through the tasks 5explaining everything. Then more difficult exercises allow you to practice the things you 6learned and test your understanding.7courses are excellent valueonly 69.99 pounds. You 8save yourself money if you buy the complete collection of seven courses. This is now available at the retail (零售) 9of 410 pounds. You can make a 10saving of 10% by ordering the complete collection within the next thirty days.(1)A . to use B . use C . using D . used (2)A . able B . unable C . ably D . disable (3)A . to B . in C . by D . on (4)A . which B . who C . what D . whom (5)A . if B . but C . and D . nor (6)A . had B . have C . has D . having (7)A . These B . Each C . Every D . Either (8)A . must B . ought C . need D . can (9)A . money B . worth C . shop D . price (10)A . far B . further C . close D . closer 17. (15分)完形填空World Book Day falls on April 23 every year. It was set up by UNESCO (联合国教科文组织) in 1955 to encourage people, especially teenagers, to discover the pleasure of 1.Many countries celebrate World Book Day. On that day in the UK, millions of students can buy 2 of special price, much lower than usual in any bookstore. It has been done every year3 1998. World Book Day is also celebrated in China. Premier Wen Jiabao does lots of reading4hes very busy. On World Book Day 2009, he 5people to do more reading. He suggested that young people should spend more time reading. Books cant change the world, but people can change the world by changing 6 through reading, he said.Reading can benefit (有益于) people 7. Reading helps us become more knowledgeable and more intelligent. Reading helps us to follow the 8 developments of science and technology. Reading 9 us with information about other culture and places of the world. When we read, we may find many things 10 are unfamiliar to us. We would have to useour brain11 about them or do more reading to find out the answers. The more we read, the more we know. The more we know, the 12 we become. Reading is also one of the most important ways to learn a foreign language 13 English. We all know that we 14learn everything at school, for example, the ways English people are speaking and writing today.Reading makes a full man. Books, magazines, newspapers and other kinds of reading materials can help to know more about the outside world and perfect us.15, it is necessary for us to form the habit of reading every day.(1)A . listening B . speaking C . reading D . writing (2)A . clothes B . dictionaries C . computers D . books (3)A . since B . in C . from D . by (4)A . because B . though C . through D . when (5)A . allowed B . ordered C . called on D . introduced (6)A . ourselves B . yourselves C . themselves D . itself (7)A . in many ways B . by the way C . in any way D . in the way (8)A . earlier B . later C . latest D . last (9)A . shares B . gets C . opens D . provides (10)A . those B . that C . where D . how (11)A . think B . to think C . talk D . to talk (12)A . outstanding B . prettier C . smarter D . outgoing (13)A . like B . at C . about D . towards (14)A . can B . cant C . might D . have to (15)A . So B . However C . Now that D . Therefore 三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共34分)18. (8分) The day is like any other day in his life. Tom walks past the shop on the street corner. He stops to look at the front row of shoes, and he feels happy to see that the pair of shoes he wants very much is still there. Looking down at his old shoes, he feels sorry for himself. He really wants to have them for his birthday.He sadly walks away and thinks how to tell his mother about it. He knows very well she has little money. He decides not to go home at once , as he looks sad and his mother will notice(注意) it. So he goes to the park and sits on the grass. There he sees a boy moving a wheelchair(轮椅)with his hands . Tom looks at him and is surprised to see that the boy has no feet. He looks at his own feet. “Its much better to be without shoes than without feet”, he thinks. There is no reason or him to feel so sorry and sad. He goes away and smiles, thinking he is happier.(1)Tom passes the shop _.A . on footB . by bikeC . in a wheelchairD . by bus(2)Tom stops in front of the shop because he wants to _ .A . buy the shoesB . look at the shoes he likedC . buy a present for his friendD . get something for his birthday party(3)Why did Tom go to the park? Because _.A . many nice shoes are sold(卖) thereB . he wants to play there for a whileC . he wants to see his disabled(残疾的) friendD . he doesnt want to make his mother worried(4)We can learn from the story that Tom _ .A . doesnt like old shoesB . loves his mother very muchC . doesnt want to stay at homeD . has no feet19. (10分) A mother and her young son get into a bus in a small city and sit down. The bus conductor comes to them for their money. The mother says ,“I want one ticket (票) to the zoo.” and gives her one yuan.The conductor looks at the small boy for a few seconds then says to him, “How old are you, young man?”The mother begins speaking, but the conductor stops her, and the boy says, “Im four years old at home, and two in buses .”The mother takes fifty fen out of her bag and gives the money to the conductor. The conductor gives her one and a half tickets. (1)One day the mother takes a bus _.A . to a small cityB . to get some moneyC . with her sonD . to get a ticket(2)The mother gives the conductor _ fen in all(总共) that day?A . 120B . 150C . 180D . 200.(3)Whatdoestheword“conductor”mean?A . 司机B . 售票员C . 乘客D . 警察(4)The conductor asks _ how old he is?A . the motherB . the little boyC . the bus driverD . the mother and the son(5)The boy is _ years old.A . fourB . twoC . two and a halfD . six20. (6分) “Its 8:15 on a Sunday morning,” said the officer, Tidwell, “and this sort of thing seems an unlikely adventure(冒险) at such a time. Would you mind explaining?”The man was astonished(吃惊的) at the voice from behind. He turned about and said, “I know what youre thinking, officer, but it isnt true. Its a very funny mistake.”“I think youve just left this house in a manner rather than the usual one. That may be quite all right, but Id like to make sure.” Tidwell took out his notebook and a pen. “Name, address and occupation and then, please tell me your story.”“Charlie Crane, lorry(卡车) driver, from Nottingham, 51 Brecon Street. My story?”“Yes, What were you doing like a fly on that wall, Mr. Crane?”“Well, I had a breakdown yesterday and had to stay the night here. The landladys name is Mrs. Fern. She gave me breakfast at seven, and I was out of here in the right way and down at the lorry park by half past seven. It was only when I felt around for a cigarette that I realized Id left $80 under the pillow(枕头) here. Its a habit Ive got into. I even do it almost every day.”“I see. Why didnt you miss it when you meant to pay Mrs.? Whats her name?”“I paid her last night. Youve got to pay when you take the room, see? So I came rushing back, but its Sunday, and shed gone back to bed. I rang the bell and banged on the front door for ten minutes before I came round here. Up I went this pipe(管子) and the money was still there. You know the rest, and I hope you believe it because.”“Mr. Crane, whatever are you doing here? I thought youd gone an hour ago.”It was Mrs. Fern.(1)What did Tidwell see?A . He saw a man going to a park in a hurryB . He saw a man bringing a pipe out, through a window.C . He saw a man leaving a houseD . He saw a man trying to go up a pipe(2)When Mr. Crane was at home, he .A . kept his cigarettes under his pillow at nightB . always carried his money about him at nightC . tried to give up the habit of smokingD . put his money under his pillow at night(3)What do you think happened in the end?A . Mrs. Fern found the $80 in the houseB . Tidwell took Mr. Crane to the police stationC . Mrs. Fern said sorry to Mr. CraneD . Mr. Crane was let go21. (10分)阅读理解A boy couldnt speak when he was 3 years old. A lot of people thought he was a foolish boy. When the boy was 9 years old, he could speak but he still couldnt speak well. His teacher didnt like him at all and his classmates laughed at him. He felt very sad, One day his father had a walk with him. They went to a wood and there were a lot of trees there. Then his father took him to two trees and said to him.“Boy, this tree is sabal (菜棕,一种树的名字)and this tree is fir(冷杉). Sabal grows very quickly at first but a few years later, it will stop growing, so the tallest Sabal cant reach(达到)ten meters. But the fir is different, it grows very slowly at first but it never stops growing so it can grow very tall.Then his father took him to another fir. It was so tall, so strong. It can reach the sky. The father said to his son, “Son, you are the fir.The boy understood his fathers words. The boy became a very great scientist. Do you know who he is? He is the world-famous scientist. His name is Einstein.(1)What did people think of the boy when he was very young? A . They thought the boy was very clever.B . They thought the boy was foolish.C . They thought the boy couldnt speak.D . They thought the boy was a good student.(2)Why did his classmates laugh at the boy? A . Because the boy was foolish.B . Because the boy was very clever.C . Because the couldnt speak well.D . Because the boy couldnt walk.(3)Is the sabal taller than the fir? A . Yes, it is.B . Yes, it does.C . No, it isnt.D . No, it doesnt.(4)What do you think of the boys father? A . He doesnt like the boy.B . He is a great father.C . He often takes a walk with his son.D . The boy doesnt like his father.(5)What did the boy become at last? A . He became a great teacher.B . He became a great father.C . He became a great scientist.D . He became a great businessman.四、 补全对话。 (共1题;共4分)22. (4分)补全对话。根据对话内容,从右边方框中选出适当的选项补全对话。并将选项的编号字母依次填在答题卡的相应位置。David: Excuse me.Waitress: Yes?_David: I ordered my dish half an hour ago, but I havent got it yet.Waitress: _Im going to see if its ready.(The waitress comes back from the kitchen. )David: Sir, Ive just checked with the kitchen and your food will come up next. _David: Thank you.Waitress: Please enjoy your food. Again, Im sorry that I have kept you waiting so long.David:_AOh, here it comes.BIt doesnt matter.CIm sorry for that.DWhat can I do for you?五、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共13分)23. (13分)任务型阅读The wife asked the husband, “In this life, what did you miss?”When she was 25, the husband replied, “I missed a chance of finding a new job.”When she was 35, the husband angrily told her that he had just missed the bus.At 45, the husband sadly said, “I missed the chance of seeing my closed relative before his last breath.”At 55, the husband said disappointingly, “I missed a good chance to retire.”At 65, the husband hurried replied, “I missed the dentists appointment.”At 75, the wife didnt ask the husband any more, the husband was kneeling in front of the very sick wife. Remembering the question the wife used to ask him, this time he asked the wife the same question. The wife, with a smile and peaceful look, replied, “In this life, I didnt miss having you!”The husband was full of tears. He always thought that they could be together forever. He was always busy with work. So much that he had never been thoughtful to his wife. The husband hugged his wife tightly and said, “Over 50 years, how I had allowed myself to miss your deep love for me.”In the busy city life, there are many people who are always busy with work. These people revolve(旋转) their lives around their jobs. They are unwilling to spend time on health care. They missed the chance to be with their children in their growing up. They neglect(忽略) the loved ones who care for them, and also their health.Nobody knows what is going to happen one year from now.Life is not permanent(永恒的), so always live in the now. Express your gratitude to your loved ones in words. Show your care with actions. Treat every day as the last day of life. In this way, when you are gone, your loved ones would have nothing to feel sorry about.(1)根据短文内容简要回答问题:How did the husband answer the question when his wife was 35? (2)根据短文内容简要回答问题:Why was the husband full of tears? (3)将短文中译成汉语:_(4)将短文中译成汉语:_(5)请给短文拟一个适当的标题:_六、 单词拼写。 (共1题;共1分)24. (1分)My brother put a bag of rice on his right s_and left the shop. 七、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)25. (5分)为了准备考试, Jim很忙。每天晚上都学习到很晚才睡觉, 甚至一日三餐都不能按时吃。但是, 他发现自己的学习效果并不是很好。经常会忘记刚刚才记住的知识。他很苦恼, 在网上发帖向大家求助。请以Peter的名义给Jim写封信提一些建议。要求: 语法正确, 语言通顺, 80词左右。生词提示: regularly规律地第 23 页 共 23 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空。 (共2题;共25分)16-1、17-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共34分)18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、四、 补全对话。 (共1题;共4分)22-1、五、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共13分)23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、23-5、六、 单词拼写。 (共1题;共1分)24-1、七、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)25-1、

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